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�� <br /> ���� � -� � �� ✓ G <br /> ���� � � <br /> � � � �,-�� FROM �I <br /> vh <br /> , � ; ,- � � ............................ Filed for record the........ ...�.-,1�%..Y.... daz� of <br /> ...................... ..................................................................... <br /> ...... <br /> � ,� ��_� �= � � <br /> .......�....... .................... . . �:�.....z�� ......... ........ � � � � <br /> � � t��._..�.:..���-.::.....---��-�--�............... , <br /> `�..���. . 18���......., at...........�'......................................................d clock.................M: <br /> _..............................................................................................................:........................... � <br /> TO � <br /> ..................... ......... ...............�--�--...7�..........-------........... <br /> q� , ........................................... . Count CLerk. <br /> , <br /> .......( ...k ../.4 2?�i:�L:t::.......� .�`�...... ��:.L . : ...................................... <br /> .. <br /> ' �/ ..............................................................................................................°-............................ <br /> . ............................................................................................................................................. Deputz� <br /> _ _ <br /> / <br /> ___.___ _. _ ____.. __ __ . _ _ __ ---____` -- <br /> - _ _ _. ___ _ _ ____ --- -- - - — <br /> _ ___. ___.... _ _. ___ _ ____-,..__. <br /> , �ti�z� z v r r�,z � - - <br /> F°RM3739. THE UNION� ( ACIFI RAILW�AY COMPAN�. ���r� �`� '°�-v` <br /> UNION DIVISION--l1i����1�. <br /> �itfrx�aeG-�a-................................................... D�e�l-,JV'a..................................................... <br /> �n.�zu �rZ ���en �� ��ie�e �"re��nt�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/f/L' RA/LWAY COMPANY, zvhiclz is a Cor�ora`iorz foT•med and exr'stins bz� th,e c�Tasolidation of the Kaf2sas Pacific Railwar� Compan�, <br /> the Denver Paeifie Railwa� anc� Tele�'ra,vh Company, ccncL tlze Uraion Parifce Rccilroacl Cornp�cn�, under the eorporate name and st�Le of th-e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, bz� authorit� of a�z act of' Con�'ress, erztitled, "�n act to aid i�z the const.ructiorz of a raiLroad and tele�%raph line from the <br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Gover•nnzent the use of the sarnn, for Posta,l, .Mili�arr�, and other purposes," approved JuLr� <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda•tory tltereof, whieh said Companz� h�zs szccceeded to anrl veco»2c seizecl and possessed of alL the real estate and property of <br /> the said Constituent Cvrnpanies, whether rea.L, personaL, or mi,xed, a�cZ, amor��' other thin5ss, of alL the Lar�d �'ranted to said Uniorz Pacific RaiLroc�d <br /> ; Companz� b� the aforesaid aets of Con�'ress, in aid of the constr�ction of�J zts road, not cor�a�e ed�way b�said Company at the dc�te of such eonsolidati.on, <br /> ` Cto-wit, Januar�y �/�, 1880,) ira eonsideration of the sum of C--.��i�.z��r....!�za t rz.f�i4�:G. .�f.�..0�.� ,�'.�t.'�._...... .. � ...,.... �- ------ -- ------ � .- --�= <br /> ................�-�----�---............ � -.. o ai�3ze�r�� o�ch.iis�e�b ac�no� edc <br /> ....-••-----•...................... .....��------.............. . .... ......._ _ . ......... :...... .. ...,:,oa.. D X� P f zJ � �' , <br /> ,� L <br /> ; doth hereby GR.,4N1', B�RG�4I.N, SELL, .�4ND C�NVEY', unto_.1�:Y.1�..�r.�.r.�..�,(.Z�2.c'i:.r.L..�..---=���------� ._. .�:f.,.:..---�-�--�---...-----�---------�...............................��------.....--------�--....-----�---........------- <br /> ,, �--�-�------�-�.............��- --...-�---........ <br /> --------�--��----�--�-------�--�--- � - �� - -- � ................��-......------�------ � . <br /> ; .....e�'zh�-Cb�en�t�..................._........ - ��ire.t7ae�-,SS�te d�..------�� -------�----�----��-------...- -.........---.....------._.....--��----- <br /> tTa,e foLLowiny described .ReaL Estate, situate, lyin�' and beins ir� the Count� of.._��c��'..._......._................._... .................._._...........and iro the State of Nebraska, and <br /> ; described as foLLows, to-ivi�:_•,.........................-__-------...----.....-----�----- ........................_._........---......-----�------��-�----._......... ..... <br /> � --� �-----��-----��-----� -�--------------�--------------...-�-�---------...-------�-----..........---�------�--................--�-��------- <br /> _ � �' .........�. . <br /> � ........................................................................................................................... <br /> ................................................... ................... ... .. .. � _...... ............. ............. �` <br /> , T�� �Y �r.�L.:� . o'�...:?�L.c,.......� :c�L.Z.��t:..e:cc::'�?.:�.c:...>.. '� <br /> ......................................................................................�`........ .......... ......... . ... `� .I:.l.t..1...Z...t.;�:............_..............................................................................................---............. <br /> : <br /> . ................................................................................................................................................ .............�................................. ....................................................................................................................................---............................................................ <br /> : ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ' �___ <br /> ` .............................................................................................................................................:.....................:.......:........................ .................................... .........................................................................................................................................t.-..J......... <br /> ' •...:................................. ........ ........................... ................................................................................................ .............................................................................................................................................•---...................................................................... <br /> �� ............................_�---'-----j��-�'-'--...._...................................._....................................................................................._�-�.v.:J.....................---...................-'----........................................................................... �..-.......................................-- -... _ ........... <br /> �� o' Section No. ,,. �zz��k...�:�.r.u... ...;.���.�...... .. .......... in Township �A''o. �?�e.�.r�=L' --��/�....- --..._....Nort1 ofrR ��se JI''o. ��v.�z.u....��.1�--..-�az�.�..__...... <br /> o the 6th Princi al .Meridian containins accordin tn the United btates survez thereo .......... 2�� . vl,� <br /> ' f n , s, � .� f........ . _.. ...------.. <br /> y� p � <br /> ----------------------- ---- ---- - -�------. --.-�------- ./1��,_��re� Zess, v81T2���e same prem,ases ontract,e , to be �sold �d. �y u.��t�lz�o�//�' �' j�2.ro_�C__C�Z�,p�cz_s z:a <br /> ' ck � , �- �•---�-- <br /> � � <br /> by Contract No.�---f��i .....�1.._s.?'�--------y-----�-.:�...........r�..._ c�Yrez�.lG?,2���..���..�.f'.�: .�.1.( c�t,�:!�.7`/.�z../�..:�,�,��:ri.�� :��,:/.vr... �Cl..e�f,�nw,�-�r��.--• •-�-.....---.�:n�...9 �,a��r---�•�,,�.�c <br /> % E E to the said Nl N P lFIG RAILWAY M 4NY alL that�" ortion o �I,and�rebr conve ed,(i an sf�ch there I�e whieh <br /> R T SER VING, HO W V R, U 0 AC �L�P p }' ,� y f' z/ ) <br /> Zies wit,hirL lines drawn paralleL wiEh,afzd_...._.....C�':z�...........................hundred feet or� each side distant from the center Line of its roc�d as now construeted, <br /> and ctn�Ssreater width wherz neeessarz� permarcer�EL� to incLude a?L it,s cuts, embaTZlcments, anr� ditches, ar�d ot,her works necessar� to secure and <br /> proteet its mairo line. '� <br /> This conveyance is also upon the corcditior� that the saicl�'rantee herein,.......:::.%y?.:c.:z�...............................heirs, administrutors c�nd assi�ns shaLL ereet and <br /> maiyztain a lawful fe�tee be�ween that portio� of the premises herebr� conve�ed, ad,joinir�s the road of said Companr�,(if an� such the�e be,> �nd the <br /> roacl of said Comparc� u,�or� a line..............��'�..z.:c._......................._hundred feet distant from the eenter line of sueh road, ar,d pc�raLlel, therewith, in aLL eases <br /> in u�hich such fence is required by law, or ma� be required b� said Compan�. ,� <br /> TO S..2VE JIND TO HOLD the sc�id ,�remises with aLl• the rishts aszd appurtenances thereunto belofzsins unto the said�'rantee, ...._.::�z:,,�:�,................_ <br /> heirs ajzd assi�ns forever, and the said�'rantor d,oth he.reb� covenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makins of this ir�strument it is welL seized <br /> of'the said premises as nf a soo� and ir�defeasible estc�te �r� fee, and hath�'ood risht to sell and conve� the same, ar�d that it will W:l�RR�2N1'arcd <br /> defend the title to saic� premises unto the said�'rantee,....��vz,.........................heirs and assi�'tzs fore r a�'ainst t e lawful cLc�ims of aI.L persons rahomsoever <br /> , . . <br /> E.X'CEPTING, HOWEVER, a7,1 taxes and assessments levied �cpon suid premises sineA��,�K.a� �,.�in:�.�.<:.�f._[�r���.ce�ecl exe��t cc��s�� <br /> .... <br /> � ...........:........•--•------�-------•------or.--��---�---...----....successors, <br /> .. ... <br /> ' od�air�s-er-ri�c�i�a-er�xztecl m�-��� b�; t,iLre�;�zo�er s"'ZZ��.....................................�---�--•--.................._.......,.:............�:__..._ <br /> I�ea�s, e�-aae�a�z2s, a�cr,�c_�z�-....................�-•--••---.....----•�---................-----�----...---......._......-�---��----.._..---....--�---------.....----�----------�-----........----.........--�•-------------•---•--�------�•-----�--...------.....--••--•--..�---...........---....--�•---•-------••••--•----.-_------- <br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PACiFro RAii,ROAD COMPANY dit3�on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute a�nd deli r to yrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,rynd John Duff, of <br /> tl�e City of Boston,a certain Mortgare Deed of tbat date,which deed is recorded in the of�'ice of the County Clerk of'........................� .�.................................Connt9,in the 5tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyruq H.McCormick a�nd John Dnff,as Trustees,for the uses:und pnrposes therein mentioned,�umon�others tlie lands hereinbefore described; A�D WHt�R�AS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did an the twentq-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his p]ace as Trnsiee under s:�id mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PnciFic KniLaoan ContYnxY,by its Bo1rd of Directora,at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston and State of Maasachusetts; <br /> Axn`i'HEUEAS,on the$fteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,iu the Sta�te of Massachusetts, was duly nomin:�ted by tbe remaining Truetee,John Duff, as successor to said <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,which nomination was,on the same duy, approved by tbe BOat'd Of DiTeCtOT9 Of thC 8aid UNION PACIFIC I�AILROAD COMPANY� AND WHEILL+':18�by such nomination and approval <br /> said Frederick L.ilmes did,upon his acceptance thereof, tbereaiter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same dutiee nnd responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees na�med in and executing,eaid Mortga�e Deed; ANn Wx��Eas,said remaining Trustee did,by n conveytince,proper and effectual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Buston, vest the same iu such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn Wx�[tEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrurnent ot writing to that eff'ect,resign his place as Trustee under sa�id Mort�;age Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> ZJ\ION PACIFIC 1�.A7LROAD COMPANY�Ly the Executive Committee of its B08PCl of Dir ctors, a�t a�meetinb thereof held on th:�t day in the City of Boston, and State of 14�assachusetts; Axn WxsH,sne, <br /> no nom�nation of'a successor to fill ihe vacancy,cansed by the res'gnation of said Tohn Duff, havingbeen m�de, the siid Frederick L.Ames became,and now is,the sole'Prusteo; AND Ws�&L�A9,the <br /> S:bld UNiO ���PACIFIC:� LwAY Conzraxy,with the o sent of t�iei�,�us�tees�f�o�r,,� ti —be ereinbefo G amed h�s and conveyed,as above set forth,the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the��ti�i�ee�,"for��n consideration of the s�n ' , to i�`in �;ic�-'p�5i���i�ystee���`h�cFh`�`sa�£d sum��oney has been paid to said Frederick L. Amea,by said Company in bis <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to sa� John Duff a�nd snid Freder�ck'L. A�As,Trustees,or to s d Cyrus H.McCorm'c�1nd stiid John D , Trustees,for tbe uses nnd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �p1v �/trl'efpt(r, Know a// Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Frerler'c7 L. rnes re�nai i s Tru�e�,, in the aforesaid JVlort�sa�'e Deed, in <br /> -�-��,�-,„�I�e�T wt�z� �� t�y r� <br /> conside�°atioro of the af'oresaid, premises arzd paymerct as aforesaid of s�d�sa�m ro pciad h� said�ompnnz� to said trust furad, of which I am the <br /> re�n.� Truste�, f�the uses and purposes aforesaid, do hereb�REJIIIS , REL�.RSE, ar�cL f'orever UII'-CL✓II.M untp the said..._.....__._................................... <br /> �1.�zy�:r�...,..1..�!........-�"v -----------------------....-----........-----------------.-------------------.-------the Real Estc�te described aforesaid, to be�eld b�t�a,e ss��.� "` e free and exempt from <br /> all Ziens, incumbrances��� char�'es of said JVlortsa�se lD-ecl,but subject, however, to aLl t,he reservr�tior�s and conditior�s hereinbefore con�ained. <br /> �`l�j �rtn��� �hgreo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath v;� '' � <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF caused these presents to be sealed wiElz its eorporate seal, and to be si�ned by its �� o <br /> �: � �; Q <br /> President and Treasurer, and cour�tersi�'ned by its Land Commissiorcer and its a ; <br /> ��.`��L�`Y �. / �J �-p ,ito�cr�rcd the sazd Frederick L..flmes, Tru e�,, has hereunto set his hand this �, � : <br /> � �2i a�. / �/ �` �: <br /> _................ .. ........................ ......... ....................................... � <br /> � .... u�2� <br /> il-� of �� " �.... <br /> ----- --...------�---�-----....... .....,.�-....---��----.....---•------J1.D. 18�..... ,. �: <br /> ------ ............. : <br /> � . <br /> - - <br /> � , � � � � � ��: <br /> � : ' <br /> '� f ......-�-•---.President. y �: : <br /> , � � ���7rtl.l.l�•• •--�-�-- � ��_z_z y;�........� x <br /> -��:�� �� � �� . .... .... .. <br /> ............./..?...��..:........................................... ; v��. `J� � ; : <br /> ........�::...................................... <br /> � ��.��..:L:�.. . .. ......1:`..�. ..�:z.:�.:.�_:r..-�......... `�................_ Treasurer. � �"' . <br /> ', � ��•� �J . <br /> �� a/)��,E � _ / , i � a r �;: <br /> � � <br /> � . : <br /> 2 <br /> � ' ....�.....-- -°��- ��u i O � �J <br /> � j �z.��. �. ::...._ �:....................�-�----............ <br /> .... Trustee. c, : • <br /> , �-- ...,�-..-- �-- . <br /> �#a#e of ,�1a�$a�hix�e�t�, ss. � \� ,.__ - , `� <br /> ! � <br /> GaUNTV OF SUFFOLK. �,�Pp �Q it �einemBere�, Tn�t on th,s......,.w,:.......::::ti�.c:...... of��� ���v� A.n. is..�.�.... <br /> � t � <br /> /,� 3q ... . . ............... <br /> before me n rotar Pttbiic in and for said Count ti eared tlie UNIO�T PACIFIC ItAIL�VAY CO�IP:INY, }�`F. ADdMS�ts President, �nd . t$; its Treasurer, who are personall <br /> Y <br /> known to me to be t6e identical persane whose namea;ire sub,cribed to the foregotng instrnruent as s tid President and Treas rer, and thev and tbere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to betheir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of s�id Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, personally a�ppeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trastee described in,and who executed the foregoiug Instrument,and ticknowledged before me tbat he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. � <br /> �In �itn�SS `�hprQ f, I l�ave hereunto set my l�and and oflicial seal this..... .::'i::�:'�:.................................................................................................:....................... <br /> day �', ................................_....................A: 18 ..�P......, t e ty of Bos n,in s�id Connty and State. <br /> of........................ .. .�........ . .. a <br /> --�-�---...----��-�-- -- -�------- ----- -- -�z��..------.._..-----�------.....------�--._Notary Public. <br /> ; � <br /> _ .__.__ _ __ _.___ ._.. ___ ____..__ __... __ -------..- ----- -_._._._._ ____ _____�. <br /> I _. _ __..__ ____ ._ _ _ _ _ z <br /> � :;�:� <br /> - <br /> �-- ___ .I __ <br /> ��' <br />