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i �6 � <br />, � D�j�j� ���J�J����� <br /> ,� r <br /> ,: <br /> . <br />� s. , <br /> �� <br />� � <br /> ��°��� � _ <br /> - --- -_ <br /> � _. � _.� ��,�_� -- — _ <br /> _ __ _�_: -- ._ _-. _ _ _ _----_= _ _____ <br />! FROM � � i����� <br /> I .p ,/ Filed for record the..................._ � ........_..........................................................da,z� of � <br /> ///✓� � ............... . <br />� � U ��l�iL( �1i1-va�/��G <br /> .......................�........................................... ........................................... <br /> ................_ � <br /> I � /� .._...:... ..... .......-�'�-::......................-��---....._I8.�.d......., at............................................................................o cloek...,..�.�. .....JVl. <br />''� � � <br /> _.......................... .................. � <br /> .......................................................... ........TO <br /> ..................._............. ....._... .- - ................... .......----°°° .....__... <br /> � ..::� ��� ._... Countz� CLerk. <br /> ........_�.��� _.._._ . .u-�_ _. .... _ . .._ . ...._. .... <br /> � ................................................................................................................Deputy......... <br /> ........................................................................................................................... , <br /> F°R,� 3739. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. ' <br /> _ - ���� 7 UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. � <br /> Coratract No��4.�.4..�..J�...�...�....... , Deed No..�..�..c�..��............. <br /> �rr�azv �rZ ���er� �� ��Ze�e �"�e�en��: <br /> That tTie UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, zvhicTz is a Corporatiora formecl an.c'� existind b� the consolidation of tlze Kar�sas Pacifie Railwaz� Companz�, <br /> the Denver Paeific .KailwaJ and TeZe�srcr,,�h Compaf2�, and tlze Uiaiora Par,ific Railroac� Compr�n�, ur�der the corporate r�ame anc� st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV CQMPANY, bJ authoritz� of azz act of Consress, entitled, ".,4n act to aid in the construction of a railroad and tele�'rar�h line from the <br /> .Missoa�ri �liver to the Paeifie Oeean, arzd to seez�re to the GovernmerLt the usc of the samn, for Posta,l, .Milibcar�, and oth,er ,-nurposes," approvec� July <br /> 1, 186�, ancl aets amenda-tor� t�zereof, wdzieh saic� Compan� hc�s sueeeeded to anr.l, beeorne seizecL ar�cL possessecL of aLL the rec�l estate and pro,�ertr� of <br /> tl�e said Constituent Compas2ies, whether real, pei°sor�al, or mixed, and, ar�a,osa� other thin�s, of�ll the lanc� �'ranted to said Union Paeifie raiLroac� <br /> Compan� Ur� the aforesaid acts of Con�ress, ir� aid of the constr t'orz of its i°oacl, not corcLer,�\ed c�waz�by said Compan�at the date of szUCh consolidati-on, <br /> r ,� / <br /> (to-wit, Jareua�°� �/.�, 1880,) in consideratiorz of the sum of........ .��(�1<Q�..�tl�ti:v.vt�4L:��.�'-�---D.�.��r`tiv2�..-.----�.3.�G� <br /> ......... ........ ... .... .. _..... - - <br /> __._._________________________......__,_.._.._._......._.._.._..______.�..............._..p........ .... D llars, to it paid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, <br /> doth herel�z� GR„4N7; B./1RG.f1I✓V, SELL, .,4�VI� CONVEY; unto----.....- ...�12� .�.�.�-:Z. .-�--��----..... .._.---��---...... .-�----�----�----- -------------------.�................................-----------........--�--- <br /> -•------.... --��---� --�� o the Count o ��� an the State o . ...... .... .............�-----------�----�---•---•------- <br /> ......---�� --.......-�---...----- <br /> . . . .. ....... ...�� . - .. .. . ....--�� -.....-��--� --...........---......--- f � f----.....-- ...... .._. .......-- ' f-------...�.� .. �c'Q <br /> the followin; deseribecl Real Estate, situate, lz�ins anc� beins ifz the County of...._............,.�..._�........_............_.............................and ira the State of Nebraska, and <br /> describedas follows, to-wit:------�-- �....... .. ......... �--- -�-�------ ---- ...--.�............._.......----��----�---......- - �- � ..... -�- - -�-----......_-- ---- --•-----�-- ---------•---.......-----�-•------------•-•-----------�-----�-----�----....--�-----�-�---....--- <br /> cC��. ...��,�,� .�..._ ��....��-� �- . ... .�r....C...�G.y...;�...�.......�1......................................................................... <br /> .......................... .... .. ........... ...... ..... . ��. <br /> .......................... <br /> �....�..................................... ......... ................. .............................................:...��-----.....-.-----.._........................................................................................................... <br /> .............................................. .............................................................................. . <br /> ................................................................................................................................ ...................................... ........... ................................................................................................................................................................ . <br /> ................................................................................................ ............................... ....................................................................................................... ........................ ............. , <br /> .......................................................................................................... ..... .............. ................................... ................... .............. ........................... ........................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ...................... ................ ............. .............. .......... ........... ..... ... .... ..... ... ...................... .... . ...... . ... <br /> r�........ ....... . .. .. .... ................_...........................................................�-............................................................................................--�--...............---...........�......�........... <br />, ..................................... . . .... .. _..... / � / <br /> ,�ti ��� � � .. . in Townshi .�''o.�J.,��.__�� �.�._....-- . ............... .No th R n e J►''o.v�--.......��..Z�..................�.:�._.....--��-- <br /> of SectioT2 NoC!�..:..t'....- ... �anti......_.�_U..�............................. . . 9 - <br /> of the 6th Principal� ridiarz, coratair�in�,s, aceordir��' t� the Urzited States survey thereof.............��....... .,..1.�0..��.....�........,.................._.:.........._. <br /> --•••--------••--------------•---�-------...-----------------------------------.�cres, more or Zess, � - �---�•-----��---�----------------.......---..........-- --...---��-•---....--------.......----�----......---....-----....._ <br /> `�.f��a;�`a,et�31�u�-----��--...-- �--...-------��---------�------�------��--��-- ...--��--� .........'�� .......... ....... �--- ........- - ...---�- -•-------------��----�--� •------�-------�-�---�---...---.._....................-----��----...-----.................-•---•--��--�--...---....--•--��--��-----------•-�----------• , <br /> R ZiSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UN/0 AC/F/G RA/LWAY COMPAMV, alL that portion of the la�d herabz� conver�ed,(if anz� such there be) which <br /> lies withirt lines drawn �aralleL with,ar�d--------------��-....--��---••--�--••---hundred feet or� each side distant from the eereter lirze of its road as now eor�structed, <br /> and aroy�'reater width wherc r�ecessar� permanenflr� to include a�L its euts, em�kments, arccl ditches, and other works necessarr� to secure and <br />' protect its mairz line. ' <br /> This conveyance is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee hereira,........�.... .......................................heirs, admir�istrwtors ar�d assiss2s shalL erect and <br /> maintair� a lawful fence betweero that po:�t' r� of the premises herebz� conveyed, adjoinin�' the road of said Comparoz�,(if anz� such the��e be,> and t,he <br /> road of saicl Company u,�o�z a line.................���,.......-----.-..----hundred feet distant from the center line of sueh road, arr,d parallel, therewith, in adL cases <br />�'� in which such fence is requirecl bz� law, or may be f°equired br� said Company. ' <br /> TO H�3 VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the rishts and appurterzances thereunto beloresins unto the said�'raiztee, ..���...................... <br /> heirs arcd assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor dotTz hereby covenant witla the said �'rantee, that a6 the makin� of this instrument it is well seized <br /> of'the said premises as of a 600a and iizdefeusible estate i ,fee, and hath�'ood risht to sell and eonvey the same, and that it wilL A�1RR�.N'1'and <br />�, <br /> de end the title to saicl prenzises unto the said�'rantee,....�2�-----------------------heirs ancL assi�'ns forev a�airLSt th lawfuL elaims of al,L persons whomsoever. <br /> f .E�Y'CEPTING, HOWEVER, alL taxes anc� assessments levied upon sccid premises sinee�..... .....�.�.iL�..._�.�.)._c�........................... �' <br /> • • • , � , ' ....----��---��-------.....--��------��......................�......................-----....-----��----�-•--��---�--------�-------�----..a�-- � <br /> .....................�- � <br /> • ' �..........................................� -...----....---...-----�-----�-•---..........---�-�--- �---.....---...----�--.......---��--�-�- ......................--�-------------•--�•--�-•-�----��-•-----��--�--................----...._.._............----•�-�-�-•--------.......--------------_._.... <br /> AND WHEREAS,said UxioN Pacirto RAZr.ROAn CoMrnNY did,on the sigteenth day of Apri1, A.D. 1867,execute aud del' �to tts H.MeCormiek,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of <br /> ihe City of Boston,a certain NIortgage Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the offtce of the County Clerk of.....................,,(��............�./..�...............................Coiinty, in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Companq conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,f'or the uses and purposes therein rnentioued,amouo others tlie lands hereinbefore described; ANn WxEa�ns,£he said Cyrua H. <br /> NfcCormick did cn the t�venty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resian l�is place as Truslee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e Uxiox PactFic Rnir.xoaD CoDZPaxY,by its Board of Directora,at a meeting thereof heid on tt�at day in the City of Boston and State of blassachusetts; <br /> Axv WxE1t�AS,on tlie fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. r�mes,of'�:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, w:�s duly noniivated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as euCCessor to said <br />� Cyrus H.McCormick,which vomination�vas,on the same d�y, approved by tUe Board of Directors of the said UNiON P�CIrIC RAiLROAD COMPANY; AND`�HrREas,Uy such nomination and approval <br /> said rrederick L.Ames did,npon hi�accepta�nce tl�ereof, there�tlter become vested with the sa�ne estates,powers, rights, a�ud iuterests,1nd char�ed with the same duties:�ud responsibilities,as if he bad <br /> been one of the oriainal Trustees named in and executing„aid 1�Iort;a��e Deed; Axn W��rEas,said remaining Trustee did,Uya�conveyance,proper a�nd effectua�l for that purpose,dated on the twentieth � <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointty with him,the said John Duff; Axn�VxEttEAS,tl�e said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a proper it�struruent oi writing io that effect,resigu hia place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which reaigna�tion was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br />�� U�roN YACiFic itA�i.xoan Cor1l�n�i,by the Executive Commit.tee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of Massachusetts; ANn WH�REAS, <br /> I no nom�nation of'a�s�iccessor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignatiov of said John Duff, h�ving been made, ttie s�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; AND WHE$�AS, the <br /> s�id Uxiox PnccFtc ftAir.wAY ConiYANY,with tl�e cousent of tl�e Trustees for tlie time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set forth, tt�e Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br />' unto the sai@ grantee,lor nnd in consideratiou of'the susn aforesaid,to it in h�nd ptiid by the sa�id �rantee,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Amea,by said Compavy in his <br /> c�pacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. �mes,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said Jqhn Duff, Trustees,for the uses ttn8 purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �oiv �/1�1'e�R��e, Know al/ N'en by these Presenis, that I, the said F�•e�leric7c L. �mes, remair�i,n� Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�'e Deed, in <br /> cor2sider•ation of tdze af'o�°esaid, pr�emises and paz�men� as aforesaicl of said sum, so paid b9 said Comp�anr� to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin�'�'rustee, ' or,�'lze u� and purposes aforesaicl, do liereb� REJVIISE, I�ELE,.QSE, and foreveN UIr CL.11IJVl unto the said.........................................:........ <br />'! � ����L,��ti_____._..............____.___.....____..........._..........._the Real Estate cleseribed aforesaicl, to be�eLcL br�the saic��'rantee free ar�d exempt frorn <br /> .......................�.�.:�?......... ._..,�.:� <br /> al,l liens, incu�brances, and ehar�'es of said .Mortsase Deed,but suf�jec�, however, to aLL t,dze reseNU�tions ar�d corcditiores hereirabefore contained. <br /> �lr� �rfng��s �h�reo�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath `� � w <br /> IN PRESE�CE oF caused these,�resents to be sealed with its corporate seal, ancl to be siened by its ; � � <br />� President and Treasurer, ancl eour�tersi�'rzec7� b� its Lancl Commissioner and its : � <br /> ......�..�.. V..,O�....Y.!. ._��:4i.1ut"�....................................._........ � .......�-�--.n...........--�.1��-- -� --...............da o _'.r........._..-- -��-----...........---�-----........_.........../.�.D. 18.i. ...... ' V , <br /> .!1 ar�d the said Frederick L..flmes lrust has hereunto set his hand this � <br /> / f� � � �� � <br /> ����- �� p W s� � <br />�� _ .......---..i-�------------- � .....G(�.�i?ivt24.:......----��---�-��-�--�-��---........President. � � <br />� �---� <br /> I � ' <br /> ...o�-t��z�� ��'2� ,�� ��; � r� � ��: <br /> ... ........... . � . _. _.. ... _.. ......_... � � / : ; <br /> ..�... �.. C�'.i.�rt���----...---�-�------�--. Treasurer. ►, : . <br /> ........ ......--.......... ... .... <br /> 4�� j �: ; <br /> V , <br /> i .. ........... .���� '�� C� ----...-------�------.. Trustee. c°� : ' <br />; ---- -- . <br /> � �tate af ,�as�a�h��e#��, ss. � � <br />; � — <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. � ����������������������������� <br /> �$e it �€errcem6cre�, That on this.................---.--�'�-�.�yo ..z... .... ..7. ... A.D. 18.�.. <br /> ......... <br />� before me,a Notary Public in and for said Connty,�uppeared tl�e UNLON PACIFIC RAILWAY COiVIPANY, by C. F. ADaMS, it� President, au� " � i s Treasurer, who are personally <br /> known to me to be the identical persons whose nameQ are sub�cribed to the foregoing instrument as s.�id President and Treaeurer, and theu a,nd there acknowledged the execution and sealing of eaid <br /> Ivstruiuent to be their voluntar,y�ct and deed,and the volantary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appe�red the abova named FREDERICK L. AME5,known to <br /> jme to Le the Truetee described in,and who executed the foregoivg Instrumeut,a�nd acknowiedged bef�re me that he executed the same�Trustee as aforesaid, s�nd for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> f fortl�,and that the e 'o thereof was his voluntary act and deed. � , / <br />; �� �n 9�itttess �h�r , I have her nto set my htind and official seal this.._.......151/.!�:.�.�.1... ................. <br />' �� day of..........._........... . ..._........_.........._.............................................A.D. 18c�.�...:.., a�t the City of Boston,in said County avd State. <br />,' �!s:?'LO....�C/...•• ' <br /> ---�-�--....-�------------ - /..-�-�---��!-0�--------------........--�---�--•----------�.Notary Public. <br /> i � —..----- � <br /> �._-=-- ._.._.__._ __.____.________-----..__.__—____--- -- <br /> I ' <br />�, ,: <br />