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- - <br /> �� '' <br /> ��J�j� ��j����� <br /> FROM <br /> � <br /> � ...............� � nf . � ''/' . ,� Filed for record the......................................................_...c�./........................................................................._daz� of <br /> . ..1./���c...��..�,Gc�..�c°,...�.Y.���....U.v..:�................................�.. �� , <br /> ,` � `� ...........................��........--�-�------��----............_�8..��J....., a ............................�........._ ..................................dclock.....�....M. <br /> !I _..................................................................TO................................................................... (��� <br /> I °-.........�......................... ...................................................-°°--......----.........--°-°---°°--• <br /> ��! � Cour�ty CLerk. <br /> � ............................................................................................................................................. - , <br /> i a <br /> � : ��j � ...... ............. ....... .................................................. ---......:....p......�......... <br /> � ,-l���l/J!�9�f./.1,....�.1/..ZC�.�.,�1'........................................................ � De ut <br /> �� F°RM373s. THE �UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPA�jN� Y. <br /> UNION DIVISZON- r�T.-�..^°°n����. "!�G�C�u- -�/ „ <br /> Contract No.. �� No............:�..�a..._�../................... � <br /> . ..... ....... �n.a� �Z� ���en �� ��ie�e �'�3"re�enf�: <br /> � That the UN/ON PAC/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Corpor•aiiott fnrrrted arz� existir�s 7�� tlze consoliclation of the Kansas Pacifie Railway Compartz�, <br /> the Dercver Pczeifie Iiailzva� arid TeLe�'ra,�h Com,�an�, and the Uiaion Paeifie .Rcailroad Cain,var2r�, ur�cler the eorporate name anc� stJle of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, U� authoritz� of aTZ act of Con�'ress, e�titled, ".gn act to aid in the construction of a railroaa' and tele�raph line from the <br /> ' .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, afzd to secure to the Government the use of the sa�nn, for Posta,L, JI'IiliEar�, and other purposes," approvec'� July <br /> 1, 188�, and aets amei2da,tory t3iereof, wlzieh said Companz� has sueeeeded to anrZ beeonze seized and possessecL of alL_the reccl estate and pro,rerty of <br /> the said Constituer�t Companies, tvhether i•ea.L, personal, or mixed, ar�d, amofz�' other thin�s, of alL the Land �'rarated to said Uraion Pacifce Railroad <br /> Company by the aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, irz aicl of thc eonstruction of zts road, not corLZ•eyed away b�said Com,�any at the date of such eonsolidati.on, <br /> ' Cto-wit, Januar� �,/�, 1880,) in�nside ation o the sum o . .. .......................................... � ----� � ...4.., �. . ,, ,,- .y .---.......---..........._ <br /> ---�� ` ---- <br /> -----... - - �--�� - � - - - - <br /> ��eyvH�c2 �,e�.�e� �r ti�- ��.,ar7---- � �....;���r,�-��2�............. <br /> l <br /> / � <br /> � a l u� �Lcc�r�2 <br /> ....... .... ^ti...�__� . . ... .. . ...... . ....... . ............... ... ' <br /> .......................................................... �.�GL f uJil���� �'u/L �- ....... .... �I�lLars, o i��aac� t�e r�cea,vt o�w��h zs hereb� aeknowled�sed, <br /> doth herebz� GR,gN1; B�1RG„4I✓Y, SELL, .g.N'D CONV�Y; nto�...... .. .. ............. ... ... �,�'�y�,�^�c.:.Y.. ��' ... .................__ ....-.--_--.. <br /> /J� / � �'.�-.��......................... -/- <br /> . ...... <br /> ....---••- --�•- --�-��------�----��---------�-�.................��---------...--•�---�---.............. ...... ....-----�-------.of the Courat9�7`�---�--....... �/..�1.. R�� . .......... .. .. in the State of-----:_-<-r�----��-- ----.:.Cc�.f tc.---.._.---------•----•�--•----- <br /> ..... <br /> the ollowin deseribed .Real Estate, situate, l, in and beires irc the Count o `?�� ' ............................................arcd in the State o Nebraska, and <br /> f �' � �' � f_..__..._ .................. . f <br /> described as folLows, to-wit:----�.................................... . �---��---. . . .._....._...--��---------.....-�-�--�---.....-�---............ <br /> . <br /> �- ��.. . .. ..... ...... .............._............. -�------.......-- -........................................----......---��---��-.. _........-�--------..........--�-�-�---.....---�---� <br /> / � n /' <br /> `r � �- R%. .._".... <br /> ................................................................................. ................ <br /> .J.'121�..£.C�I�i�..�20�..�.. ....��.i�j'.._.._ .�G�..�L� y�(��..................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> y " i/ <br /> ......••••••.........................................................................................................................................:................................................................... ...................................................�--�-�---....._...........---.....................................................................................:....... <br /> .............:....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ..... ........................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> .................................................. • ........ ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ............................................................... ...........................,..... ................................................,...............,ar:..........,......... .... ........................................................................................ ...... .......�................_ ..................... <br /> ... :. ..... <br /> ..................... . . . <br /> of Sectiorz No._........... .:,%�G.G.`t�!v�;+�'.�1/!�- f��I�. ir� Township ..�1''0. _._ _ --,`,,,u.�.�i� ���-L�,/ ....North of Rarc�'e Jl�o....... ...���...(/Z�1.....���..�'..-�-- <br /> o the 6th Princi al .Meridiara'containirad aceordir��' tn �the United btates surve� thereof..... . ............ ........... .... r�.�.�!,�.r,�`i,�....................._________.______ <br /> f � � s, r-•---_.................°-----... <br /> � _._---------------------------------------------------------------- ._. �cres, more or Zess, �ieisz�' the same premises coiztract,ed to be so�c�-ie�...��.`�'�ti�ae�/�:.7�ru.�. �c�u�Z�v.r?:�. :... ���..412r�.._ <br /> � � . <br /> �%. <br /> - <br /> � �k�a�e�-sAf'.o.S..-�l--�.�.�..``�----5�-�'--.�-L.t�.!�..�/G.�e��t�e.:L...T�tz....�__!?.°.�� �,.�.,1.�'�� .ti:.�v���.c�a�� � °..�vu+a,Z..u�;�i��w�.a.c�cL.euv�.t�cut...�.rdn�.�r.uqrn�u..,�a.�G�canc�t.�c�eu.�LL.R._ <br /> R FSERVING, HOWEVER,to the said UN/ON PAG/f/Gf RA/���PANV, alL t7zat ,-nortiora`o}�the L�rad Jaereby eoreveyec�(if c�nz� such there be) which <br /> Lies within lines drawro parallel with,and.......:........�,�'�<�........................hundred feet ore each side dista�zt from the center line of its road cts now constructed, <br /> and an��'reater width zvherz r�ecessar9 permanentl� to incLude c�3L its cuts, embanlcments, and ditehes, arad ot,her works necessary to secure and <br /> protect its main Zine. • <br /> ' ' This eonveyanee is also upon the eondition that the said�rantee hereir�,...................:�?!��............................heirs, administrators and czssi�'res ehaLL ereet and <br /> mair�tair� a Lawful fence between that portion of the ,rorernises hereby conve�ed, ad,joiTZins the road of saic� Company,<if as�z� such the�e be,) �nd t,he <br /> road of said Company u,�on a line_..................�':�1�..................hundred feet distant from the center Line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, in alL cases <br /> irL zvhich such fence is required b� Zaw, or ma� be required b� said Compan�. <br /> TO H,RVE „4ND TO HOLD the said �remises with all. the ri�'hts and ap�urtenances thereunto bebonsir�s unto the said�'rantee, ..::�...................._ <br /> heirs and assi�ns forever, and the said�rantor cloth hereby eovenant with the s�zirl �'rantee, that ab the malcins of this irestrument it is weLL seized <br /> of the said premises as nf a sooa and indefeasible estate i� fee, and hath�:ood ri�'ht to selL and convez� the same, and that it wilL W;/II�R,/�NZ'and <br /> defend the title to said prenziees urcto the said�'ra�ztee,.......�:.2.�y......................heirs and assi�'ns forever a�ainst the lc�wfuL cLaims of al,L persons whomsoever, <br /> E�1'CEPTING, HOWEVER, al,L taxes and assessmefzts Ievied upor� sccid premises�.� ..�r�,c�,.u�...�.�e.. vu,�-�G.e��....... ' <br /> . . <br /> . . , ..................��---�--------��---�------�---...---.................................._._....------��----��----...-•---------•-------�--•-•'�"-=---�--...----�------•.��seeease�-s; <br /> . . <br /> , , ........................................��----�---...............-�-•-�-------�--.......---�---....------------��--•--------------........----�---�----•--....-�-----� ' <br /> -------------�----......-�-----.....---•----....---......----�-�-•-•---------...........-----•••---------........._._..••••---_._-----�- <br /> AND WHEREAS,8&ld UNION PACIFIO 1ZAILROAD COMPANY dld�on the siateenth day o£April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver��o Cyrns A.McCormick,of the City of New York,and Jobn Dnff, of- <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of......................�C[,E,L'.......................................Connty,in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrug H.McCormick and Tohn Duff,as Trnstees,f'or the uses rynd purposes therein mentioi�ed,timonn others ti�e lands hereinbefore described; Axn\'Va�nEas,the eaid Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did an the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign l�is pince as'1'rustee under said mortgage deed,which resignatiou was,on the fifteenth � <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e Uxiox PaciFic RAZr.$onn CoM�>axY,by its Bo�rd of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on th�t d�y in the City of Bosfon and State of Massachusetts; '� <br /> i AxD WxEitEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was dul,y nouiinated by the remaining TrusLee,John Duff, a.s successor to eaid � <br /> CSrus H.McCormick,which uomination was,on the same day, �pproved by tbe P,OaTd Of DtCCCYOT3 OP thC 8a1C1 UNION PACIRIC I�AILROAD COMPANY� AND WHFItEt1$�by such nomination and approval ' <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,therealter become vested with the same estites, powers, righta, aud interes�9,and cbarged with the same duties and responaibilities,��e ne naa <br /> been one of the original Trurtees named in and eaecating,said Mortgaae Deed; ANn Wri�ttt,AS,sa�id rem�ining Trustee did,by�conveya�nce,proper and effeetual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> c�ay of October,A.D.1873,nt the City of Boston, vea�t the same in such new Trustee joiutly with him,the s�id John Duff; Axn Wa�ttEns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by�u proper instrnnient of�vriting to tliat effect,resign his place as Trustee undor said Mortnage Deed,wliich resignation was,on the fourteenth day of Febrnary, A.D. 1577,accepted by the <br /> U.\'ION pACIFIC�.A1L$OAD COMPANY�by the Fxecutice Committee of its b'03T(� of Dir ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and State of 1Mfassachusetts; Axn W��a�as, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy.caused by the resigvatiou of said Tohn Duff,having been made,the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn Wa1�BEA6, the <br /> III said Ux�cpN PAa�N . RAILWAY COMPANY�Wltll,,�t e on ex�t�o' � ustees for the time being,hereinb�ore na•ined, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Reai Estate hereiubefore described, <br /> unto tbe°��i�'��;for and in consideration of"�^h�um��"i�c�es�o�n hand p.iid by the said�I`���S��hich said sum of money bas been paid to sa�id Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in hia <br />, <br /> capacity as Z�ustee,or to said Jolin Duff and said Freder�ck L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and s�,id John Duff, Trustees�for the uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentianed. <br /> �vw �'/trrcfone, Know a// Men 6y these Presenis, that I, the said F� eri�L��rnes�r m iry��,n�,�2rustee irc the aforesaid .Mort�a�'e Deed, in <br /> considerafion of the af'oresaid, premises and paz�menb as aforesaid sai� sum .so paa �� saac� Co�panz� to said trust furcd, of which I am the <br />; remainin� Truste , for the us�s and purposes aforesaid, do h,ereby RE,MISE, R.�L��SE, and forever UI!'-CL./1�'✓�unto the said.........................•---.....-----••-----.... <br /> ....................................... .�i�- . -- - ......(��.z.�'��.------------------------...------------------.---._....the ReaL Estate clescribed aforesaid, to be�eld by�,�ae-�s�-��e free ar�d exempt from <br /> I� c�ll Ziens, ineumbr, nc� ehar�es of said .Mort�'a�se I7�ecL,but subjeeb, however, to aLL t,he reserv�ztions and eonditions hereiral�efore eontained. ; <br /> v �tj �ifrr��t� �hgrea�', The said �srantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath �� : � <br /> IN pRESE�vcE oF caused these presercts to be sealed witlz its eorporate seal, ar�d to be si�ned by its <br /> o � � <br /> I Yresident and Treasurer, arLC� countersi�'rzed br� its Lanc� Commissioner and its �� � <br />' �, � n ✓luditor,and the said Frederick L. �mes, Trustee,has here;unto set his hand this ��. ; � <br /> l�1� �' � ,. � <br />�� .... .�...:..1�.. ,!�-'���N'`%����.................... . .................... � � � /' �� � " <br /> ............. i��^�:?.�.L-..-----..............-�-----.......----da o ....... �.':C�:YZ�'�'Y-----•---...../�.D. Z8...c�:�__. . <br /> � . ...�:�.,..- � f-_... _�... . . � � <br /> � � � � � : <br /> � l t '� . x <br />� l .. � � � L� � '",�. _................�-��-�-°--r-��--�--..4.��'2�1.,�................---..........._....Presader�t. c� - �� <br /> � ��� J . <br />'� ................ .�.' .�...t�.......:..... �l . ... ...................................._._ ti L9" ' o � <br /> � .................�7-..:.Qi�✓'....r�__�.....��...���...�t�'�L.1.!lG�_...-----....-----... Treasurer. 2 C . � <br /> � � , � /�� � � : <br /> -----....---�----�------�--f��.... ....:..l�..�....'�..�,.:..................................... Trustee. c°, ; : <br /> �fa#e af ,i1�a��axhix�e##$, - <br /> SS. <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �m it �pm�m[�erp�� That on ttiis................................n...•,.� .......��ti2� o�f.--....... .... ..... �,�'�. . ......................A.D. 18�(0.. <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNIO�T YACIFIC ItAILgiT�Y COYIPANY, by CW'"F. ADAMS��„its President, and�x����S..its Trea rer, who are personally <br /> kno��n to me to be the identical persous whose namee 1re sub�criUed to the foregoing instrnment as s�id President and Treas rer, :�nd then aud there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br />� Instru�iievt to Uetheir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary acb and deed of s�id Company. And on the same day,likewise, persoually a�ppeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br />� me to be the T�ustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee ae aforesaid, �and for the uees and pnrposee therein set <br />� ; forth,and that the execntion thereof was his voluntary act aud deed. • <br />� �- , 9ltt �itness �heren#,,,,�have hereunto eet my hand and official seal this.:.. ..................:..........�.... . .. ' <br /> . ......................................................... -•......... <br /> ..... <br /> (/ ' ' <br /> I ��%.� day of.............................�. ....... G�2�L�....... .......... . . ,at the City of Boston,in said County and State. :r <br /> �Gvv /� <br /> .................A.D. 18.�. <br /> --�-•---�.................... . � <br /> .... <br /> ..........................�---------�---------Notary .Publics. � <br /> �' .�G.'✓.'�?/!�-•••-�------�:l�z��f�(� <br /> 7 <br />