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<br /> � ���j� �������D�
<br /> FROM �
<br /> - ' Filed for record the.................._._.............................�....��.............................. ..........................................da� of
<br /> . G
<br /> .........'
<br /> ct�c�...._�L'��c�.. . .._...�--�.................. ...._._........._... . �--�� ��--�� -...--� .._ 8...��.�'.. , t.. ........_.....- -..... ...............................o c , �....... .
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<br /> . County Clerk.
<br /> ............:.......................................................... ...................................................................
<br /> .................�---- �-�--�-..............................................................................-Deputy.........
<br /> --^�. ---- --�-- —-- - ---
<br /> _ _ cv�. �,,�ivr�
<br />� � UNION DIVISION- "T`„"' "c '" � �� �'��'`-
<br /> ContractNo........._......................................... Be�erl No...........G.,�...v'..1.�.....t..�...............
<br /> �n�rzv �dd �er� �� f�re�e �"re�er�t�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAG/f/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, zvhicTz is a Cofpor�atiorz forined arzc7, existin�' b� tlae cof2solidation of the Kansas Pacific Railwa� Companz�,
<br /> the Denver Pacific Railwa7/ and Tele��'raph CompaT2�, and th:e Urzio�z Pacific Rrzil,roarL Comparc�, under the corporate name and st�le of th,e UNION
<br /> Paei�ie R,aiew,av eoMP�yv, bz� authorit� of ara act of Con�'ress, eeLtitled, ".fln act to aid in the cotast.ruction of a railroad and tele�ra,�h line from the
<br /> Jllissour� Rivea° to the Pacific Ocecc�, and to secure to the Governmerz5 the usc of the sarrtn, for PostaL, .Milib�crr�, a�zd oth,er 7�urposes," approved July
<br /> 1, 186,2, and acts amercda-tory t�zerevf, whzah said Compar�z� has succeeded to ancl become seized and ,�vossessed of aLl tlze reaL estate arcd propertzJ of
<br />; the said Constituent Companies, whethe�° reaL, pef°sonaL, or mixec�, ai2d, amons other thir��'s, of�cld the larzd �'ranted to said U�2iore Pacifie .Pailroad
<br /> Company L� tTze aforesaid acts of Corz�'ress, irz aid of the constructio�of its road, not coni�ez�ed awa�by said Company at the date of szceh consolidati.ore,
<br /> (to-wit, Januarz� �/f, 1850,) ir� consideratiora of the surrz of..................._..1`ir.�t�t.....��..�r�L......----...-- -�- -�- �...-- �-- ... __�_...---�---- --���� �
<br /> - -- - .-...__..._..____.--.... _ ._._.... -���- .....---�............... .............._......_........._.._.. -�-
<br /> .................. D��rs;�to it�paid�the r�i�pt of wh��ereb�eknowled�ed,
<br /> I �--�--�� -�- ...--�-
<br /> .
<br /> doth herebz� GR�4N1; B.f1RG✓1L�1', SELL, .f1.ND CONVEY; u�ita.--�`- ..��i�c�L_....��- ..r�./..�r��. --��--�� �-......_.:_..._......--�-----------------�-----�---...--�- ......................._............----.........--�-�-��-----....---
<br /> �
<br />, �............................................................................._..............._....-
<br /> �.....................�-���----e�-E�e�'eu����'-..........-�.- -_ -- --- ....... ._...............----.�rv�-�Tie--k>t�e--e�-----------...----..._._........-�-�--...-� �--�----..---��--��--------------
<br /> the followins described Real Estate, situate lz�ir� ancL beins in the Courct o �.-1��............................................and iri the State of Nebraslca, and.
<br /> , . r� � �J f_......... -_................
<br />� described as follows, to-wit:_�............... ��- ............ �-- ��-- -�---�---���----..............._............. ....--��----.......----� -_.. .....- .._...--..--..__...............-�-------...._...... .-----.......------..........----�--.....----...---....------.....-------.....----�--..........--��-----..........,.
<br /> �!'�z...�.r;ri�i�......:.��cr�Gl�..��..:<�`.�.�'��.....�� . -.��c�-�...yr�.-.�.-�.c�.�2..�....................................................................................................................
<br /> ................................................................................................................................ �
<br /> _...................................................._....................................................................................................................................
<br /> �
<br />�� ........................................................................................................................................................_
<br /> .................................................................................
<br /> ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... ....
<br /> f ............................................................................................................................................................................. .
<br /> I ................................................_..................._.................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ._..........
<br />, ..............................................................�:�11^...:......................_...............................................................................---...---..................��:>.............. ................................. ................--�--.....................................:...........................,�-,/
<br /> ....... ... �,f ,. ....................................
<br />; of Section No........................5�''::s�� -�--.��:�-...- ..............._.............. in Township ��!''o. ---...._....__�/.�vz�.....�p1- �--........ . ..-:-..N rtlz of Ran�'e Ji''o........G:('�rc...�l,l...%�.�`..---�---.......---....------
<br />; of the 6th Prinei,�al .Meridian, contaircirc�', accordins to the United States survey thereof.....:.. . ... ... ....s. ..... .. . ..................._.......__.____.._......___.._............_..............
<br /> �� v �,�----.... ...
<br /> __ ___________ ._ . .,,._..____..11cres, �nore or Zess, bein�' the same pr mises contra ed to be sol �.�...�ia..����...� ':����.�..�:�..L'��./�:c.�. ....
<br /> -------�----------------- --- ---�----��----�-�----- J �
<br /> .....
<br /> I "� . �d.---f.!Y�ttir�_..!G�_!I%1����i'�'��t�h,--...�cl.� . . ��.�P.'1.9,..'�... . . ` nt ...��ucLQ�.�L._.:�..em-
<br /> b Contraet,��N�' .--�---�'- ..��!�----�-��---�.�P".1.L.5.y................. ��--- - �-�- ,i'u�cc.--.�����: -�?�;��-
<br /> ���F;�'��!�✓T�'I�J�'�OWEVER, to taze said UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, adL that porbcon of t�land hereb� conueyed,(if anz� swch there beI which
<br /> Zies withir2 lines drawri paralleL wiGlz,artd................�:Q..---.-•----..••------.--hur�dr d eet o,r� each side distant from the center li�ae of its road as now eonstructed,
<br /> ar�d ar� �'reater width when rzecessar� permanentlr� to inelude a�� cuts, embaT2kments, and ditches, arcd ot.her works raecessary to secure and
<br /> protect��main dirce. �
<br /> This eonvez�anee is also upon the eondition that the said�'rantee hereirc,.............._.:::.�Z.�./.�:.......................heirs, administrators arcd assi�'ns shaLL ereet and
<br /> maintairi a lawfuL fenee beEween that portion of the premises hereby convez�ed, ctdjoiniris the road of said Company, (if any such there be,) and the
<br />'', road of said Companz� u�orc a liree_..................�!:�!1.c-......--.-.-...-----..hundred feet distayzt from the center lirae of such ��oacl, an,d paradlel, therewith, in alL cases
<br /> in which such fence is required bz� law, or maz� be required bz� said Company.
<br /> TO S.RVE .,4ND TO HOLD the sc�id prefnises with all the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto beLonsins unto the said�'rantee ��:....:............
<br /> � s ,_...--- - -��-
<br /> heirs ancl assi�'ns forever, and the saicl�'rarctor doth hereby eovenant witla the said �'rantee, that af the makin� of this ir�strument it is welL seized
<br /> of the said premises as of a�'oorti and irzdefeas�ble estate in e, a�zcl hath ssood ri�'ht to selL arcd eonvez� the same, and that it wilL W�II�.K�NT and
<br /> defend the titLe to said premises unto the said Ssraratee,..._....:��...................heirs and assi�'r�s forever a�ainst the lc�wful claims of a1,L �ersons whomsoever.
<br /> .E�Y'CEPTING, HOWEV�+R, al,L taxes and assessments Zevied u,nor� suid pT°emises since....................................................................................... '
<br /> . . ' ' --��---.�:f.�. e..t�x;��c�c:r:f�n._..�.:�u..cs�r.n.-.�__�°r.r.n,iZcr,c.Z....-•-•-----------------e�°.::.-......--�--........swe�ess�e�xs,_
<br /> ' ' .
<br /> ' � �----------------��----...........................--•--��----....----�---�-------��-�-�-----•�-�---�---- -----�-----------...........---...----------�----�---.....-------------•--......--------�---......................----...----------...-�--.......----��-----•�--••---------..�------._....
<br /> , �, � .
<br /> AND WHEREt�S,said UxioN PACiFia RAiLROAD CoMraxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute a�nd deliv r to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,�nd John Duff,of
<br /> the City of Boston,a cert�in Mortga�e Deed of thtit date,which deed is recorded in the oi�'ice of the County C1erk of.......................�Cr�:��....................................Connty,in the State of Nebraska�, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duft;as Trnstees,for the uses ind piirposea therein meutioued,amona others the lande hereinbefore described; Ar7n\VxEREas,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> 1VFcCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrumeut of writing to thaC effect,resigu his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,wbich resign�tion was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e Uxiox PACIFic RAir.�toAV ConirANY,by its Bonrd of Direct�r3,at a meeting thereof held on that dny iu the City of Boston aud State of Massachusetts;
<br /> ANn WxEtt�AS,on tl�e fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of l:aston,iu the State of Massachusetts,wns dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said
<br /> CS�rus H.McCormick,which nomivation was,on the sa�nie dn.y, approved by the Board of Directors of the said UNiox PnczF'rC I�',aii xonn Co1KrANY; ANn�VxF��t�as,by sucb nomination and approcal
<br /> eaid Prederick L.Atues did,npon his a�ceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with tbe sa�me estates, powers, rights,aud ipterests,and ch�rged with the same duties and responSibilities,as if he had
<br /> been one of the original Trustees na�med in and executing,eaid Mortgane Deed; ANn WiiL�cAS,said remaining Trustee did,by�,conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, veat the same in such ne�v Trustee jointly with hiui,the sa�id John Duff; ANn WgrttEAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteeuth day of February,
<br /> A.D. 1877, by�proper instrmnent oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said 1VIortz;aae Deed,which resiguation w�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, nccepted by the
<br /> UsioN PACiFtC K��r.xoAn ConirA�Y,by the I:xecutice Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting tliereof held on that day in the City of'Boston,�nd Sta�te of Massachusette; AND yVHrxEAS,
<br /> no nomination of a successor to fill tlie vacancy,caused by tl�e resignatiov of said John Duff, ha.ving been made, the s�id Frederic�z T. Ames became,a�nd now is,tha sole Trustee; Axn WxE$EAS,the
<br /> said UN x �� RAi7,wnY Co�iPnxZ,witltotbe gon e�t�o' tlle Trustees for the time bgin� re' before named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth,the lieal Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto th sa ,ior and in consider�tion of'f1�re"�ci�i'f� , to it in haud paid by t�e i �which stiid sum of money htis been paid to aaid Frederick L. Ames,by said.Compauy in his
<br /> capacitq as rustee, or to said Jolin Duff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trnetees,or to said Gyrus H.�11IcCormick and sai3 John Duff, Trustees,for tl�e uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �01v ��tttCfol(c, Know al/ Men by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre������rry,����2ainind Tra�stee in tlze aforesaid ,M'ort�sa�'e Deed, ir�
<br /> eo�2side�°atio�z of the af'oresa.id, pr°emises arad ��a�ment as czforescci�L of aa sum�.so��a z� said Compar�y to saia' trust fund, of whieh I am the
<br /> remainin� Trustee, for th�ses ancl pu�poses �zforesaicL, r�o Izereby RE,MISE, RELF.I.�SE, arzd forever UII'- L�1I.M unto the said.................................................
<br /> �2�� �f, /��,�.,__..__...__......................................................the Real Estate clescribed aforesaid, to be�eld b� ' free and exempt from
<br /> ..--.....---�----�------- �
<br /> aZL liens, in umbrances, and char�'es of said �l7orts c�se Deed,bub sufijec�, hoavever, to aLL t,he reserv�ztior�s an corcditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> �/r( �'iftt��� �hgrea�; TILe said �rar�tor, the UNION P,4GlflC RAILWAV GOMPANY, hath � : o
<br /> . �.
<br /> IN YRESE�vCE oF caused these presents to be sealed witaz its cor,aorate seal, and to be si�necl by its , o �
<br /> President and Treasurer, arcc� eountersi�'yaed I�z� its Lccnd Comnzissioner and its ; � �
<br /> o /� ./�uditoi°,ancl the said Frederick L../�mes, Z�ustee has hereunto set his hand this ' � �
<br /> ��'l� L..-1 ���.GC/I_/��� -_ -..._.......... .,i1`i�t,,it�Ze.e�:��. ,,-_...........--- - f-......_.............. . �--��-� --- .....---��----��---�--•------.�1.D. ZS..�:f--. �: C��
<br /> ............................ daz� o �G�-1/c/1
<br /> -� __ �-- �°,� .
<br /> G '
<br /> y� ' � ----_..-�----�---------�---...._�-�----t-----��.�...�...z�-�--.................��--�----President. �
<br /> _�%��'�.G�G'�--... �-�� � � �
<br /> . •
<br /> .....................c��������....�`` � . �; ,� � � ����� � � �
<br /> �py�� .....� - ...--�. ..............�.y....... . .....��•--I.`.��l�s.�.--�------�---�-� Treasurer. 2
<br /> , �r � (� '-�� , D � �
<br /> � � �',/ - -�---�--- - .......--�- --I�L�C.�_...�.�..:..._���... Trustee. c°� ' :
<br /> ��,�/ ----��-----�---�-��---------- : :
<br /> �ta#e o� ,�as�a�hixge##�,
<br /> SS. /����
<br /> c it �€ememUer¢�, That on this.-----.i2�7�!!tL/G......... . ..... ........................::.........day of... .t/C. A.D. 18.��
<br /> COUNTV OF SUFFOLK. � �................... . . ... .. ... ....................
<br /> C ... .... A�'Y1lF.AR4AG� •-•--�-
<br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared the UNION PACIFIC R�ILWAY COYIPANY, by F. AD�MS�,its Presideut, �n r�trrttTiS. nHnr���, its Treasnrer, who are personally
<br /> kno�vn to me to be the identical persous whose uamee are subacribed to the foregoing instrument as s.tiid E resident and Treasurer, a,nd theu :�nd�here acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act�ud deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appe�red the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Truetee described in,and who executed the fore;oivg Instruinent,and acknowledaed before me that he executed the same,�s Truetee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein set
<br /> forth,and that the execution thereof w3s l�is voluntarq act and deed. ���/�, / t
<br /> �n 9�itn¢ss '�hereaf, I l�ave hereunto set my l�and and official seal this........................................./. .I�L%��[lt-l2............:...........,............................................................
<br /> �� c� �\ day of...........................�/,.-�����!11.1�11..�-.........................................A.D. 13..�.5...., at the City of Boston,in said County and State.
<br /> ���,� ........................�-�--�r�--,x-��4�!.(-�:---/�:....��G.��'�------------..._........Notary Publie.
<br /> �i
<br />