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�:- <br /> �� <br /> _ ___. __ / 6 <br /> ��j�J� ��J� �ID� <br /> � � <br /> FROM <br /> � <br /> (� r �� � ` � G Filed for record'the.......... ........../�...-. ........... .............. ............. .....c�ar� of <br /> , <br /> � <br /> ...... .�.�,� ...`..�.�"�I��� .(.:.��`�. ,���:��t.r� � <br /> .u.. .... ...... ...u.. :. ......... �>� � <br /> � , � ........_.................�':�...-�-- ..............- ._18...�1�...., at...................................%.........................-� ......dcloek......L...�....JVl. <br /> ; -..............................................._................. <br /> .....................................:._..... ....--......_.......... <br /> ' TO <br /> � - (.... .... ........ ...............--..........._....._..........................--...........................- ---° <br /> ................... �� ...... ........... ..... � ....�,.. ...... . ............ — . <br /> Courety Clerk. <br /> . „ <br /> ........................�:/.:�,/����Zr �'��?/�,.;/'./'�%'.-/L. . .. ./. ..................�.... ............. ...DeputzJ.......... <br /> .. ..� _ __ ___ _ G��� ----___-- � - <br /> FoR� 3739. ��E UI�ION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> Contract No............L7.., „�.,.. 1 UNZON DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> '� �✓.�...... Deed No......._.�c3...'�,j....v._�....... <br /> �n�zv �ZZ �er� �� ��ie�e �"r��ent�: <br /> That tlae UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is cc Corj�or�a'io�z }'ori7zed aricl existifzy 7�� the consoliclation of the Kansas Pacific Railway Companz�, <br /> ` the Denuer Pc�eific Rai.ZwaJ arzd, TeZe�'rapTz Coznx�a7zy, ns2d tlie Ur2inrz Paeifie Rrcilroa�l Co��zpc�rcz�, undcr the eorporate rzame anc� st�le of th.e UNION <br /> � PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, U� authorit� of a7z ac� of Cor��'res,s, etatitled, ".l1T2 �ct to aicL i�z the constructioT2 of �a railroad and tele�'raph lirze from the <br /> � ��lissou:°i River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to the Gove�•ni�zent the use of the samn for Posta,L, JE1iLi�arr�, and other purposes," approved Jul� <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda.tory tlzereof, which said CompaTZ� h�z,s succeeded to atzcl becorne seizer� czrad possessed of alL the real estate and pro,�erty of <br /> the saicZ Constituent Cvmpanies, whether reu7, peT°sonaL, or mr'xed, and, amon�' other thinss, of alT, the Zaiad �sranted to said Urziof2 Pacifie .PaiLroac� <br /> Companz� vy the aforesaid acfs of Consress, irL aid of the construct�r�of its/�"oad, not co7zL�eyed away br�said Company at the datc of such consolidati�oro, <br /> � <to-wit, JanuarJ �/.�, 18�0,) in consideratior� of the sur� of--� --..... '�.�...12e_._. u..�i%1�1.L✓�2e.U,_,,--�.._ �2'�-C�2���1..2 ..-----�(/1.!-�-��. .----�... .. ..............�--��-----�----......---�--......-- <br /> _..----�.....................� -- � -.._......_..--._......._..._.__...._� �-� �-----....----..........- ........._ ..._ ...-- ........-� -� ..... _...... � -... a 'd ,the recei w a as e aeknowle <br /> o ars, to"'t,�aa , nt of h"ch ' h reby d�'ed, <br /> � doth hereb GR�4N7' B,f1RG�lI.iV `SLLL f1ND COr�'VTY' unto,.------,----............ ..._ ��.G•'�%�.�::a:^�.---....��%v�?����r.... <br /> � , , , � , ....... - ---.,.- ,� --.....,. '........,4............--- <br /> ; � ,�j�- // <br /> 3 .........................................................��- �---- -.........--��- �-................- .......----��---- --�--of the Countz�of...._.......... ._.. ����C�............_.. ---.. in the State of--------......../.L.t�L.`_?:'G........--�...--..._--.....---��---�------- <br /> � �he foLlowin� deseribed Real Estate, situate, lz�in� anc� beins in the County of._..._........._._._.....�.:F'..-'^-`�.. ....................._...--........-.-..arcd in the State of Nebraska, anc� <br /> describedas folLows, to-zvit:-------�---�...................... .....................�-�- -� --................_..........�--��-----�--.... -- .......... ..... - ---.....---�-�---. . <br /> ............................................ ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................................ <br /> ............... .......... ...... <br /> .............. .. <br /> _............................_....,........,.. ..... <br /> � � <br /> ,� <br /> �....1!.:�._ .�:rl.11.l�./..Y..%.J�r..... ... ...... <br /> ....................................................................................................................................... ,�r�[�.....!!1�........�?�L--...��..i..�..�...r.�./���..._........................................................................................................... <br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ................................................................. .................................................... ... ..................................... ............................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ....................... - �� ...................,.,U3��.1.....:............�^_.�..._......................- ..........................._....................................... .�...'............�r.,-���-............................................................................---....��.............F:........................... ............... <br /> of Sectiorz No. ..... .. .... ......��.�ti`�.--- �:/................ . ...... in Townsha� .%1ro. .._ .__...__�✓'✓?!�„E, ;_��... . _---..North of�r��'e���o... �-�Z. '1v�....�1�'�.....�.�.............--- <br /> of the 6th Principal Jlleridian, contair�ins, accordir��' to the United btates surve� thereof....... ...........................�.`�..r''�l/..l�y�.---.f�� �!"1�[.-••-•• ��.'_•-----•-_...---.---..---.....-------.._.... <br /> -----------------------------------• -•----- •--------------------------_. .flcres, »2ore or Zess, . . , ------� -..........---��---......�'..........�.......--- .......----......_......-----....------------- <br /> ...---��----..._ <br /> • Co...........-�--�- ...... ..............................-- - - - -- c���---- --��----- --.._....- --_-........--�� ------�-----------�-�----��-----...---�- --------- --..... ........ ---..........._.............�--�-----...... <br /> �-------------�-�-- ----------�--�-�-�-----�------� <br /> R Z�SERVING, HOW'EVER, to the said UN/ON PAC/F/G RA/LW.4V COMPaNY, alL that portiora of the Land dzereb� conveyed,(if anz� such there be) which <br /> Zics withira liizes d�•awn paralLel with,and......................_�:�'I,.�............_hundred feet or� each side distant from the eenter Line of its road ccs now construeted, <br /> and anz��'reater width zvher� neeessarJ permar�enfl� to incLude a�L its cuts, embaTalcments, ancl ditches, and other works necessarr� to secure and <br /> ,�rotect its main Zine. �' • <br /> This conveyanec is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee hereiro,...........��1./'s.z............................heirs, admiriistrators c�nd assi�'fzs shaLl ereet and <br /> mair�tain a lawfuL fence beEween that po��tion of the premises hereb� conve�ed, adjoinins the road of said Company,(if anr� such tJze�e be,) �nd the <br /> road of said Companz� u,�on a line_...............��.✓..'�..................hunr�red feet distant from the center Line of such roac�, an,d paralleL therewith, in alL eases <br /> irc which such fenee is Nequired br� law, or maJ be required br� said Compan9. , <br /> TO H.F1VE ..4ND TO HOLD the saicL premises witlz aLl. the rishts ayLd appurtena�ces thereunto belonsir�ss unto the said�'rarctee,_.....��L.�................. <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�'ratator clotlz hereby eover�ant with the saicl �'rantee, that a� the makins of this instrument it is welL seized <br /> of'the said premises as� of a�'ooci� ar�d indefea,siUle estate in, feea anc� hath�soocl risht to selL and eonvez� the same, arad that it zuill W:.StRR�N1'arcd � <br /> defend the title to said pre�rzises unto t12e said�'rantee,........._�G.�,�.............heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'ain t tl e lc�avfwL �aims of a7,1 persons whomsoever, <br /> E.Y'CEPTING, HOWEVE.R, alL taxes and assessments levied uporL said �remises since....................�'. .....!�^v(/Z!)..._.��.._.`.1..��.�...... ' � <br /> . . • • <br /> , � , ........--�----� --��-�--�-�-�----��............................................................��---..........---�-•---....------.�:.....��......................:�svweeess��- <br /> ' , � , -•-��-•---�--�................................��---�-��--��---- -�----��----._.......---...----...........----......-------�----��----•� -......._...................._...----.....---�•-�---��----.........---....-----.....-----�----�-----...---...---...---....-•---..-•--.-••••-•-----•------•••••- <br /> AND WHEREA5,said UNioN PACrFro RArLROAD CODZPANY did�on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver���yrus H.MeCormick,of the City of New York,tind John Duff, of <br /> ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the ofiice of the County Clerk of.........................!,f�.�:�S�S...................................Connty, in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John DufY,as Trustees,for the uses�nd purpose3 thereiu mentioued,�moug othere the lands hereiobel'ore described; Axn�'Vx�x¢AS,the said Cyrus I3. <br /> i MeCormick did cn the twenty-einhth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instruinent of writing to that effect,resi�n k�is pl�ce as Txustee nnder s�tiid mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth <br /> I day of October, A.D. 1873,lccepted by the Uxiox PaaiFic ItnztxoAn Conzr��xr,by its Bonrd of Direct�r�,�t a meeting thereof held ou that day in the City of Boston and State of Ma�asachusetts; <br /> i Axn Wx��tEns,on the&fteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul,y nooiinated by the reinaining Trustee,John Duff, us snecessor to said <br /> ' Cyrua H.MeCormick,wbich uomination wae,on the same day, approved by tl�e Board of Directors of the said UNiox PACirrc ILair.xoAn CoMrnxY; ANn WxFxE:�s,by Auch nomination nnd approvai <br /> � said Frederick L.Axuea did,upon his acceptance thereof, therealter become vested with the same estates, powers, ri�hts, �und interests,and charged with the saine duties and reaponsibilities,as if be had <br /> been one of the oTiginal Trustees named in and executing,�aid Mortga�*e Deed; AxD WtiEitcns,s�id remaining Trustee dicl,by a conveya�nce,proper and effectual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, ve�t the same in such ne�v Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; Axn Wa�aEas,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee un`der said Mortn3ge Deed,which resianation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,aceepted by the <br /> U:vION PaCiFtc 1tA�i RoAn ConiYAnY,Uy the Executive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctore, at a meeting thereof held on tha,t day in the City of Boeton, and State of b�assachusetts; AND WHEREA�� <br /> no nonination cf'�successor to fill the cacancy,caused by t}�e resignstiov of said John Duff,b�vingbeen�nade, tl�e s:�id Frederick L. Aines became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEEEAS,the <br /> said UNYO� PACir ia RAtLwAY CoMPANY,with the cunseut of tl�e Trustees for the titne being,hereinbefore nained, has sold avd conveyed,a�s above set forth,tbe Iteat Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto tbe sa9d gxantee,ior and in consideration of'tl�e sam aforesa�id, to it in h�nd paid Uy the said �rantee,�vhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said Jolin Duff and said Frederick L. Auies,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tl�e uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �our �'lcrre�a�te, Knaw al/ /i�en by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�lericic L. �iries, rerrzainins Trustec in tice aforesaid .Mort�a�'e Deed, in <br /> eonsiderafion of tlze af'oresaid, ps°emises an,cl pa�mes2t as aforesaid of said susn, so ,�aid b� said Comp�r�� to said trust func�i, of whieh I am the <br /> remainin�' rust��, for h�a uses and puN,�oses aforesaid, clo hereby REJlIISE, RFTE✓1SL+', arzd foi�ever OUI!'-CL./�I,M'ufato the said................................................. <br /> .,.___.._.._______________���:v�,._.._�C,!�;;;�,���,y.�,�.........._._..........__.____..............._..____.........the Real Estate deseribed aforesaid, to be heLc� b�the saicL�'rantee free and e.xempt from <br /> ccZl Ziens, ineumbranees, and ehar�ses of said .Mort�ase Deecl,bu� subjeeb, however, to aLd t,he reservatioras and eorzditions hereinbefore enntained. <br /> �/r� �rtn��t� �hgrcv�; The said �S'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath '� : � <br /> - 11�r PRESE�CE oF caused these present,s to be sealed wit�z its corporate seal, and to be si�ned by its ` o ' a <br /> Pre�sident and Treasurer, and couiztersi�'ned Ly its L�znd Commissioner ar�d its � a <br /> � 3-, � / �/// {� � //�L/� .l�uditor�,ccr�d tlze saic� Frederiek L. �2mes, Trzaste�has hereunto set his hand this ' � . <br /> .........�r.(....! ! � .!�/../�K.�L�I✓:,.�YSI.!:.G"....Y..1I.... � � �""j"��/ ,/ " "".'"""'......""" <br /> _ ��f �- �� � ` �wi'`L,( p��/ . <br /> . ............. �'�i .!ll..:I�(e.-. '��. �J f --../�.D. .ZS..I,I••ll.-.. : 1 <br /> ....... . � <br /> - ......... . ��.. .............. da o�_.................�..... . .... <br /> i ., <br /> .�� � � '� ' � � � <br /> � l / , � _ _. . � C_ f ,:i��G..Z!.�1...�...L:............................President. � ` <br /> ............ .... �-�.;...�%v�,....._.�`/�....�°�/�..G.L.G...✓.�..... ,-,�"���r�,r; .----------------- -- --- �- � ��� � � <br /> � , � � � �� .............. .. � �.��1�d.,�/.L.....�:.. ,...�C�,. := - -��-...----. Treasurer. � <br /> ' <br /> ,� �� . C� ��f ; ,C o : � � � <br /> � � : <br /> �, , .............._,� .:.:c-i:,.�.. --.. ..�:,;.�./.�--•-----•---••---•. Trustee. � : : <br /> �tate o� ,�a��a�h��e##s, ���a�;� ,, — --- — <br /> SS. <br /> CaUNTVOF SUFFOLK. �e it �.cmem(acrc�, Tt,:�t on�this....................�'E' � . ..Z.� of...............................�,.�..................................A.b. 18-r1'•,Y <br /> before me,a Notary Pubiic in and for said Counl,y,tippe�red the UNiOY I'ACIFIC RAIL�VdY COVIP3NY, by C. F. ADdMS, it� Pre:�ide�t, nnd JAMES G. HA�IS, it,srTreasurer, who are personally <br /> kno�+�n to me to be the identical persons whose nainee are sub�cribed to the forenoing instruruent as s�id President and Treasurer, rynd then an�i there acknowledged��E4�e execution and sealing of said . <br /> Instrumeut to betheir voluntsry a�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise,personally appeared the abova named FREDERIGK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to Le the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrument,tind acknowledged before me that he executed the same us Trustee ae aforesaid, and for the uses and purposea therein set <br /> forth,aud that the execution thereof was bis volunt�tiry act add deed. - <br /> -��_�l �n ��tn�ss `�h�rpuf, I bave he�reunto set mp liand and official seal this..............................��.��C����................................................................................. <br /> `� � U'�� day of.................. ...��� .................................. ...A.D. 18.��..,$t,F,he City of BosEon,in said County and State. <br /> - �/ � % �� � '� �, .� _ � <br /> �, � � i � �..�-�'�.��'�il�� x � � � <br /> � . " !' ' � � •�--��--��------�-------------�--------- . _ .�;�....���%���s.F���'------------...._..NotarzJ Publio. <br /> , • <br />