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L�Q '� <br /> '.� <br /> ; <br /> ��j�J� ��J����� <br /> FROM <br /> .Filed for record the......................................................_........................................................................................c�a� of <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> ....� �-� ..... ................................................18... �� at...................................... �--.........--�--..................o'eloek.........'.......1t7 <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... <br /> TO <br /> °°.-°.................................................� - --- ......................--.....................-°---------- <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> Courety CLerk. <br /> ................................................................................................................Deputy......... <br /> F°�� 3739. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. i/ / � <br /> Contract No.............................._................... Deed No.........1.C�..�.�...U.�_......... <br /> ; �n�xv �rr ��er� �� ��te�e �"r��ent�: <br /> That tTie UN/ON PAC/F/G RA/LWAV COMPAiVY, which is a Corpoj°a�ioiz fo�° ed ar7r.l existitzs b� tlze consoLid ion of tlze Kansas Pacific Railway Companr,, <br /> the Der�ver Pacific rai,lwa� and Tele�6ra,�h Company, ccnd tlae Ufr, otz Pa.r,ific I�c�il,roar,l Comj���reJ, zo e�the corporate name and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RA/tWAY GOMPANY, bJ autlaoritz� of ara aet of Con�'ress, eratit ed, "..2n aet to aicl ir2 the eorzstru ion of cc railroad and tele�'raph line from the <br /> Jllissoz�ri River to the Pacific Ocean, and to secure to tlze Goverrz acnt tJce usc of the samn, for P s a,l, JIlil,ibarz�, anc� other purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, and acts amenda-tor� tlzercof, which said Com,�arzy ha succeeded to arccl Uecome seize i2d ,�ossessed of aLL the reaL estate and propertr,� of <br /> the said Constituent Cvm,banies, wheth,er a�ecr.L, ,�ersorzaL, or �ni ed, and, amons other thinss, o lL the laizd �drantecl to said Ur�ion Paeifie IicaiLroad <br /> Compan� br� the aforesaid acts of Consress, ir� aid of the cons uct�n of zts ro�cl, not cor�i er�ed aJ b�saad CompanJ at the date of szcch eonsolidati.or�, <br /> (to-wit, Ja�zuar� �./�, ZS<40,> in cofzsideratior� o tTie sunz o .. .. . ' _ �'' <br /> rL � ,� <br /> � f f . . G���.�1z :' � ��'u:��.....�_�....�. �' ��'=� '�_� � � l.��i1 3� _ <br /> I ................. ..---....... __.._.. . _.. _.-. --....................... ... ._. ... .� Dollar �o at aid, the r ceapt of which is�hereby acknowled�'ed, � <br /> ` �doth hereby CR�.N1; 73,/�RG./�LN; SELL, .,4✓V'D Ct>NVF,Y' unta--, irr. ✓ �,� .�'L �,s!/�.,'L... .. . . ...... ..... ....��----�--- -�� � - r ........----------------�•----��---............ <br /> --� <br /> � .o the Cour�t�of_. ..... .,.:�!'�..:!�,:�.z.. _... ...� .................. in the State of------'�� ;.i���.�.�Z;:L...._.......... ---�---........._--- <br /> .................................................. .. ............................. . .. .... ...... <br /> the folLowinS described ReaL Estate �Situate, lz�ang' an beins in the �ounty of _..... ��-'. ; � ...... ....... ...... .......and iri the State of Nebraslc , arad <br /> described as foLLows, to-wit:... ... - --. 't-i�. �2..�u1�k�;�c:i.�. ..�.�<.rz,. ..(S.J..-�''f::l�--��,;...���:"�.::2.r f -�4�: � -(� --��.-�---t-r��-------�.�r��.( D�.---�=a�-��2..11././...�L....�2'.�.'�'..c:c�(./..�.� <br /> .`""�. <br /> ' �.................... .. .......... . . ...../ ...:. .�..... � ... ... .. <br /> „ ...... _,.. � ........ <br /> / .{. � �` . ..... .... ................... <br /> ........................................ r!..�:h:L....l.t�lK .x...;:.L�L...,.,�/.;r�...�.,��`.��.%.. :v:2. .:�/�.�,",...�._Z.:.�;;L..`�.:::::�.....�L�ii�:_" :/�._ .'���Q-C:..�.....':�2...C!...�C^✓.;^.IL:.L:::�rni?..Zit'i.'..t�Y.l. .l'.�/'.�.2.�..1, !L:................ <br /> � _t. : � <br /> ............. ........................ . .. .... ..... ...................... ..... .,..... �_,:... ....... � � <br /> � � � . _..... „ ....:: ... ..... ..--' �...... �........ ........ .,�... . ........ ... ... <br /> ,/-� < � � , �� � C,''' , , " � � �' `�� / .. .. . <br /> /!r!l. ::.�. :.;u.,.:...,.:.G�uc.�;..,...�!'✓LG. ..'�, i.....�.::v.,.(:.� . .....�..�.�..r:,a f.G.:7 ,..,..:.i:..i�.. .. :�!Lc�::.::�4. �.�..../.G /! ..1.?.�:1/�.;L,...'�.�`�...i/k��i�,;��l.f./.2....��2..�`�..1.....�.�.�.��.... <br /> c. . ...:...� . .....:' <br /> ........................................ h..... v .... ..... ... � ... _. ..... <br /> . . .... . . <br /> �� y �/ . ... r .... .................................................................... <br /> � � � � �'��� c: QrL / "� � � �� .�,... f.L_ � /,�7 [� �� . �.� �_. .................. <br /> .................7`./;.C...._/�.;,:,.,1:�..�./...� ... � ...4...._. :....�.. ��.�...,. `�.�;:�... .w t. . ......�... ...�c. .�/. . ..�.2.... .:,../c..,..v 2.��............---...................................---...... <br /> .................. .. 9 <br /> ..... . � ............�.. ...... .. ...... .....� ..... <br /> ....................... .. .. ... <br /> .. <br /> ... ... <br /> � <br /> �- . ................... ...... ... ........... <br /> ..................."'"... <br /> � of Sectaon No. .... /.l.�✓�.�.�.. ... ?-,,;�� � ..... in T shr'p �%!o --`✓ a .'�._ ,, ' . . Nortlz�of Ran�s ✓1''0. .. �.%'.�L..... ;��� ............... ..... <br /> . . � .....:.. . �.. <br /> �_. <br /> �. �,..� � �.......�.�..... <br /> of tlze 8th Prirtci�al .Meri�ia�t, eontai �a�, aecordira� . the Urzited ,St tes survez,� thereof. . .._.t .L.. /�;::�Z✓� � �.. �i.�3�� �.%r,� �... �&�.��:.,..._�'�rt:,�, <br /> i -----------------------...6��.........----.... . .Flcres, rn,ore or les , n the same �r ases contractecl to be soLd to ..... �`�' :�„� `�� A..��, .......,---.-----...---.-.--...-.--.---.......:..,.--.-.--.-------- <br /> , � � <br /> bz� Contraet2JV'o.,��•--.�..-J-y�"���--- �-.2-�---.... .. ...... _ d t __........�. '.�'�'�7..� -%- ,:<��� ------ ............................ .. .._.... .. ...... .:...............---��---...---�-�--��---......._-��-----...---�--�--......._... <br /> .RISE.RVING, HO�EVER,t the said UN/0 P /F/G RA�/LWAY OMPaNY, alL thcct �ortion of the land her�b� conveyed,(if anz� such there beJ which <br /> lies within lines drawn pc�rallel ith, and..................... .............................h ndred feet orz eaeh side d.istafat from the eer�ter line of its road ccs now eonstrueted, <br /> and anr��'reater width whero ecessar� perm,a t r� to i�zcLu a?L its cuts, embanloments, aszd ditches, and ot.her works neeessary to secure and <br /> ;. protect its mairo line. ' <br /> ' This conveyance is also pon the condit hat the sa" �'rantee hereir�,..........................._............................heirs, admirListrators and assi�'ns shalL erect and <br /> maintain a LawfuL fenee b weerL that portio f the pre es hereby eonveyed, c�djoinin�' the roacL of saicl Com,r�any,(if anz� sueh the�°e be,) �nd the <br /> rvad of saicl Companz� up rz a ndrecL feet distant fi om the eenter line of szceh road, c�rr,d paralLel, therewith, in alL eases <br /> irc which such fer�ce is r quired bz� law, or m z� be requ re� by said Companz�. <br /> TO H./�Y'E .,4ND O HOLD the sai�L �reynises w' h alL the ri�hts atzd appacrtenanees thereunto belon�'ins unto the sc�id�'rantee, ..........._........................ <br /> heirs ai2d assi�'r�s for ver, and the said�ra�ctor dot ereby covenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makind of this instNUment it is welL seized <br /> of the sczid premises as nf a�'ooci and iridefeasible tate in fee, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and conve� the same, aszd that it wilL W✓1.RR�NT and <br /> defend the title to aid preniises urcto the said�'ra tee,..............................:.........heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'ainst the lawful claims of al,L persons whomsoever. <br /> � .E�Y'CEPTIN , .FIOWEVER, aT,l taxes and a essments levied u,vor� suid,premises since........................................................................................and except a�'ainst any ; <br /> claims or incum rafaces created or,�nerrnitted bzJ throu�'h, or under said..................................•--..--..------...............---...........---..........._.. .......---........---------------•--.....----._.or................-----.--succe8sors <br /> � heirs, or assi�' , or an� of th�m.-------��.....................�...........--�-��----�------...----�------�-�----�� -�---�----��- � <br /> -----....--�------------ -- --_... ------�------��---............--�-------�-�----�-----��-�----...........--�-----....---�-----�----..........---.._.............---�------------�_--------- <br /> AND WHE AS,said Uxiox PacrFro It�ir,ROnn Con�e xY did,on the sixteenth da,y of April, A.D. 1867,egecute and deliver to Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd Jot�n Dnff, of ;' <br /> ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of tliat date,wh' h deed is recorded in the of&ce of the County Clerk of............................................................................County, io the State of Nebraska, wherein said � <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and Johi Du(�;as'rrustees,for t?ie uses and purposes therein rn�ntioned,�umona othars tLe lands hereinbefore described; ANn WHER�AS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick did on the twenty-eiahth day of Tnne,A.D.18 by a proper instrumeut of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortaage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth ? <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PAC�Fi 1tniLxonv ConzraxY,b,y its Board of Direct�rs,it a meetin„ thereof held on that dny in the City of Boston a,nd State of Massachuaetts; . <br /> ANn WH�tt�AS,on the fifteentb day of October, A.D. 8 3, Frederick L. Aines,of r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul;y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said <br /> G'fTllB H.�MCG'OTri]1Ck��Gh1Ct1 llOTriiil&tiOri WaS�Ori th0 S& dRs, approved by the �30a1'd Of 1)i['2Ct01'9 Of th0 Sald UNION 1�ACIP'IC kA1LROAD C'OMPANY� AND WHERE:�B�by sucb nomination Arid approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereo , therealter become vested witl� the same estates, powers, rights, and interests,nnd charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e had <br /> been one of the origival Trustees named in and egecn ma,�aid Mort;age Deed; Axn�Vx�itEas,said remaining Trustee did,by ti conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day oF OctoUer,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, ve. the same in sach new Trustee jointly wit}i him,the s.�id John Duff; Axv WxE�,Ens,tbe said Jolin Duff did,on the fourteeuth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1b77, by a proper instruruent oi writing to th effect,resign his place as Trustee uuder sa�id Mortgage Deed,which resignation w�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 18i7, accepted by the <br /> U\ION PACIFIC RA]7ROAD C011iPANY,Uy the P:xe tice Gommittee of itS Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of D�assachusetts; Axn WaEa,�as, <br /> no nomEnation of'a successor to fill the��acancy, aused by tl�e resignatiou of said John Dut�, liaving been made, the eaid Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole'Prnstee; Axn Wx�s.EAS, the <br /> said Uxrox PaCt�ic RAtr.wnY CoMrANY,wi the cousent oF tlie Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, as above set fortb, the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the said grantee,for and in consideration f'the sum aforesaid, to it in liind paid by the sa�id grautee,which s�id sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said Jol�n Dui�'and aid Frederick L. Atnes,Trustees,or to snid Cyrus H.McCormick and s�uid John Duff, Trustees,for tl�e uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �p1u �/tri'efpt(e, Know a// B9e by these Presents, that I, the said Fre�lericic L. ./l�roes, rernainin� TrusEee in tI2P aforesaid .Mor•t�'a�'e Deed, in <br /> considerafioiz of the af'oresaicl, ,-nremises and ,-nayment as aforesaid of said susrt, so ,-naid by said Compxrz� to said trust fur�d, of which I am the <br /> remainir�� 1'rustee, for thc uses and ,-nurposes aforesaid, do herebr� REJtIISE, RELL�ISE, ayzcl forever QUIT-CL�RLM ur�to the said.................................................. <br /> � •..........................................................................--.--.--...----.-----------...---_---.---------------------------.-----......the Real Estate describe�L aforesaid, to be held by the said�'rantee free and e.xem t from <br /> p <br /> aZL Ziens, irccumbrances, and char�'es of said JVlortsa�'e Deed, but subjeet, however, to ald t,he reservatior�s arad conclitions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �It� �rfng�� �'hgrcvf; The said �'ranEor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath �� : � <br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused these presents to be sealed zait�L its corporate seal, anc� to be si�ned by its � a <br /> Pr•esident and TreasureN, and countersi�'ned br� its Lanc� Commissioner and its � a ` �` <br /> ..luditor,c�nd tlae said Frederick L. �mes, Trustee, has hereurzto set his hand this ; � <br /> .......................................:.........:................................................................. .... �-......---.....---�-�� .......... - �-�--....----� of_.............................----...........----�-----�----�--------....f1.D. 18------------� � ` <br /> W : : <br /> . x ; : <br /> ....................�---�----��--...-----��--�----- ------..........---..........-�---.......----�-�-----.......Presadent. � : � <br /> � ................................................................................................ ............ � : : <br /> � � - ... --- ........................... - .............._...--------......._. Treasurer. � : : <br /> a '• : <br /> _... -- � .........................• -.......---....---- --...---�-•-•-••-----...... Trustee. c°� ; : <br /> �tate u� ,i�a��achu�e##�, --- — <br /> ss. <br /> � GQUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �ememGere�, Th�t on of..................................................................................A.D. 18......... <br /> Ibefore me,a Notary Public in:�nd for said County,ippeared the UNiOV PACIFIC It�ILW�1Y CO\ZP�NY, by C. F. ADAMS, its Preaident, nnd JAMES G. HARRtS, its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> 1�no�R�n to me to be the identictil persons whose uamea are subacribed to the f'oreaoiub instrnment as s�id President and Treasurer, nnd tl�eu ind there acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument tn be their voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary uct�ud deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appe��red the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to ; <br /> me to be the Trustee der�cribed in,and�vho executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me tha�t he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, �,nd for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was liis voluntary act and deed. <br /> �n �ittt�ss �iheCeuF, I have bereunto set my hand and offfcial seal this..................................................................................................................................._.............. ; <br /> day of....._.........................................._.............................._--.................A.D. 18............, a,t the City of Boeton,in said County and State. ; <br /> --��.............�----�----�-----�---�---....._.......-----�-----....._�-------�-----------------------�------------��------Notary Publie. <br />