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�.8 � - <br /> �l � J J � D � � J O � � <br /> �_ D���D ���0��� <br /> , . <br /> j s'. <br /> FROM <br /> Filed for reeord the..................................,�......_. ....da� of <br /> � -� ............................ <br /> // .......... __.................. <br /> .................._,��/�; :.:.: �..._.-_._..... ..............._..-......_................_........................ <br /> � .._._..___......... - .............�� -- ��--�---........_18��....., at.......................� .......- --..........� ..dclocTc .�G..........M: <br /> _........_..........._........ ......................._................._._......_......._......................._._............. - oC..:J <br /> To <br /> . <br /> .................................. .......... . .................................. - ............- ...... <br /> Countr� Clerk. <br /> ....................................._........._......._..........__...... ..__.... ......._..........._......._........ ...... <br /> C%:�, � � �z�� .......................................................................................................:...............p.......T�........... <br /> ...............................................�.................._. .........:��..................................... De ut <br /> --_ .__ <br /> ___ . _ ____. _.__ ------�----�.� <br /> � --- — <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PAC IC R ILWAY COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION- . ����'� d <br /> nrac �........................._.............._....... .�No......f�..0.�..,1...�........................ <br /> �na�r �ZZ �er� �� t�te�e �"re�ent�: <br /> That tlie UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/LWAY CDMPAlUY, which is a Corporat,io�z form,ecL an�� existiyas b� t,he eonsoZidation of' th,e Kansas Pacifie Railwa� Compan7,, <br /> the Denver Paeifie Railwa.�/ and Tele�'i°aph Companz�, afzcl the Urziorz Paeifie Rc�ilroacl Cos7zpan�, zonder the eorporate rcame and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RAiLWAY GOMPANV, bJ authoritz� of arz act of Consress, erztitled, "./�n act to aicl in the corastructiofz of u, railroad and tele�'raph lirae from the <br /> .Missouri .RiveT° to tdz.e Paci,fic Ocean, and to securc to th,e GoverT2rrocnt the use of the sam� for Posta.L, JlliliEccrz�, arad oth,er purposes," approvecl JulJ <br /> 1, 186�, ared acts ame�2da-torz� thereof, wlzich said, Com.panz� has succeeded to anr7, Uecome seized arcd possessed of alL the real estate and propertz� of <br /> tTze said Constituerat Com,�anies, wlzether reaL, personaL, or mi.xed, and, amoTas other thirzss, of all the land �ranted to said Uizion Pcccific Railroad <br /> Com,�an� bz� the af'oresaid acts of Cor�yress, in aid of the construction of its ro�zd, faot cor�L•eyed away by said Compan�at the date of such coresoLidati.or�, <br /> <to-wit, Jar�uarz� �/.�, I880,) zn _ nsideratio of the sum of..------........-.----.................--- ---.. ........�-,----_.-.�. - --.- . - - <br /> p ... . -- -- ��` <br /> �v mY .�t.c.. . i���:�,�"I",C;:��°--.... ���....-----��---•---•- <br />• � -- DoZLars to it�aid the cea t o w aeh is he�b acknowled ed <br /> �-------�--��--��- ...---- ....-� - -- ._......---_.....................-.............. ...� -.....-- --� � �oa- ^ � f �J .� , <br /> � <br /> doth herebz� GR.,4N1; B.f1RG.RI ', SELL, ./IND CONVEY', unto�......._..,�ca��`�....�i �` � <br /> :�r... .�"...�..---�................. ............----��-- <br /> --�................ .....................-�--� -�� � -�--....---��--------��---�----�-----��----......--...._...--------�---------._..._ <br /> -------------��----��---.......-------�---�---��---...--��--._.....�---................. -........_..............--�--------...--� �--- - <br /> ..._.... <br />�; the followin�s described Real Estate, situate, lyin�' and beins in t�ze Countr� of......__......_............:�......................_............._................_and ir� the State of JV'ebraska, and <br />'; deseribed as follows, to-wit:...�........................ ��-----�-------/-----�--- ------.._........................._....---�---�------��--- ..........__.... - __...............-----��---......._.. .----------------------�-----�-�-�-------�-�------------...........-�-----�-------------...................----�--.. <br /> i', ����c�%t��'�/� G�"lG%t2�. ..�.l..y.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................�...... <br /> ....... .... ........... .........� <br />� ........................................................................................... <br /> j .......................................................................................................... <br />- _.................................................................................._.....................................................................................................................------....................................................--'°--'°---�-----'--••'• . <br />�� ...:........................................................................................................................... <br />�I .............................................................................................................................................:..............................................................................-�-----....................................._. <br /> I <br />�'�, ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br />', ..........................................................................................................:...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................'-.............................................---.. <br />� .......................................................................................�--................---...................................................................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................................ <br />� . ..........................r.................................�............................................................................,....................r...................... .........�,.2./............................................. <br />� ................................................................................ .. ......... <br />' o Sectiorz No.......... - .....- �P.l..--- �- ----�� .... an Township .J�o. . ....-„��. � - - - ��--- .............. Nortlz of.Ran�'e J►o...._���.-.�.�...v...........---- ,�-�............-- -- • <br /> . ...... .. <br /> f �.� . . _ :::::�--:::-�-=-----�:= / �.-----�= --- - <br /> of the 6th Princi�al .Meridian, conta-inira�', accordin�s tn the United States survez� thereof<�i.:.� . . ... �_...�.�_.. �� <br /> I .-------_.._.------------------------/�cres, more or Zess bein�' t sam�premis s corc raet, to be sold-te...... ....�-r...��...--_--- ����2f'.--.-..�---- - ---- ------'--- - .-- -..-----... <br /> --------------------�--...--------- ��.� ' ------� <br /> �- . <br /> ..... -�----�-�---�--------<..._ . � <br /> �Contrac�NGo.9�aZ�--�--.�3�0.�.....�����-����4��.���.-��--..._ .�. '......� /.�,7'y,�:U-� -- ---- - . . .�...--- ..�. :..... ....... � ..�G... . -- <br /> "�`������e said UNIOrv PACIfiC RAILWAY GG�'l� alL tFzat portzon of the Land herPb c ver�ed(if nr� such there be) which <br /> - ��R VI.i�G, , <br /> Zies withir� lines drawn paNallel with,and_..._.....��/.............................hundred feet or� each side distant from the center lirce of its roac� as now construeted, <br /> and anz��'reater width when necessar� permanentlr� to include all it,s cuts, embaTZlcments, ar�d ditches, aT2c� ot,her works necessarr� to secure and � <br /> protect its main line. ' <br /> This conveyance is aLso upon the conditior� that the said�'rantee hereir�,.............:.2.�.u..�i........... , admir�astrators and assi�'ns shaLL erect and <br /> .................heirs r�' <br /> maivctain a lawful fence betweerz that portion of the premises hereby conve�ed, ad;joircin�' the road of said Company, (if anz� such the�e be,) �znd the <br /> road of saicl Company upon a line................r...�...:�.......----...----...-hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d paralLel, therewith, in all cases <br /> iyc which such fence is required br� law, or maz� be required bz� said Compan�. <br /> G <br /> TO H.f1VE .f1ND TO HOLD the said premises with aLl. the ri�'hts afad appurtenanees thereunto belon�ins unto the said�'rantee, ...........:.. . .............. <br /> heirs az2d assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor dotJz hereby covenant witla the said �'rarLtee, that ab the makir�� of this instrument it is welL seized, <br /> of the said premises as of a sooa and ifzdefeasible estate in f e, anc� hath�'ood ri�'ht to seLL and convez� the same, and that it wilL W:/IRR�JI�"1'a�d <br /> defend the title to said ,vremises unto the said�'rantee,......----.��...............h�'rs and assi�sns forever a�'ainst the la f L cLa'ms of aT,L er ns whomsoever, <br /> E�'CEPTING, HOW'EVER, alL taxes and assessments Ievied upon suzd premises since�.��'!:��G..�.�.�.��,���.0.�7.�r...�� " ' <br /> . . ' , � , .....---��---...---�----�-----�-�---------------------��---...---...............----�-��- -----,.....----�----�--��----��-------....---------'�-�-� ��--.......�, <br /> �----��......................................................................�- -�--��---.....---._....-----...-----------.....----...---........--��---��-�---..._.......-------�--------�--�----�-�---------�----�--.....----...........__.....................-�-�---�---...---------�----------------- <br /> AND WHEREAS,said UvioN PACiFio ItAiLROAn ConirANY did,on the si%teenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de' e Cyrus H,McCormick,of the Cit,y of New York,a�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of tbat date,whicli deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of.................. .......................................................County,i�the Sta�te of Nebraska, whereiu said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H,McCormick and John DutF,:�s Trustees,for the uses nnd parposes therein tnentioned,a�mong othere the lauds hereinbefore described; Axn Wa�REAS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick did cn the tsventy-eightl�day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrumeut of writing to that effect,reaign his place as Trnstee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tk�e Uxiox PACiFic Itnil.itoaU CoMnaxY,by its I3oard of Direct�r3,:it a meeting thereof held ou tlia�t day in the City of Boston avd State of Massachusetts; <br /> Arn WxE�tEAS,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ilmes,of'Laston,in the St�te of Massachusetts, was duly nomina,ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as auccessor to said <br /> C3 TU9�I.MCCOTII11Ck��VhICh IlOIRlri&tiOri WA3�Ori tlle S�II1C dti�, approved by the BORY'(3 Of DttCCtOTB Ot�tb0 BalC�jJNION PACIFIG KAILROAD COMPANT; Axn WxFx.E:�s,by snch nomination and approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,npou his acceptance thereof, thereaiter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights, �ud interests,and charged with the same dnties a�nd responsibilities,as if he had <br /> C beeu one of the original Trustees named in aud egecuting,�nid Nlortga��e Deed; Axr�Wart�Ene,said remaining Trustee did,bg�u conveya�uce,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.]873, at tl�e City of Bostou, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id Tohn Duff; rixn Wat��t�as,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> w A.D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing io ti�at effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resigna�tion wa,s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> UxroN PacrFic ltn�r.xoen Con�Ynxr,by the F,xecutive Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City oF Boston,and State of Massachusetts; Axn Wr[�a,EAS, <br /> no nomination ef':�successor to fill tl�e vacancy,caused by tlie resiguation of said John Duff, having been made, the s�id Frederick L. Ames became,tind now ie,the sole Truatee� AND WHEREAS� the <br /> smid�� T' to P�r�ic iLwnY ConsraxY,witli e. y�p s t f t� st s for the time being, reinb o�ga�}ed �1 sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereiubefore described, <br /> unto sa� , or and in consider�tion of�u'�'ii^a����s��, to i in aud p�id by the sa�id��,��dliicti s.�u`iti"'.sum of money has been paid to said P'rederick L.Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as rustee,or to said Jol�n Dnff and said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and s�id Jolin Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �nw �hrrefa�c, Know a// !lpen by these Presenis, that I, the said Fi°erleN�,'�c1�L�,/� s, remc����Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�n'e Deed, irz <br /> coizsideratiora of the af'oresaid, premises and paymen,t as aforesaid of s�i s m�so paa r� saa orrzpany to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin�' ' ustee, f t eG s nd pur oses aforesaid do hereb RI',MISE RELE..ISE ared orever UI'l-C .f1L1Y1 unto the said...........__................................... <br /> 'p , ✓ - , , f Q <br /> ............................. . . <br /> ._..�.�.-.___�.r��,.r...�. �.........................._____.......__._.......the ReaL Estate cleset°ibed aforesaicl, to be held br� " free and e.xempt from <br /> all liens, ineu ranees, and ehar�ses of said Jllortsase Deed,but subjee�, however, to aLd t,he reservatior2s anc�eonditions hereinbefore eontainecL. <br /> �/tj �'rf�tgtt� �hgrev�; The said srantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAY GOMPANV, hath ;� : w <br /> IN PRESE\CE OF causecl these presents to Ue sealed with its corporate seaL, arecl to be si�r�ed b y its � � � a <br /> ��esident and Treasurer, ar�d cour�tersi�'rzed br,� its Land Commissiorzer ar�d its , a � � <br /> / ^.,4uditof•,and,the sai�l Frederick L../�mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hancl this :; <br /> /� '��� '• : <br /> ......���'/iF c.:��............�......`!����/.............................. _ • . <br /> .......................... ..��G�����---��%- � --.........---...---..da iJ �f-�----..........._. ......................--��-----�----......,........f1.D. 18.�r..T...c � ' <br /> G���� . �°, <br /> � �� � : <br /> � �i.�.-C���f.���'.�./........................��-�--�---........................��c'�./...-.President. � ; : <br /> ........... ....... ..�-.....��.._................ ......... ���� � <br /> � ' : <br /> ... .. . . �� �� Ti•easurer. ti ' : <br /> ���...... ....... ...............���%���.�'..�n..�1 . : <br /> -• �------ •-�--------•••--• • : <br /> a ` � <br /> _.....�...........�_.:�%��..............�------��-----�----...............,..... Trustee. � : : <br /> �#a#e of ,�1�a��achu�e##�, -- � <br /> SS. <br /> COUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e it �emembere�b, Th:�t on this...........................�.�.... ......... ...:........ day of ........... .�.. A.D. 18�s�- <br /> �.,............ �,...... ............................................ <br /> before me,a Notary Pnblic in and for said Connty,appea�red the UNiON PACIFIC RAILWdY COMP� by�� . , it^Yres`�`�ident, a�nd , its reasurer, who are personally <br /> kno�+�n to me to be the identical persous whose namee are sub�cribed to the foregoir.g instrument as said resident and Treasurer, a�nd then a�nd there acknowledned the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be tl�eir voluntar.y act and deed,nnd the voluntary act and deed of eaid Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Iustrument,and acknowledged before me tba�t he executed the sa�me as Tru�tee as afore�, x�nd f'or the uses and purposes therein set <br /> fortb,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act a�d deed. <br /> �n �ItIlE88 �h�r¢nf bave reunto set my hand and official seal this.....................................�!�...................................................................................:................ <br /> ........................................................A.D. 18.c�.c�.. t the Cit f Boston in said Count and State. <br /> day of.............................�..��,..-........ . ... ,a Y r Y <br /> � <br /> •-�----��--�-��---�.... ............ ..............:.�..t�......-•---•--........-----._.......--------..Notary Publie. <br />