�• � /
<br /> � �J�j � �� J � �LJ ✓ 6
<br /> � .��� ����� ��r �J
<br /> i
<br /> FROM
<br /> , Filed for record the.............................�.��.............................. ......................................................................daz� of
<br /> • 30................��.....�...................... ....:.......................................................... �/
<br /> ............................ .. . ............�---��---..........---18..��....Q...., at......................//............�--� �-�� -�--��� -� ...o'cloelc.�l.�.�...M.
<br /> _........................................................................................................................................... �%
<br /> TO
<br /> ........................... ..... ................ ................ ...............................�--��----•�---........--�----....
<br /> County Clerk.
<br /> .............................................................................................................................................
<br /> 4
<br /> ..............................................................:....................................................
<br /> ..........................
<br /> ............... ...... .........,.............. . .. . . .. ....,........._..................... Deputy.
<br /> - — - - _ _ ___.______� - - {
<br /> Contract No...�.,3.��2.02.�..&..� �
<br /> Deed .No....���......._�........
<br /> �naxu �rr ��en �� ��te�e �"r���nf�: �
<br /> That tlze UNION PACIFIG RAILU✓AY GOMPaNY, whir,Iz is a CaT°,r�or�a`io�z for7necL anrl, exr'stir�s b� tlae eon,so7,idation of the Karesc�s Pacific RaiLway Compan��,
<br /> t,he Der�ver Paeifie Railwa� ar�cl TeZe�'T°a,nh Com,r�arcy, a�zcl tlze Urai-1rz Paeifie I�niZ7^oacl Comparai�, ur�der the eorporate r�ame ar�d st�Le of th,e UNION
<br /> PAC/F/G RAlLWAV COMPANY, U� authorit� of aTa rcet of Con6Nes.s, erztitlecl, ".fln act to aid in the co�zst.ructioTZ of a railroad and tele�raph line from the
<br /> .Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean, ai2d to secz�re to the Gover7zment tTie use of the sam� for Posta,l, JlTilibcarz�, �znd other purposes," a,�nprovecl July �
<br /> 1, 186�, and czets amen�la-torz� tlzei•eof, which said Comp�zny has siticceeded to az2r� becorr�e seized cznd posscssed of alL the real estate and ,roro,rerty of �
<br /> the said C,oazst,i,tuent Cvnapa,rzies, whether rea.l, ,�ef°son�xb, or mixe�l, arzd, aarr,ons other thin�'s, of all, the Land �'ranted to said Union Pacific Railroad
<br /> Compan� I�y tlze aforesaid �cts of Consress, in aid of the corestruet,ion of zts roac�, not conz•cyed awa.�b�said Companz�at the date of such consoLidati.on, �
<br /> (to-wit, January �/,�, Z880,) irL con C�ation o he su7rL of�oo..... ............................................................ ................................��---....----.-....... -.... - ---.._....................---.........----��---......_.......--�----�-- '.
<br /> �............. .......----�---� -----..__._._._....._......-.--...._�uw�.. - -- ........_. . .. .�......._>� --_._._.. . -� -- --� -//.�DQ/llars, to it paad, tlie receapt of which is hereby aeknowled�'ed, ,�
<br /> doth hereUy GR�4NY; B�2RG.f1I✓V, SELL, �gND CONVEY'� LL72t0-....- —._..—��"� `�I" __�Y.e4/��.�......................°--°°-°-••---....--- --- ........ ...-- °-........ ................---°-----------°-°°-
<br /> ...................�-- .....----..............................----.... -..... -- ....•tu te�---...-��-- ��--� the Cou�r 0 tf2 t .-----...........----......G��?�_.....-------°--...----------° '
<br /> f .� f----...._.........-.,-.���f�.�� - ---� ........... ' he State of._. �
<br /> the folZowin�' described ReaL Estate, sa � , l�i � an bein� an he Count� of......-----.....------��.��............................................ar�d iro the State of Nebraska, arad
<br /> described as folLows, to-wit:.--�/.o. .....................�....... ......... ............ .......... .L..�. � �� /
<br /> ........... .... ...........--/-........ - - -- -�-.... z---��Q�-- }-�-...--�--.....-----•°-----�----�-----�-----...........-•----------�-�-----�-----�---�---�-�------.------- •--.......
<br /> ..........._......................_.......................... - .._c/..��1/..�z���.'r�i!/..�..,�.. ......."�.. ....��/�2�:;�%�:..GC�..�.%. .�cZ2��✓.....�%v......,�1�<��C..............................................................................................................................
<br /> �2�z% U U
<br /> _......................................................................................................................................................................... ........................... .........................................._..._......---..........................................................................................................................
<br /> _............................................................................................................................................................................................................. .................... ........................ -�� .............................................................................................................
<br /> .......................................................................................................... ........................ ...................... .......................................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..............................................:................................................................................................... ..................................................................................... .................................................:..........................................................................................................
<br /> .................................................................... ............................................ ...............................................................................................................................................,............................................................................................................
<br /> ............................................ ;..................................................... ..................................................... �- .................. ..................................................................._...................................---......... ................... ............................ ................
<br /> o Section No. ---........�-� ... ...._....-� -- - .. i,n Tozvnship �'1''0. .....,�,�i�v_.��-o - ...... - - --�--North of an e ,71''0. - ����.rv._l../ . .�c�.
<br /> f �- ....... . � / . �,1........... ........�---��--��---
<br /> of the 6th Princi�a .Meridia�containi�LS, accordin�' to the United ,States survez� thereof. . �
<br /> --�-�--- --- �--------�--.. ...... .�.....---�----�-�---------------_...-------------------------�---.............--------�
<br /> __...-�-------------------------��--��-- --�-�-�---��----...--- -------------../�cres, more or Zess, . .
<br /> ----
<br /> ................... ......................��-��---�---.....---......._...............--��--------------..._................_
<br /> ...............................��-------��---�------�------�--��--.................-�tsc�-.---� ---.........._.....- - �-��----�-----�------�-----��------ ------ ..........-�-- ..
<br /> .............. ...........................................��---��-----�-�-- ----�-�--------�----------.._
<br /> R LSERVING, HOW'EVER, to the said UN/O�V PAC/F/G RA/LWAV GOMP�NV, alL tlzat portion of the Lar�d herebz� conveyed,(if arez� sueh there be) whiclL
<br /> Zies within lines drawTZ paralleL wi€h,arad_...........�rR../.........................hundi�ed feet o+� each side c7.ista72t from the center LirLe of its road �s now constructed,
<br /> and, an��sreater width zvh-eza necessary permanenflr� to include a�L its cuts, embaTZlcments, ancL ditches, and ot.her worlcs neeessary to secure and
<br /> � protect its mairz lir�e. �/ -
<br /> This convez�ance is also acpor� the eonditiorc that the said�'rantee hereirc,--------------------------�.y�.�r.¢/.-------.-----.heirs, adrrzinistrators and assi�'rLS shaLL erect and
<br /> maintain a lawfuL fence beEween that portior� of the premises he3°eby corzve9ed, adjoinins the roac� of said Companr�,<if any such the�e be,) and the
<br /> road of said Corr�pany upore a line_.................-!?��.................hundrec�feeE distant frorn the eenter line of sueh roacL, an,d parallel, therewith, in alL eases
<br /> in u�hich such fence is required by Zazv, or may be required b� saic� Compan�.
<br /> TO H./1 VE „1ND TO .gOLD the saicl premises with alL the rishts and appurtenaraces thereunto belon�'ins unto t1�e said�'rantee, ...�.....................
<br /> heirs afzd assis�s forever, and the said�'rantor doth hereby eoverzant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makins of ty�is instrument it is wclL seized,
<br /> of the said �rerr2ises as of a�'ooc� and ir�defeasible estate in ,e, and hath�'oo<l rissht to selL arcc� conver� the same, and that it wilL W:fIRR�.NT and
<br /> defend the titLe to said prelni;ses unto the said�'rar�tee,.........��'�.................heirs anc� assi�'ns forever �a��i st t� lczw ul elaims of a7,L persons whomsoever•.
<br /> rt
<br /> E.Y'CEPTING, HOWEV.ER, aT,L taxes and assessments levied upon sccid premises since....�r�'�"".••-?�/.-...../..� ...�............................. ' z�
<br /> -ed�tims-e� ' � , , ' .......................��-�---...------��-------................---..........---.....--- ---............---�--....---------......-•--•-----�...--���-��---•----e��ecessa�rs,
<br /> • ' ............................••-•�- •-- �•----.............---...----�-----�� ----•----------��---...---............---�-��----........------�------------��--------..........---....-�----....---.......-•----��---��----�--.......---•------•---•------•---------•---
<br /> , ,
<br /> --�---••�---....--��--
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiov PnczFio RAiLROAn CoMraxY did,on the sigteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliv,Rt2atp,�Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of
<br /> ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of that date,whicb deed is recorded in the o�ce of the Counfy Clerl:of......................��!...LCi.............................County,in the State of Nebraska, wherein sAid
<br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrua H.McCormick and John Duff;tis Trustees,for the uses nnd purposes therein inentioned,a�monn others tl�e lands hereinbefore described; Axn�VaER�as,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick did cn the twent5-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trnsiee ander said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e UxioN PACiFiC RArr.�oAD CoMraNY,Uy its Eo�rd of Directnra,at a meeting thereof held on thtit d�y in the City of Boston and State of Ma,ssachusetts;
<br /> AND WxEREas,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873,Frederick L. Ames,of Laston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nomina,ted by the remaining Trustee,John Daff, as auccessor to said
<br /> C,prus H.McCormick,which nomination w1s,on the same d�y, approved by tbe Board of Directors of the said Uxiox Pacit�'rc RAir,ROAn Co1�rAxY; Axn WHr�Fas,by such nomination and approval
<br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereof', thereaiter become vested with the same estates,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had
<br /> been one of the original Trustees n:�med in and executing,�aid Mortga�ne Deed; Axn�'VfiERFns.said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectua�l for that purpose,dated on the twevtieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, nt the City of Bostou, veat the sa�me in euch new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn Wx�[t�ns,the said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of Febraary�
<br /> A.D. 16?7, by a proper instrument of writing io tbat efTect,resign l�is place as T:ustee uuder sa�id 1Vlortnage Deed,which resignation w:�s,on the fonrteenth day of Februnry, A.D. 1877, aeeepted by the
<br /> U�tox PnciFtc Rn�r.xo�n ConirAxY,by the Execntive Committee of'its Bo�urd of' Dir etors, a�t a meeting thereof held on th�t day in the City of Boston, and State of n�assachusetts; Axn Wa�REAS,
<br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vac�ncy,caused by tl�e resignatiov of said John Duff, l�aving been made, the s�,id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn WaEx,Ens, the
<br /> said Uxrorr PactFtr, Rncr.waY Cor2r�NY,with the consent of tUe Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Iteal Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> ianto tbe said grantee,ior nnd in considerntion of"tlie sum aforesaid, to it in l�and p�id by the sa�id grantee,which s�id sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by sa�id Company in his
<br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff aud said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormiciz and said John Duff, Truetees,for the uses ind purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> �aur �'lirrefarr, Know a1/ Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Frerlr.ricic L. .l.�mes, remainins Tracstee in the aforesaid .Mnrt�sa�'e Deed, in
<br /> consideratior� of the af'oresaid, premises and �az�mer�t as afof�esaid of saicl sum, so ,�ar'd h� said Compar�y to said trust fur�d, of whieh I am the
<br /> remainin� Trus e, for the use� a urposes aforesaicl,, do hereby RE.MISE, RELF�SE, arzd foreveT� UII'-CL✓lI�M unto the said.................................................
<br /> Q �M
<br /> .................................. _ _._...____<�..._...._... ..._ .. .............._...._......_..............the ReaL Fstate described aforesaid, to be helct b tTae saicL�'rantee free arzd exempt from
<br /> -- �
<br /> aZL Ziens, incumbr nces, an� char�'es o said Jllortsc��'e Deed,bu6 subject, hoaveve�, to ald t,he reservations ar�d conditions hereinbefore contained.
<br /> �/r� �'ifn���t �h�rco�; The said srantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� : �
<br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused these presents to be sec�led with its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned by its ` � � a
<br /> President and Treasurer, and countersisned br� its Land Commissioner anc� its � a ' �
<br /> �luditor, ara the said Frederick L. .l�mes, Trustee, as hereunto set his hand this . � � '•
<br /> � . . :
<br /> ......r...�..r...���z��......... . ......� ...--� �----� -- --�---...---..da�J �f.................................. . ......��-----�-----.............l�.D. 18.�.�:. :
<br /> , �---� ...............
<br /> o ��. :
<br /> �, ; :
<br /> //�/� �� ...............�-.......�.����,.�Q../.....-�--��-�-----......-----...............President. � � :
<br /> .....................�i���..�/..���'�iY............._ . � ��� '•
<br /> c�� �� ��t�G�G�/ Treasurer. � �� :
<br /> ; ... -� ..... -- � ...... ..--� -..........-•............... ;
<br /> /� j • :
<br /> / ,�i =--- - - --��..°�!.:......����.................................. Trustee. c°� :
<br /> �fate �£ ,11�a��athix�e##�, ---- - - -
<br /> SS.
<br /> GGUNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e �t �€em�mbere�, Thtit on this................ ..... �.. .. .................................................day of...................... .. . ... A.D. 18��
<br /> ........................................
<br /> ' before me,�Notary Public in and for said County,�tppeared tl�e UNI0�7 YACIFIC Kr1II.��:IY COYIP:4NY, by C. F. AD;1MS, its President, �,nd JaMES G ARRIS, its Treasurer, who are personally
<br /> I kno«rn to me to be the identical persons whose nameQ are snbsccibed to the foregoina instrunient�ts e�id President and Trea�surer, a�nd then a�ud there acknowledged the execution and sea�ling of said y
<br /> ; Instrument to be their voluntary�ct aud deed,and the voluutary act a,nd deed of said Compan�. And on the same day,likewise, personally;�ppeared the abov� named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> ' me to be the Trur�tee described in,�nd who executed the fore;oing Instrument,tind�ucknowledged before me that he execnted the same ae Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses �nd purposes therein set
<br /> ' forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ', �n '�{tttpss '�hcr�of, I ve hereunto set my hand and officia,l seal this....................,.�ti�
<br /> .......................................................................................................
<br /> ,
<br /> day of...---............................. ......_. .._....---.......................................A.D. 18.��...,�,t the City of Bos n,in said County and State. '.
<br /> ! �%�,!zs� �.e!ei��yG,�,� ,
<br /> .......................��-----...... ----�--�--....-------- -.�....._...............---�--- --------.....-------�-----._Notary Public. ,
<br /> �
<br /> _,
<br />