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� �'� � �D � <br /> . � � � � � � J �J � � � � � � � <br /> D��D ���J�D� <br /> , <br /> � <br /> FROM <br /> �� �y Filed fo� record the.................._.............�/._.......... � ................_..._................_.....................................dar� of <br /> ....................i�i.....v..'.........._..... ......�.-......._.................................................... z a- <br /> ................................ ............................................18.�.Yo....., at.. � ............../.........- ... ................_.........o'cloek....�.�..��........M: <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... , <br /> TO ° ./.. <br /> .. ........ ...... . ... .._....- ..��-....... ................--.......----..._...... <br /> County Clerk. <br /> ..........._.........................._....._................................._.................._....._................................ , , � <br /> y ........ .. ........�'�L�:.. ........ . . ..................................." <br /> .................... <br /> ....._.............�������v.......�.....�...... . .. . ,.............................. Deputy. <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PA I IC R.A�IL COMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISION--�3��A. p � <br /> .Ge�i�t�'►�ir..............................:............._.... ��e;�c�ela.-�est�'No..._��_�°�.................... <br /> �n�xv �rr ���er� .�� t�e�e �"re�ent�: <br /> That �he UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Cor�,�oi�aGiorz fvrm,ed arzd e,xi,stins b� t,Ize consolidc�tion of the Kansas Pacific RaiLwa� Comparc�, <br /> t,he Denver Pacifie .Railwa� and TeZe�'ra7�h Compayay, and tTze U�zi.�n Pacific Rail3°oad Cofrzpan�, urcder the cor,�ora,te rzanae and st�le of th�e UN/ON <br /> PAG'/F/G RAlLWAY COMPANV, bJ autlaoritr,� of an �zct of Con�'��ess, eriti.tled, "./In act to aicl in the const.ruetio� of a railroc�d and tele�'raa�h, lirze from the <br /> JVlissouri River to the Pacific Ocearz, and to secure to tlze GoveT�nmeazt the use of the sam� for Posta,L, .Mili,tary, and other• purposes," c�pprovec� JuLr� <br /> 1, 186�, and aets an2encla•tor9 tliereof, wTiieh saici CompaTaz,� has sueeeeded to a3zrl Ueeome sei7ecl czn� possessed of aLL the re�L estate ancl ,vro,rertz,� of <br /> tl�e said Const,r'tuent Cvynpanies, whether reaL, 7�eTSOnal, or• mi.xed,, and, amon�s othe� thir�ss, of all the land ��'��anted to saicZ Ur�ion Pacific Rai,lroad <br /> Companz� b� the aforesaid �cts of Cor�;ress, i�z aid of the construction of its rorad, not conL•e�ed awa�b�said Corrr,pafz�at the date of sueh consolidati.on, <br /> (to-wit, JanuaT°� ��f, 1880,) fry, �onsi ratior� of th,� su»z of----- ---- -� -�----- ........ ........ - � � ... <br /> - �--. ....- --� -- �---- ........ <br /> �� _ .� , �;��=u�„��,�? ---........ _ �i . . . .. ,,���;���1��, <br /> - - - �-- _ ,������G.. � ��-'�-� ....-.-.-.. .... ��p....--...;- .... .....� �oo�lla s, to i paid^ -- ...receapt o ...-i�herebr� ack wlecl�'e , <br /> doth hereby GR�4N1; B.l�RG.11I.�1�', SELL, .f1.N'D COJ►�VEY; unta.��.�Lc�%,���...--- .. . ..--.---.-=--__-� <br /> - �----�� ---�� -...---�..............�-----....,._..............--- �-.........................----�----.....-�-------....-----.-.-... <br /> ���:� ����,. <br /> ..................................................................... ...................... .............. .......................... ---.... . -......._.. ...... - -------.---- ..--.-----.-.--..---....--. -.....- �--.-----�-.�------.-.--.--. <br /> - - <br /> ._....... <br /> the followin�' described Real Estate, situate, Zz�in�' and beins in the Countz� of._................._....,�.....................................__.......:.........and ire the S�ate of Nebrczska, arzd <br /> described as follows, to-wit:-��...--............�.............................-�- �--.... ............._........ -��---...---........--�� -..._- - � ............--�-----....._... ......_..-----------.....-�--�----�-�--...._...---------•-�---�--------��--�----��---��----...-�- -��---� <br /> � ...... .... <br /> ........................................._..............................�..��.'�/.`:...�. .......��c���./.r.��2�:....��.G�h��c��-�.ti........................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ........ ..............����...............................................................................---�---.........-�-------�--��---....-----�---�--.....--�------....----......-----...............................................--�--....................._............................ <br /> .................................. ...................................................... <br />�r ...................................................................._........................................................._ ....................................................................................................................................................:....... <br /> -�.......................................................................................................... <br /> I <br />, ................................................................................................................................................................... ��---- ..... .......................................................................................................................................................---........................................................... <br />; ................................................. ........ ..................................................................................................................... ........ ........................... .:............................. <br /> .................................................. ...................... ........ ... ........ <br /> ...................... ... <br /> " .... .. in Townshi N'o. __.._��-.,�.�rT/_.._.. - ...............---.........NortTa � Ran�se ✓1"0._............................. .:.... <br />� o f SectiorL No. .. ...:....... -- _�-�- -- � - -� -.........- ...- .....- p � f <br /> .�:��?.../..�.................•--��-- <br /> r o the 6th Princi aL eridian, contair�ins accordin tn. the United States surve thereo __ .,._.__ ,..._... <br /> f 7�, ro �, � �J f�--��---------��----.................. ...........��-•---•-• <br />! _ �cres mo e or less bein t e same remases contracted to b so �v -- ---.--�`���� �....... ......•----Y..-----•------- <br />� ------------------------------N--� ------------ ���,r-�� ' � --- - . ... ..._ _ .....- � - -- -.. .�-- , ��-Ge ••••.• <br />. � �,/ � <br />` .3!f. o.�..'��3�.f.6./... �./i.�....�'�- . ...7�.'.� �... �t....�/�'8�.�� <br /> - ----------- <br /> . . -- °- - �--� -•--. .. ... <br /> r �-- --- �---�---- -. i' °`/-- �' - .. - - - ./.•----•• <br /> �S �, HO WEVER, to the saad UN/ PAC/F G RA/LWAV GOMP4NY, alL that port' n f the la d her�b� conveyecl,(if anz� such t ere be) whieh <br />,' lies within lif2es drawro parallcL with,and..............�!L.E../......................_.hundred feet o.r� each side d,istant from the cer�ter Li�ze of its road c�s now constructed, <br />' and arcz� �'reater width whefz r�ecessar� perrnanentl� to include a�L it,s cuts, embanlcments, and ditches, arzd ot.her worTcs neeessar� to seeure anc� <br /> II protect its mairo Zine, . <br />! This eonvez�ar�ee is also upon the eonc�itior� that the saicL�'rar�tee hereir�,.......................�...._...............heirs, admirzistrators aizcl assi�'ns shalL ereet ar�d, <br />� maintair� a lawful fenee betweero that portior� of the premises herebz� conve�ed, adjoinin�' the rorzc� of saic� Companz�,(if any such the�°e be,) and the <br />�. ro�zd of sairb Companr� upon a Line_..................��i...................hun�red fee� c�ista�t from the center. line of such road, and parallel, therewith, in aLL cases <br />' in which such fence is requiNed bz� Zaw, or mar� be required bz� saicl Compafzz�. p <br /> TO H.l�VE �1ND TO HOLD the said premises with alL the rishts ancl appurtenanees thereunto beLon¢ir�� unto the said�'rantee,.�...u..-Q.1....................... <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, arad the saicL�'rantor doth herebr� covenant with the said �'rantee, that ab tl2e makin��' of this ir�strumer�t it is well seized, <br />, of the saicl premises as of a�'ooa arzc� ir�defeasEble estate in f e,, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and eonvez� the same, and tTiat it will W�IRR�INT and, <br /> ra <br />� defend the titLe to said premises unto tlae said�'rantee,.............. ..................he'rs and assi�'ns foreve a�'ainst the l w uL claams of a1,1 ersons whomsoever�, <br /> E.X'CEPTING, HO W EVER, all taxes and assessments l evied uporL�id premises since�,��c�Gr�-..�.*�. v ---�-- ---.-. ,�;o"".�s��e�.a���*.f <br />�: � .... . <br /> G�A��-�G.---..:. <br />, �an�e� ' exac-�ted�er p�x� 1�", t�, ...............��----....-�-----�--�-----......_......---�----...---...............---�--�..._.................................----��--------�-e�---...---.............��vcse�s�ers; J <br /> �-rs, �as, �'-----------�..........................................•�-----�•----�----��---...........------------......----•---------•--.......-�----...---..............---...----------------��--�------.....__...........---...........---.......�....................---�-------�------------•-•---..:_.•••--- <br /> I <br /> Al�'D WHEREAS,said Urriorr PACrFio Itnir.ROAn ConzraNY did,on the sixteentb day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deli yrus H.MeCormick of the Cit of New York a�nd John Duff, of � <br /> ihe City of$oston,a certain Mortga�;e Deed of that clate,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of..................... . ...... . .....................................County,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein anid � <br />; Company conveyed to the said Cyruq H,McCormick and John Duf2',as Trustees,for the uses�und purposes therein mentioned,amonn otbers the lands hereinbef'ore described; Ar7D�'VHE�ir�as,tbe said Cyrus H. ' <br /> McCormick did on ihe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writinn to that effect,resign his place as Trastee under said mortgage deed,wl�ich resign�tion was,on the fif'teenth <br />� day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e Uxiox PnoiFic R�ir.aoAn ConzrnxY,by its Board of Direct�r3,at a meeting thereof held on tiiat d�y in the Citq of Boston aud State of Massachusetts; <br />� AND WHExEAS,on the fifteenth day of OctoUer, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the State of'11�assachusetts,was dnl,y nouiiv:�ted by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said <br />� Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomivation was,on the s�me day, approved hy the Bo�rd Of Directors Of the said UNION P�CIFiC RA7LI�OAD COMPANY� AND ti'YHF.RE:�S,by such nomination and approval <br /> F said r�rederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereof', therea�tter become vested with the sa�me eatates,powers,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> Ueen one of the ori;inal Trustees na�med iu and execnting,Faid Mortga�ge Deed; AND�VxFF�,�s,said remaining Trustee did,by�,con�ey:�nce,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such ne�v'Prustee jointly with him,the said John Daff; Arrn Wxr[tEAS,the said John Duff did,on the f'ourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrinuent of�vriting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,which resignation wa�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1g77, accepted by the <br /> U`ION PACIric RA�7.ROnn ConzrA;aY,by the Executi�e Committee of its Board of Dir.etors, at a meeting thereof held on th�,t day in the City of Bostun, and State of 14�assachusetts; Axn WHER��s, <br /> no nomination of'�successor to fill the�acancy,cnused by the resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the G�,id Prederick L. Ames became,and now ie,the sola Trustee� AND WHEREAS, the <br />� s� j7Nro�'l�c�RAiLwAY CoN�PA �L Iw h the can � ol' tl�e Trustees for the time m here' ore amed, bas sold and conveyed, a�s above set fbrth,the Real Estate hereinbefore descxibed, <br /> � nv�.�`t`o`t"-ti-e sa�d ,�r and in consid��n e s �i���, to it in hand paid by t i sai ,�v �id sum of money h�,s been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Compauy in his <br /> c�pacity ae T"rustee,or to sa�id John Duff aud said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Gyrus H.'�IcCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �u1U ��t��'cfp�(c, Knew al/ Men by these Presenfs, that I, the syya��� n.ricic L.��r�es, retrzainins Trustee in the aforesaid ,Mortsa�'e Deed, in <br /> co�zsideraf ion of tlze af'oresaid remises and ar naent as a o�saa o saa szam, s <br /> , p p .� }'� ����� �paid h� said Conzp�zn� to saic� trust fund, of which I am tlz,e <br /> remainin.s ust e, fof�tl�,�, uses and ,-vur�oses aforesaid, do hereF��RE,MISE, REI P`�,flS� ar�d forever UIT-CL��uftto the said.................................................. <br /> . _. ...,___7`_.<�.._ . _..................._...._._.__.......___...._............the Real Estate ctesci�ibe�l a oresaid to be�eld b {�- - °�°--- v�ee fi°ee ar�d exempt from <br /> .. ....... ..-�-�................. . ... , y��� <br /> a1L Ziens, incumbrances, and cTi �'es of said .Mort�'a�'e Deerl,bu6 subjecb, however, to aLL t,he reservrxtiorzs and cor�r,�itions hereir�bef'ore contained. <br /> �/r� �iing�� �hgren;�; The said �'ra,ntor, the UN/ON PAC/F/C RAlLWAY COMPANY, hath ;� : w <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF caused tlzese presents to be sealed wi�h its corporate seal, anc� to be si�ned b y its , o : � <br /> President and Treasurer, and countersi�'ned by its Land Comrr�issioner ar�d its , a ` � <br /> �� /�� ..Quditor,arzr�the s�zzid Frederick L. .11mes, 2`rustee, has hereunto set his harad this ; � : <br /> .�!��'"..-�%��%�......�....i����ra-o�...................................... ----.... .......... ----........da�J �f----....._.......-- - - ......./�.D. 18.�:�.�. <br /> : <br /> ............ .. .---- ���-- ��-----..._�i.-..�....--.- -..-�---��--��-----�-----�-�-�---- , �; : <br /> ^ / W : <br /> � � ' -.-�-��:--�--�...�'%�,.2yi?�./......----��---�.............��-----�----�--......Presider�t. � <br /> � : : <br /> ..........(.. ..��.��� .........:..����-�. ................................. , / � y : : <br /> ���,(�i -��.. . ��_-,.-�� � : <br /> ..--- .. ...--- -�--� --------------•---....... Treasurer. � : : <br /> � � . <br /> __...........�u�- � �%��.......................................... Trustee. � : ' <br /> �#ate a£ ,�a��a�huse�#�, ��--�� - <br /> SS. � <br /> GOUNTY OF SUFFOLK. ��e it �emcmt�crp�, Th:�t oa tt,;s.................................��. ....... .......................................a� ot' <br /> y ............ �... ...... .... A.A 1£3�sf.' <br /> ....................................... <br /> before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,�uppeared tl�e UNiON PACIFIC RAILW�iY CO:YIPANY, Uy C. F. ADAMS, its President, an . i s reasurer, who are personally <br /> kno«n to me to be the identica�l persons whose nac�iea are subscribed to the foreeoing instrament as s.iid f resident a�nd Treasurer, a,nd then avd tbere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrumeut to be their voluntar,y�ct and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,like�vise, personaily appeared the above named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee descrihed in,and who executed the fore;oing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as oresaid, x�nd for the uses and purposes therein aet <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. <br />,,., //f <br /> :�n 9�ittt�ss �h�x�nf, I have ber nto set my hand and official seal this..............................�................................................................................................................ <br />' ' day of............................Y�'...................................................................A.D. IS�.`.1.�.,at the City of Boston,in sa�id Countyand State. <br />, ,�� •..............•--•------.... . .-•-----•- -------�-�%���� <br /> ---- --------------------�--------�--.-..Notarr� Publie. <br />: ---- __ --- __ __ _ __ _ __ -- ___ __—_--_____—__- h <br />