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i <br />� �'� <br />� , <br />, � _._�..�J�__���� �� J��,��������J � � <br /> � �__.�-------- ___—___ _�—.---_----- <br /> � FROM 0 <br /> !�'i <br />� � ( y . �...����. C� Filed for record the..................../......�'./..............................,....:............,:.....................:......................................c�ay of <br /> , � � <br /> : .. ...........:-�.........-................. . .... . .... ....�............................. ...�...,�', <br /> .. .. .. . <br /> ':, ..................�........ ... ...................................18..q.�......., at.............-- �......._....---��---...............---....d eloek......a:...M: <br />: ; ............................................................................................................................................ � � <br /> TO � <br /> '� . .................... .....................................°-.............................--°°°--..........7.�..-------------............. <br /> I \J� � � ���� Count Clerk. <br /> �...... . .................................................. ..... ..................... . . .......................... <br /> � ...................................................................................................:......................................... <br />! � .....................................................................................................:....................................... Deputy. <br /> ---� _ . ___ _ _ __ ._ . ---___ . .--_ - ___ -- ._ <br /> —�_�__ _._.___,__...._ _ _ __.. .__._ __________-------- -�,� - - -- _-- --- -- _-- -------- <br />� i Foxnz3739. �HE UNI4N PACI IC RAI WAY OMPANY. <br />� � �,�. �( <br /> I I � 7� UNION DIVISION{-NEBRASKA.) //N �.� c� ���,��������i <br />� ; C�n�r�No. ............._................... �Y'e....................................................... <br /> . �n�rzu �ZZ ��l"en �� t�te�e �"re�ent�; <br />� ; <br /> f ; That the UAfl�N PAC/F/G RA/LWAY COMPANY, which is a Cor•t�ora.'iorz forrned ancl, existins bz� the cnnsolidatiorz of the Kajzsas Paeific Railway Companz�, <br />� the Denver Paeific I�ailwa� and Tele�'ra,vh Compan�, aTZd the Uizi,nn Par,ific Railroacl CoTr�p�cnr�, under the corporate r�ame arcd st�le of t,h.e UN/QN <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, U� authority of an act of Con�'ress, erztitled, ".fl:z act to aicl ir� the constrz�ction of a railroad and tele�sraph line fram the <br /> ,Missouri River to th,e Pacific Ocear�, and to secure to the GoverTament tlie usc of the sam� for PostaL, JllLli�arr,�, and other purnoses," approved JuLy <br />� 1, 186�, arcd acts amenda-tor� thereof, which said Compa�� h�zs succeeded to anrL become seized and ,�ossessed of alL the real estate and pro,rerty of <br /> the said Constituent Cvrnparcies, whether �°ea.L, pe�°sonal, or mixed, and, am�nd other thin�'s, of all the bar�cl �'T°anted to said Union Pacifzc Rc�iLroad <br /> Compan� b� the aforesaic� acts of Con�'ress, irz aid of the const�uct,'orz f zts road�not cor�L•er�ed awa�by said Company at th date of sueh eonsolidati�on, <br /> Ct -wit, Jan a��y �/,�, Z880,) in consideration of the sum of .�_.�.........�.--;�-�e(�w...:�.---� --��-�-�--�.�..��,.�,s.--�---�....e�...-c._,��--._.......�..�.�Y��. �] <br />' t� _.. ' ' the recei t o which is hereb acknowled s'd <br /> ,���ce,..,M,.,..7,�.....,Q.<.-�-... ..�;�.�. �.. .........................................- .................. p f <br /> �} . ..........:... , .� , <br /> doth hereby GR�4N7; RG✓1I,N, SEI.L, ..Q�Y'D CONVEY', unto..�u.._�ll��,u.P- �,�. . . . . . .. .....a��,�..��=-....-�----------------��-----��----........................---........--�-�---...................-------............. <br /> ...-�---------�----------�-------�--�........................... . . ... ..�- <br /> --�-�---� - - � .......................��--��--�-------- <br /> .__.....-� �- - - �. ....... .................. ------�---------�----��---��--...---........_..----�----�-----...-�--------- <br /> o�'`t1�2� o�r�t��--......-- � - �ra 'be d¢' <br /> the followin�' deseribed ReaL .Estate, situate, l in�' and beins if2 he County of......j.-......��.c�.��.........`............. .._.........c�n.� in the State of Nebraska, anr.l <br /> , deseribe as folLows, to-wit:............c�.k.�......`�?,.....i�'s"'-�- --�.��� � - . . -..��.�----�---�--�-...�C.-� -v!�-�.c..._L�l.}_.--�--�:.....���----�'r'a-..�b�.l�.----'..�.�....-,�--t-��----......-�--��---�---�-�-- <br /> ' �. �..-,M,... �' �. ��- ,�.,.. <br /> ...�-µ.: �....... :.. .. . .. ............ ....�. ... ... .... .. .....�... . �..........:............ . . ......�..._,,� _ .......... �.....c�.._.Q-��P......�.......�r..,P.�.c.....�.......... <br /> ;..�.�Q'+..�.�...�Z..�G....... .....�.....��.�r�.�........... ...�.�.......E/.�.n_..�r.4,.,-�.��C%s.-��ti..�!�-?:.. .� . ...... . ....._........... .....��a-u'=�.:�y......��.�s�.............lG�•-.c�...��..;................r.4r�.-- <br /> ' (/h.�-.,A�'�''�.C'.... . ,� �/� -�''"'�/J������������ /� �,/�a <br /> 2r '/y�/ r ������........ ... .... . . ...'.�"1.....;'.F."....�'!..�;......��.u....../..j.�7.rr.vr-v��a....�... . . . . .. ...... ...... ... .......................�. ��....` ��;.. ..�.t1.r..��....�J��.......�..._.... <br /> ' ---^"..J...`C-'Y"":.................r.�..%.�...�'ifi�!{:t..�� . . . . ...... .......,��i�.-�---(!i.t..�.i.....w...........�`.. . ... .....[��...,I/1/..........L`:...�i....c,f.a:t��L�vzr.�,:..L.....��,.,�„�„�,,,�,,,��v„�:. „L �.,..Mi..�'�3�..................................... <br /> � <br /> ""........................................................................................................................ ................................................................L�.................. ............................................................................................................................................................ <br />, .............................................""'............"""'.............................................."'................................................................................................................._............................._......................................................""'......................."'.................................................. <br />� ......................................:.......................:...:�.....................................................................:.............""""......................"'........."""'......:..............""'................................................................"'..................._....."'........................................................"'................. <br /> • �� -�r„ �� r <br /> � . ..................-- - � ----� - ---........................._........ - i�-�' . ._......__. .. _..... .......__ __ - - _ ,-.._... � . ................................—:_:.---� -....._...............-- <br />' of�he 6th Princi,�al .Mericlian, containins accordin to the United ,States surver thereo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------_---------_-----.----..-.-.-.------...: <br /> _ �� <br /> �' .� f---- ....... . <br /> -----�-----------------------------�-------- ---�------�-----�--�------..__..11cres, more or less, bein�' the same premises contracted to be sold to - .......----... -��--------�- -�---���--�� �--�-....-- --�-��---....--�-�---��---...--�--.....-------------....... <br /> byContract No.---��............. .��--�------------�----�------------��----.... �� � -..... dated................-- ................�- � -�-............----��------�----��-----.................- - �-.........._....�---...-- ...................................:........-----� �---���------��---�---��----� <br /> RF_�SERVING, HOW'EVER,to the said UN/ON PAG/f/G RA/LINAV GOMPaNV, alL tlzat por ' e land hereb� conver�ed,(if ar�z� sueh there be) which <br /> Zies withi:z lines drawn paralleL with,and....................................................hundrer�feet side distar�t from the center line of its road as now constructed, <br /> and an��dreater width wherz necessccry permanerctl� to ineLud s cuts, emhar�krroer�ts, an�L ditches, and ot.her works necessary to secure and <br /> proteet its mairo line. <br /> Tl�is conveyance is also uporz the ' orz tlaat the said�rasitee hereir�,..........................._..........................__heirs, administr�ctors and assi�sras s�all ereet and <br /> maintain a lawfuL fenee at portion of the premises herebz� cor�ve�ed, ad.joinin�' the road of saic� Company, (if arz� suelz thare be,) �znd the <br /> I road of saic� z� u,�ore a line_...................................................hunr�red feet distant from the center Line of such road, and parallel. tlzerauri�h, in aLL eases � <br /> TO H.�2VE .;4.1►''D TO HOLD the said >>remises with all• the rishts and appurtenances thereunta beLonsir�s un,to t1�e said�'rantee, __...:. x. :..............._ <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�srccntor doth hereby coveyzant witlz the s�ziaL Ssrantee, that a� tlze maleir�s of thas instrumerct it is welL seazed, <br /> of'the said ,roremises as of a�'ood and indefeasi,Ule estate i.t� �'ee, anc� hath�'oocl ri�ht to selL and conve9 the samn,, and tlaat it wiLL W:fIRR,/�NT arzd <br /> defend the title to said premises urcto the saicZ�rantee,...::::;'_�. ::� ...................he' s and assi�'ns foreve a�a�st tlie l ul claim.r of aLL persons w�tomsoever <br /> EJC'CEPTLN(�, HOWEV�+R, a7,L taxes arocl assessments levicd upon�id pre ises sinc ----.. .,.��...---.....�...f.... ,��������.l.F,f�. � <br /> . . <br /> � � �--.-�ar��c.-- <br /> ..�� .� .- - -....... .. . --�------ , <br /> . . . . ---...... <br /> , � . . ,.. <br /> ;. + • :..G.::?�.../•4�!!.s E'aa.�fi�,° • --°----- ---_...... .... . .... �'•=�---4�--.. --- - - --�°---.f1..z:.-•--/F.uv-°----- ,t-v.� <br /> � . . --°--°'--°-.....°'-"°-------...-------°-°.-..-°'--'-----•--° <br /> AND WHEREAS,said UxroN PnciFto RArr.ROAn C MPANY did�on the sigteen b day of April; A.D. 1567,execute �nd d�i�ve�r�o Cyrus H.Mc�ck,of the City of New York,and John Daff, of <br /> ' the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of th�t date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of.............���F'u.,�'��•.......................................County,in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company,conveyed to the said Cyru�H.McCormick and John Daff,as Prnstees,for the uses�nd pnrpoqes therein rnentioned,timon�otl�ers the lands hereinbefore described; Axn�VHER�AS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> MeCormick did on 1he twenty-eigUth day of Tune,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trusfee nnder snid mortga�e deed,which resignntion was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e Uxiox PACiF1C KAiLxoAD CoMPAxY,Uy its Bostrd of Directnrs,at a meeting thereof held on tl�at day in the City of Boston and State of Maasachnsetts; <br /> AND WxE�tEAS,on the$fteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of�aston,iu the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Truatee,John Duff, as successor to said <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,wbich uomination was,on the same day, �pproved hy the B01rd Of DiTeCt01'8 Of th0 8�id UNION PACIFIC I�,AILROAD COMPANY; Ar7n RTaFRE:�s,by such nomination and approval <br /> said 1�'rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof,thereatter become vested with the same estatea,powers, rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if be had <br /> been ove of tLe original Trustees named iu and egecntin�,eaid Mortga�e Deed; ANn WxEttEAS,said rem�,ining Trustee did,by m conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the said John Duff; Axn Wx�[tEas,tt�e said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of Febrnary, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a�proper instrument ot writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,which resigoation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U�iox YACiFtC RA�i.xoAn Confr,�NY,bv the Txecutive Committee of its Board of Dir ctors, at n meeting thereof held on thtit day in the City of Boston,and State of A�assachnsetts; AxD WaEBEAS, <br /> no nomination of a successor to Sll the vacancy,caused by the resignation of said John Duff, baving been macle, the said Frederick L. Ames bec:tme,and now is,the sole Trustee; AND WHIEREA9, the <br /> 8�1C1 UNION � LQ RAILyv�n�o At ,with the co eut f he Tr�ste�,s for the ticne beiug,here} el'ore nap�e5}�h s d and conveyed,as above eet forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the sai rTor an�Y� c s� e a�on oY the sunt����i n Yi�n�"`{c paid by the sai�il� `,�c"ichT�id'�of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Compauy in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said Frederi�i k L. ArIles,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Truetees,for the uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> ,�ow �Itfr�fo�e, Know all Men by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�lericic n es r.eJnain'n Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�%a�e Deed, in <br /> r�d a m t r <br /> ;:.., �,,�ti...o <br /> bresaid remises a en as a o esaid o sair� su .so � sai� Com zn to said trust urzd o which I am th <br /> 'd r t iorz o the a w� e <br /> consa e a f f , P P J f f � 9 P �J f , f <br /> i re aini �' Trustee, fo the uses and purposes aforesaid, do hereb�RE.MISE, REL . SE, and forever QUI'l-CL.f1I.M u o the said._......____......._............................. <br /> `; ,___�����'�M-w...(,��........__._................................................___......the Z�eal �state described aforesaid, to Le heL�L b�1�Ja� sa�a a n��e free and e.xempt from <br /> ' all Ziens, incumbranees, arcd char�'es of said .Morts��e D^ed,bub subjec�, however, to aLl t,he reservations ar�d conditio�ns hereinbefore con,tained. <br /> �/tj �if�tg�� �h�rco�', The said �'rantor, the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY, hath �� ' � <br /> IN PR�SEVCE OF causecl these preserots to be seaLed with its eor,vorate seaL, and to be si�ned by its : o : � ' <br /> ,, /� Presi,dent and Treasurer, arcd eountersi�'ned br� its Land Commissioner and its : a �� <br /> � ��//,�' ���G�ej��� � ./�udito��,and the said Frederick L..flmes, Truste��hereunto set his hand this ;� � <br /> ��J , - <br /> , ..:�,. ............ ........................ ...................v�r�i(�.............................. ---......--clazJ �f-------...---.........----.............?�Z:�._._.._.._.�.D. 18.,��.... <br /> ; •�.... ........... ........��--• �---• ...----� -•----��----...--- <br />� , - o <br />( 1 1-• � <br /> � � � V • . <br /> ! _ .. .......... .. .... ......-�--������Y�..1.......... ..---•---...President. � ' : : <br /> 1 � y . <br /> . . ...... ....................................................................................... .:............... y/�/ . ' CC <br /> ' �.Z�� ��r .. .....��,.:.�.../..............-----.. Treasurer. � � <br /> , ... `�?�.................. � . : <br /> . <br /> � . <br /> ', --�jL�ir�--��-- -�........... ... .................. ...................•__•----••-_ Trustee. °v : : <br /> ' ,�tate a#� ,S1�Ca��ach��e##�, — – � <br /> SS. <br /> ; C6UNTY OF SUFFOLK. �e �t �emembere�, Th�t on th;e............� ... �.........................�� of ................ � <br /> .�........... . .. . y . .... ........... . A.n. 1s......... <br /> ,,�' Tibt P�,,,.,,,z........................... <br /> before me a Notar Public in and for said Count i eared tlie UNIOV PACIFIC ItAIL�V�Y COYIPANY, b C. F. ADAMS its Pre�ident, :�nd 5\ �HAftRiS, its Treasurer who are personally <br /> , Y Y��Pp Y +, <br /> kno�cn to me to be the identica,l persons wUose names:�re snbscribed to t6e foreaotng instrument:�s s�id President and Tretisurer, a�nd tl�en and there acknowledged the execntion and sealing of said <br /> Instrument to be their volnntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of eaid Company. And ou the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abovz named FREDERICK L. AME3,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,and who executecl the foregoinb Instrument,and acknowledged before me tbat he executed the same ae Trnstee as�foresaid, ttind for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act aud deed. <br /> �ln �itn�ss �ft� �Df, I l�ave hereunto set my hand and official seal this...-��� <br /> .............................................................................................................. <br /> i ' y .........................................................A.D. ]8.��., a�t the City of oeton,in id County avd State. <br /> da of............ .._�................... <br /> � ' <br />, � � <br />' ............... ...��... _..._........----_ ...----�----�^�--�-----��-----------Notary Public. <br />� ' <br />� � <br /> f E <br />