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; <br /> `� <br /> I <br /> � ������ �������� � �� <br /> � - <br /> , -. __.__.____.__ <br /> __ ------------ <br /> � FROM <br />' i Filed for reeord the....................:.............`�........................... � ..daz� of <br /> a ...............,.�..�...�...-....�........ ......�-�":................................................................ ......�G........................................................ <br /> ......... ... . ... ... <br /> ; ........................................... .....��---.................--�--.78..�.�..'�...., at..........................--.�'......:..---..._...........-�--�---........o'elock.. .....,.....M: <br />, � <br /> ; _........................................................................................................................................... <br /> � TO <br /> ' •--°.°- --..r... ............................................................................................°--°°----.........---°- <br /> ' County Clerk. <br />,, , ` <br /> t ............................................................................... ............................................................ . / <br /> '� ............................ ...... ............................�.................... ...�...."............................. <br /> I �. ..---�.. ...............................................:..................:........... , Deputy. <br />, <br /> ' �......... ... . .. <br /> i F°R,� 3739. THE LJNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br />� UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> Contract No......e3/.�.��.��.......... Deed No../c7'.�.:�...�.�...r.................... <br /> �n.aZU ��r ��ert �� the�e �'�"re�ent�: <br />, That the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, wlzich is a Corpora.'iora formed an�l existir�s b� tlze consolidation of tlze Kansas Pacific RaiLwar� Companz�, � <br /> the Derzver Pacifie RaiLwa� and Tele�'raph Compafz�, and tFce Uniori Parific Rc�ilroar.l Com,a��nr�, under the corporate rzame arad st�le of th.e UN/ON � <br /> PAGIfIC RAILWAY GOMPANY, b� authoritz� of an act of Con�'�°ess, e;ztit.Lccl, ",fln act to aid if2 the coizstrzcctiorz of a railroad ar�d tele�'raph line from the � <br /> .Missouri River to the Paci,fic Ocean, and to secure to the Goverr2ment the usc of the sair�� for Posta,l, JIIiLiturW, ancL oth,er purposes," approved July i <br /> 1, 156�, and acts amerzda-tor� tltereof, wTaic�z saic� Compan� has succeeded to ancb becom,c seized czncl possessecl of aLd the reab estate and pro,rerty of <br /> tlae said Coyastituent Companies, zvhether reaL, >>ersonaL, or mixed, and, amon�' other thin�'s, of alL the land sranted to said Union Pacifie Railroad i <br /> Com;nanz� b� tTze aforesaid acts of Con�'ress, irz aid nf Lhe constructinn of its road, not conr,•er�ed awa�b�said Compan�at the date of such consolidati.or�, i <br /> ; (to-wit, Jarcuarz� �,1, 18 0,) in nsideratio o the sum ---...----�--�................_...-�- -----��----�� .._..---�----------��--�-�-��--�--��---...---.._....................----........---....................._ ' <br /> ,fQ f-�- . . <br /> � .---�............................................- ---.�%rrci��"��:!.,r�/ ............/�o�. __ - . - ......... ......-� � Doll s to it paid, the recei�t of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, <br /> � doth herebt� GR.,4N7; �,l�RG�lLN, SEI.L, ./1JV'D NV ,Y; unto_......----......._.42���-� -.-- <br /> ���/.. .............� -� - ---...._...-� -�-�-�-�---------�-��-------�-�---�-�--�- ............... ..._..... ---........----�----.......------......._.. <br /> .. ..............................�-----�---.............. - - . . . o the Countr o ...-- in the State o � <br /> -•• .... ..................... ...........��----........-- � f .� f...--- --_..._....,���'�.��..._ _._ f------• ---- --...-•-- ---........... .......--�-�-- ---------��--•-------�-- <br /> -- - ... . <br /> the followin� described Real Estate, situate, l zrLS and beiras in the Count� o ............._...........................and in the State o Nebra�ka, and � <br /> ?/� � � f I <br /> � ....... � <br /> . .. . .... <br /> ' deseribed as foLLows, to-wit:--�-�............................ ..........�-�---...-�------ ..._...............---.......--... .......---�--••--...-� ................ ...- -......- � -� --���-----�-•-•-----�----�-�--..._.......:...............----------------�-•--�------�-----•...---.......---....... � <br /> ,. <br /> ................................ . . . .. .. .��.�:���-:����� ��:.�-.�:������.(� . . �...1..... ... ..............................................................._.......................... <br /> � ---................................................ ................................................ .. .......................................................... ........ .......... ................ ............................................-------._......................................................................................................... <br /> ...........................................................:.................................................................... . .......... ...... . . . .. ... ......... .................. . . ....................... ............... ..............:....................... ....................... .................................... <br /> ...............................:.............................................................. .................. .. ........ ........ .. ... .. ........ ........... . ........................ ............ .................................._................................................---.---. <br /> ........... .........................................:...................... ..................... ............. .. ............... . ................... . .......... .... .......... . ....... .. ...................................................................................................................................................... <br /> : ............ . . . .. . ... ... . . . .... .. . . . .................................................................................................................. <br /> ; ; ..................................... ..................................... ..... ...... . ................ . .... ...................................................----........... ..... ..........- -..-----............... <br /> .. ..::....... . .... . . . . .... . <br /> .... . <br /> . � <br /> � ....a..... - - -'- <br /> . . ....... .............. .... <br /> - " _ J ' ' - _ _ /.... ..._.. - .._....North o Ran e J1°o .....��.... ... -----�=s�ir�....................... <br /> , of Sectaon No................. - ��----��---� ---........... 1...... ........... an Townshap �'4 0. .. _._��o�. ( f �' . �� <br /> i of the 6th inci l erid , conta nan�, aceordin�' tn the United bt�ztes surve9�hereof. . <br /> - -------------�------------ -- � ---�--�0.�--�-------------- �cres, more or less, . � . <br /> ... . ... ........ ...... . .... ..... .. .. . <br /> ' .. <br /> ................��- ----�--..........-•------.........----�---�-- --� .......�-:.� - ..__....--- - �----............... �-•---....---��--�-�--��-�-�-----....-------- ---��- ........- - <br /> ...... �.....................................................................��--�--------------....._ � <br /> R F�SERVING, HOW'�VER,to the said UN/ON PAC/F/G RA/LWAY GOMPaNY, aZL that portiorz of the l,and hereb� conveycd,(if anz� such there be) which ' <br /> Zies wit,hir� Lines drawn parallel wiEh,and..............�?��......................hundred feet or� each side distant from the eenter li�ze of its road c�s now constructed, � <br /> and arc��'reater width wher� neeessar� perrnanerztl� to inelude a3L its cuts, emba�alcments, ar2d ditches, arcd ot.her works necessary to`seeure and ' <br /> protect its mair� Zine. <br /> This convez�ance is also upon the eonditior� that the said�'rantee hereir�,-----......--.���-Q�..................:......heirs, admiroistrr�tors and assi�'ns ehcxlb Bt�o��.g�ad �-m; <br /> m,c�intairt a lawful fenee be�weera that portion of the premises hereby conue�ed, ad,joir�ins tTie roac� of saic� Company,(if ar�y such there'�Fe,) r�n,cL<'� <br /> road of said Compc�nz� upor� a line_.............::..ii...�...-�......................hundred feet distant from the center line of such �°oad, an,d paraLlel, therewith, in alL cases �' .. <br /> irc zvhieh sueh fenee is required b� law, or mc�y be i°equired b� saicl Compan�. . <br /> 20 H�2VE �ND TO HOLD the said remises wi�h all. the ri�'hts aszd a urter�ances thereunto belonsins unto the said rantee s�/.----......_ � <br /> P _ P� � � �' , ................... <br />� heirs and assi�res forever, and the said�rantor doth hereby covenarat witla tTie said �'rantee, that ab the malcins of this instrument it is well seized <br />� �f'tyze sc�id premises as o f a�'ooa and indefeasible estc�tn, in e, and hath�'�ocZ ri�'ht to selL arccb eonuey the same, an,d that it will W:fl RR./1.NT atzd <br /> i <br />' � defend the titLe to said premises unto the said�'rantee,............ .. ............_.....heirs and assi�'ns forever a�'airest �t�e lccwf,icl eLaims of a7,L ,�ersons whomsoeUei,: <br /> ; E.X'C'�PTING, HOWEVER, a7,L taxes and assessments levied upon suid ,�remises since................���<�....�Q:�../���;c.......---....... '�, a� .; <br /> ' -�e7�afi►r,s e�-a�ae��es.r�ed ° ' . �` <br /> �J, , ....-�--�--��--•-------�-------��----•--------•--•...................................•--•----....--•�---•--.....---•----•-•-••••--•--._.......�:,=:.....--�--•---..-���eeea�$; <br /> , -I?�L�"s,-9�'-�QSx48b�s,�—�--�i�iP�2............................................�-----�---•-••----.....---------�----......-•------...........------------.....-----------..........------------..:---------.......--------------....---------...._.....-•---��--•--....---------..._..-------......••_--........------...-•-•-------•-••_ <br /> ' AND WHEREAS,8&ld UNION PACIFIO RAIL&OAD COMPANY dia�on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute aud deliv yrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and JoUn puff,of <br />� '� the City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of......................� ...:............................County, in the�tate of Nebraska�, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Dufl,as Trttstees,for the uses�und pnrposes therein inentioned,�mon�others the lands hereinbefore described; A�n Wx�$sAS,the said Cyrus H. � <br /> McCormick did cn the twenty-eigbth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,reaign bis place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,wBich res9gn;�tion was,pn the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D.1873,necepted by the Uxiox PACiFic R�zLUOAU CoMrnrtY,by its Board of Director�,a,t a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boaion and State of Massachnaetts; <br /> Axv WaEx�ns,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was dul,y nominated by the remainiog Trustee,Jobn Duff, as snecessor to said <br /> Cyrus H.McGormick,WI11CY3 llOTrilll&YlOri Wa3�011 illE SalY1C(��9� apPPOVCCl hy tll8 EOaI'd Of DiTeCtOT9 OF tl]C 8a1C�UNION PACIF'IC I�AILROAD COMPANY� Axn WxFaEas,by such nomination and approval <br /> said r'rederick L.Ames did,npon his acceptance thereof,tberea�tter become vested with the same estates, powere,rights,and interests,nnd char;ed with the same duties and responaibilities,as if he had ; <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and egecuting,eaid Mortga�e Deed; Axn�Vx�$Eas,said remaining Trustee did,by a,conveyance,proper and eit'ectua�l for that purpoae,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn tiVx�$Eas,the sa�id John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1877, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee uuder said 1�Iort�age Deed,which resigna,tion was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> U�TON PACiFiC RA�7.ROAV ComrnxY,by the Executive Commit.tee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City oF Boston, and State of Massachnsetts; AxD WriExEAS, <br /> no�omination of'a saccessor to fill the vacancy,causec� by tt�e resignation of szid John Duff, having been made, the stiid Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; Axn Wa�$�AS, the <br /> said Uxrox PACrNir. Rarr.wAY Con2PaxY,with the consent ot' tUe Trustees for the time bein�,hereinbefore named, l�as sold and conveyed, as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefor,e described, <br /> unto the said�rantee,ior and in consideration of'the siam aforesaid,to it in h�nd paid by the said grantee,tvhich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by smid Company in his <br /> capacity ae tee,or to saici John Duff a�nd said Frederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.MeCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tHe uses and purposes in s�id Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �R rrefA�'C, iCnow all ll�en by these Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�lericTc L. .flmes, remainins Trustee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�e Deed, in <br /> consideratior� of the af'oresaid, premises ar�d 7�ayment as aforesaid of said surr�, ,so paid br� said Cornpar�y to said trust fund, of which I am the <br /> remainin� Tr s ee, for t e u s d purposes aforesaid,do hereb�RE.MISE, .RELF,f1SE, anr,� forever QUIT-CL./II.M unto the said.................................................. <br /> . .. ................................ ..... . .... ...... .. ... ..........._.. ._ ....._____..._......_..__.__.............the ReaL Estate cleseribed aforesaid, to 7�e held b�the saic��'rantee free arcd exempt from <br /> all Ziens, ir�cum ances, an� har�'es of saic� JI'lortsa�'e D��ed,but subjec�, however, to aLl t,he reservatioras at2d eonditior�s hereinbefore contained. <br /> �/t( �ifn��tt �hqreaf; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANV, hath �� ; w <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seaL, and to be si�ned bz� its :� : 4 <br /> Presider�t and Treasurer, ar�d eountersi�'ned by its Land Commissioner and its • � <br /> � .fluditor,ar�d the sa'd Frederick L..�2mes, Trustee, has hereunto set his hand this : � <br /> , <br /> ............���.�............................. <br /> : ' <br /> ......................�.., .../��� e�.0�i�°....%!����..........--�-----�----..........._day of_...........--��--•--......'� �� <br /> ............. ���0 --....---�-----.......----•---•---�--.�I.D. 18_�.�. � : <br /> � : : <br /> ���f� � �� _.����. C�/-. ��%�'%�-o/ �� � � <br /> . a <br /> � ...........................•--.Presadent. � � <br /> ������ - �.���%�%!', .........--------�........ ........... ........................ <br /> . <br /> . <br /> .....----�� ---��----� .......... ...�����/!�....---�-----.......-----��-----.... Treasurer. 2 ,: ' <br /> ,����G�/ G����'�/� a �; ' <br /> -........��t�°U•.---��-��----------------------•--•••..................•-••. Trustee. c°� : � =>...... <br /> ---- -�--�----... ... . . v <br /> �tate af �a�saxh�se##�, _ <br /> SS. <br /> C6UN7YOF SUFFOLK. �e �t �€ein�m6cre�, That on tb�s......... .... . .� ...... ..... ......................................aay ot............................... . .......................:.............A.A 1.8�� <br /> before me,a IQotary Public in a�nd for said Counby,:�ppeared the UNIO�T P 4GIi'IC 1tAILW�Y COJ3PANY, by G. F. ADARAS, its President, a�nd JAMES G. HA SS, its Treasurer, who are pe�ijq�}�y <br /> known to n�e to be tUe identictil persons wbose na�mes are sub�cribed to the foreaoiob iustrument as s�id President and Treasurer, an�i then a�vd there acknow edged the execntion and sealin�qF°B61�d <br /> Inetrumei�t to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abova named FREDERICK E. AMES,k1ti0�+p ip <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,�nd who executed the foregoing Inqtrument,a�ud acknowledoed before me that he executed the same as Trustee as nforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes ther�t&ilet <br /> for��n at the execntiou thereof was hie v�olttunt�a��ness��her�af, I b ve hereunto set my hand and officia�l seai bis......................��4��.�:%z�!!Gi/........................................................................................... � <br /> °� day of............................................ . .......................................... ,at the City Boston,in said County and State. r' <br /> ,� ......A.D. 18�........ <br /> ��� � ����..--.•-'--.����i��%�/. --------------�.Notary PubLic. <br /> ; . <br />