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� <br /> � <br /> .� ������ �������D J <br /> FROM <br /> . I+'iled for record the...................�................��........................................................................... dar� of <br /> .... ........... <br /> ..... .. ......................... <br /> -.........�.......... ................... ........ . � <br /> ................ ....... .... .���� .../......... -.. <br /> � . ...... ........��...-...�......--�-�--...._18�.0........., at.................... . ...---�� ....................o elock....�....M: <br /> �� �� <br /> ................................................ ............._TO.................................................................. :.....Gf �/__....�/��.......................... - ..............- -........ .... .......... <br /> �-�,..Y.� ..... <br /> Cour�tz� CLerk. <br /> .................................................................................... � <br /> / ........................... .. ........................ .... .. ........................ ....�.............................. <br /> ...........:..(�d��%��-p!!�v. ..�...(..���....... �...���. ../,........................_....... Deputy. <br /> --- —... __ ____ __.�___.. _.___ ___ �-- - ._._ ______. _ ---- <br /> F°R� 3739. THE UNION PACT IC R ILWAY COMPANY. <br />! UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br />` Contract No..................................._.......... �Z�ZU ��� ert � t�Ze�e re�ent�: �No....����..................... <br />� � � � � <br />! That the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOM,PANY, wTziclz is a Cor�oraliaz fof•nzed a�zcl, existin�' bz� t,Ize eoizsolidatiofz of the Kansas Pacific Railway Comparoz�, <br />� the Denver Paeifie Iiailwc�z� and Tele�'ra,�h Compc�nz�, and tlze U�zinr� Paeifi,e Rc�ilroad G'omp�t�z�, ztir�der the eorporate r�ame and st�Le of th.e UNIDN <br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, b7� cauthoritz� of arz ac6 of Con�%'ress, ef2tit.lec7,, ".,4n ccct to aid ire the co�zstNUCtiorL of rc railroad and tele�'raph lirae from the <br />! ✓1'lissouri River to th-e Paci,fic Qcearz, and to secure to the Goverrzmerat the use of the sarn� for PostaL, .Milit,carJ, and oth,er purposes," a,�proved July ' <br /> 1, 186�, aTZd acts amenda,tor� tlzereof, which saico Company has szacceeded to ancl beeome seized and possessed of alL tTze real estate and propertz� of � <br /> the said CoTZSti,tuent CvTnpaizies, wlzether reaL, pef°sonal, or mixed, and, amons otlzer thi.n�'s, of c�lL the lancl �'ranted to saic� Union Paeifie Railroad <br />'. Compan� I�� the aforesaicl acts of Consress, in aicl of thc constru tiotz,,�its i°oad, ot conz•eue.� •-i`�a�by said Compccrcy at the date of such consolidati.on, <br />' (to-wit, Januar� �./�, Z8S0,) in cor�sideratiorL of the sum of-----�-���=�d���.�.�..<..�.! �.� .��yeay; ��y ��� �i � --- <br /> � �� -......_.._ .. <br /> ......-----�---��- - �- --� - -� - - - <br /> 7�� ,�. �T ���� -� - a. <br /> �--...--��- ..._-�-- ...- -- --- -.__......__...._- rL___ -- ... -..._._�--......--_. --- - ... � -- ......._. Y)o� uir�,""to,u.i�""""" -� -e r c� o wTai' s��iJ ackrcoz(le �'�� <br /> doth herebJ GR.,4NZ; B.fLRG.gI✓Y, SL+'LL, .�.h'"D CONVEY; unto.-���u�i���G�.�/ -'/ .���..�����G�r�a�-�-�------�-�------�-�---....---�--��--...� . ...........................�-----��----------�----�----��--- <br /> . ..............--....._.............- �-�-- --... ......._......-�--�,da��e- _.....---�- -�--- .._......................- �--.......---�-----�--�- <br /> -�--- � <br /> �---...------......-- ---��...................�--..... .......,...............- .......-.--..... -��---............ --... � - _ , <br /> kthe followin� described Real Estate, situate, lz�in�' and beind in the County of__...........................����._.....----......---.....................�arod in the State of Nebraslca, ar�d <br /> describedas follows, to-wit:------��.... ........................� ---��----..._ ._....... -....- -�--...,............................_- --.....- -- -- --.........---...----...---��-- -------------�-•--------�---........----�-•----•-------��----�---------------�---------�---��----..........-- <br /> -�.............. ............ ..... .... ...... .. . ........ �� .���....���,�:��� . . . . ...._.. .......................................................................................................................................... I <br /> ..................................................... .......................................................................................... ............................................... ............................_..........................---................_........................................................................................................... <br /> .................................................. ...... ................................................................. .................. ........... .................. . ................... . ........................................................................................................---........................................................... <br /> ...................................................................... ....................... ...... .................. ....... ........ .............. ........... ....................... ...................................................................... .......................................................:...............................:. <br /> .................. � <br /> ....:..................................................................................................... ................. ................................................ ............ ....................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ ; <br /> ............................ ........ ....... ......... ....... ..... ..... ............. ......... .... ..... .................. ..................... ........ . . ................. .. ................................ .................................................................................................................................... <br /> :::::......:.......................................... .... .:........ .... ...... ... .... ........................................................................................... .............�...-.......................................................................��----...........--��--��---..._..... .............................._........................... , <br /> of Sect�o� No. ............�� -� -- ----���6�-- --..... ...... ..... ... ....._... in Township �'I�o. ...._._,��e���'�v..�(��--......._.....---...........No t�C of Ran�e No.....����'..�...�c�°.....�z-�./..���.....---.........-�-�-- <br /> of the 6th Prirccipal eridaan, cor�tainir��', accordir��' tn the United States surver� t ereof.....��..... . . . .. .. � .. .................. <br /> � - � -- � � �-��--��--- ---------------------- --- ---...--..-_ � <br /> , , . <br /> ---------------------------------..----------------.-------.-------------._..,/lcres, ore o�° less, bein�' th sam�premas q� tra ed to�i e sold-#,�...--- .... --- �-- <br /> ��.. � <br /> ��. �.`�.1�'�/.=�.n�. . .. ,¢�r.�. . .. __ i <br /> b� ,Contra�c o...f.f�./.e1 . .�o...._.`,.�d�.,L�j0... ...... .. .. ....�r��u���l_--�. �--- �-- � - ,..4..����a���•----- -� _, . .. .... ..������ . ....���i��-. <br /> � ' ��`���E���'FL e said UNION PAGIFIG RAILWAY C�P.4�alL that porti'or� of'the Land herPb�,�. o eyed,(if nz� such there be) which <br /> ��'��i.�R�JI�, , <br /> Zies within lines drawn paralleL witaz,and...........�-�'!�1../........................hundred feet o.r� each side distafat from the eenter Zi�Le of its road c�s now constructed, <br /> anc� anz��'reater width when necessarz� permanently to include a�L its cuts, embaTZkrnents, ar�d ditches, and ot,her worlcs necessary to secure and � <br /> protect its mair� Zine. � <br /> This eonvez�ance is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee herein,.................... ...................._......heirs, administrc�tors and assi�'ns shalL erect arLd <br /> maintairc a lawful fenee beEween that ,roortion of the premises hereby convez�ed, adjoinirL�' the road of saic� Comparaz�,(if any such thef°e be,) and the <br /> road of said Compan� u,�on a line............��!.........................••hundred feet distant from the center lirce of such roac�, an,d parallel, tazerezvith, in alL cases � <br />, ir� whieh sueh fer�ee is rec�uirec� bzJ law, or rr2aJ be requirecl by said Com,van�. p <br /> TO .�I.R VE .,4ND TO HOLD the said preinises with alL the rishts and appurtenances thereunto belosz�'irzs urcto the saic�srantee, .._._..�a1 <br /> .................... <br /> heirs ancl assi�'ns forever, anc� the saicl�rantor doth hereby eovenant with the said �'rantee, that a� the makir��' of this instrument it is welL seized <br /> of the said premises as of a�'ooa arcd iTZdefeasible estate in ,e, and hath ssood ri�'ht to sell and corcvez� the same, afzd that it will T�V'✓1RR�.NZ'arzd <br /> defend the title to saicl premises uTZto the saicZ�srantee,....----.i��.....---.--...---heirs and assi�'ns forevery��sainst the la f l cl ims of a1, p rsons whomsoever, <br />� EJ1'CEPTING, HOWEVER, a1,1 taxes and assessments Ievied upor� sc�id premises since....�c���'��v�.��..�._�`�..... .. . .. ... <br /> • ' .................................................................��--�--------�-----�-----.-a�---................�ors, <br /> . . -��-----------------•----�---...---------------.. <br /> , � <br /> • - • ,�„ ��' fh . .....................................................................•--- -----...----------.....---�--...----...............--�---.........-�-----�--�---•-----�------�------............--•�--�•----�---.....�.....----.............:..._..............:...._------•--•-- , <br /> , or_a..s�-er „ . ��----��.................-��- <br /> A1VD WHEREAS,said UxroN PACI[Fic ILAU.xoAV C�3nirANY did,on the sisteenth d�y of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliv t yrus H.MeCarmick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgare Deed of that date,wbicL deed is recorded m the office of the County Clerk of....................... ... .........................................Connty,iu the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Duff,as Trustees,for the uses and purposes therein mentioned,amou�otbers the lands hereinbefore described; ANV WxEREAS,the said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did en ibe twenty-eighth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under s�,id mortgage deed,which resign�tion was,on the fifteenth <br /> ji day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tl�e UxION PACiFiC KAtLROAU ContP�NY,by its Bonrd of Directors,at a meeting thereof held on that day iu the City of Boston and Stnte of Massachusetts; <br /> Axn WiiEltEas,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of I:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said � <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,which vomination was,on the same day, approved by the BOaTCl Of DiTCCtOPB OP tlle 8&1Cl UNION PACI�IC RAILROAD COMPANY; AND WxEREas,by such nomination and approval <br /> said 1'rederick L.Ames did,upon his ac:ceptance thereof, therealter becume vested with the same eatates,powere,rights,and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees named in and executing,�aid Mortga�e Deed; Arrn WH�R�as,said rem�ining Trustee dicl,by ti conveyance,proper and effecEual for that pnrpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873,nt the City of Boston, veat the same in such new Trustee jointiy with him,the sa�id John Duff; AND tiVH�¢�AS,the said Jol�n Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February; <br /> A.D. 1677, by a proper instrument oi writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said Mort�age Deed,wbich resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br /> jT\ION PACIFIC Y.A7LROAD C0:11PA�TY�by the�xecutice Committee of its Board of Dir.ctors, &t a rneeting thereof held on that day in tbe City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axn WxE$�AS, � <br /> no nomination ef a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resignatiov of said John Duff, having been made, tbe sa�id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND V4HEREAS,the <br /> snid UN N'� ACt i zLw Y CoMr�xY �v t t �c n,eut f tees for the time bei erein f e ;n�e has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Reai Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto th���l`��r��f� a��consideratio��li�e sn°A������1'd paid by the�$���'°"" sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his I <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said John Duff and said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.'1�IcCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. - i <br /> �p1v �/t�i'efvfje, Know a// Men by these Presenis, that I, the said F��e ri L. � e re a ans Trustee in the a or�esaid JVlor•t a e Deed, in � <br /> eoiisideration of the af"oresai,d, premises anc� paz�men� as aforesaic�Do�aa .su ,�,� 9 scza Compan� to said tr st fund, of whieh I am the <br /> . , . ��� <br /> f�emainin�' ,�,/ru e, for e es ancl purposes af'oresaad, do herebz� R�JVIISE, REL��SE, r�d forever QUIl-CL� unto the saad_................................................ <br /> rL � <br /> .::_ ... _..!�l.!�����%sYV... .r..,��� - - . -� -----�.�-----------------�-------...-.--....--� the Real F.state deseribed aforesaid, to be held by^ � free arad exempt from d <br /> all Ziens, incumbrane , and char s of saad .Mort�a�e Deed,but subjee�, however, to aLl t,he reservatior�s czr�d conditions hereinbefore contained. � <br /> �/tj �'itrr�ttt� �h�rea,�; Tlze said srar�tor, the UNION PACIFIC RAIL INAV GOMP,4NY, hath ;� : w <br /> IN PRESE\CF. OF eaused these preser�ts to be sealed with its eorporate seaL, ar�cl to be Si�sraecL by its ; o � a � <br /> President and Treasure3°, and countersi�'nec� br� its Land Commissioner and its � _ � � <br /> .Ruditor,and t�e said Fredericic L.✓lmes, Tr�ee, has hereur�to set his hand this ° � <br /> ��-���� _ , _ ; � <br /> .. .... ..... ........ �....... .... ........... ..da o <br /> .............. ..... �J f---�---... .. ----....�1.D ..... <br /> ..-... ..--� 18��' <br /> ........����� ... . ............... .... .:... .... : <br /> . <br /> Q� ` � ° � <br />' ..........�//....-....-�--��.�---.. .----•�`'.� ----. .....Fresid8 :i' � <br />; . .����� _. . � <br /> � <br /> � ........�. .. . �,, .. �� <br /> � : <br /> .Y _ : � <br /> .. .. <br /> . � . . , : : <br /> ' ...-- Trecusurer. j <br /> - - ...� -.-.�i,....G.��?�l��--- �-----••• ' ; ; <br /> . .....x.. --•,.... .Tl'ZGSteB. v , � -;. , <br /> �tate o� ,i�a��achusett�, �� <br /> SS. � <br /> COUNTVOF SUFFOLK. �e tt �e►ncm6ere�, Tn�t on thcg..... ._���2� .. . .. ..�..Q y. .. ........a;�y .......... �,..... ...... .. ....................................A.D. lA�[?.. <br /> • me a Notar Public in aud for s�id County,�uppeared the UNION PACIFIC I�AILW�Y COMPANY, by C�M3; it� Presideut, .tid��'I � �. its Treasurer, who are e� <br /> befoie , y n P 9 <br /> known to xne to be the ideutical per5ous whose na�mes.ire sub.�cribed to tUe foreooin;instrument as s.�id President and Treasurer, and then �nd�bere acknowledged the execution and sealing of said <br /> Instrument tv�eir voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personaily appeared the above named FREDERICK L AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,�nd who executed the fore;oivg Instrutnent,�ud acknowledged before me tha�t he executed the sa�ino as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the executiou thereof was his volunt�ry act and deed. - � <br /> �` �n 9�itn�ess �herenf, I ba e ereunto set my hand and official seal this...................... . . .. .. ......:..........:............................................................. <br /> ........................ <br /> i <br /> ` / <br /> day of................................... ....... .... ..... ........................................A.D..]8�f�...., at the City of Boston,in said County and State. <br /> �2�cwc'v •.................°-�------�-�--�----_..... - - -- ••--- ----...:... - -•-- <br /> 1���-------------------------Notary Public. <br /> 1'.M <br /> . _... __. .�. ....�_ .._._. . .. . .. .._...__.,._.e__..._._._.�_,..._�e_..__ _.. .. . .. ..._ .__.___.....__.�.,.__�'__._._ �._.._.._� _.____" <br /> , � <br /> L_._.._ . . . . . � .. . . ' . � : �..._,.. . . . ...:.w��.._..... ..�...._._.,..eta.:��' �.�� <br />