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, i <br /> ����J� ��j ����� � � I <br /> ��� <br /> _ _. _ _. _____ -------.. _---__ . . _. _ <br /> ___ �_._._ _._ __ ___ __ __.,__-- ---- + <br /> FROM � <br /> y,7� �� Filed for record the...._....._...___..............�/.................................._..............................................................daz� of � <br /> �� �....................... ...1.,.................. ..... ..... ... . .............................................................. � i <br /> ---- . ....................................� ---............._18.��....., at.........._.........-� ................_..................o'cloek..�i,.....M: '' <br /> ..........:....:....................................................TO................................................................... . <br /> /`�C/�..�,�........ ..... ...... ..� -------........................................................°--------�-° .. <br /> ............................................... County Clerk. <br /> .........................�..._\............_..... .... � <br /> � � � <br /> ����.� ... G/ .C��'�/!'/. ... ......................... .......... ................................. ...................................p......7�............ i <br /> .................. . ...... r.�P/.......u ............................_........................................ De ut . <br /> ; <br /> Fox,� 3739. � <br /> THE UNION PAC IC RA LV�IA'Y//� CCJMPANY. <br /> UNION DIVISZON--NEBRASKA. u`j ����J '. <br /> �tL�ZT.................................................... �88F� .�Br..................................................... <br /> �� �ZZ �en �r� f�Ce�e �'�"re�Qnt�: <br /> Thc�t tTzc Ufll/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPA/dY, zvhi,clz is a C�f��oi°a'iorz fornzed, ai�cl cxisti,tz� L� t,Ize con,.solidc�tiorz of the Kaizsas Pacifie Railwa� Company, <br />, the Denver P�cific Hailwa� ar�d Tele�'�a�h Com�aizz�, ar�cl tkie Tliai,�>fz Pacific Ri�ili°oacl C,ornpran,�, ur�der the corporate rLame and st�le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, bJ aut�aoritz,� of aTt act of Cor��, erztitled, "..lrc act to aid, L72 tT28 C0728tY'LGCtL072 Of a railroac� arad, teLedra,��h lir�e from the <br /> .Mi•ssouri River to the Pacific Ocearo, and to seczvre to the GoverT�,jnent t,Jze use of the samn, for Posta,L, �n7il,iEari�, ai2d oth,er purposes," approvec�i JuLy <br />� 1, 186�, ancl acts amenda-torz� tltereof, whiclz sain, Com.�anz� has sz�eceeded to c�nrl 7�ecome seizecl and posscsserl of all the reccl estate and ,roroperty of <br /> tlze said, Constituent Com,�anies, whether rea.L, ,r�eNSOna7,, oT° mixed, ancl, amorz�' other thin�'s, of all the lar�d �'rarzted to said Urzion Pacific Railroad <br />� Com�an,9 b� the aforesaid acts of C'on�'ress, iTZ aid of the construction of its road, not con�•ez�ed azvay b�said Compan�at the date of szach consolidati.on, <br />� (to-wit, Janua�°� � Z880) i consid atior� o t e sum o - _ _ <br /> .� -�f, , - ----.. .......-�- - -- <br /> �. �' f:------..,.....� -... �-� - -��. ........................ � <br /> .� ���-���--- � ,�.... .. ��, <br /> �--��.............. - - --- --..._.........__....._.........�.�r�-��.�Gr,r.�.....-----�-��� ��I%O, /. -� ._. . , -.............�--. Dollg,�s, t it,nar,d, �e rece�o�w���s hereby ackrLowled�'ed, <br /> i / �� �o� ^ <br />; doth herebr� GR�4NI; 73�.22RG,.lI�1�, SEI,L, .f1.N'D CONVFY', zU:zto...��!,l.�u.�.--��u�z/.�!z:��..�.................�-� -- ��-� -.....--�--��----�-�-�--.................................................--�--..................-�----�----......... <br /> �----.._...-�---�-�---��......................�---........_............---.......................................----...---�-- --- -�-- �-- .... - - --- �/�/'���-� ..,�za--�-�'ta ----...----.....--�-��--- --�-----�----..........._......_...----------�----�-�--.._. <br /> ..... te-a�' <br /> the folLowinS deseribed ReaL .Estate, sitzcate, Zz�inss ancl beind in the Countz� of_...............-------.--�!-f:�--.-..---.----...-.-------..------.......---and ira the State of✓Vebraska, and <br /> described as ollows, to-wit:....---� -��- ........ .........�-----...... .......... -- .........._--�---... ...----�- -�� ............._. <br /> f J,��--.........--� ----- - . ...................- --------......------------�----...........--�-�--�------------------.._....------------------.....----......------- <br />, ............................................... _ . .. ...:�.���..����.��.��-.�/-.����.���. . .. .................................................................................................................................. <br /> .................................................. ............................................................................................. ................ .. ............................ ....................................................... <br /> ............................................................................................................................... <br /> .............................................................................................................................................. ................. .............................. ....... ............ ................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> .............................................................................. .............. . ........... .............................. ............. . ...................... ...................... . ............ ............................... .......................................................................................................... <br /> ......................................................................................................... ................ .......................... .. ......... . .. ........................ . .... ...........................................................................................---........---.............:.................................... <br /> ...................... .. . .. ...... .. ... ......... . .... . .. . .. .. ... .. . .... . . .. . . .. . .........................._.....................---.--.......................................................................... <br /> .................................................. ........ ...................z...... ..............................................................._..'............. _ ........../o................................................................................................r............. .............../..............---... .................... <br /> ...... ....... <br /> ..... <br /> . .... .. / ---... <br /> o Section No. ._.............. � --- . ..... . ' p � ._ ...... ..... . ,�__ - - -- _............Nortla an e J10....... . ..../.........,��!�.._.:...------......._: <br /> f �yu! -.......1.................... . . an Towr�shi '1'0. .�f*� .� - Q� �' F � <br /> ��`�z�_. . . .. <br /> i of the 6th Princi�al .Meradiarc, containins, accordin�' t,n the United ,��tates surve� thereof....................................... .. ... ....�o�.............:... ............._,___ _____.._._.______ ..............._... _..... <br /> ---•••••------•-•----...---�----------------�--------�--....._�------------- .11eres, more or less, bein� t sa e prem�'ses contr et,e to be oLd�a-.. -- •---- ,���.�u.�... ... ......- �------� -• • -->�-'----'�-�-`•-•- <br /> --. ... ._' . . <br /> y C ntract N ...�.(�.. ..?-..�a..t....�.`.�._.�6�_�... . ....--... . .....��-��z�i...-�� /�Y��&-���',-- -��r�z���C�.....:_��"�'..�.--%.,..�-- �---.. .-� --- . �---- . ---...._ <br /> , �-- <br /> �li'���'E���G�������EI ,� e s£,�1�����/C RAILWAY COMPaNV, alL that porti of tlze land herPby conveyed,(if anr� such t�'h e be) which <br />� Zies withirz lines drawn paraLlel wiEtz,ar�d...............�yt�...................._hundred feet o� each side distant from the center line of its road as now constructecl, <br />' and an?��'reater width when raecessar� ,�ermanentl� to incLude alL it,s cuts, embar�lcments, and ditches, and ot,her works necessar� to seeure anc�i <br /> i proteet its mair� Zir�e. , <br /> This eorcveyanee is also upofz the eondition that the said�'rantee herein,................��,/..................._......heirs, admir�istrcr,tors ancl assi�'ns sh.aLL ereet and <br /> maintairo a lawful fence &eEweer� that portion of the premises herebr� conve�ed, ad,joir�in� tTae road of said Comparay, (if any such the��e be,> and the <br />` road of said Company u�on a dine....,....�?:���dred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,c� ,roarallel, therewith, in aLL eases <br /> in which such fence is required by Zaw, or ma� ve requirecl bz� saic� Compan�. O, <br /> TO HJ�VE „1ND TO HOLD the said premises with all the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto belon�ins unto the said�'rantee, .....__..h�................ <br /> heirs afzd assi�'ns fo�ever, and the said�rafztof• doth hereby covenant witlz tTie said �'rantee, that ab the makins of this instrumerat it is weLL seized <br /> of'the said pren2ises as of a�'oor� and irLdefeasible estate in ee, and hath�'ood risht to selL and conver� the same, and that it will tiT�'.fIRR�N1'and <br /> cl,efend the title to saic� premises urcto the said�'rantee,.........��-----------------heirs and assi�'�2s forever a�saiJZSt the lccwficL elaims of a7,L persons whomsoever. <br /> .E.X'CEPTING, HON!'EV.ER, a1,L taxes anc� assessmezzts Ievied upon sccid premises since....................../..���................__._............................... ' <br /> ' ' u ' , � , saa <br /> ..................................��------•---..................................---��--��---- -�-----------�-....-------��---....----------e�-..........----.....�swsee�aet�a� <br /> ' ..............................................�----•---.....------.....-•------------..... <br /> 7_-_.._ v� ir ee�A'i» f f <br /> T�' r--�'°"v .7 i """"..........'-'.................""-"""""-'-...'-'-....-"...""....'."""""'......-"-'--"'-."""""'-'----..-'-............'-.."'-.. <br /> ..._'".........""""""""""'""""".......... <br /> AND WHEREAS,said UNrox PnciFia 1ZAir.ROan ConirnxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliver ��,8 rus H,AZeCormict�,of the City of New York,and Jobn Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgare Deed of tbat date,which deed is recorded in tbe office of the County Clerk of:.........................����tiu%..............................County, in the State of Nebraska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyru4 H.McCormick and John Dut2,as Trastees,for the nses�und purposes therein mentioned,:�mona otl�ers tl�e lands hereinbefore described� AND WHEREAB�thE e&ld CyTll6 H. <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eightl�day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writiug to that effect,resign l�is pl�ce:�s Trustee under s�id mortg�ge deed,wbich resignatiou�vas,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,:�ccepted by the Uviox PACiFiC RAir.nonn Co�trt�NY,Uy its Board of Directors,�t a meeting thereof held on that dny in the City of Boston and State af Massachnsetts; <br /> I ANn WxritEAS,ou the fif'teenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the St�te of Massac:husetts, was dul,y nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Daff, as snccessor to said <br /> M Cyrus H.MeCormick,wbich nomination was,on the same daq, tipproved by tt�e Bonrd of Directors of the said Urrrox P�ciFrc Rnir.r.onn CoMraNY; Axn WxFxEaa,by such nomination and approval <br /> c�id l�rederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereaiter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights, �und interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees na,rned in and executina„•aid Mortga�ne Deed; Axn�Vx�Rr�:as,said rem�ining Trustee did,by;�conveyance,proper and effectua�l for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,t�.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vesb the same in such new'Prustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; Axn WxraFns,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1597, by�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee uuder said Mortnage Deed,which resi;nation w�s,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877,accepted by the <br />' Usiox P�ciFrc�n Comrn`Y,by the Fxecntice Committee of its Board of.Dir ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that d�uy in the City of Boston, and St,a�te of Massachusetts; Axn WaEx,�ns, <br /> no nomination ef':�snccessor to fill the vacancy,cai�eed by tl�e resignation of said Tohn Duff, having been made, the s�,id Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole'Prustee� AND WHEB,EAB�the <br /> said UxtoN�Pf��R ir, nY Co:KrnxY,with the c,,g�se t t T ustees fo�th�tirra� 'i d,h in efo�g na e has sold and conveyed,a,s above set forth,the Real Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the sa� `3��in considerntion of the sn����e,��. ,-�in�i�it�u'C�by t 4a d w c stiid sum of money l�as been paid to 9aid Frederick L. Amea,by said Compauy in his <br />� capacity as 1'�rustee,or to said John Dnff aud said Fredenck L. Elmes,Trustees,oe to said Cyrus H.'�GIcCormick and s<�id John Daff,:frustees,for tbe uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> ,�atv �Ytrrcfa�r, Know a// N,'en by these Presenis, that I, the said Frerle�r' ��L.� mes, rea�n,�a��ins �� in the aforesaid Jtl'ort�'a�'e Deed, ir� <br /> consiclerafior� of the af'oresaid, premises arid pa9ment as «foresairl, of sFLid suin, so���-�r�i�CompzrL� to said trust furtd, of which I am the <br />� �^emainin,s Trustey�,,for the usp� a� p��rposes aforesaad,, do hereby REJIIISE, REL�ST+,, arLd forever UIT-C ✓lI,M uTZto the saicL................................................. <br /> ................�-�----..__...---..........e./...�`..���C�u%...U.,��:c:�ie�'....._��------- -----------..-._-- -- .the ReaL Estate desc7°ibed aforesaid, to he�eld b�av�r�a�ee free and exempt from <br />� all liens, incumbrances, aM.d char�'es of said .Mortsa�se .Dee�l,but subjecb, however, tn aLl t,he reservrzt�or�s an cor�ditior�s jaereinbefore eontainecl. <br />� �`/r� �ifn��� �hgrrof; The said �'rar�tor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath ;� � � <br />� IN �RESE��CE oF caztised tlzese presents to Ue sealed witJa its corporate seaL, and to l�e sis ned by its � � @:�� <br /> �'resident and Treasurer, and countersi�ned br� its Lancl Commissinner and its ' : a � )i <br />� .11uditor,ccnc�the said Fredericic L. .flmes, Trustee, has hereurcto set his hand this : � � <br /> .................��� .�.�.�� �����:, . � <br /> �� ....... . .. . . ...� - -..... -..............--- ........da o ----•--....../�.D. Z8.��--- � <br /> �J f._..................... .... ..............�----�----�-- <br /> - ��/��� W � <br /> �vr,yz��r�� ����2�..�.��.....�..--��-�--------------President. � <br /> � _......-�--�------- � � , . <br /> � � <br /> . <br /> ' <br /> .: . <br /> . <br /> .................. �p�c� .. �- .....i�"./....::...��..--•--�--.....-----------•-- Treasurer. ti �� <br /> ............... .. ... ......._....................�........ ............._....,. y : . <br /> �''--�`�.. �C��G/ , E ' <br /> ..'� - ---_��..... ..�-..%- ....42�.vrt,Q../.......----��-�---�----�.............�---...... Trustee. � e�� � <br /> �tate o� ,l1�a��axh��ett5, � — i <br /> SS. <br /> C6UNTY OF sUfFOCK. �e tt �em�mvere�, Tn�t on this................. ......... . .. ............ day o ....... �.�... . ........ ............._...........................A.D. 18�.4�_ � <br /> ......................... y � <br /> hefore me,:x Notary Public in and for s�id Connty,�tppeared the UNLO�i PACIFLC ItAIL�3rAY COVIPA Y, by C . ADAM fi its Yre3ident, nnd� . its Treasnrer, who are personai] <br /> kno�am to me to be the identical persons whose namee are sub.>cribed to the foregoing instrument as s�id President and Treasurer, �und then �nd there acknowledged the execi�tion and sealing of said � <br /> Instrument to be tUeir voluntar,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, personally appeared the abov� named FREDERICK L. AIY�ES,known to <br /> me to be the Truetee described in,and who executed the foregoing Instrnment,and:�ckno�vledged before me that he executed the same as Trustee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposea therein set <br /> forth,and tha he execution thereof was his voluntary�ct and deed. <br /> �n �{tttpss '�her f, I have bereunto set my hand and offici�l seal this................... . .�i*�.-'L.s�!� <br /> /� ............................................................................................... <br /> day of................. .i�.��.�<�i!�2�i�/..................................................A.D. 18C�.�....,�,t the Cit of oston,in said County and State. <br /> /�-�/ ' <br /> ...................�-----. .r.�r�..a.�,..e.�_../...._..-------.-:...�����--.......__.......-�---...---.......Notarr� Public. � <br />