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� _ _ _ ._ _ _ _ _ __. <br /> 1 <br /> �` <br />� D�j�' � �����J � � � 6 <br />, <br /> �� ���� �.��� <br /> -_ _ _--- ___ -------- -------- <br />! FRO� Filed for record the..._.._,G.......`'� <br /> / , G( ................................_. ��- � .............._.......... .._.._....da� of <br />� � �i � <br /> .........1',1.��.....1�.�:�. ...���.�.:.w:'�:7................................ <br /> .......... ..... <br /> ..........�'?�:..�.......:.......................................18..`�..b......., at.........�....... � ..... � ...........................o'cloek................:M: <br /> ......................................................-............TO..............................._..............--................ •--,� /� -1�.�.�.'�v..L.,�-�/t�'�"'�- --- ...._...................-_ <br /> � p � � Cour�ty CLerk. �� <br /> .....................�... . ..........2............�.....c�'._................................................ ........ . <br /> ' ........... ........... �----...... ........ .....L�...........---. ................... <br /> .................... <br /> ................................... _........._...................._...._................._........_............._ . Deputz�. <br /> _.. ____ - =----- --___ ---_-____-_�----- <br /> �._� _- . --�__ __ _ _ _ _ . <br /> _..... ..- . _ - -- -- <br /> F°R,� 3;3�'�.� � H E U N I O l� PA I F R A I LW <br /> � C IC /+COMP�AN�Y. <br /> � UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA.��°�°i�"� - � `J <br />� G�e�nte� .�o.............._.................................. ��r Tkzr� No.._�_�..7._..J`..... .................. <br />� �r�.aiv �r� ��l"en �� ��te�e �'�J"re���t�: <br />( That tlie UNION PACIFIC RAlLWAV COMPANY, whir.Iz is a Cor�o!°a'ZO1L �oT^mec� C7./7(Z B.xLStLF2� IJJ tI2G' Cp72SOZLLL�CGtL0T2 Of tT28 KCLT2SCG3 Pp.CL�LC RCL'LLU1p.ZJ C07YLJJp.TL7,, <br /> the De:zver Pcx'�ific RailwaJ and Telesra,�h Com��a�z�, czfacl tlic Urzi,n�a P�arific R�cilroa�l CoTn,panz�, zcTZder the corporate roame arcd st�Le of th.e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/G RA/LWAV COMPRNY, bJ c�uthoritJ of arz act of Consress, eratitLed, ".fliz act to a,icl ir� �h,e corastructioaa of a railroad and tele�'raph line from the <br />�� .Missouri Ri,ver to the .Pacific Occar�, and to secure to the Government tlz,e usc of the sam� for Posta.L, Jl7ili���r�, and other purposes," approved July <br /> I1, 186�, and �zcts amend.a-tor� tlzercof, zvhich said Com-p�znzJ has succeeded to a�r7, becoj�2c seizecl afid ,�nossessecl of alL the real estate a�zd ,roro,z�erty of <br />� the said Constituerat Cvinpanies, zvhetlzer 7^ea,L, �e3°sonal, or mi.xed, an�, amoia� otlzer tliinss, of all, tdoe land �'rantcd to said Urcion Pacific Railroad <br />� Com;narc� bJ the aforesaid acts of C"on�'ress, ifz aid of the const etio�z of its 7°o�d, not conL•eyed awar�b�said Compan�at the date of such coresoLidati.ora, <br /> (to-wit, Jartzcccr9 �1.�, 1880,) ire conside7^ation of the sum of---i�'�."_'..K.,,.f...........................................-...... <br /> ............,(.�...,.. -�--- - -� - ,p� ��;�, -- <br /> - - - ---- .____ -......._ _._...---- ............................�- - ......_..._...... - --_.._......�.�.... Dollars, t� i .....a'd,��h�re p�'�hich---sOh'er",eee,� c�cn�w�Z"ecl�''e�; <br /> �................ .................. .. <br /> doth herebz� GR,/.�N7; B.�1I�G�,4L�1�, SELL, �9.N`D CO.N'V.�Y; ztinto----�-� �2 A.,ye_- -- ��z..--.�Q -..."^��c.-...----�-----------�.....................................................................•------�--... <br /> --------------------�----... .---�- .......... <br /> .........- � ---......---��-�-- - . .. . ........................ .............. ' <br /> ......... Gea�2t�r�'_..._... ............_- �p� - .... - .................... a�tTa�e-,Sf�cte-�f.------..._..---...----��---...----�- -..........-----------�---.....---••----- <br /> the followin�' described Real Estate, situatc, lz�in�' ar�d beins in the Count� of......d'l2a,QQ-.............................. ..............................and in the State of Nebraska, and <br />' deseribed as folLows, to-wit:------��---��............................................. .. ................................. ....��-�---....._�---... � - {........--...-......-----��---- --------.....---�--�-�--�-------�------�--�---.............-��-------�-- �-�-----............---.......... <br /> .. <br /> , , <br /> . � <br /> i <br /> G <br /> `� � � <br /> ....................... - . ... -�-�.... �._... - C � <br />, �.................................... , .. .� �.......�. c. ..... �.�...C...). �..........,...... �--�--:�-�......�..........................................�-:�:�-.....�-,,,�>.--.. <br /> .. . ..�.... .. .......... .. <br />' ryY ....�.....��........ . ....�....�v(�. ......��... �� o�,,�,,..- t� o+.�. <br /> ..... ... . .. ..ct-u-r..�-........... ..��. ......... .� �...... �tiP.�--���,. . . ....�Q�,.-tikC................�._......,........r�-...........,..............`�-�,.e....�.��-�.r..................... <br /> .... ... . .. . <br /> .... <br />. . / <br /> ... .. ........ . c�:.... . ...A..�c.�:....��-.....�u�c��. .....<„�,-........... c e,.... ... .... ..... ..... . �.,.�.wt C..... ........... .... .. . . — ... ........ ..�...�i............ .. ... ... . <br /> ` .. ����� <br /> . <br /> .. .: <br /> i Q�F-etS-t� �,......Yss...... . ...f..L:.....�h..2.....,D.-�' .. .. ...........0�.......�!�.. ............ .�.... . �.....�..�1l4�. .,���.�...``..�.-,,r,4��,�....5.�c.-1..�..�/.l....�i�.................C�.-�M.P:,:-�,,,r.l•���....`.�.. ...2..":':` ' <br />� � � "'v"�""j <br /> .............. ... .... . .... . <br /> .... <br /> � � � �Z� <br /> ... <br />, ..'.�',..G.fM....�/L�.N1..4..�.:................ ............................................................k.....�...........�v.:'tii.r-6ite-t�d.................................... <br /> / ................... ............................................................................ <br /> ............................................. .......................... .... ................................................. ....................................................................... ..............................................................................................-•--��----.................................................. <br /> .................................................. � ...........................................................................................................................................................:..............................................................................---....---...................................................--��----...................... <br /> °T ti° � n <br /> t'�fU"�d': ...- ..................°-.. -°'----- --....................__.- - ... . <br /> _ ____..._._........._.........._...__.._.- - - -°� • -............................................................ <br /> -- ....-•-- <br /> of the 6th Prinei�al .Meridian, cor�tairairts, accordir�s tn the UnitecL ,�t�ctes surve� thereof........................................................__...__.._._................................�..____ <br /> -----•-..��_..........---�•-•--•---•-•• <br /> ---------------------------------�-�-�----------�-��------------------------- ./lcres, more or Zess, bein�' the san2e premises contract,ed to be sold to..............---��---�----------.....--�---- -.................-------�------------�--.......--�-�----_................_ <br /> b� Cor�tract No..........................�---�-------�--�--------------...-- .............___.._ datecl...........--��-- - --................- ---�----�-----��-----�---�-------��------��-�---.....--��--...... <br /> .........---�-� --- �----��................�-�----�----��--�------..----...-------------�--�----��--� <br /> RT SERVIN(�, HOWEVER, to the said UN/ON PAG/F/G RA/1WAV COMPANV, alL that portioit and hereb� conveyed,(if anz� such there be) whicla <br /> Zies within lines drawn parallel wiEh,ar�d....................................................hundrerZ feet oro e distant from the center li�ze of its road �s now constructed, <br /> and any�'reater width zvher� rcecessar� permanenEl� to include � "� cuts, embanTcrnents, anr� ditches, and other works necessarf to secure and <br /> i proteet its mair� lir�e. <br /> This conveyanee is also upon the ' ' at the said�'rar�tee herein,........................................................hcirs, administratoi°s and assi�'ns shall erect and <br />� maintain a lawfuL fence ab portioro of the premises hereby coroveyed, adjoinin,s the rnac� of said Company, (if anz� such the�•e be,) and t,he ' <br />� rorzd of sai nz,� u�vor� a line....................................................hur��lred feet distarat from the eenter line of sueh roacl, an,c� parableL therewith, ira alL eases '. <br /> TO H�1 VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with alL the ri�'hts and appurtenar�ces thereunto bedon�'in�' unto the saic��n'rantee,_....._..........................._ '' <br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rayztor d.oth he.reby eoverzant with the said �'rantee, that ab the ma7cires of this ir�strument it is welL seized, <br /> of'the sccid premises as of a sooc� and iyadefeassble estate iJ�f'ee, and haths�'oorl risht to selL and eonvez� the same, and that it wilL W:FII�R./1NZ'anc� <br /> defend tTze title to saicl pf�en2ises ur�to the saicl�'raiatee, ...-'Gi,��....................heirs arad assi�'fzs forever a�'ai st �e laavful aims of !L�yrsons whomsoever, <br /> � �E�CEP�TI1V'G, HOWEVER, all taxes and as e�nt�evic� upore s 1i�pre� sinee...�:.......��....._....��._.. 'd�r� ea9eep� �t cn� <br /> - ------ <br /> " ala�aiwas�arccumbrances created or , r un e�.....................................`.vu,-...�Y�'�"?-,'�-a<�....--•- ---- --.......------��------�---....--------.,�....--•-�---...-------•aae�ecgssars, <br /> ,�a�aars, e�ase�is, on-EZre�'of�rv.-�.........................................��----........----................---.........----...---..._.._.....-��--�---------........----�-��--.......... <br /> .............. �---------��-----��---------..........------��--��---........----------..................-�---............._.......•-•----••-•-•--- <br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox PaciFra FLniLROnn Comtr�xY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,egecute a�nd ej�' er�t�Cyrus H,bZcCormick,of the City of New York,s�nd John Dnff, of <br /> ibe City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of:................�f�{�G�G'.K�....................................Connty,in the 8tate of Nebrnska, wherein said <br /> Company conveyed to the s:�id Cyrus H.McCormick a�nd John Dutf,as rru,tees,for the uses tind pixrposes therein mentioued,amonn others the linds hereinb�f'ore described� AND WHERRAS�the said Cyrus H. <br /> iMcCormick did en ihe twenty-eighth dtiy of June,A.D.1873, by a�proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his pl�ce as Trnstee under said morYgage deed,which resignation was,on tl�e fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxrox PACiric ItAir.xoAD Co:KrANY,by its Bo1rd of Direct�rs,�t a meeting thereof held ou th�t day in the City of Boston and Stnte of Massaehusetts; <br /> AxD WxEkFA9,on the fifteenth day of October, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of r:aston,in the State of Ma;sachusetts,was dulv no��iinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as successor to said � <br /> C��rus H.DlcCormick,`r-hich uomination was,on the sa�me d�y, approved by the I3oard of Directors of the said Uxiox PACn�ic I�Ai7.ttoAn Co1KPnxY; Axn WaF�tFae,by sucb nomination and approval <br /> said r'rederick L.Ames did,tipon his acceptance thereof, thereatter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights,aud interests,and cl�ar�ed with the same duties and responsibilities,as if he had <br />'� been one of the original Trustees nacned in and executing,�aid Mortbane Deed; Axn �Vx��ras,s�id remaining Trustee did,Uy:a convey�nce,proPer and effectua�l for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br />, day of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the stime in such new'Prustee jointly with him,the�a�id John Duff; ANn WxE[t�ns,the said John puff did,on the fourteeuth day of February, - <br /> A.D. 1877, hy�u proper instrument of��riting to th�t effect,resign his place ns Trustee uuder sa�id blort�,age Deed,which resibntition was,on the fourteeuth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> U\ION PACIFIC KAILROAD COMPr1NY�1Jy th0 I:%BCUtl�e CO�rilllitte0 Of]t9 L�Oflrd OC DiT.CtOPS, aY, a meeting thereof held on th�,t day iu the City of Boston, t1Tld�tat0 Of 1kIa33aC}lUS0tt9� AND wHEREAB� '� <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill tl�e cac�ncy.cavsed by the resignafion of said John Duff, l�aving been made, the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEREAB�the <br /> snid Uxrox nCTr ir, �,yr�w��nY�?�1raxY,with the �on.e oY t� T istees for the time being, reinbefor�n�y�d, has old and conveyed, a�s above set forth, the I�eal Estate hereinbefore described, <br /> unto the sai�,�f h�cTin eonsideration of'the snm���t�i iu'�hand p�id by the sai�,�diiiL�ft .�� of mouey bas been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to said John Duff and said Frederi L. Ames,Trnstees,or to said Cyrus I3.McCormiclz and sai3 John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses:�nd purposes in Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> 1 <br /> �nw �'ltrre�'or�c, Know all Mren by fhese Presenfs, that I, the said Fre�ln,ricic I, mes, e ainins Trustee in the aforesaid .Mnrt�'a�se Decd, in <br />( considerafion of the af'oresaicl, premises and pa�merct as aforesaid of saicl su�, So �ai,��aid, Co�p�zny to said trust fund, of whieh I am the <br /> r ainin.�'�rus e, for the zGSes and ,nur,noses aforesaicL, do Izereb�I�E.MISE, Rl+,LF,f1SE, ar�cl forevey� UI'l-CL�lI.M urat .�he said.................................................. <br /> . ....... �.... .. ...�-��--------------------------_.-.----...........---...----.-----.-------------------.---.the Real Estate descril�ed aforesaid, to be�eLd by the s ' e free and exe�npt from <br /> aZL Zie s, incumbrances, an� char�'es of sair� JVlort�'a�'e Deed,,bub subject, however, tn all t,he �eservatiorzs and conditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �/�j �itn���t �lhgren�; The said �'rantor, the UNION PACIFIG RAILWAV COMPANY, hath ;� : o <br />� IN PR�SE�CF oF caused tTzese presents to Le sealed with its cor porate seal,, and to be si�ned b r� its �j' o : � <br /> _Presideizt and Treasurer, and cour�tersi�'r�ec� Ur,� its L�znd Commissioner and its `�� a ' ¢ <br /> � /J�'��c��/L�� ✓L itoT°,and the said Frederick L. �2mes, Tr�stee, has hereunto set his hand this ; � <br /> 2 <br /> .................................`�v............A ..................................................... ���- � --� ��--�� -�- �--��----�--��--�----� <br /> . : : <br /> .......����z�4s�-- . of_................................... . -.--.../�.D. ZS.�J---- ` � <br /> �� . : <br /> ��w�i �� �� � � ` <br /> . z <br /> . _.................................��----...----......----...................-�:.�.---.Presadent. y , � <br /> : <br />' ........... �IIL .�... �............-?�r!f�.............._ ...........::. . � <br /> � --- yll `�� � <br /> . . <br /> � : � <br /> ................................................................�-'�'_"`L Treasurer. � � : <br />, � ,�'�� � � ....... ............................ a <br />' ' ��� --��'��-- °[...................��-�---�---......--•------......._.. Trustee. � • ; <br /> �#ate af ,lJ�a��axhix�e##�, -- — c <br />�� ss. � l ZS <br /> CGUNTY OF SUFFOCK. �e it ��mem6cre�, Th�t on tt,;s............7....................... <br /> l .....................................dayof. �� . . ......�� A.D. 18....�..�0... <br /> ���� ............................................. <br />'� before me,a Notary Public in and for said County,appeared tl�e UNIO�T P 1CIFIC I�,4iL«T:lY CO�ZP:INY, by t�l'F. ADdM�ts Pro�ident, �nc��8- its Treasurer, who are personally <br /> known to n�e to be the identic�ul persons whose namea are subscribed to the foreaoin;instrurnent tis s�id President and Trea rer, :und then aud there acknowledged tl�e execution and sealin�of said <br /> M Instruroent to be their volantarp act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, personally�ppeared the abova named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> i me to be the Trustee described in,nud who executed t.he foreaoing Instrument,and acknowledaed before me that he executed tUe sa� e as Truytee as aforesaid, and for the uses and pnrposes therein set <br /> forth,and that the execution thereof was his voluntary act and deed. p <br /> �n �itn�ss '�(t reuf, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal thie.......................... . . . <br /> ,.L�:.................................................................................................... <br /> da�y of..........�.r(�-Ze-'�vu�.,,.�-.�........................................A.D. 18.�...., :�t the Ci of Boston,in s:�id Coanty and State. <br />' �u�'or�`" �--��..... ............-----... ----------�---------sl°v._.��1-...---......---_...-----........_�.Notary PubLic. <br />