� �
<br /> ,� � � D J J
<br /> D��� ��� �OJ�D�
<br /> FROM
<br /> / , Filed for reeord the.....................��...................... � ......................................................._.........da� of
<br /> , � � �o
<br /> ...........�............:.......(...............
<br /> ..... ........................ ...................
<br /> , °�i� ���-...�..�_i....... ........... �--..18��....D........., t......... .././.............._..- - � '
<br /> 2� � ........_.................... .. .........................o cloelc... .�.�-.....M.
<br /> _.......................................................................................................................................
<br /> To
<br /> . ........ .....:.............. . ..... .. ... ... ... .. .. ....... ......... .........� ......-� -�-
<br /> - County Clerk.
<br /> ............................ ..................._................... .._... .........../................................_.........._
<br /> � �� . ....... ............. .... ..........-.�'t-���.;?��.�:............---......................
<br /> .................... ..�?;Yt�Gt'1...... ..�...�J...�..........._.......__............_......._ �- � Deputr�.
<br /> 6'e�a���a....................._......._..............._ -�eec�--No............................_�..................
<br /> �n�aa� �ZZ �ea� ��r ��te�e �1"re��nt�:
<br /> That the UN/ON PAC/f/C RA/LWAY GOMPANV, av7zic�z is a Cor��o!°c�tioiz for�ryzecl r�nd, exi,stins bz� tlze eorisolidatior� of the X'ar�sas Pacific RaiLwaz� Com,�ar���,
<br /> the DenveN Pacific Railwa� and TeleSra�h Compc�sz�, a�zcl tlze Ufzior� Pacific Rail,roacL Corn,vai2�, ur�der the corporate r�ame and st�Le of th.e UN/ON
<br />� PAC/F/C RA/LWAV GOMPANY, �� �zcthos°it� of an act of Con�'ress, eratitled, "�fliz act to aid in tlze corzstruction of c� railroad and tele�'ra,r�h dine from the
<br /> I .Missour� RiveT° to the Paci,fic Ocean, aizd to secure to the Govertzment the use of the saTne for Posta,L, Jl7ili6arz�, and other purposes," approved JulJ
<br /> 1, 186�, ancl acts amenda-torz� tlzereof, zvlzich said Comparay ha,s succeecled to arcd become seized ar�d possessecl of all the reaL estate and propertz� of
<br />� tlte said Constituent Com,vanies, whether rea-b, ,�ersonal, or mixed, anc�, am,on�' other thr'nss, of�lL the Lancl sranted to said Union Paeifie Railroad
<br />� Compaf2z� b� the af'oresaid acts of Conyress, in azd of th,e construction of its road, not corcz•eyed awa�by said Com,�an�at the date of such consolidati�on,
<br /> (to-wit, Januar� �/y, 1880,) ' consid atiorc of the surrt of--�- ....... -� ... -- ._...--� -................ ........---�----�����r �`Q.�CGZ't�.�1____-�.�.._. �.... . --- r/�--.__. ...
<br /> �-r�z!i?i�t����.._��-��./...._.. ..... _.._- ...... ....- -- - ........_� --...... _�-- ollars, t� i � id, the receipt of�hich a!s hereb� acic u�ecG�'✓�
<br /> .... .---.. . . ..._. ....
<br /> �--��--....�.�!. �-, ,--,d�
<br /> 4 GGti-�i�.[l/��. _.. �'(J�/Jiy,�q,ACa/ . /00 n
<br />� doth here"bz� C�R.,1NI; �.f1RG✓1I✓V; SELL, ✓1.JV'D CO.N'VEY; unto---.....��`�i�/-��-- ..........i�..�::......:�y._�-a.Y......-•-�-------------...------�...........................................
<br />' ----...-�.. ..........................._-.............. -�� .... �--� ....._ ..... -..... -......_...---....-�---�- ------ --� - -- --._...._...�. �� .'......�..... ' -�-----------�----�----........--�---....._..------..-------------��---�---
<br /> the followin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, l7�zns anc� beins ir� the County of._...... �f�--.....-�--�� ................................arcd in the State of Nebraska, and
<br /> describedas follows, to-wit:...... . ........ ....... ......... .....---..... .... . --... _..............._..�..J.. .........._..........._�....... - � ................_.....---��-----...---- �------------------...................----�-�-�--------------....-----------...----._..................---...----�-�
<br /> ............................................._........_.................._���.�i?%�....:........ ..............Z��...,4?�!,t���i/-.!�;�rc�..... ..... . . ......................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ii � G�
<br />�' .....................................................................................................
<br /> ..........e....i 42 i1�.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br />! ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................:..................................................................................................................................................:....
<br />�' ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br /> ........................................................................--�--.............................---..........................................................................---............. . .. .. .
<br /> .. .
<br /> ................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................ ............. ............................................
<br /> ...............................................-.......---- ............ :......_,..._ . �, % �; �`
<br /> o Section No..--� -...-- ���.....�d' - -- � - ..._..... .._..... ira Towr�shi,� .�10. ..__-- .����ii_(�� - .......................North of Ran�'e No. - -- � ........Cl-��'�---�Gr.�.{°�---:......._...
<br /> of the 6th Pri capal .Meridiar�, contaanan�', aceordin�' to the Ureitecl States surve� thereof._. .
<br /> f -� - - - �
<br /> ' ' ' ---�--------------------�---�-��-�----��--------------
<br /> --------------------------- -� - - ----�-----��-------�-- -----....__,rlcres, rrLOre Ze� beins the sa e re ise contracted to be sold ts. .....- ...�!�1..�.---:-...'.....---------;:------:".---.�..��-�---�-- --r_�::_...�-�._--
<br /> b Contra���o66..... ....�rf.:0�.,7,�����..��.�(.i�.�l... � ---.�... ...�. ... .... ......��.-�/d--9�--�-- - - --,��v�. - � ..... ..:������%��..:�.....
<br /> `� � V R' to the said UNION PAGIFIC��'�ILW/AY G��NV, al�that portion of the l,arz h Pbz,� cor�ve ed<if arLr� such there beI which
<br /> �����i��' ����`����,
<br /> lies withiiz lines drawn parallel with,and-----------------��.�?�.------..------....hundr��li�et ov� each side distant from the eenter line of its road as n,ow construeted,
<br /> and any reater width when rzecessary permanen�l� to include a�L � cuts, embarzlcments, anc� ditches, ancl other works rceeessarr� to seeure and
<br /> protect ���airc Zine. p , �
<br /> � This conver�ance is also upon the condition that the,s�l�'rantee hereirL,-----------------;�.�..�/..---...----.--............heirs, admircistrators arcd assi�'ns shalL erect and
<br /> maintairz a lawfuL fence beEween that po�•tio� af the premises herebz� conve�ed, adjoinins the roac$ of said Companz�,(if anz� such thej°e be,) and the
<br /> ruad of said Company u�on a line..............-��..........---.-.-.-•hundred feet distant from the center line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, in alL cases
<br /> irL which sueh fence is requiNed b� law, or maz� be required br� said CoTn,pan�. ' ,
<br /> TO S�VE .,1ND TO HOLD the said ,�remises with aZl. the ri�'hts and appurtenances thereunto beloiz�'ins u�cto the saic'��'rantee, .._...:��-••-------------••
<br /> heirs and assi�'ns forever, and, the said�'rantor doth hereby coverzant with the saicl �'rantee, that a� the makir�s of this instrument it is welL seized
<br /> of tlae said premises as of a sooa ancl ircdefeasibLe estate in ,e, and hath�'ood ri�'ht to sell and convey the same, ar�d that it will W:f1.Z�R,f1NT ancL
<br /> defend tlae title to said premises unto the said�'razztee,.....................................heirs ccnd assi�'ns forever a in t the lawfuL elaims of a7,L persores whomsoever.
<br /> EJ1'CEPTING, H0�'EVE.R, al,L taxes anc� assessments Ievied upor� suid premises since---.--..���'"_Y`_._../1�..���9---------------------------------- .
<br /> � • ' , � -��----��---��----�-�................�---------.....---.......---...............----...-�----................................_...._............�e�:...........---...-----.,s�,seeea�a;
<br /> ,
<br /> ,�ve.ixs;����r�ta.�'.r ar"'�.��r�ae�.....................�-�---.................... �--�� ��--���---...---�----...-�--��---���-•--��-�--��-----...---------•--��----................................._...........----...-•--�----�-------•---.......---�-�-�--................_.....-•---...........-�--------------....----•-•--------......
<br /> AND WHEREAS,said Uiviox PaciFro RniLROnn CoMrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and del,]'Vfa�r�,g Cyrtts H.McCormick,of the City of New York,a�nd John Duff, of
<br /> the City of Boston,a certain Nlortga„e Deed of that date,wl�icb deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of'..................,,GIL�....................................County, in the�tate of Nebraska, wherein said
<br /> Company conveyed to the said CyruS H,MeCormick aud John Du&,as Trustees,for the uses�und purposes therein mentioned,among others the lands hereinbefore described; ANn�'VxcB,�ns,the said Cyrus H.
<br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eighth day of Jnve,A.D.1873,by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said mortgage deed,which resignation was,on the fifteenth ,
<br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by tlie UxioN PACiFIC 1�,��iLxoAU Co1KrANY,by its Bonrd of Director�,tit a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Bosion and State of Massaehusetts;
<br /> ANn Wx�1tEAS,on the Sfteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'Laston,in the State of Massachusetts, w�s duly noi�iinated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as suecessor to said
<br /> Cyrus H.McCorinick,which nomination was,on the same day, approved by the Board of Directore of the said UNiox PACi��1c ILAiLROnn CoMPANY; AxD WxFxE:�s,by sucb nomination and approval
<br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereafter become vested with the same estates, powers, rights, and interests,and cbarged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e had
<br /> been one of the oriaival Trustees named in and egecuting,�aid h7ortgage Deed; Axn FVa�ttEas,said rema,ining Trustee did,bya conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1873, nt tl�e City of Buston, vest the samo in snch new Trustee jointly with hiui,the sa�id John Duff; AND tiVHCltEas,the said Johu Duff did,on the fourteenth day of'February,
<br /> A.D. 1897, by�,proper instrwuent oi writing to tLat effect,resigu his place as Trustee under said Mortgage Deed,which resiguation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the
<br />� U1ION pACIFIC IiA77.120AD CO➢1Yr1NY�by t}1C F.XOCUbiVO C'Ori1TY11-tt0e OP ibd BO�TCl of Dir..ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City of Boston, and State of Massachusetts; Axn WaEREAa,
<br /> no nomination ef'a successor to fill the vacancy,caused by the resigvation of said John Duff,baving been made, the said Frederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole Trustee; ANn WxEBrAS, the
<br /> s�uid Uxiox�y�cN'r�r���Y ConiraxY with the,,�o s t Y li '1'�r t �s ,r„,t�he time being, reinbe e amed, has sold and conveyed,as above set forth, the Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> uuto the sai �ee",1 r n in consideration of'tlie s�m��es�"�,�"�i�°in�a"`Ti'�"paid by the sa,id���e�v�iich said sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by said Compavy in his
<br /> capacity as�rustee,or to said Jol�u Duff and said Freder�ck L. Amea,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.�IcCormick and sa�id John Duff, Trustees,for the uses�tind purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned.
<br /> ,�p1v �hrl�efn�e, Know a// B�en by these Presenis, that I the said Fre�lPra�G�c L�/��lrrees ��inins Trus�ee irz tlzn afo�°esaid .Mor�t�a�'e Deec'�, in '
<br /> ' �" �rro�t�Ii'� '
<br /> eonsideration of the af'oresaid, premises anc�i paz�mer�t as aforesaicl of�aac .sum�so �aa � said Cor�przny to said trust fund, of whieh I am the �
<br /> remainin� Trust e, for th zcs anc� x�urposes aforesaicl, cZo �ierebr� RE�YIISE, RELL.f1SF,, and forever UIT-C ,f1IJVl unto the said.................................................
<br /> i .___............................................................the Real Estate describecl a of°esaid, to be�eld b� ' free and exempt from �
<br /> ...................... ..........:��.�..�.� �- f ^
<br /> alL liens, ineumbranees, anrl c�r�'es of sai,d .Mort�a�'e Deed,but subjeeb, however, to aLl t,he resel°vatiorzs ar�d eonclitions hereinbefore eontainecl.
<br /> �/t� �'ifng�.� �h�rcn�; TTze said �Y'lZ72�03"� the UNION PAGIFIC RAILWAV COMPANY, hath ;� : �
<br /> IN PRESE�CE OF caused tl2ese pi•esents to be sealed. wibh its corporate seal, ar�d to be si�rzec�' bz,� its ; y ; Q �
<br /> Pi°esident and Treasurer, and coz�sztersi�'r�ec� br� its LaT2d Commissioner arod its : _
<br /> �ludi.t,or,aracL tlae s icL Frederiek L. .11mes, 1�ustee, has hereunto set his hand this : �
<br /> �� _ _ / � ' '
<br /> ,
<br /> .........�!:::�!..��..�............_.........._.. - -�- - -- ----........._ .............day of_.............. ---����..---��----��----.....--------../�.D. 18.�..��..... `
<br /> �......_............_........ :
<br /> .......... --... - -.. . o ; �
<br /> � � �
<br /> � �J -�--��-�- ------- -� -------�..CJ-�.��-�2�/...... .....s.......................President. y � : j
<br /> W
<br /> ��,� i%✓r��i?�/............_................. 7 �., ..
<br /> ............... . .
<br /> ............. ..F<�4%�'vl/!.....-... ..�........_. ' �-7� -'_--"--'.'-------"----...----"-.... +
<br /> ��... Treasurer. � .
<br /> ._......�f�...- ° --v j ; : �
<br /> C�� - --.....��t.�r..�...--- .. ...........C1��....---�-----.....---....._...................._. Trustee. c°� , : !
<br /> �#ate u� ,i�a��a�h�t�et#�, ��� — --- —
<br /> � '
<br /> COUNTV OF SUFFOLK._ �e it �em�mGere,3, Th�t on this.........................._ . .... . ...........................:..........day o ..............4.. . ....................... ..............A.D. 1S�C�..
<br /> �....
<br /> before me,a Notary Yublic iu aud for said County,ippea�red tl�e UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COYIPANY, 1� C . AD,�MS, its President, �ud . its Trea�surer, who are personally
<br /> kno«�n to me to be tbe identical persons whose nainer are subscribed to the fureaoing instrumeut as s.tiid f resident and Treas�ier, and then and�here acknowledged the execution and sealing of said
<br /> Instrument to be their volunt.�r,y act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, personally�ppeared the �bove named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to be the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foregoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he executed the saine as Trustee ae aforesaid, and for the uses and purposes therein set
<br /> fortb, �e execution thereof was his volunt�ry act aud deed.
<br /> �tt �itit¢ss �(1�xeaf, I Uave uereunto set my h�nd aud oflicial seal this...................................... .
<br /> .....................................................................................................
<br /> da of...................................�G��..... -_ .----� �.--����������A.D. 18.�.�1.....,at the City of Bos on,in s id County and State.
<br /> Y
<br /> ,,�e�"-e� •---°•---�----�...............�-------......._._.� .l��v.K�--•----••--..C�`��
<br /> ....-�------ --------�------------�-Notary Publie. ,
<br />�
<br />