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� • _ _ -- _ _ _ ___. _ _ _ . � � <br />' _ : __ _ <br />% � � J � � J � � 6 � <br /> D��D �����D�� , <br />� � <br /> ; <br /> FROM �i ' <br /> � /� , � � <br /> /�/ � , / G .Filed for reeord the....................... ..............................�.�..........................................................._............da� of <br /> .............v!//./(/L2!?�li..........!J�!il/li��l/(�/....C.��,....�L(!C)... �-..............._........... � p <br /> �J ' <br /> � .... .G��'�....r...�.."�................... - - --18..��.�/......., at........................�........__........... � ........ ....o'clock.....�.JV1: ' <br /> _........................................................................................................................................... � <br /> TO � \) <br /> � ....---��� <br /> ...... ._-----... -- .........._ .................................---- -..... -...... <br /> ..............._�.��.....��.............._.....��.�.. ..._..._.................................... <br /> Countz� CLerk. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................. <br /> ............................................................................................................................................ Deputz�. <br /> F°R� 3`39. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> I' g UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. � <br />� Contract No.....�.��%./...�lF�� Deed No...��/�.l..J.._�................. <br /> �n�a�r �Z� �e�t �� f�ze�e �re��rtt�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, whicTz is a Corj�ora�io�z f'�rmccl afzrl, existirzs U� t,he cnnsolidation of the Irar�s�zs Pacifie RaiLway Companz�, <br /> the DerLVer Pacifcc Railwa� arzc7, Tele�'raph CompaTZ�, aFZC'� the UrzinTa Pacifc Railroar,� Corrz,p�rzz�, ur�der the corporate rzame aru� st�le of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/G RAOLWAV GOMPANV, UJ authorit� of r�rz r�eE af Con�'7^ess, eratitlec7,, ".fln ccet to aid irz tlze eo�zstrur,tiorz of c� railroad anrZ tele�raph line from the <br /> Jllissouri Rive3° to the Pacific Ocean, arid to secure to the GovcrTZ�nent the use of the sam� for Posta,l, .MiLitc�ry, and oth,er purposes," approved July <br /> 1, 186�, ancl acts amenda,torr� tJzereof, wl�ich said Com,panz� has saocceeded to anc'� becon�e seized and ,�ossessed of alL the reaL estate and property of <br /> tlze saicZ Corastituent Cvmpanies; avhetlaer �°eal, personaL, or� mixed,, and, amons other thinds, of�zll the Land �'rar�tcd to said Union Paeific RaiLroad <br /> Companz� bJ t�ze aforesaicl acts of CorL�'s°ess, ire aid of�he constructiota of zts roac�, not conc•er�ed awa�b�said CorrLpany at the date of szach eonsolidati.on, <br /> <to-wit, JanuaT°J ��, I8 0,) ira nsideratiorz o the um of--- ........- -� � --�.. ................-� -- - --- �- - ........---.....----�--• --------------...---.................--�--.............---��-- ��--�-�----------............----- <br /> -................._.....- - - --4���fi__���.�P��.....� ..G�2<���....._.. --����.-� /-�-............ DoL�L�a�rs,�jo� it,vaid, the receipt of which is hereby acknowled�'ed, : <br /> doth hereby GR.,4NI; B�RG..QI�V', SELL, ./�ND CONVEY; unto_.._--------------------..4�!�.Gt!v.! ........-C!!�'?%,�-----------..------...----------. ' <br /> ....-----�--...--�---�-�-�-�--� ........... ...............�--------�--��-----.......-------------- <br />, �---..._._................................. ..................................................- - ..............----�----��---......o the Count o �..._...___.._... in the State o �-----------��-. ._...---�--- ....--- `J ; <br /> f �J f-------.. -.G��.��ip - f E�f�-------------------------------------- : <br />, the followin� described ReaL Estc�te, situate, lz�in�' and beins iTZ the County of........_.....�'lP�.........................................................and in the State of Nebraska, arcd <br />� described as follows, to-wit:............................... . . -- - ---...- ..... ................... ....---- <br /> . ........... ...-- -,- ..........._.....................- ------------.......- �---�--------�� �--�-------------�----------...---��-----------..............----�-- <br />� ��...�..��� � ..��"��� d_ ..�. _�������`.. ....��.. .(�.�...�..��°�................................................................... <br /> ............................................... ...... ... ... .. --_... ............ <br /> ................................................. .................................................�..�........�.1.%:,��...............� ........ ............. ��...���:����....�-�-.���.:.,���.....................................---........................ <br /> � � � <br />; ............................................................................................................................ ............... ............. ............................... ....................................................................... ........................... <br /> ........................................................................ <br />� ............................................................................................................................................................................ ....................... .. ............... .. ......................................... .... ................................................................................................... <br /> ......................................................................................................... .......................... .............................. .. ... ..................... ........ ............. ....... ................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ......................... .. . .. .. ... .. ............................................. ... .................. ............. ......... . . ... ... . . ............... . ............................................---..................................................................... <br /> ................................................. ... . ......................................................... ............ ............ ....................................................................---....---................ .:. <br /> ..,........�. y� ... . <br />� ;.. ... ..- . ... .. ` . . <br /> T�r�....., _._�.��.._._�i�_ � <br /> of Sectior� No. ........... ...2--�� - � -a��?� �- ..���._..._......_.. in Towrashi�ro ..�''o. ' � --_._.............----_✓V rth f Ran e J►o.- .��2%/�./..C.Z�-.-...�.�...��,U�.----�--•-- '. <br />'; of the 6th .Princi�al�eridian, containin�', accordin to the United St�ztes survez thereo �� . �01...............................„_...__.._______.__.___.______.__.____......_.._____._, a <br /> .� .� f-�---�--...... . --��- ---�- � <br /> ....-�-- -- , <br /> ---------------------------------��-----��--------�- ----- -----------�. .rlcres, more or less, . • o ... ..........-_.---�---. ......... ....---�� ; <br /> �---�-�.. ......... ......... ........_ <br /> , <br />' • ...................................----�--�---�---......._.....- -- �-��--- -�-��---��---- --.............:..---� �--�- ��---.....----�---------�--�------�------........-- -........... -.......... �--...-�----...---..........--��-�----...--��---��-�-�--------�----��----------.........._ � <br /> i R£SERVING, HOW'�VER,to the said UN/ON P G/F/G RA/LWAY GOMPANY, alL tha6 portion of the Land herebr� conveyed,(if anz� such there be) which � <br /> Zies withir� lines drawn �aralLeL with,ar�d...................��!G�.................hundred feet ore each side distaTZt from the center li�ae of its roac� as r�ow c restructed, � <br /> and arizJ�'reater width when necessary permanenELr� to i�clude a�L its cuts, embaTZkments, arcd ditches, and ot,her works necessary to eeure and � <br />� proteet its mairz line. ' i <br /> This conveyanee is also upon the conditior� that the said�'rantee hereira,..............,�%��:....---.----......---heirs, administrators c�rcd assi�'r�s shaL ereet and � <br /> i maintair� a lawfuL fence�bebween that por on of the pretrLises hereby conver�ed, ad,joiizir�s the road of saic� Companz�, (if any such the�e b ,) �znd the <br /> �L ��r <br /> road of said Companz� u,�on a line................�.��.'I�..............:....hunclred feet �astant from the center line of such road, an,d parallel, therewith, i alL cases <br /> in which such fence is required bz� law, or ma� be requirec� b� said Companz�. � <br /> TO H�Fl VE .�ND TO HOLD the said premises zvith all. the ri�'hts aizd appurtenances thereunto beLonsins unto the said�'rantee, ..__. .. _ <br /> _ .. .----••-••-•...... <br /> heirs afzd assi�'ns forever, and the said�'rantor doth herebr� cover�ant with the said �'rantee, that a� the malcir�s of this ins�rument it is elL seized <br /> of tFae said �rorerr2ises as of'a S600cG and indefeasible estate irz e,�ancl hath�'ood ri�'ht to selL and convez� the same, and that it wilL W:f1R �NZ'and <br /> defercd the title to said r�rernises unto the said�'rantee,..---.----���..............heirs and ccssi�'ns forever a inst the lawfuL c�ms o a1,L ,�ersons w omsoever. <br /> .E.X'CEPTING, HObV'EV.EI�, alL taxes arzd assessments levied u,von suid premises since.........���%yI?��._.._.....j..�.`�......—����.a <br /> . . . � � ' ........................��-----...-----�----.................................-----... ......_...---......-�---------.......------------��----�r---........----�--�--�-a�s, <br /> � ----�-��------��----�-�-�...............................�-----...-�---�-----...--�--�---�--....._....-----......--�------------��---...--�-��- �-�-�----.....--�----..........---._....----�---------------...-------.......---��---��---...------�----...........----.......----------��------_..__------ <br /> , <br /> AND WHEREAS,said Urrrox PacrFia ltAiLROnn CoNrrnxY did,on the sixteeuth day of April, A.D. 1867,execute and de '�er t Cyrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,and John Duff, of <br /> the City of Boston,a certain Mortgage Deed of ihat date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of'..............:..��.....................................County, iu the State of Nebraskfl wherein said ' <br /> Company conveyed to the said Cyrus H.McCormick and John Daff,as lrustees,for the uses�und purpoae�therein mentioiied,�moug others the lands hereinbefore described; AND\'VaEE�AS,th said Cyrns H. <br />'; MeCormick did cn ihe twenty-eiahth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resign Lis place as Trustee under said mortg�ge deed,which reaign�tion was,o the fifte�nth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PacrFic R,�itxoan CoM�nxY,by its Board of Direct�rs,at a meeting thereof held on tliat day in the City of Boston and State of assachusetts; <br /> AND WxE�t�AS,ou the fifteenth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of'r:aston,in the State of Massachusetts, was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee,John Duff, as su cessor to said � <br /> Cyrus H.McCormick,wbich nomination�vas,on the same day, approved by the Board of Directors of the said UNiox PACiH•tc It.�1L�toAn CoairaxY; ANn WHFx�38,by such nomination and approv�i j <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his a,cceptauce thereof, therea�iter beeome vested with the same estates, powers, ribhts, aud interests,and ebarged with the same duties and responsibiliti ,as if he had <br /> been one of the original Trustees natned in and egecnting,�aid Nlortga<*e Deed; Axn Wx�x�as,siid remuining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and effectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth ' <br /> ciay of October,A.D.1873,at the City of Boston, vest the same in sueh naw'1'rustee jointly with him,the sa,id John Duff; Axn Wx�[��:ns,the szid Jol�n Duff did,on the fourteenth da of February, + <br /> A.D. 15?7, by ti proper iustrument oi n�riting io that effect,resign his place as Trustee uuder said Nlortnage Deed,which resignation was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, a cepted by the <br /> U�ION PACiFic ItAiLxoAn ConirnxY,Uy the Executive Cornmittee of its Board of Dir.ctors, at a meeting thereof held on that day in tbe City of Boston, and State of b�assachusetts; A v WH�REAS, <br /> no nomivation c,f'�successor to fill the racancy,caused by the resignation of'said John Duff, having been made, the s:�id Frederick L. Ames became,�vd now is,the sole Trustee; Axn HE$EAS� the <br /> said UN�oN PACiNCr. R,Air.wAY Co1Kp.�NY,with the consent of the Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed, �us above set forth, tbe Real Estate hereinbe ore described, <br /> unto tUe said�rantee,for and in consideration of'tlie sum afores:�id, to it in hand pnid by the s�id grantee,which stiid sum oC rnoney has been paid to said Fredeeick L, Ames,by said C mpauy in his <br /> capacity as Trustee,or to eaid Jobu Duff and snid Fredericlz L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses�nd purposes in said Mortgage De d mentioned. <br /> �aw �hrrefo'�c, Knaw a!l Men by these Presenis, that I, the said Fre�lericic I,. .flmes, re��2ainins TrusEee in tTGP aforesaid JVlort�a�' Deed, ir� <br />� consicleratiore of the af'oresaid, premises a�zd �a�ment as aforesairL of said sum, ,so ,�aid br� said Corro,�any to said trust fund, of whie I am the <br /> remainin, Trust e, for t e s s and x�urposes aforesaid, do hereby RE.MISE, .PELL.f1SE, aracl forever QUIT-CL./1IJVl unto the said..................... ........................... <br /> ........ .........�Pi.G.l./..Y.!G�......��G'`F�........._........................_._...___.._........_........__....__....the ReaL Estcate cleseribed �foresaid, to l�e held br,�the saicL�'rar�tee free and e.x trtpt from <br /> all Ziens, incumbrances, an char�'es of sccid .Mort�'ase Deed,bub subject, however, to aLG t,Ize reserv�tGor�s arid cor�ditions hereinbefore eor�t ir�ed. <br /> �`/t( �ilttg�f� �It�t'eof,; The said arantor, the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, hath i ' ` w <br />� IN PRESE\TCE OF � <br /> eausecl thes es ts to be sealecl, witlL its eorporate seaL, arzd to be si�ned bzJ its <br />. Pr�esiden a�asurer, and countersi�'�zed by its Land Commissioner and its <br /> .fluditor;ccnd the sai Frederiek L. ..lmes, 1'rus e, has hereunto set his hanc� this �: � <br />� �� �. .� � � : �� <br />, ........ ....... �- �� _ . .... � <br /> ..�-- .. ..... ��- � -_ ................ �- ��-----�--dar o ovr��--�--.... ' ��-�`� <br /> .� f--�� -.... -- ..... �-- -.........�------...�1.D. 18.��. ' : <br /> � �� o G� W �: <br /> ` �J� � C%' �G�.��Fi� : <br /> � �� ---�-�------------- -��-�-----��---�-- -�---- - -. .. ....----� --- ---................---------._.President. � � <br />� .......��1. ��%rd.......�......��lic.�E'/1......................... �� / : <br /> � � , ��r:7� �- y �i <br />; � ... /�:�..�.....//{'....G'!?!yl.��J..----..�-�%P-l1�'.�1/.1....._. Treasurer. � � <br />' � � z �: �: <br /> � ; <br /> � .i?���...................... Trustee. � � �'• <br /> -- �- _...------. ..�/�'`'��.... ......!� <br /> -- — <br /> �#a#e Qf ,i�a��acl��t�e##�, � , <br /> SS. <br />' � CaUN7Y OF SUFFOLK. �e it �emem6ere�, That on this .l�(/lf..................... ....... ........i.., of............../✓.... ....�� ........................ . . 8.�.`.� <br /> AD 1 <br /> � before me,a Notary Public in aud for said County,appeared the UNiO�T P�1CIFiC ILAILW�Y C0IZPANY, y 't� Pro3ident, and JAMES G. � i...Trea�surer, who are personall <br /> � kno�a-n to me to be the identical persous whose namee,�re subacribed to the foregoing instrument ae s�id Preside ^�surer, and tl�en aud there acknowied�ed th� executiori and sealing of said <br />� Instrument to be their voluntary�ict and deed,and the voluntar3 act and deed of said Company. And on the same day,likewise, peraonally appeared the abov� named FREDERICK L. AMES,known to <br /> me to be tbe Trustee described in,and who executed the foregoing Iustrument,and acknowledged before me tbat he execnted the sa�me as Trustee as aforesai , and for the uees and pnrposes therein set <br />� fortb,and that the execution thereof was l�is voluntary act and deed. i� > <br /> �n ��ttt�ss �[t� puf,yI—b—ave hereunto set my hand and official seai this........:i2.Gl`P.�..1./................. ... .. .. . ............................................................................ <br /> day of...............� ...L-�L�2�� a y . . <br /> �� ��J ......................................A.D. 18..�..�.� t tbe Cit of B ton,in said ounty and State. <br /> 5 .....---.�.................�...�...�-��-----�-....__..��.��� <br /> � - ---�----��--------------------------------�.Notary Publi�s. <br />; <br /> I <br />