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_�_ � _ ___________. _ _ �____ -.., <br /> i � � � � <br /> ��� <br /> �' � � J J � � � J J � � � <br /> - D.���D� �� [�J�D� <br /> __ ______.___ _ _ _ <br /> FROM /�„ <br /> , �j� . Filed for record the.:...:..................................._...:........�� ...................................-....�--....................daz� of <br /> .......G�G...!�/�.�.r.UG.........Lt'G�i.......... .. ........._... ... .......�=.��.................... <br /> ., �,^ <br /> � . `.1��'l.. �..�..r.�. .......... ........... ...._18..C�....0.. ., at........................ ..�'�. ..............................o'elock.�.JtT <br />, _........................_................--......... ..... ........_........................._...........:._..................... <br /> To <br />� o`�� � .�Y��� .... ............... ....1..... ..._.. ......- . .......- ..............._.. ....- -........- ..................... <br /> ....�..............................,........................... ............................................... ............. County Clerk. <br />'k ................................................................................................................Deputz�......._ <br /> f ........................................................._............................_ <br /> . <br />� F°�� 3'39. THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. <br /> � ��� UNION DIVISION--NEBRASKA. <br /> Corztract No.1��J..��. ....� Deed No. ...................................... <br /> ��f� /�`'....... <br /> �n�a�v ��r ��er� �� t�te�e ��1"a�e�ent�: <br /> That the UN/ON PAG/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANV, whiclz is c� Cor/�or•alioiz f��T°rrLed a�z�l, existins U� t.he consolidatio� of the IL'ansas Pacific �lailwa� Comparez�, <br /> the Denver Paeifie Ilailwa� ccnd TelesN�ph �'om�c�n�, ancl tlr,e UeaioJZ Paeifie Rezil,3°oacL Com,pan7�, ur�cler the eorporate rtame and st�le of th,e UN/ON <br /> PAG/F/C RA/LWAV COMPANY, bJ cLUthoritJ of a-r� aet of Con�'T°ess, efatitled, ".�n aet to czicl in the eonstruetion of ca railroad and teLe�'rccph lirze from.the <br /> .Missouri River to th.e Pacific Ocearz, and to secure to the Goveriiment the use of �he sanz� for PostaL, JVlili�arz�, ar�d oth,er ,�nur,noses," a,vproved July <br /> 1, 1�'6�, and acts amercda-torz� thereof, w�zich saic'o Compan� has succeeded to ancl beco�ne seized aT2d possessed of alL tTie reaL estate and pro,rerty of <br />, tlze said Constituent Com,�anies, whether ��ead, ,�ersonal, or mi,xed, and, a»zon��' other thinss, of alL the lar�d �'ranted to said Ureion Pacific Rccilroad <br /> Comparey by the aforesaid acts of Cons3�ess, iro aid of thc constructzon of its roacd, not corzr,•ez�ed awaJ b9 said Compan�at the date of such eonsolidati.on, <br /> (to-wit, Januar� �/�, I880a�,) ' considelratior� of the suna of........... -•-- ........---........._� ....--�- ---.......................� -� ._.....-----��----�---- ---�-----�------� ...._....---�•-----... ............._.. .....-�-�---...............---....--- <br /> r p <br /> �� L -Z� ..... D llars, to it aid the recei t o which is herebr acknowled ed <br /> .............. .�� ..... ---�-- --_-o%...�.. /X.1�!v?��.�'..�...- �-Gli--..... , P f .� �' , <br /> �- � - ..... p <br /> doth hereb GR�4N1; B./1RG�1L�V; SEI.L, .,4ND CO.N'VEY', unt`�Zo��.._ --- -- ...���...�-��� <br /> ...................�--��-�----��---------:.............---.. ............................._...................-----......._......._ <br />" o the Count o �������:............__..... in the State o ��� <br /> � --- <br /> ............................�--- <br /> ..............._..........--�-.....- �- .... �-- ........_...... -....__.....---- ...--- f �J f-....... - - ---...- - f--------- ---�.......-_.-�-- -......---------�-----�-----•--------- <br /> the foLLowins describecl l�eaL �+state,�ate, lz�ir��' anrl beir�s in tlze County of............._.._...._..........�-��.............................................a�d in the State of Nebraska, and <br /> describedas foLlows, to-wit:............................................. ............. �-...--.. ........... --...,.........:.....-------... ..... - ...............--��--�-�-----�---- ----�------..._ . .-------- <br /> ..................................................................._....._.........._......................P�.�.....�i.�����....��.��.....o��. ..�....�a��...��.. ��.................�.�.�'��........................................._................................. <br /> � . .. �� . <br /> _.......................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ...................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............... <br /> .......................................................................... ............................ ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... <br /> ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... .......... . <br /> ........................................................................ ............................................................................................................... <br /> .........................................................._ <br /> ............ ...,.....................................................................................................................;....................................................................................,...............---�-----��-------.. ..............................................-�----........_........ <br /> of Section. No.._.....�.... - �.J�.>....._......-.. .. in Township �N'o. ..... . ..�..���........ - ..............North of Ran e JI''o........... -. .. . .......�/.�....�f'..�...�..-......-�-- <br /> -- --- ��----- �- , <br /> of the 6th Principal JVIe i an, contaiiain�', accordans to the Ur�ated States surve thereo �9 . .....��1 <br /> -� <br /> ' z� f.....-----�---�---��--------��----� - --------------- --- ••----•----�-�--...........------•• <br /> ---••••-------••---- <br /> -------------��- ---�- �--�------------��------�--- --- �leres more or Zess, bei�z� the afne premis�con��cted to be sold to.-�-���---.....................��r�.---..��.�...�.�..---.�.......-�-•----................ <br /> bz� Cor�tract No.........-��!U----(.°-..�..�.�.--��..�.--��............ ...... datecL_.. ----- --t.�./.?iG�... :7d..-`=--��---�-----�------.....--�---=-��----•-------.......---....................---- �--- .......--��---.......----�---��----�-----_.:.---�-�---------....----...... <br /> G HOWEVER to the said UN/ON PAG/F/G R /LWAV COMPANV, all that portion of the l�znd herebz� corcveyed(if anz� such there be) which <br /> R�SER VIN , , <br /> Zies withirz lines draw�2 �arallel with,ar�d.................4..�..�.�.!!�..........._.........._huredred feet orz each side distant from the center liiae of its road as now constructed, <br /> and any�'reater width wlzen rcecessar� permanentlr� to incLude a�l its euts, embaizkments, and ditches, and ot.her works necessary to secure and <br /> protect its main line. ' <br /> This convez�ance is also upon the coradition that the said�'rantee hereirc,---------------�...-----��---�---�--�---heirs, administrators and assi�'ns shalL erect arcd <br /> maintairz a lawful fence betweero that �ortiorz of the premises herebr� convez�ed, adjoinin�s the roac� of said Company, (if anz� such there be,) and the <br /> road of said Cosrzpany upon a line...................�.�..�:�..................hundred feet distant from the center Line of sueh road, an,d paradlel, therewith, in aLL cases <br /> in which sueh fer�ce is requirecl b� Zaw, or 7rZay be required bz,� said Compar��. • <br /> TO H�1VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises with all. the ri�'hts and appurtenanees thereunto beLonsins unto the saic��'rantee,..:......���........._ <br /> G heirs and assi�'ns forever, a�d the said �'rarztor doth hereby covenant with tTie said �'rantee, that ab the makiros of this irestrument it is welL seized, �� <br /> I of t�ze said premises as of a�'oocG ar�d ir�defeasible estate ii2 f�e� arzd hath�'ood r•isht to selL ar�c� cor�ver� the same, ar�d that it will W:,4RR�NT and i <br />',. defend the title to said premises unto the said��'ran.tee,...._.....✓f��.............heirs and assi�'ns forever a�' inst the La�fuL cLaims of a7,L persor�s w�LOmsoever, <br />' E.X'C�PTING, HOWEVER, alL �axes and assessments levaed upon sccid p�mises sine ...... ... ...�i...I.�1...:-:........��g�...........and exce t a�'ainst anr� <br /> i ..... <br />� claims or incumbrayaces createcl or permitted br�, throu�'h, or under said............Qf'.��---------•.......... ... ..........................:........._..................----�----------.or......���.�.�...�...successors, <br /> i <br />, • • .......................��-----��-----..........---.......--�-��--------�--...-----�-----�-----............--��---�-----....--�-- -�-�-------��----�---�-----�-�-�-------..........................-�----.�..---�---��---�-�-----��-------�-------�-------------------- <br /> hears, or assa�'ns, or anr� of t Prr�................................. . . - <br /> i AND WHEREAS,said UxioN PacrFia ltnir.ROnv Co�rPaNY did,on the sixteenth da�y of April, A.D. 1867,execute and deliyg�' t yrus H.McCormick,of the City of New York,tind John Duff, of <br />� ihe City of Boston,a certaiu Mortgare Deed of that date,which deed is recorded in the office of the County Clerk of......................_d.y..�.................................County,iu the State of Nebraska, wherein snid <br />�' Company conveyed to the said Cyrug H.McCormick and John Duff,as:Crustees,for the uses nnd purposes therein meutioned,amon�others the lauds hereinbefore described; Axn��xE�tEas,the said Cyrus H. <br /> McCormick did on the twenty-eiahth day of June,A.D.1873, by a proper instrument of writing to that effect,resigu bis place as Truslee under said mortgage deed,wbich resignation was,on the fifteenth <br /> day of October, A.D. 1873,:iccepted by the Urriox PACiFic I�,nrr.ROnU CoMPnxY,by its Bonrd of Directnrs,at a meeting thereof held on tliat day in the City of Boston and State of Massachusetts; <br />' Axn WftEit�ns,on tl�e fifteeuth day of October, A.D. 1873, Frederick L. Ames,of' �:aston,in the State of Massachusetts,was duly nominated by the remaining Trustee�John Duff, as suecessor to said <br /> Cyrus H.MeCormick,wbich uomination was,on the same d�y, approved by the BOard Of D1PeCtOT9 Of th�9ald UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY� AND WAEILEAB�b�SUClI ri0riltTlfttlOri and approval <br /> said Frederick L.Ames did,upon his acceptance thereof, thereti�ter become vested with the sa�me estates, powers, rights,aud interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,as if l�e had <br /> been one of the originai Trustees na�med in and executing,eaid Mortgaae Deed; Axn�VxL�tEns,said remaining Trustee did,by a conveyance,proper and efFectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth <br /> day of October,A.D.1873, at the City of Boston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with him,the sa�id John Duff; ANn tiVHrttEAS,the said John Duff did,on the fourteenth day of February, <br /> A.D. 1697, by a proper instru�uent ot�vriting to that effect,resign his place as Trustee under said 11lort�nage Deed,which resigu�tion was,on the fourteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the <br /> Uyiox PACiFtc R�7r,xoan Contra�Y,by the I;xectitive Committee of its Board of Dir,ctor�, at a meeting thereof held on that day in the City ot' Boston, and State of 1V�assachusette; Axn Wa��,�ns, <br /> no nomination of'a successor to fill the vacancy,causecl by the resignation oF said John Dnff, having been macte, ti�e stiid Frederick L. Ames became,a�nd now is,the sole Trustee� AND WHEETiA$� the <br /> said UxioN YAC[FtC RAiLwnY ConTrnxY,with the consent of tl�e Trustees for the time being,hereinbefore named, has sold and conveyed,as above set fortli, the Real Estate hereiubefore described, <br /> unto the said grantee,for and in consideration of'the sum afores:�id, to it in band paid by the said grantee,tvhich stiid aum of money has been paid to said Frederick L. Ames,by said Company in his <br /> capacity as Trustee, or to said Jol�n Duff a,nd s�iid I�rederick L. Ames,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for tbe uses:�nd purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. <br /> �atu �'hrreto�c, Know a// li�en by these Presenis, thcct I, the said Fretlericic L. .flTnes, resnainin�' Trustee irc the aforesaid Jllortsa�'e Deed, in <br /> consideraiion of tTze af"oresaid, premises ancl pa�mer�� as aforesaid of said sum, .so ,�aid U� said CorrZpar�y to said trust fur�d, of which I am the <br /> remainin�' ru ee, f r th es and �urposes aforesaicl, do �zereb�RE✓YIISE, RELE.fIS7;, arad forever QUIT-CL,.lIJVl unto the saic�_......:.......................................... <br /> �jQ�� .�: ����f���...................................................__......_.the .Real Estate cleserived aforesaid, to be heLd bz�the saicL�'rantee free and exempt from <br /> all liens, incumbrances, ai2d char�'es of said .Mortsa�'e Deed,but subjeeb, however, to alL t,he reservatiores arad eonditions hereinbefore contained. <br /> �/t( .�'ifng�� �hgrco�; The said srar�tor, the UNION PAGIFIG RAILWAY COMPANY, hath ;� ' w <br /> IN PRESEVCE OF caused these presents to be sealed with its corporate seaL, artc� to be si�ned by its : o <br /> Presi,dent and Treasurer, ar�d couratersisned bz� its Land Commissioner ar�d its ' � � j <br /> � � .Fluditot•,an the sai Frederick �a mes, 1�ustee, has hereunto set h��a18 th� ; � � <br /> ��.��'� . . ���v�� o .......... .....�.........------ -.-------.... . . ...�... <br /> . <br /> C � <br /> � ���' -� �� � � <br /> ........ . . � �� : <br />'; 1(� �� _.............����.(f�/:__'_.---�GG-G��RJ...........................President. ? � � ; <br /> (�Y� R <br />' ��� � � �r- /��� /I/j��� Q = y �: : <br /> ._....�4�'1.7.�/I..UK.�............._...........��............._......................- J �.E�ciLA/w � - : � <br />� /�•. �...............-�--- --............---• Treasurer. � � • i <br /> ......... ..�c��?�.......................� , x �. <br /> , /1 _/� � <br /> �n.& p o � � <br /> •-- �----��-�-�----...G�/....._0�...........JV.n'v-..P.�--_'-`�-----...--••--�............. Trustee. c� � : � <br /> -------- I <br /> �tate of ,il�a��axhu�e�#�, j <br /> SS. - . ; <br /> �¢ it �etnembereb Th�t on this.... ......................................................................da of...................... .........................................................A.D. 18.�.9.. � <br /> COUN7Y OF SUFFOLK. � ���� � � �/- I <br /> before me,a Notary Public in a�nd for said County,�uppeared the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY CO:4IPANY, by C. F. ADaMS, it� President, �nd JAMES G. ARRtS, its Treasurer, who are personxlly <br /> kno�'n to me to be the ideutica�l persovs who�e namea are snUscribed to the foregoin�instrument a�s s.tiid President and Tre�usurer, �nd tk�en aud tY�ere acknowledged tl�e execution and sealing oF said <br /> Instruu�ent to be their volnnt:Lry act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of said Compauy. And on the same d�y,likewise, personally appeared the above named FREDERICK t. AMES,known to <br /> me to be the Trustee described in,aud who executed the foreaoiug Instrument,and acknowledged bef'ore xne tbat he egecuted the same as Trustee as aforesaid, �nd for the usea and pnrposes therein set <br /> fortb,and that the execution thereof wns hia voluntary act and deed. <br /> �n '��tri¢SS �h�renf I have hereunto set my hand and of�'icial seal this................G�%22!�..................................... <br /> . .............................................. <br /> day of................._--....../J�.�Z�/..........................................._...........A.D. 18..�-��'...., at the City of Boston,in said County and State. <br /> ✓�.�c� �/ � /� <br /> �......................�:'/..'..�::G.�.:_�,.._..(S�./...�����--------------------._NotaTZJ PubLic. <br /> i' <br />� <br />; , <br />�e,...-_._,. __.. __c� <br />