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<br /> ����J � ��j�J� � � � _;
<br /> ���� ���� ���
<br /> j FROM � '
<br />'�: • .....daz� of
<br />, � Filed for record the...... � ............................... ....
<br /> ................... ....... .;..........
<br /> .......... .. ........................� . .. .. . ........��..�..�. :...........�..............................
<br /> �
<br />� .. �.:?�..� . ................................. 8..l..o......., at... . L.`.L................. . . -...........................o clock................JVl.
<br /> ���-C,4
<br /> _.................... ..................................................... . . ............... .. ............
<br /> i ° .
<br /> , .... ... ............. . . ....... ......... ............................... ........................ ........
<br /> ...... ....---
<br /> �
<br /> ' County Clerk.
<br /> ......... ....�l�Ywv'!!`<° ....: . ...... ...G!it vLl�", .
<br /> ... ......
<br />; .................................................. .. . ............................... . ...................... Deputz�.
<br /> h __
<br /> ___.__ .. __. _ _.__.__________�_
<br />��
<br />. ContraetoNo..�J.....��..�L.�.����. Deed No.f�/..9..�.......................
<br /> �n.az� �ZZ ��ert �� t�ic�e re��nt�: �
<br /> iyi That the UN/ON PAC/F/C RA/LWAY GOMPANY, wfeiclz is a Coi��oraliora formed ar�d existir�� ba tlze consolidation of' the Kar�sas Pacific Railway Company, '
<br />�� the Denver Pacifie I�ailwa9 and Tele�'raph C.ompany, ancl t12e Union Pacific R�cilroacl Com,vcan�, uncler the corporate rLame and st�le of th.e UN/ON
<br />�'! PAC/F/C RA/LWAY COMPANY, b� authoritz� of aTZ act of Con�ress, er�titLed, ".fln act to aicL in the corzst,ruction of a railroad and tele�raph lirie from the !
<br /> � J{Tissou�°i River to the Pacific Ocear�, ar�d to secure to the Government the usc of the sa � for Postr�d, JlTiliEarr�, and other purposes," approved July ;
<br /> t .7, 186�, and acts amenda,tor� tTtereof, which saic% Con2panz� has succeeded to arcrl beeo e seize� aizd possessed of alL the reaL estate and pro,nertz� of '
<br /> i the saicl Constituent Companies, whether real, ,roersonaL, or mixecL, and, amon�' other th nss, of ald the land ssranted to said Union Paeific RaiLroad 1
<br /> , Companz� br� the aforesaid aets of Consress, in aid of the constr,r�etion of its road, not��eyed�awaz�by said Comnanr�at the date of sueh consolidati.on, "
<br /> ' (to-wit, Jarcuar� �,/, 18�O,J in eonsideration of the sum of---....�v?r.t�v....�-,�.c�Ln.c.�C<...... .��.�.�...--.�- -------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />',Ki:� .
<br />�.-}i,: ............................................'................... '..
<br />' -�------�-----�-- - .....--��.................�..... ... ........... i .. ----��-�----�-�--�-�----�----.. ...:..... ............................... . , ars, to it paid, the receipt of which is herebr� aeknowLed�'ed,
<br /> .. ..... DoLl
<br />;' doth hereby GR.,4N7, BJ�I�G�lI✓ti, S.ELL, .f1ND CONVEY; unto----���..,.n�- -.����_cY,�.t.��c................. :...............�----........-------- -......-,-�---r�----�----..............-----.................---------...... i
<br /> ' �---------------------------�---•.....__.............................................. . ...........-�--�-----�------........._o the Count o ...c�-�.t.......�..... . - .._.....in the State o
<br /> . f � f-------�-� f-----------------�- � - - ---...---�--...---�.--�--. ---------�---......._... '
<br /> the foLlowin�' described ReaL Estate, situate, lz�in�' anc� beins in the Countz� of................. ��...........: ....... .....................:..........and in the State of Nebraska, and �'
<br /> ' described as follows, to-wit:---�....................................���-------.... _........... ...................-�-�- ---------��-----� ...............
<br /> ................
<br /> a
<br /> ... ....------ ---� -�-- -�.................................�---------.........--------�---- ..... -----� �
<br />� J
<br /> ...----�-��-- --�-� -------
<br /> ....._ ....
<br /> ........:............................................. .. . ....... ..... ....... ......�.�..',r.✓�7.........�... ..... .................. ................ �,,,�t.._q��,,,,E-�,.-............�('..?'..a.`�:�..✓...'�.........................................................................:................................... '
<br /> ........................................................................................................................................�................................ l/
<br /> .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................
<br />,,;. ..............................................................................................................................................................................................._...................................................................................................................................---...................................................................
<br />: ............................................��---............---..........................................................................................__..........:..:.............:................................................... .......................................�.................................................---................................................................
<br />,,
<br />.;
<br />.:. .........:.................... ....... ...... ........ ... - ............... - � ......_..........................._.............................................__........................._................................ .......................................................................----.................................................................
<br /> �
<br />�
<br /> ............................ .. ..... �.... .. ....... .. . ... ....... ........................................ ....
<br /> , .... ..................................... ...... ......... .................................................................................................................... ................. ...................-- -�
<br /> �, ...... �-- -�
<br />��, of Section No.. ._. _ . . c-- � --.. �1�� .:.. - .... - - -- -- in Township ��!''o. �...Cl_o� ............ ... -.. . ....,.._ orth of Ran�'e No. .l��� --�//% .+�-
<br />�' o the 6th Princi al JVleridian containires aecordin to the UnitecL ,States surve thereo ".... .. __ ____
<br /> f P , �, � �J f.....-� -- - - ..(.���.........•-•----�- --------- ------ .___....--�----._....••-•-•---•
<br /> � --•............................-��--�-- ---- ------- --------------- .�2eres, more or less, bein�' the same pre�zises eor�tracted to be so to ..�.�..�,.,.;,.,,.,,a.---�-(:��.�►.----..........--------.......-�--------
<br />� �Z-- . . �
<br /> ,l b� ContractONo.2---�--.�.-- � �-�-=--/-�-�-----------------��----. ...........--.... datecl.----�LI---- 2. . . l�X..� -----�---------...----��----- �----........ ....---.. .......... ............... ---��--�-�--�----............--�----�--.......:.--�-- ----------.._......_
<br /> .. .. ..... ..
<br />�';! � R FSERVING, HOWEVER, to the said UNIO{� PAC/F/C RA/�AY CO PANV, aLL tlzat portion of thc land herebz� conveyed(if anr� such there be) which
<br />`>' Zies within lines drawn paralleL with,and.............�!1-:.{........................_hur2dred feet or� each side distant from the center line of its roac� as now construeted,
<br /> � and any �'reater width when riecessary permataen�Ly to include all its euts, embaTZTcments, and ditehes, ar�d other works necessar� to seeure and
<br /> i ,vroteet its maira line. , '
<br /> f This eonver�anee is also upon the condition that the said�'rantee herein, ..........�.............................heirs, administrators arcd assi�'ns shaLL erect and
<br /> El maintain a lawfuL fenee beEween that portion of the premises hereb9 convez�ed, adjoinin� the roac� of said Comparar�,(if anz� sueh the�e be,) �znd the
<br />''� rvad o said Com an u ore a Line................ . . ..........hundred f f p , '
<br /> ; f p y � �n.i,:�................ feet distant rom the center li�c o such road, an,cl arallel therewath, in alL cases
<br /> ;� in which such fence is required b� law, or mec� be required by said Compan�. �
<br /> 20 H,.3 VE �4ND TO HOLD the said premises zvith all. the rishts and a,�purtenances thereunto beLor��ins unto the said�S'rantee, ......�................
<br /> yaei�•s and assi�'rzs forever, and the saicl�'rar�tor doth hereby coveizar�t with the said �'rantee, that a� the malcir�s of tlois i�strument it is welL seized
<br /> ' of'the said prefnises as of a sooii afad indefeasibLe estate irz � e, anc�' hath�soocl ri�'ht to selL and convez� the same, and tleat it wilL W:f1I�R�.NT and
<br /> � defend the title to said ;�remi-ses urcto t72e saicL�'rantce, ............. ..................heiNS and assi�'ns forever�a��'ainst the�wful claims of aI,L persor�s wlaomsoevei•
<br /> E.X'CEPTING HO ti�'EVER al,l taxes and assessmeyzts levied upon sui premises since. • �
<br /> � , , �r-�"-`._;... .....��..'!',1......-----•--/��0........--�---��---arcd exc pt a�'aanst arcy
<br /> elaims or inezcmUranees created or permatted I�J, throu�'h, or under saad----...�(.��-rc�.....................�-���.�-,%r.�-ti.:...........---......---..---.....--•.---or----�..::..sueeessars '
<br />',��
<br /> !� heirs, or assis�is, or anz� of them................................. ...........��----...---........ ...............................-- �----------... �................---...---.....---.. .------..... ....-----�--- ��--�-�--........ ....--------.. . --....................---�---�-�-�----------_....�
<br /> ..�..... >
<br /> ;� AND WHEREAS,said Uxiox Pacirio Rnir.xoAn CoMrAxY did,on the sixteenth day of Apri1, A.D. 1867,execute and�.-��eli�vef to Cyrus H.McCormick,of theC�ty of New York,and John Duff, oF
<br /> ;� ihe City of Boston,a certain Mortga�e Deed of that date,wbich deed is recorded in the office of the Couuty Clerk of:.........��'cz�,��-............... ................. ..Conntys�u the State of Nebrask�, wherein said
<br /> ;i Company conveyed to the sa�id Cyru�H.McCormick and Johu Duft;as'rrnstees,f'ur the uses and p�arpo,es therein mentioned,a�mono otl�ers the]ande hereiubefore described; ANn�'VxE�tEns,tUe said Cyrus H.
<br />'!i;f McCormick did cn ihe twenty-eidhth day of June,A.D.1873,by a proper instcument of writing to that effect,resign his place as Trusiee iinder s�id mortga�e deed,wbieli resign:atiou was,on the fifteenth
<br /> � day of October, �.D. 1873,accepted by the Uxiox PaciFic It:�iLrtoAU ConzraxY,by its Board of Directnra tit a meeting thereof held ou that day in the City bf Boston aud State of Massaehusetts; �
<br />�� Axn WHE�tEAS,on the fifteenth day of OctoUer, A.D. ]873, Frederick L. Ames,of'�;aston,iu the State of Massachusetts, w.is dul,y naminated by the remaining Trnstee,John Duff, as auCCessor to smid �
<br /> i: Cyrus H.McCormick,which nomination wns,on the same d:�y, approved by tUe Board of Directors of the said Uivrox PACrN ic RniLxoan CoMrAxY; ANn«'xr��tE�s,by such nomination and approval
<br /> s�tid 1'rederick L.Ames did,npon hts acceptance thereof, thereaiter become vested with the sa�me estates,powers, ri�hts,.and interests,and charged with the same duties and responsibilities,ae if he bad
<br /> been one of the ori�inal Trustees nauied in and egecnting,�aid 1�lortgaae Deed; Axn�VriEtt�AS,said remo-zining Trustee did,by�couveya�vice,proper aud ef�'ectual for that purpose,dated on the twentieth
<br /> day of October,A.D.1�373, ttt the City of Buston, vest the same in such new Trustee jointly with hiai,the said John Duff; Axn�'Variit�ns,the said John Duff did,on the fonrteenth day of February,
<br />�� A.D. 1577, by a proper instrument oi��riting to that effect,resigu l�is place as Trustee under said Mortnage Deed,wbieh resignation was,on the fonrteenth day of February, A.D. 1877, accepted by the �
<br /> U�ioN PACiFiC RA�LROAn ConrF�nxY,Ly the�xecntive Committee of its Board of Dir etors, at a meetin� thereof held on that day in the City of Boston,and Sta�te of 1klassachusetts; Axn WfrEREns,
<br /> no nom'nation ef'a successor to fill the vac�ncy,caused by tl�e resignation of said John Duff, having been made, the s��id I'rederick L. Ames became,and now is,the sole'Prustee� AND WHE$EAB� the
<br /> said Uxrox PACINIC RniLwaY Conze�xY,with tUe conseut of tUe Trustees for the time beina,hereinbefore named, has sold a�nd conveyed, a�s above set forth, tbe Real Estate hereinbefore described,
<br /> unto the staid grantee,for avci in consideration of the sum aforesaid,to it in haud p:�id by the sa�id �rantee,�vhich s:�id sum of money has been paid to said Frederick L, Ames,by said Company in hia
<br /> capacity ae Trustee.,or to said John Duff a�nd said Frederick L. Aines,Trustees,or to said Cyrus H.McCormick and said John Duff, Trustees,for the uses and purposes in said Mortgage Deed mentioned. �
<br />, ,�uw �'hrre�ol(c, Know a!l Nen by these Presenis, that I, the said FrerZn,ricic L. .flr�2es, ren2ainin� Trus6ee in the aforesaid .Mort�'a�'e Deed, ir�
<br /> ir
<br /> f,:
<br /> consic�eralior� of tlae af'oresaid, pT°emises and paz�ment as aforesaid of saia,' sum, .s� paid h� said Cornpr�n� to said trust fund, of whieh I am the
<br />;� rem ' zn�' Trustee, for e r�CS s�and,�uN,voses aforesaicl, do herebz9' RE.MISE, RELE�.2SE, a�td forever QUIT-CL.l1LM urtto the said.................................................:
<br /> ��.�.............���i�t,��-u��..-.. ...........-...._........._......._...___....the ReaL Estate described aforesaid, to be held by the sai�L�'rar�tee free and e.xempt from �
<br /> i„ ................ .
<br />''j; all Ziens, incumbrances, and cha,r�'es of said .Mort�sase Deecl,bub subjecb, yaowever, tn all t,he reservations and conditions hereinbefore contained. ;
<br />; �It� �rfngtt� �hgrenf; The said �sNantor, the UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY GOMPANY, hath '� : � :
<br /> y, IN PRESEtiCF. OF caused tTiese presents to be sealed with its eorporate seaL, and to be sidned by its ; � :� ?
<br /> i4 PresiderLt ar�d Treasurer, arad courLtersisyLec� br,� its Land Commissioner and its ( , a .'
<br />� �j /1/, �/ . �LZ�:%��t�l�G �1 ditor•,ccnd the said Frederick L..flmes, 1'rustee, hy�s hereunto set his hand this ;� \
<br /> .�/ �1��.................. n�� : '
<br /> ............................. . .... .... .. ................... ........da o
<br />.f, - �..... ���v-r�.��c.2�...................... �J f--..."(.�-�--..........----�---....--�--�----.......l1.D. 18�.�---� _
<br /> I, � � , .
<br />; . x
<br /> : ;
<br /> �j �` �%J� �� .........,�--------------------�---.....---.......------�---.Presadent. � . .
<br /> /�...��.G�t�� -�!. �. _......................�- �--��------------ •
<br /> f , � � :
<br /> ......... ........ ....... ./Z..G'r�dil.............................. ,/� . : :
<br /> ' .... ....................�---..................°�!...�,�v-....--------.....-�----......._. Treasurer. � ,r� � :
<br /> �i�-wz� o ' '`�.
<br />' --...�,�s.�-..---�............................................�-----••-•---........--•....... Trustee. c� : : :
<br />'{'' �#ate a� ,11�a��axhix�et#�, - ��
<br />` SS. �
<br />;, , �
<br />� C�UNTY Of SUFfOLK. �e it �#amem8ere�, That on this.....� ................................................................day of......................... .....................................................A.D. 18.�/�..�.
<br />� before me,a Notary Public in a�nd for said County,appeared the UNIO�T PACIFtC ItAILWAY COYIP:INY, Uy C. F. ADAMS, its Preaident, a�nd JAMES G. F�IS, its Tre�snrer, who are personally
<br />� knQwn to me to be the identical persons whose names are sub�cribed to the foreaoing instrument as s�id President and Treasurer, and then aud there acknowledged the executioa and aealing of eaid
<br />''ry Instrument to be their voluntary act and deed,and the voluntary act and deed of s:�id Compauy. And on the same day,likewise, per�onally appeared the abova named FREDERlCK L. AMES,known to
<br /> me to Ue the Trustee described in,and who executed the foreaoing Instrument,and acknowledged before me that he egecnted the same as Trus ee as aforesaid, x�nd for the uses and pnrposea therein set
<br />: forth,and that the executiou thereof was his voluntary act aud deed. • `
<br />�'' �n �itttess �h�ea�, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal this.....� . ...................................................................... ...... i-
<br /> • .. ...--•............................. :.
<br /> ......
<br />! In
<br />� /`� day of.................�..r...c.�................................................................A.D. 18�r..�...., �t the City of Boston�said Coanty and State. t�
<br />� �� . r
<br />! / .
<br /> ,
<br /> .��-r��....��..----....��.�1 . .Notary Public. �:;;
<br />� ..................�--�- -- -•--•--• -------------...._.....�
<br />;:�
<br />:, ---- __ -- --- - -- --- - - — —
<br /> _ __ . _..____ _�—. _ _ . _..
<br />,� . _ _ _ _�
<br />�
<br />.',i . . . . . . ^g.,a..,
<br />