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<br /> COVENAlUTB - . .
<br /> . 1. P�ym�nt�. 9orrower eprees to make all payment� on tho �ecured deht whon due. Unit�nn Qor►ovrar and Lander eprna othnnvlon, nny
<br /> peymente Lender rocelvos from Borrower or for Borrower's bonafit wlll ba epplled firnt u�nn�r om�untn Qarr�wflr ow�a nn thn nocurod dobt .
<br /> . oxcluolvo of Intoroet or prirtcipol,oocond to Intoro0l,cnd thon to princlpal. If partlol prupn��rrmnt af Ihn nnr,urod dnbt occurC fpr�ny ronr.on, it��dll '
<br /> not reduce or excu�e eny echeduled peyment untll the eecured debt fe peid In full. ,
<br /> Z.Claim�Ay�in�t Titl�.Borrawer wlll pay eli texei,a�nnemante, 9nd othor cha►poe attributnht��to tho proporty whon dun e�nd wlll defond title
<br /> to the property n�9Nmt eny cleime whlch would Impelr the Ilen o}thle deed of truet.Lendev mnV raqufr�Rorrowor to c�ssl�n sny rlphte, alnlmn or •
<br /> •• deteme�whlch k3onower mey have egalnat partlee who euppiy lebor or mateilels to Imprnua or mnlntnln ti�o prop�rty.
<br /> ' J. Inwnnc�. Borrower wlil ke�p the property Insurad under term� accepteble to Lendn� et Barrownr'e ox�onse end I�r Londnr'e bennflt,All � ��
<br /> In�ur�nce pailcle�shrll Insluds s�tandud rr�ortpage clau�e In fevor of lender.Lender w�it bo nomal ao Inna peyon or ee tlin IncuroA on ony rur.h C
<br /> insur�nco pollcy.Any In�urenae proceeda may be applled,within Londer's dlacT�,tlun,tv oNhor tho rontorntlan or rapalr oi tho dmm�pod propnrty ( ., .
<br /> or to the securod debt.It Lender requtref mortpepe Inaursnca,Borrowar egreee to mqiiqnln sunh In�uranaa for uo lonp ae 1.flndor raqulroa.
<br /> - �1 4.Peop�rty.Borrower wlll keep the property in pood conditlon end make atl repeiro rc�nr,onnblV ne�cosnory,
<br /> � 8.F.xp�n���.Borrower ayree�to pey all Lender's expsnfes,Includinp resaonebla nttnrneVn'inao,II I3ottowor hrooko nny cavnnanto in thio dnnd ��
<br /> �• o}trwt or I�any obltpatlo�secured by thle deed of trust.Borrower wlll pay thesa ommmt�i tn Londnr ae provldod in Covnnent�of thifl dpar!�i .
<br /> truet. �
<br /> 8.P�ia S�cudty Int�e�tt�.Uniesa Borrowet tirat obtefn�Lendor'e written consont,fiurrowar wiil not mnite or pormit any chnnpno to any prior . _ `�'
<br /> � eecurlry Interonte. Borrowor wiil perPorm et!of Borrower's o611getlone under an�� prinr mnrt��►po,deod oi trust or othor Encurity fl{�ramm�nt,
<br /> Includinp Borrower's cova�anta to meke payments when due.
<br /> 7.Au!p�m�n t of R.nn.nd P�eflta.Borrower aasigna 4o Lender tha rents and pr�flt�of tho propony. Unloae Borrower nnd London c��vo n�mnd �-~=�='
<br /> otha►w aT o In w�itirtg, Borrower may collect and reteln the ronte ao long as t�n�mwnr In nat in dafauit. If Borrowor doinultn, l.ondor, Landnr's . - --
<br /> epent,m e court eppointed recefver may take passoasion and menage tho Prnpflrtp nnd nolluat thn rentc.Any ronts l.�ndnr sallecto oh�ll bo ���-u�
<br /> • applied flrst to the caste of manapfn the property, including court tostE nnd nttnrnoyo' toos, commiasions to roMel t�pn�ntfl, and nny olhor �"`"�=�s
<br /> neceseery related expenses.The remaQntnp amount of ronte wfll thon apply to pfll�mnnto on tho eecured debt as providod in Cavanant 1. '",?c:
<br /> � �to;�
<br /> 8.�owstwidr�on�iomksiums;Fix�nad U�di D:�iiw,���.Pa��a�va�sGrea3�n c�mply wltit iita piovislons of any Ieaoa ii ttils daed oi Yuet ih o� `�"=-
<br /> •Isasahold.I�this deed of trust is on a unit in�condominium or e planned unit dtn�otnpmont. Borrowor will perform all af Qorro�vur'�dutles
<br /> undar tha covaaants,bytaws,or rspulatlons of tha condomin:um ar pl:nnad unft dflvp{npmc�nt. �'�`�`'�-
<br /> . -:'�`rt�.�
<br /> f� 8.AuMaity oi L��de to PKtorm tor Bwrow�r, i(Borrower faits ta perforrn eny of Bono�vor's dutioe undm thla dood oi tru&t, Lnndur may t " '
<br /> pe►form the dutiee or cause them to be performed.Lender m�y aign Borcownr'u nnmfl or pt�y any amount if nocessary(ar pnriormenco.If any ,���,;1--�
<br /> eonstruatisn on the prope►ty Is discontinued o►not carriad on In e roasoneble mnnnflr,Londor r�eay do whatovar Is nocossnry m protoct Londnr's ��.;::;•e,�;�,
<br /> ' aecurity interest In the property.Thla m�y I�ctude completing the conatrutrtibn, ::?�?�'�--•
<br /> � �` Lender's feflure to per4orm will not proclude Lender from exercEsfnp any of ita othm rfphta undar tho Inw ar thfa doad ot tniat. L�r.''°'
<br /> . '�..
<br /> � Any emount�paid by Lender to protect Lender's security interest wfll ba samir�d by thin daod of nuat.Such amounte wY!I ho duo on d�mnnd �='�'�-'���
<br /> � and wfil bear intere»t fram the dato of the payment until paid in fuil at the intomot rntn In efleat on iho aocurod dabt. .;,;��;
<br /> �, 10. �Mdt Md Acc�l�tion. If Borrower falls to mako any payment when dufl or 6rnnks any covononts undor this dEOd oi truot or nny :_��=
<br /> �f� abtigetlon secured by this deed of trust or eny priot mortgage or deed of uust, Lendflr mt�y a�colorato thA maturity of ttFn ancurod dobt end
<br /> . � demand immediate payment end may invoke the power of sete ancl any other rqmoAina pArmftted by eppiicable law.
<br /> � it. R�qwrt for NoBc�of Wfwit.it is he►eby requosted that copies of the natinon of dafault and sale b�snn7 to oach parson who ifl o pArry
<br /> hereto,et the addresa of eech such person,as set forth herein.
<br /> 12. Pow�►o!SW.It the Lender invokea the power of sele,the Trustoe shull Hrr,t rocord tn iho office af Yhn c�glatnr ot daoda of oFlCh c�unty t
<br /> � wheroln the trust property or some part or parcel thereof fs situutod n natina of default contuining the information raquirod by law.Thp"frusteo P'�-�
<br /> ��_• ahell atao matl coples of tha notice of dotauft to the Borrownr,to enr.h porr,un wha la e pnrt}P hereta, and to othor poraales au prosaribad by
<br /> epplicabte law. Not Insa thsn one month aher the Truatee roaardv ch�� a�atiao of doinult, or two months if the truct�i:omerry la not In ony
<br /> -!,•.., incorporated city or villape and ts used in termina operotions canitrcl an.b� thn ttuator,tho Tn�otoe ahell give publlc natico 01 s�lo ta ths porsons j•;,-•
<br /> i and in tha manner presaibed by�appplica6te lew.Trus4ee,wlthyut d[�mnnd on 8arro�ver,eht�ll aoll the proparty at publlo nuation to thn hiphoat ""'
<br /> ��.� bidder.it required by tM Farm Nomestead Protertlon Act,Truetas shult affnr thp prqpertU In two saparate se}es as roquSrad by epplicnbl�law. ��
<br /> . Trustee may pottpone aele of ell or eny parce!ot the property by publle nnnm�noemflnt et the time end place of eny prov3atisiy schoAutnd solo. _
<br /> �� �� Lender or tts deaipnee m�y purchase ths property at any sale.
<br /> � �� � Upnn roceipt oi peyment of tne priCe bid,Trutteo shell delid�er to tha putr,ht�r,�r Tcuctoo's d�od aonvoyinp the proporty.Thn rocidals contalnod In °=-
<br /> , Truetee's deed shall M prima facle evidience nf the truth of the�tetomunto cantt+inoA therAin.Ttustoo ehal(apply tho proaflnd5 0}tha oc�le in tho °--_
<br /> • followiap ord�r. U) to.oll expenses of the oale, Inciudin3, bat nat limitod to, roosonnblu Trustne'o teea, reacon�blo nttornoy'e taos md -
<br />- relnstatement feea;lb)to eil euma secured by this deed of trust,and(o)thti brlt�ncn,if eny,to tha persona Iagally ontitiod to rocolvo it.
<br /> 13.Foncbwrs.At Lender's option,thls deed of trust may ba foroctvcod tn thfl monner provide by oppilcnble law for foronlosuro oi mnrtpapes
<br /> • on real property.
<br />