,.�I,}' . , �...`��. . ,��Y�,�i�'S
<br /> �r; , ,�
<br /> ` ., , .
<br /> ,��
<br /> ;i� . . . - .�,.. . .
<br /> "-i� _ .�r .,.... __.,:)i�. .: . :.� . . .. .. �" ,. - .. _ . _
<br /> +,,,. I ?� 1 �Q6 , , ,.::,7;., _
<br /> Iwkh NcabM kw,such contNCl shdl not aff�c►othK provbbna of thts S�cSrKY �nsW^�e^�°r th�Not�whbh cu►b�
<br /> I r,OnfliCt6 �PP ' . .
<br /> �Nan offect �vRhout the oontS�thy provisbn.To thH end lhe provisbne of thls SecurRy Inatrurnw�t and the Nota ue deoYued to
<br /> bfl 50YfNYbbl� �
<br /> � 16. Borrowea'� Copy. BoROwer shtH bo qhren one conformed copy�f tho Note and of thb Securiry In�UUrnent• ;,�
<br /> k th� pnsonc�, uav, dlapoeal, stor�p�, or relaas� 01 {�
<br /> � � 1�. Ha��tfdOUS Su1TSt�IDCes.Borrower sh�a�H o��ano�l not do n�r nlbw anyon� eiss to do, tnythhfl afhctfnp th� • °
<br /> any Huardous SUbsUncss on or In th� ProRerty to th� pns�nc�� uw� or
<br /> � PropenY 4�hat Is � vblflt o}BmaN q antirtka of HozardoushSub�tnrtCC�thnt ro Qea��NhrecopnlzsifP o be opproprfats to nortnel . _ _
<br /> � storeye o'n �he Property ' ,.
<br /> •• rpsklent�it usas and to mahtenance of the propKty d qwauN or othv totinn by aeY ; �
<br /> •,�(, ' Borrawer sh411 prompty 0lve ��d�' �B� natice ot inY hve3t�Wna��y H�zard�n�bat�ncs or EnvYOnmmtal I.�w ot
<br /> . yovemmer�3al or resulntory eQenoy or prhrat�p+Jty In�roNhp th� Property i' ,
<br /> It Borrowx {e�ma. or is notMfed bY a�Y CA�^'i°�til or reflulntory �ulhorky, th1�t �nY
<br /> - which Borrower has aatual knov�ledfle• �y nocese�ry� Bortoww ehaN prompty nlc��W •
<br /> 'i removal or other rctrtiedletbn of eny H�ardous SubsWncsa 1���„a th�Prop�tlr ,
<br /> trt e
<br /> 1 necessary romedkd actbna h accordance wMh Environm�nto�Lnw.
<br /> � As used in this PanOnAh �8,"Huudous 3ubat�ncas'ua thos�6ubttanCN d�fin�d �d toxb Or hatlydouf aubitanCOi bY ,.^
<br /> Environm�nul lxw and t volatlM otwnri 6matKl�h� coe ahlnp abv of or lo►mtld�hyM� �d ndbaatlwto rt►�U+lalo.Afei4 ut�d�Y+ , ^
<br /> .;t��
<br /> � p�attalQ�s �nd h�bbld�s� y� {s bcat�d lhtl nMto � �.•--.--
<br /> .'. =�_��
<br /> � ths pu�pr�Ph 18, "Environrr�t�l Law'mans i�d����wa tnd rws ot lh�jurbdbtbn whK� th�ProperlY . -L��;
<br /> ;• ; io P��:n1,s.1`c!y or�nvfronm�nttl prot�otbn. -!---��-�--.,_'"'_-_ -
<br /> � <�°
<br /> ! NON•UNIFORM C01►CNANYB. Boriow:r and Laid"��unh�r cov�s�nt Rnd ap�M a�IoMowa: . . __�;V
<br /> .. ' - :Y�Cf�iC�'A�I►:.
<br /> - � 1�. AsslQnment of Rtnts.BortowK unaonoeto�noolt�ct�'nnutand rw�nuw end n�nbY dWacs Nah�in�n1 of Ihe ;., ' .. �.
<br /> � Prop�ty. 8ortowo�alhortzss I.�nds�or ��'6 aq� •. �. !T�"'�',-'
<br /> . ��r�,.._
<br /> PropKty to pay Ih�rK►tt to„M��urity tnsWment Bortow��haMoaoN�ot an�nceMV aM rw�ts md o�we*�u� o�h�P o`pe�tY = _ _
<br /> t and nol an � � � „
<br /> any covenant or ap�ee�nent � f�
<br /> as Wsteo for the benefR of Lender�nd Borrower. fiFs naslpnmer►t ot rents constRutes en absolute �ssi�nrtian ' ',.;•
<br /> � sssqnmeat tor add'Rbnal secU�ly any. '. � �'1
<br /> ' ' If Lender O�es notice of breaoh to Bortower: (41 all b tih��uriry InaWmenC,(b)aLender s N be anllbd o Ot�ot and �'� ��.
<br /> � ' benefR of Lender ony, to b� �pp�1 to the sums secured Y 'r'��-
<br /> : y; ; ��e� aq of tha rents ot the Propaty: u�d (c) aaeh ta^Nt of tha Prop�rtY shtN pay �M�tf �� �d unpakl to Und«' or r
<br /> ,'� • �oneors toent on Lenders wr%en danand to the cemn�
<br /> - - Bflrtower hss not exscuted nny prio�asapnrtwni oi i��: r-� �d h_� n�t�nd wIN not perfo�m any act lhnt wo+ild Phv�t
<br /> . • . :
<br /> ::.Sr.'•.,;�.��.':�.
<br /> y�.,. �,,�.;,, .
<br /> .,°.:;:;,' ''� Londer hom exarclsiny Rs rfDhts u�edor this Pare4�Ah t7. • .
<br /> , .,; r,a,t` bafore or after plvinC notic�of hrsech to ,
<br /> .', � Lender shaU not be requind to enter upan,take conVOl ot or mahuin tho Prope�lY
<br /> .'� . . Bo�rower.However�Lender or�IudbfaNy aAPohtee!receker may do so at anY tYns there fs s broaoh.MY�PP�tbn of rents ';i ..
<br /> %f�l:';�� sha� not cure o h«alvs�t��by ths�tSscur�y InaWrrwnt Is�yfuq.��. Th� nsatpnmant of renls ot the ProP�Y ?;
<br /> %•���� � sha114emtihate w '
<br /> i.' ',.
<br />- ,i�: , � 18. Forecfowre Rrocedure. 14 I.ender requtres immedlate payment In tull under PI����plaw.
<br /> ;, � Lender may i�eyake ed t°coltect a!O'exp nsesylncurred�in pursulnq theE emetlle�pprovlded In
<br /> ., "� ' Lender ehall be entiU _—
<br /> � ��'� ��� thts Perapraph 18, Inetudlnp, but not Ifmited to� raasoneble ettorneya' fees s�+d aostR ot Ut[m �
<br /> � . ';�• �: ��
<br /> �"� � evldence.
<br /> ���� Trustae ahdl record e notice o4 dehult tn each county In _ � '�T
<br /> , • �f the power of sale la Invoked,
<br /> ,1 whicb eny pert of the Rroperty Is lo��ted end shall meil coples of auch noUce In 'ths�e Isw. -_
<br /> `' � � Ucebte iew io Bo�rawer �nd to the oth�r p�n°ns pres�ribed bY�pp �—
<br /> � prescribed by eRp Ilcable t�w. Trustee ��� ��ve publlc nottce of�ste to ihe�'�i' _
<br /> Atter ft►o Ume requlred by e�p ��c�le Iaw. Trustee. without demAnd on Barrower� —
<br /> �; � � end in the manner p�e�ribed by epp =____
<br /> �; � � the Property at public awctlon to th�e hiphest blddar at the time and place and under the terms ���
<br /> .�: � � desiqneted in the notice ot sale in one orp cel of he�P�operty bY p ba�ra neuncement at�the =_-
<br /> " Truatee mey postpone aale of etl ar any p urchsse the �.
<br /> �� �y. � , reviousl scheduled aale. Lender o� lU dettpnee m�y p �`�.,�_
<br /> �'- time end place of any p Y :. - ,
<br /> ±'� � �� ' �', P�operty et eny sale. �srcha�er Truotae'� '• `'
<br /> ', .,_,,,1���:
<br /> ����;, r. ":' �.,� Upon recelpt of pay�nent of the price bid, T�ustee sh�il dellver to the P .,�,�,,'..,`,�,,:
<br /> " ' `� "�'�� The racitsls In the Trustee's deed shail be prima fecle evidence ot
<br /> ;�:• . �;s:;?�;���;, deed conveyMp the Properfy. I the proceed� of the als in the ,,�'�,`��:..';�:,�":
<br /> ��, � � the Vuth of tine statements made 3heraln. '�rustee staU epp y .. . '
<br /> •.. :1.� � _ . .
<br /> �;.� ;� �;�s to0lowl��g order: �°� ot�the Tr stee�te a acWalty Incurrred��not to exceedt �le, and thn sale, .
<br /> including the peyment
<br /> � � 04 the princi�pel smount ot the'n yte�t�at�ms u ur a by in a�58 u ty ImVume�t�nd (c) ,
<br /> ettorn�y�' fee� es permitted by . ( ) •
<br />� eny excess to the person or persons lepelly enUtled to it ,
<br /> If the Lender'� lntereet In this Securfty Instrument Is��e�SecreterySmey in oke the nonjud cie � -
<br /> ' requirei Immedlete puyment In tull under P�re7reph 9� �2 U.S.C.
<br />= power of aate provtded in t1�� forc��o�ef�eflmmis�sioner desiqn�ted under1the Act t,commence
<br /> ; ..
<br />�- '� 3761 ��S9•) bY requestin� e
<br /> - . .- ---- 1 •----�_�..._ ....� t.► .a�� the Proaarhl � Provided In the Ac�_Nothin� In the�pr�fsdPs�i��o�pah 18 .
<br /> s � -- -,,- ---�-�- 1 �v.c..n..w._ �..- -- -- - . -_ .-.
<br />= i 1 ahall deprive the 5ecrotary of eny rfqh4�e otherw�se ave��ao�a �► a �o•.-_. -.---- - _
<br /> � _
<br /> �� or epptlaal�lo lew.
<br /> ,,:..
<br /> h,t;' �9, weconveyance. Upon payment o�a�� sums seaured by thls SecurRy InsWment, Leede+r ehall request Truatee to
<br /> i�;, and sha� surrencfer thls Security Instrument and eN noterl evkfenoho debt secured by thf� Security
<br /> ,'�, reeonvey the Property wKhout wartanty and dRhout charpe to the person or persona iBpelly
<br /> �:; In�trument to Tnistee.Truatee shait reconvey the Property
<br /> ���,� antribd to It.Such porson or Rasons shnll pay e�Y �e�ordatbn costs.
<br /> '.
<br /> i ..
<br /> _ ,�.'
<br /> � ' p�0�4 01 6 .
<br /> ' FG819.LM�(B/06)
<br /> , '- Z 4A9 1
<br /> .
<br /> 1 ' -
<br /> -� ..._.. - ._ _.. . _ .._._.___ -.. . . . _ _ _ __ . _ -
<br />