..,, . .. i .
<br /> �' ' ^;�� .��' _x
<br /> . ..�.t., . , �, ._
<br /> . _ ���X.
<br /> .. . tYA . ' - . _-
<br /> � i '..
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<br /> .. . -�, ' � �'
<br /> 1
<br /> _., -�. �IS'M... _ ' . . "�.. . . . • ' . _.... Z' � � �!l.��i/�'3'
<br /> ..:.,.,:.iru.i+�;cr�----- --._. . • . • . ��... _-_.--_-'-=
<br /> .,:• ,
<br /> . .... =-v;..�
<br /> .. � , ,r.�'L'.'I''�t� `err'"L�=
<br /> � . l�I� ��frif,Y�� t . .. ...;-:1.;'f.i�:�; —
<br /> Lender muy, ot any lMno, collect and hold �mountu krr ffecrmw Item� M�n eapr�eto amount not to ar.ceod th�maxhwm ' : '� _
<br /> _ am0u�t thFit mBy DD rCquMOd tOr FlOrtOwBr� 1scN�+ac4aun4 un2us Ihn �nai r:e�to couw���rroa�+r�uree na� o� ��►�a, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> � 2601 gR �pp,�nd Ynpternentlnq roguMtbnn, 24 CFR Part 3f'i00, Qo thay may ba cmendod (rom tlmo to time ("RE�f'A"), �xcopt �� . �
<br /> � , thtl tha cuehbn or roaww P�rmitt�d �ti f1ESf'A far unnnt�ysaud ditb�retmantu or disbumryrr�ontn bo(ore Iha Bonovnfs ' '' ;
<br /> paymsnKi ere evalkbts In the n000unt m�y nat he ltaaad cn ama�nts d�e��av Ihs mortpepo Innurnncn�r�nlum. � ,�
<br /> If the amounte hsld by Lend�r ior�sor4w Itemlt oxce�d lho emounls pormRted to bo hold by R�GPA, Londw ahall account , r
<br /> tn aorrower for the oxcesa lunda as roqulr�by f�SPA.If thn unounM of hmds hotd by I.onder nt nny tkna ue not euftlobnt to � : ,_� ,
<br /> n I tho �CRCS��:Cr �nd v'Cqu�rc!Bonovier to melco op IhW ohortYA9 uu pB+mkUd by `. .:
<br /> � pay the Escrow Iterns when duo,LsnCLr may at 1y
<br /> aesPa � ;
<br /> ' The Escrow Funds are pbdped r�a ad�iltlunnl eocurky tar aH auma eecurod by thte Seourky Inotniment. If Aonower tendaa , ,
<br /> � to Lende► the h.dl payment of all euah suma, BRrralvore occount ehatl be cradRed wtth tho bnlsnc�n rcxnnining tor nll hstalYnent � ,'
<br /> Roms (a), (b), and (o) anA any mortBa�e kiaumnce pr2mium Ins3t�Anont that Lander hnn not br+some obllpntod to pay to tho _
<br /> � SCCrotary,and Lendx nhnil promptly rrrtun� any exceas hmda to E7arowa.Immsdatety prinr to a f�rncloa�irci onW of fhe PropeRy �,;" .z�,_r �
<br /> r
<br /> or As acquGRbn by Lend:r,8arror+�,�r'�accauM ehall hi►credilad w�h any balence remainfnp tor nll Inntniknents tor Items(a),(b), �1'•:t�Y,:.;��;��.,; ,. „�,
<br /> etnd(a)• l! . i r`ti'�'%'�,° .;:
<br /> � _}_.. i��i:t�,i
<br /> 3.41p}�Ilc�ilon ofi Pa�yr�enta.AU paymenta under ParupnpF�a 1 and 2 shalt bo apAfied ts;'�.�nd.�as 4ollows: �� r�rt K.tt''��"
<br /> � � �irrst,to the mortpaflo Insuranc� pr¢mium to bo pald by Lenda 4o the Secr�elnry or t�the mpnE�hiy chargs by tha 5eoratary �'�:,.,•r�:r,,:�:;—��'v
<br /> ..�' .•i,.'''` instead of the rnonthty mortgafle 6naurtinr,o promium; ---_ {�'-�.— _
<br /> I� ..r'�i-�.-=_=
<br /> { � SeCOitii� to any texes, spaclul eaROnomentu, leaoehokl paymenia or pround rontu, nnrl ilri�, (toa� nnd aths� ha�sd -y:---. .
<br /> ' .� I lnsurence premfums�as requlred� !! ___�._ °
<br /> ti I Thl�d,to Interest due undar tha Nnta; ����.
<br /> FOUrth,to unorttutbn of tt�n Rrino�rul nf tho Nato;and
<br /> Flfth�to fat�oharp�s du�undwr tho Nuto. �A��_
<br /> r 4. F��l� FIOOd �nd Othqr Hna�d I��our�OC�.BOrtOw�r IhaN hsur� �N ImprOwlmfMli� On fh� PrOpMty, whMhM ,�yr�.����
<br /> now In �xt�t�nc� or wbs�qwnty �natod, �palnot anv ht�rd�, c1eu�NMs, �nd conllnpenoN�, Inalutllnp fk�, for whbh Under
<br /> ' nquY'�f Intunreao, ThN In�urAna ahan Co m�lnteln�d In lho�maunts Nd la lh�pKbde thit I.and�r roquks�. Bortoww�h�N ,:"
<br /> . �,� ako Mswn �N knprovMn�nb on tha aropwty,wt�alhx► now fn�xNUne�a wbs�qu�nty �reoted, o(�aln�t bd11 by MoOdi to tM � ."..
<br /> ' �xtml riqutpd by th�S�cnttry• A(� �mumna �h�111 bo carthd wNh CampanM� �PProwd by I.onclw. Th� Ineurena� poNnla and
<br /> any rM�rak thaN b�h�td by Undw�nd nhall halud� lan p�yabM cYusw h favor of,and In a to�m OCa�pt�bM to,UndM.
<br /> � . In th� w�►t of bss, Bu�rmver shall QH� L�ndw Ynm�dlete notDca by maM. Lond�e mty mal�o proof of bt� M nat mado _
<br /> -" -- promptiy oy 5ortowii. caah :+r�i+r�n�a�C"RFan� �C��"w= °�'="�': `-'-'t�nrls�d �nd dMeot�d t0 mul�o aavm�nt tor�uoh bsa
<br /> . dinaty to Und�r, h�tu�d of to Borrower and ro Urtder Jotnty. A1 or my put of tho haumnoo proo�ed� may b� appNW by I °
<br /> Londw, at Re optian, oftl►M(n) to tha mduotlun ot tho Indebte�es under the Not� uiA thii 3ircu��ty Instrummt, (kst to eny �
<br /> � delhquant amount�appil�d h tttn arrlur h Porapreqh 3,end thon to preptyment of pr(nolp�l,or(b)to tNe rostantbn or npaY ot ,.� ;
<br /> �' tht durrped Fmpe►tp. My app��4Unn of tho procsede to tha princpd ah�ll not axtsnd or hostpone th� duo dab ot th� �'.
<br /> •� � monthy paymento whlCb em r�ferrod to h Parnpraph 2, w chm�e the emount ot suoh puymenta. Any uccess haunnca
<br /> � proceeds over an umaunt mquirod to pny all outotondhq hdebtedness under the Noto ond thfs 5gcurity Inahumw�t ahaN W p4fd
<br /> to the enttty 1Bgaly entklYd thtNMo.
<br /> ,�_� In tho ovsnt oi Iorocluaurri uf thie Securky Inotrument or oltvar Vanster of tkle to Iho Prop�rty that extlnpulahes the _
<br /> inckbtednese,ali right,ttlle and htorost of Burcawer h end to Insuruice polbks in brce ohnil paa[r ro ti�e purchaser. ' ----
<br /> • � .•�� . � .�, b. Oacupertcy, Pre�ervation. Maintanenco cnd Protectlon of the Praperty; B�rrower'� Losn ___ _.�
<br /> � , Appllcation; Leaaetwlda eaROwer sneu occuay.aambNsh.md uc� the Property as Borra�ve�a principat nsfd�nc�wkhin __
<br /> f11,. sMy d4ys aRer the exocutbn of thls Security Instrumant(o�wKhkr obCSy daya of a kter sab or Onu�aier of the Propsrty)�nd ahali =-- �
<br /> conthuo to oaoupy tha Rroperty aa Borrowors prkicipol roaldena far a! N�st on� year aitar lho d�to of occupanoy, unkss "��_
<br /> Ler►dar d�termines thnt roqulroment wiY aeuae undu� hardahip f��Borrower, or unkae extsnuating olroumstenc�a wciat whbh u�e ��,N.--
<br />- � beyond Borrower'o controt.Bnrrowor shall nottty l.mnder of any e�tvnualhp cirCUmsUtnces. Borrow�r ehall not commk waat� or .-__�
<br /> _ desuny, dnmage or substantuiy ohnnpe the Prapaty or albw tho Property to doteriornte, roaaon4ble weer and tear wrcopt�d. f,;.._-
<br /> " ° � Lender may Inapect the Property M tho Pmperty ie vac�nt or abandonetl or the ban la In default.I.andor may Wlca rwsonabb u�° -----�""�"
<br />' actbn to prolect and prosarve suoh vaaent ar abandoned Property.Bortower ehall also be In detnult It Dorrower,durhq tha loan ��_
<br /> � app�icatbn procesa, oav.o matoriely ttilae or Inaccumtu intarmatbn or shternaits to Londx(or talkd to provtdo Londar wkh any :�•__-�--
<br /> ' � rn�terlal informittlon) In aonnection wRh tho ban evidenced by the Note,holudinp,but not Ilmkad to, roprosantntlons concemhp �';!
<br /> . ,, v W�a�i:
<br /> -" � : Borrowe�'s oCaupanoy of tho Ptaparty as a pnc�lpnl rosldenca.It this Security Instrument Is o�i e kasehold, Bortower ahall �t��*ry -y ;
<br /> � ��; oompy wkh the provlsWna of the k�ase. If 8artower acqukea fd tROe to the Proporty, the leoaehold�nd fes tRle shall not be ;1'1'"'' a`�
<br /> k 6 ,5 ��t,,,:�1 :
<br />_ ��%'• rnenped unless Lender agroos to tNo merper in wrkhp. �,
<br /> ',.`r? ,,C.i:,;a�,;.Jc•
<br /> _ �;;.�. �.�.., t.: '
<br /> � 6. CundemaeUon. The proceedc ot any award or ckirn lor dtmaQes, dlroct or aonoequentl�l, In conneotbn wkh eny ��.=a;� �=-•;,;=,��� �
<br /> 4 .;4....., ., ........ . -
<br /> condkvnnatbn or other taklnp oi any pnrt at the Property, or tor conveyence In pfnce of oonde�nnatlon,aro hereby easlpned and •� �;,: i�;::.�t: •..; .
<br /> shaH be pekl to Lender to the e�3ent of the tull amount of tF�o hdebtednesa that romaina w�pald undsr the Note und thls ..
<br /> Securky InsWment. Lender sheli npply suah proceeds to the reductbn of Ihe Indebtodneoa undur the Noto and this Seourity , ,
<br /> Inatrument, flrst to any delinquent amountn applbd In the order provided {n Paregraph 3, and lhon to prrpoyment of pthcipal.
<br /> Any appNcatbn o1 the proceeds to the prin¢Ip4i shnll not extend or poetpone lhe duo date of the monthty paymente,whbh nra
<br /> reter:ed to In Parflpraph 2,or eshanpti tho amount ot euoh paymenis. My excese proceeds ovor nn nmount roquked to pay ell
<br /> - outs"�andinp hdebtedness under the Naro and this Sacurky InaW ment ahall be pald to the entity lepaly entilled theroto. � ;
<br /> _ 7. �fiAl'�E� t0 B01'COW�'Y aisd Protectton ot Lendar't Rlyhte In the Pra�Oarty. Bortowor ehell p9y all ^
<br /> '`-1 flovemmental or mun�Ipai ahnrpea, f1ne� and Ynposftians that erA not Inctiaea �n rarsgrnpn r. norrower enen par i��e�. � - _ _
<br /> I obligatbns on tkne dlroctry ta the�ntfry wh�h fe owed the ptyrnent. If Ialiure to pay woultl uWCfraely attect Lonae{s hterest in ••
<br /> the PropExty,upon Lender'B roquest Borro�vor shali promptry Nmish to Lender�ecelpt8 evidenolnp those paymenta.
<br /> If Borrower fnifs to make these peymenta ar the poymenla nequined by Peraqrnph 2, or tnlla to parform nny other oovonants
<br /> and apre�mc�nnts contalned h this Securtty Instrument, or thore Is a bgal procesdlnp that may slpnlHaanty aHect Londers righto In
<br /> m
<br /> the PropeAy(suCh ns a proceedhg in bankNptcy,tor condemnatbn or to enlorce Inws or ropulntlono),thon Londer may do and ' `
<br /> pay whutever Is necassery to protoct the vniuo af tho Property and Lender'a rights In the t'roperty, Includhp payment ot taxes, . .
<br /> hamrd hsurence and other Remo mentbned h Pampruph 2. �
<br /> �
<br /> • ,,�
<br /> ,- - F6D13.U10(0/06) P�q� �e1 6 ' - ... -
<br /> I
<br /> — I
<br /> 4ET �
<br /> I .. .._ ,.. .
<br />