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<br /> F3. All futurc ndvwices from Bencficlary to Trustor or othcr fuwrc obligntinns of Truxtc�r to B���eftr.i�u•y nndcr imy -
<br /> J peomissory note, contract,guaranty, or otlier evldena:of debt rxisltng now or exccuted �Qer thi�� ilr,ed c*f'frui�t �
<br /> Iwhether or not this Dced of Trust is specifically refern:d to in the evidence of debt. �
<br /> C. All abligatlons Trustor uwes to Bcncficiary,which no�v rxist or may lnter arise, to the enreut not pr�hil�lted by � -
<br /> law, includtng, but not limited to, liabilities fox ovcrdr:tfts rclnting to any deposit 2ccount natY:ement tretwecn � .
<br /> �
<br /> Trustor nnd BeneficIary.
<br /> D. All eddltIon�1 sums advanccd and expenses incurred by Beneticiary for insuring,preserving ar otiionvi�c prrt�t�;cten� f•-
<br /> , the!'roperty and its valae and any other sums advanced and expenses incu�red by Beneflcinry imaer thr, t��rm� nf ��•, ,
<br /> � this Deed of Trust, plus iaterest at the blghest rate in effect, fmm tim�ro time, as providccl In tha Evidcnce uf ��: ,
<br /> .. , I Debt. � ,
<br /> E. Trustor's performance under the term5 of any Instrument evidencing a debt by Trusror to f�ruefcci�ry and any Dced ���� ,;
<br /> jof Trust securing,guarantying,or othenvise relating to the debt. _
<br /> � If rrrore than one person signs tttis Deed of Tn�st as Trustor, each Trustur agrees thnt th�s i)r�ci of Tru�:t witl secure all F'' �
<br /> � future advances and future obligapons descrihed above that are given to o:incurn�d by any one or inam Tcu�ror. or nny
<br /> {� ; . �.'';, .
<br /> , � one or more Tcustor and others. '[his Deed of Ttust wiU not secure any other debt if Beneficiary faUit, witlt r�sgect to such � � :;��'�ei,,;I_.
<br /> other debt,to make any required djsclosure about this Drxd of Trust or if Beneficiary fails ta give nny requi�Ld nodce of
<br /> ' � � the right of rescission. ' �. ,.{,g��'s:�:�=
<br /> i :._._1 -
<br /> , ' S. PAYA�NTS.Trustor agre�es to make all payments on the Secured Debt when due nn�in acGOrdnnce with t�te terms of the _ ����'
<br /> Evldence of Debt or this Dee.d of Trust. `( --
<br /> Iti .
<br /> � � 6. WARRANTY OF TITLE. 'Itusror covennnts that 'IYustor is Iawfully seized of�he estata comreyed lry thiu Deed of Trost �` ,
<br />