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<br /> • l7.'I'rnnsPcr oP thc FMo�:rty or u Bemficinl Intcrest lit Hurrower. lf'ull or uny part of thc Properry��r uny uucrc+t in it
<br /> ;=. .
<br /> i;sald ur trunsi'crrcd(ur i(u bcneficud intcrest in Hurro+vcr i� ,��Id ur u•amfcrrcd and Burn,wcr iti nut a niuurid pcnnn)without
<br /> ' l.endcr's prior writtcn runs�nt. l.cndrr may. ut its aptii�n, rcquirc innncJiatc piryment in full ot' all sums seccrcd hy this s,A.,
<br /> . Sccuriq�Inctruntent.H��wcvcr.this u}�tion shttll not bc cxcr�i+cd hy l.cndcr if cxcrcihc iy prohibitcd by f�drri�l Inw as�it'thc datc
<br /> �n•.
<br /> .;f•� of this Sccurity Instrument. ,s�.
<br /> • • ti:°.
<br /> , � . !f L.ender cxcrcises this optiun. Lendcr xhall givc Borrowcr nutice of acc�cicration. The noticc+I�ull providc u periud ot not ;�t
<br /> ^,,,,,,,:�: Ics�than 30 duys fr�mi thc dntc thc nuticc iti dclivercd ��r muilcd within which Hurruwcr must pay all ,ums sccured by this i::',
<br /> .4,,.,,,.,ti�0. Sccurity Instnmunt. If Horro�ti•cr fails to puy thesc sums prior to the cxpir.nion of thiy perii�d.L�:ndcr may invoke uny rcmcdics • s__,
<br /> • permittcd by this 5ccuriry Instrument without Purther notice or dcmund un I3orrc�wer. �-
<br /> y . ,,i•-.-�
<br /> IS. B�rro�vcr's Rlght to Rclnstutc. If Borrowcr mcets ccrtnin con di tions, B o r r��w c r s h u l l ha�c d�c ri ght to hu��c `...�.;.
<br /> „ � ,.:__:
<br /> enforcement of this Security Instrument discontinued i�t any time prior t�� the curlier ot: (a) 5 duya t��r such other perioJ as
<br /> upplicable law may specify for reinstatemcnt) bcfore salc uf thc Propcny punutuu w �u�y p��wcr of salc c�utt�ined in this ��_-_"
<br /> � Sccurity lnstrumenr,or(b)cntry of a judgment enfrn•cing this Security lnstrumcnt. Th�isc r�snJitiuns urc that Borco�ver: (a?pays _ —
<br /> L.endcr:�II sums which thcn would br Juc undcr this Sccuriry lnstrumcnt und thc Notc us if nn ucccicration had occurrcd; (b)
<br /> ,�� ;� cures uny default uf uny other covcnunts or ugrcemcnts: (cl pays aq expenscs incurred in cnforcing this Security Instrument. �„v-=_
<br /> � � including, but not limited to,reasunablc attorneys' fu+: unJ (d) tukcs such ueliun ati L.cnJcr m:�y reusanably rcyuire to assurc ��_-
<br /> �__ _ .__�d , that thc licn of this Security Instrument, l.endcr'�rightti in thc Property and Bormwer's ubligation to pay the sums secured by �"
<br /> ��� this Security Instrument shall continue unchnnged. Upun reinstatement by tiurruwer, this Securiry Instrumtnt an� the �__, _
<br /> abligations secured hereby shall remain fully effective as if no ucceleration huJ occurced. Nowever, this right to reinstate shall f
<br /> � not apply in the case of ucceleration under paragruph 17. �i
<br /> � � 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e of I.oan Servtcer.The Note ar a partial interest in thc Notc (together with this Sccurity
<br /> Instrument)may be sold one or more times withaut prior notice to Borro�ver. A sale may result in u change in the cntiry(known —_'
<br /> �• �� as the "Loan Servicer")tha[collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> 'f'��., or mare changes of the Loan 5ervicer unrelatod to a sale of thc Note. If there is a chunge of thc Loan Servicer.Bottower wiU be —
<br /> ° �� �•"�,•,� iven written notice of the change in accordance with parngruph 14 ubove and applicable law.Tlie notice will stat�the name and
<br /> 6
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the addresti to which payments should be made. The notice will also contain any ot er
<br /> information required by applicuble law.
<br /> 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not �ause or permit the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> •. Hazardous Substances an or in the Property. Borrowcr shall not do, nor allow unyanc else to do, anythin� affecting the _
<br /> Property that is in violation of any Environmental Law. The precedinb two sentences shnll not upply to the presence,use,or
<br /> storage on �he Property of small quuntitieti of Hu�arAous Substances that are generally recognized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> , i2Si3Ci�I18�ti�Ci�7iL�:.^..^.:.^.::::C^.�l:�_^^f[�!r Prn�l('TtV.
<br />' Borrower shall pramptly give Lender written notice of uny investigation,claim, demand, lawsuu or otner action by any
<br /> �'•' �overnmental or regulatary agency or private pany invalving[he Property and ar►y Hw.ardous Substance ar Environmental Lnw
<br /> � ��">>r of which Borrower has uctuel knmvledgz. If Barrower learns,or is notified by any govcrnmental or reb latory authority, that _
<br /> � .,� '''�`�{ any removal or other�emediatian af any H�xnrdous Substance affc�ting the Property is neccsk�ry.Bonower shall promptly take
<br />;�;;��'�� � � � all necessary c�medial actions in accordanee with�nvironmental Laa.
<br />"�,,�,��`:* • As used in this pAn►graph 20. "H;�.ardous Substunces" are those substunces defined as toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> j`J�_%�. '•' , . Environmental Law and the follawing substunces: g+�soline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic
<br />=�e,.s��:.(�' ,
<br /> .�•r•. pesticides und herbicides,volatile solvents, materitsis contuining asbestos or formaldchyde,and radioactive materials. As used in
<br /> `�' '""": this paragraph 20, "�nvironmentnl Law" mcans fi�eral luws and laws of the jurisdiction whcre the Property is located that
<br /> r '"'`r"'� relate to health,safety or environmental protection.
<br /> '',".i'�"' NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borro�ver und Lender further covenunt and agree as follows:
<br /> �:�.i.�E���' 21.Accele�ration;Remedies. Lender sl�all Hive notice to Borrowec�►�r3mr to ucceleration Pollowing Borrower's breach
<br />�-;Q'j=+��_-- �-
<br /> -;.:..�:�_..;_�,�,s of any covenant or agreement In this Sea:urity I�utrument (but not pr3ar io accelerntion under paragraph 17 un ess
<br /> =' "� ;��I appllcabfe law provesl�s otherwise). The notice shull specify: (a)the deY'��7rt; (b) the action required to cure the defuult;
<br /> :J��A•�,,.�?�?F�+` (c)a date, not less than 30 days from the date the norice is given to Borrn�ver,by whech the @efault must be c�red:and
<br /> �-,'��:`�•
<br /> —==-;�:;,�• (d) that fallure to cure the default on or before the date spccified in the notice mav resvlt in accelerattun of t ie sums
<br />_ ��u'�t� secured by this Secarity Instrument and sale ot'the Property. Tt�e nutice shall further+nform Borro�ver ot the right to
<br /> 'W81 �`'� reinstate after Accelerntion and the right to b��ng a co�rt aciion to as.tiert the non-extstence of a detault or any other
<br />�.�+U.;
<br />'}'"""F,�,,"`.� defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cue�l on or before the date specified In the notice,
<br /> =:__.'^�.;� � Leuder, at its option, may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by tl�is Security Instrumcnt without
<br /> "`°"'�''�'�` furtlter demand nnd may invoke the powcr of sale and nny other remedies permitted by applfcabte law.Lender shaU be
<br />"'y��R`..,::��� • entiIIled so collect all expenses incurred in purr�;uing the rem�etlirs provided In this paragruph 21. tncluding, but not Itmlted
<br /> `- ..�°,�� to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence.
<br /> - �.- If the power n4'snle is invoked, Trustee shall recmrd a notice of¢�eTnul!in eucB county (n �vhfch any part oP the
<br /> '���-�• Property is located��� shall mall copies af sucN rcostcr in t�ie mnnner pArscribed by appltcable law to IIorrower and to
<br /> "�'�={'�"^�°° ' the other persons prt�cribed by applicuble law. After the¢isnt 7eyuired Qny applicAble Inw,Trustee�hAfl give publtc notice
<br /> -- ' "'�"'` of sale to the pe�sons and tn the mannYr presc��ibed by app9i�abfe law. Trustce, �vithout demand on Borrower,shnll seU
<br />:�,,' U ' Yhe Property ut pubUc nuction to the highest bidtler ut the tiune.�nd place und ur�der tE�e terms designated ln the notice of
<br /> _ . sule In ane or more parcels and in nny order Trustee determines. Trustt�e may postpone sale oF all or eny parcel of the
<br />- ••.-,,,,� Property by public announcement ut ¢he tlme und place oi'any previva�7v scliecluled sale. Lender or its designee mAy
<br /> . •. puechase the Prupes4y A�uny sule. --
<br /> , �.,--
<br /> - ..-�l Form 3028 8J90 ���
<br /> ..�' PnOO 5 or 6 �:+`
<br /> ��.
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