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<br /> . S. Ilorm•d ur Propert}• luhurnncc. [3urruv�rr sh�iH krep lhc nnprw•crrn�ntti nu�� rai+tinEi ur Mrccdtcr crcrted nn thc
<br /> , .� �' Pruprrt� insurcd u�:ainst lo„by firc, huaird�, inclu�!e�l v�i�hin thc tcnn "ex�endrJ cuvcraE!�:" und ;my uthcr hai,�rds. includin�;
<br /> � tla�ids ur Il�uidin�. I'ar which l.cndcr rcyuircti insurum:r. 1'I►i:, in,urnn�e ,hnll hc muintainrd in tlic uronunt,nnd Inr thc periods
<br /> . �'•�° that l.cndcr rci�uires. 'Phc imurancc carricr pruvidinp t1zG in:.uranrc�fmll hc chu�cn hy l�urrnwcr tiubjcrt tu Lcndcr's approvul
<br /> � , �vhirh shall not hc unrca�.uuably withl�cld. IC liur��,v,cr fail:. tu iyiaimuin cuvcragc deticriheJ ab�rve. I..�ndrr may, at LAn�lcr's
<br /> � � nptiou.�ibtuin ccwcragc tn pmtcrt l.cndcr's riizhts ire�hr. I'rup�rty in uccordtimcc �sith parugr,iph 7.
<br /> • .,'' All insur:utec policieti a�id rene�sals sl�ul! bc accept�blo tu l�;�ticlr.r and �.li,�ll inrlu�c a ,iand;ud mur�gag� clnusu. Lender
<br /> :,��� shull huvc tlic right[o hold thc policics and renc�vuh�.IF L.�ndcr rcyuiro+, Elnrrc�wcr shall pr�nnpNy givr.to I.cndcr ull rcccipts of
<br /> paid prcmiutns and rencwut noticcs. In thc cv�:nt of loss. Laorruwcr tihnll givc prnmpt nncicc tn tl�c insurancc rarricr�md L.cndcr.
<br /> �, �� Lcitdcr mny mnkt proof of loss if not madc pf•<sm��tly by B,�rnnvcr.
<br /> - Un(css l.cnd�r ond Bnrrowcr uthcrwisc a�t�•cc in writinr, insurancc pracceds�hall bc uppl�cJ tc�rr.5totation or rcpair of the
<br /> ° �� Pro ert doma ed, if the restoration ar re utr i:;ec��nnnricAll feusihla and Lcuder's securit
<br /> P Y S p ' y y is not I�s�enui. If the restoration or
<br /> '�-� repnir is not cconomically fea5ible or I.ender's sr.c�rity v:ould bc Ic�scncd,the insurance procceds shull be upplied to the sums
<br /> ,,
<br /> 'R� sccurccl by thic Securiry Instrument, wlteQ�er ur ir.�+i t9r.�:n Juc, with any cxcess puid to Bc�rrowcr. it �3orrower abandons the
<br /> ••_�••r.: . . Proper¢y, or daes not answer within 3U days a nnti�:e frvm L.ender thnt thc insurance carrier has offem.ct to seute a claim, then
<br /> . � Lender may collect the insurance pruceeds. L.er.�l�:r ur.ay use �he prncceds to repair or restnre the Prnperty or to pay sums
<br /> ' ` secured by this Security Instmmenr, whether�?r i*ot tJten d�e. The 30•ciuy�cric�s�rril! begin n•hen the�fotice is given.
<br /> --. _' Unless Lende�and Borrovier othenvise agree in v�riting, any npplication of procecds to pi•iu�i�:�l sh:ill not extend or
<br /> ` � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in para�raphs I and 2 or chunge the :unount of the payments. If
<br /> '�'� .,� under paragr�ph 21 thc Property is ucquired t�y Lear�er, Elorrower's right to any insurance policies and procca�is resulting from
<br /> -;��:,�,s�,, damage to the Property prior to the acquisitioro shalIl pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secur�l by tliis Securiry Instrument
<br />"` �'+�"'• immediately priar to the acquisition.
<br /> �•�.T��� 6. Occupancy,Preservation,Mnin¢enAnce und Rotectlon of thc Praperty;Borrower's Loni�A���Ilcation;Leaseholds.
<br /> Y='•-�� . Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use�he ProFerty a.,Borrowcr's principal residencc within sixty dny�s after thc ext;cation of
<br /> , ,'�,�;a ' this Security Instrument und shall cuntinue to occupy ttae Propeny as I3orrower's principal residenee for at Ieast one yea�after
<br /> - :., the date of accupuncy, unless Lender othenvise agrees i�v�riaing, whict� consent shaU not bc unreasonal�ty withheld, or unless
<br /> `°=az �, extenuating circumstances exist which are bcyond Bonower's contml. Aorcower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br />�r,:;..f�.� Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit wa5ta:on the Pmperty.Borrower shall be in dr.fault if any forfeiture
<br /> _ action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment could resiilt in forfeiture of the
<br /> � Property or othenvise materially impair the lien created by thes Sccurity Instrument or Lender's securiry interest. I�orrower may
<br /> �'�''j=��� �:r su.li a d-ciuuli du�icivainin,aa provideu in pureg[aph Its, ny causing th:acnon ar proceedinB to be ciismissed with n ruling
<br /> _�'"'��� that. in Lender's ood faith determination, rccludes forfeimure of the Bnrrower's interest in d�e Proprcrty or ather material
<br /> _._`:A'`Y=;:� P P
<br /> ��'*+f impairment of the lien creatcd by this Security InstNment or Lrnder's security interest. Borrower shnl[ also be in default if
<br /> -_��;.;�.���.�
<br /> _ �=�1�� Baxrower,during the loan applic;nion process, gave materiaUy falsc or inaccurate infarmation or statemenGS to Lernder(or failed
<br /> =---_� to�,zavide Lender with uny material information)in connection with the loa�i evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited
<br /> �---�-= to,representa9ions conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence. If this Security Instrument is dn a
<br />�-_ -_- leasehold, Borrawer shall comply with all tlie provisions of the Iease. If Bortower acquircs fc:e tiUc to the Property, tl�e
<br /> -- leasehold and the�'ee title shall not merge unless Lendcr agrccs to thc merger in wming.
<br /> - --_
<br />