A . . .. . .._. . C.Y
<br /> . . ... .". •. . ... _ ..
<br /> :::• -:.-��. �.. ...,' ' '' ..'' '..
<br /> a:iv'_ ' '_ .__._
<br /> - _ - " . . . —_-__--_—. .��"' "" ._._ ' __ " .. _— _ ��-�.��� . '.
<br /> �'f�'�''�y.'1��M�ly d 1�! M'!1Adfeil�MleM i�l�te�l�.if ali or �St d i�Pro�ty q'alqt isu�eat i�R it
<br /> �.is aoid at tr�afat�ed ta it�,e 6a � ' 1 i�leerat ia Ha�m�+ec ii�ald a ttaoRfated aad�.lkxzowec is aat s-�e�ouai penoa)�rl�ho�t ::::.-.:„=
<br /> I.eea�c'a p i o�wdua�:oo�t,:t�eoder m�y. at ia a p t i a:. ,' immedt�e phrmeot ia:filf a�alt:�+mo sa�ad by,t l�` '
<br /> Sec�rity,�notyt�at.��d�ii c�da�n sldlt uot 6e��1�a�der if ezaei�e i�p�i 6 M e d��a l!a w�a f N e�i i e
<br /> ��►. .. . ._. ` • ,. .� .
<br /> ,':'tf l;eader�e�a�a thi,s apioe,I:eoder s6�i!Eive Honvw�a aotiee.ot a�ioe{a�tios�.T4t�atice sl�llptovidc a pe�iod af��at : .
<br /> irsc N�u 30 drys from�d�e tba�is ddivae�ot,�mi'I�d i�rit6in�nfiicb Hormwtr must pay�l!��ereead by tMis = .
<br /> Sd�uitq Lo�amea�.if Ror�6�ils w�ay tl�se sams p�iar m the e�atio�a af tlds pex�od,l.nde=m,y invc�lot ary�aeedies �.
<br /> Pami�ed 6i►�S Se�Y Leso�i�aot wldbut tl�rther uotioe oa dmn�gd aa Baaa�Yr. � ,
<br /> _ --Ii. Mrtw�'J�=Ri�rt�e �eirtMa If Bonuwer meets:cestain ao�itiaos, Horro� shall lvve tl�e.ri�t.�o.I�e � - --
<br /> �ed'a�p�ent t�ttt�:�5epariry I�tcummt dis000tinucd at aay riint'pric►i to f6e e�lier of: (a)S dsys(or such dha.peirod st ``� , .
<br /> -__ ��=mv�may�eci��r:!or-ra�}b�cro ssle uf t!�P�up�t�wrs�e-tQ am}F pm�r c�€s�te«�uea-�a-.-�:-°�--:�
<br /> 5eauit�i Inshtin�ent:or(b?ea�Y of:,jitl�eot eafarcla�this Security I�a�t.Thuso wod�itia��re tiet Hort�r�er.ta)
<br /> Lad�r all s�us which tBe»wauW be du�wder this Socucity t�cumait aod tLe Note as if no aocela�tion htd aaar�ct�a��j
<br /> . c�as aryr dofa�lt�auy od�er aoKe�.a�� (c;pys aii eapens�s iacumed in d�f'o�ios tl�s SaanicY iaMna�dit..
<br /> indu�.buc m�limi�ed ro,ce�o�,i�n�ia�i�':fa�s;aod(d)nices such scxiau as i.eader msY�btg reqro�n�
<br /> tb�t tUe liea of dus Seauity F�t�;�in t6a Pmpdty�Borrowrer's o6lig�tjon ou pa�tt��aecwed b!r.
<br /> - ;;:;;';�Wis Soau�iry tnstt� si�all c�oatipnic;: '`iIp"a t� hy► Hona��er. ttis.Sac�;'�t�.a�d tit
<br /> `: �:;t;'bl;�sacvieo baeby sbau.�=f�?;.�r�s��'i`aa aoodaation u�a occurraa.Nowe've�;s�s s$�,i��+eioslaoe sd�u
<br /> ; j :not appty in tbc cxse of�oodaa6oa aot�'k���� , �_:. ,.�
<br /> �� �!��! �!�'�a��?�•���-b��.�fttl� 1� 111 l�1G NdC��'��.��'
<br /> ...�`t,��"�)1Riy�1G 50�Ol1C OC tqDlt��1�101t�310�NC1�C/�Gf l+S�C IDay IIG9l�L ID i. �'�:dK1[y(�l�'NII__'.`..
<br /> !:lr,.�j���S.[11C.�1A�1 SCf V1Cif��;�A1D/�y/Q�;t�fSC;�.[{�IL"�O�C il��S.SCC1tAly ll�[IIIIII���l�liy bC OOC
<br /> .��.-
<br /> _=,c:��tt cl�es af thc tp�Y:.Se�'ioa am+dated w��:dt�.l!�a�:If tliec�e i�:a,d�e oEtLe I.oAO SeRl��_�no+ra Nnll bC . 'a:
<br /> ,.Ii;�s..�..' ��nttm.�qticroFit� u►acoord�noewids t� ��;�o,�ndapp'fi'icablelaw:Tbeaotic�+�`siai�eti��a�atiisaMl `F",;s>
<br /> �`�>:.�: ,it�+�1t�'P�1�new taan���;f�e addres4'to��g;�1�ti�LoaW be madt.TGt a�t�ae wili aka oaia�aia .. ,�a�:��t�i[R''.,
<br /> ;�,;:�::�` :ii�forn�ftiaa z.- : .:.:-..,��:.:�:,'.. � -.�..:.. .t.;' .
<br /> :,,� ,;i. b. � �-:;`• ��4 ' � • �•�-�
<br /> �"h�','. �:' 5����at:,+�t`�U l�f�aase �drlait Pt'eseaoe•ase•d�spos��•sior�;:ar t�eteac�•�d�'::�y .
<br />_`';;'«��i.�v�ta�dous Su6s�na5 aa or iri diC�. Hnx�i+e�r shal!mt d�. nor a0ow anyone dse to du. a�i�sffatin� t6e
<br /> .�;z�`�"�:;�q�etty th�t u in viol�tiva of aay ..�.�;_ Thc precading two seareaaes s1�11 nqt appIy bo�'t`1��moe.�
<br /> � �`�' of smatt �;of�i�us Subst�nces 8erxr�l Y r�gni�d a�!!?p�i�t� -,,
<br /> �•�� ••:��•, stmAge o»tbe Propacy qu�l. tl�t ate 1 _ to.b�:' W �..:
<br />�;��'�^`� residmtiaiusesaadu►uqi�w�oeo,� . •:�,'; - •�." `:, .. ;'
<br /> ��,,_ �.?�`�?'��Y-�. . ;:,:.� :;,•,.� ,:
<br /> .,.,;�. Borrower sf�ll promptty ��written rtotiive of mry invesoigation,claim.dearn�d;�iawsiiif os�et actioo`i�Y•�ny� �'-
<br /> giv�e rto
<br /> c
<br /> •Y::;�f,;:'`c.,govetmnental or regulato�Y a8eucy��ate puty imoiviag tGe Property ard a�ry Huardoos$iibstanae oj��i��v
<br /> :';.�i�.:•,t,*:'•;'pf wbicG Borrower 6as�1 imowf_ ge.Tf Borrower lea�s.or is mt�ed b9 ae}goverm�eotet or ngi,�lit��autNoriry.tbtt
<br /> ;;F�:{ti.��:�*'�}r idtaval orothec�ii.ffon of.arry Ha�cdous Substance affectin$tiie Prn�iig`is t�ece.tsuy.Bortow�'f�:P�PUY�
<br /> � � ,. , �. �.:, :.. :.�,. ,.,,,,.....:,,
<br /> ;. ' ::�::;�1 neass�rg ranedi�i a�ra§�n axo[dance with F�vironaKntai,ki�t.�:• ,�.�•;:>:; r ,.::; � ,
<br /> `.t.� �:.i:.{f � A-:. si`
<br /> `•>, . yt�d[:�n tfiis paragiaph.ZO:'1�S�raridoas Su6stances"are.�asie:s�5staflce's�iiefuKd as tosic or�a�bstms by
<br /> �r� s,.<.:: lic�e. other flartun�ble or to�ie 4iiicic
<br /> �;s` 5`'`�irt�sooiq�al taw and tise foltaR�:s�tbstances: gaso �qa�ie. petia�i�s,�todactsr:
<br /> ��;�`� ;��esticides aad herbicides,volatile sol��;inaterials Qontaining asbestos or fom�aldehyde.ard radioacti� As used in
<br /> "�s;;'� :;?��P�Sr'�Z0, "Emironment�l[a�v`•ttie�fe�}i laws aad laws of tfie jurisdicdoa whenp tbe;,:.;�"�,;":. is.lacatod t1�t `._
<br /> , ,<:�;:;,:setate to Iralth.saf Of COVITOIIIf1011L'dI])f(1IHC�I011.:. :' .r:�'.y�i:;,_:
<br /> ety Itl
<br /> NON-UIVIFORM�OVENAI�TS.�orrowet anil lcnder furtAer covena�t and agr0e as,fp�l�±s:.��';;�,;<:>;;��''�
<br /> 21. Aooderatioo:Remedks�3Ridk+r srialf give�otke to Borru�rer prbr to�im>..��iay��orro�res's bt+esclt �
<br /> of say oorena�t or a�+ama�t in;:#Yd�Se�vrity tmtrwarai (but aot prior to t�c��rier I�+PM �7 unless �
<br /> ' appliable Is�prorldes otlkrw�tse).Tirc notice sLall spe�4fy: (a)t6e defautt:(b)t���+eqWt+ed b�e tbe ddaak;
<br /> (c)s date,not Ic�thao 30 days fi�om the date tbe notice Ls given to Borrow�er,6y w6kb t6e Qdm�.q�r�st be caned:and
<br /> (d)t�e tailAe+e to cnre tbe defaWt on ar befat the dnte specified ie t�e���y�t in�at tbe sum4 _
<br /> setared by tUis Seaaity 1mtn�ent�nd sak of t6e Pt+operty.The notia slwll further tnfor�n Horti�ii��art t6e r�t to
<br /> �at4,sat2tr screlenNon aad the rlght to bring a court actitM to assert the na�eece ot a ddaa�f or�r;;mtlier
<br /> defea�e���Garrower to aacek�stion smd sale. Ir the ddault is�iiM curcd on or before the date specitlall���+
<br />, � :. ,,, i;e�pd�t:;��is optba,aiay ttiquire immedi�te paymaU in fall of all s�seeared by t6is Saarity I�e+N�
<br /> -'-�rtiier 6ee�ad aed may inroice the poRrr o!safe and aay otl�e+e�edies permiued by applicaWe�ee:'l��eader smap be
<br />" , •.1�.:,�'titkd to aolkct sll expensea incurred in pursain�t�e remedies pmvided ia t6is paragrap6 21,ia�i�}:ikot not Ilmited
<br /> .� 'to,rpson�ble sttorneys'fas and cost.s oi title;�.Wdf�ce. � �:,. > _:•-•:
<br /> U tLe power ot sale is invokM.:Trustee's�0!rernrd a notice of default in eacb�.i��;vr.�ii'r.��py pprt o�the ,
<br /> is located aad s6a11 ms�I�fi:�of�ci.�otice in the ma�pre.scri6ed 6y ap�Walble !�'.."i�:�orr+nwer and to
<br /> �9 �... ...I.
<br /> tie otLer persoo9 prescribed by ap�fe txw:Ai��t11e time required by applica6le law,Trastce��l�'¢Wbfic notice
<br /> d sale to t6e per5oif�,�►!in the maaoer P�+'�:bY,PP�ble tnw.T�u.stee,withoot danaad a��nirer.sh�ll sdl
<br /> �1!��1 Qf�Ct�0�1 i6t�1C�I�g�IC61��A'�9j��1C t�01C 9Ad�;�'I�lldl�1�IC tCflllS �1�1lSqQ«OC Ot .
<br /> s�le is ohr:!a+`'l�.�wd ia any order Trattee deter�a��s�:rr�c'."�at3 P�V�sale o��P�i'�t;�t tbe '
<br /> �7��� 11N ��!x�ncemcal at the time and pince ol�iar;f;:��se��s�y"scheduled sale.l.ender bt-rrs d�c;�sy
<br /> piu+c�r11`cl��+i"v�iti�i�tanysWe. . ' ' •
<br /> .,�. �, , . .,c,
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