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<br /> S ce ebove this lino fw rocordin dau.
<br /> . _ ���la� MOFITGAGE - Cc�lla�teral q,� .w
<br /> � Fedoral�+�k Real Estate Mor-tgage �� ;:��-�
<br /> ° � �.
<br /> . � ���_
<br /> �n a���nt Mawrity Date Initial Interast Hete
<br /> turo o1lnd�bt�dnsu ��
<br /> � (' �� 7.990 �,�*i.
<br /> � Consumer!oan �,000. �r•'
<br /> �: ,
<br /> �, Q�1ZC3 C�1�1 • e with ower of salo,of the following property toflether with �r�
<br /> henhy piw Canr►xrcial Feden�&nk,a Federal Savinps&mtc('Com►naciet Fa�ierai� a marteeg. P
<br /> " � ell Improvanents now a heroafte►sreoted o�the prqwrty�und dl eaaaT»^te.�flhb and eppurten�ncw theroto: -N
<br /> " � ���y,v (30 Wf�'I�11D9 EB'aiTF9 F�TH �YV78ICN 'IO ��,_
<br /> � QTY c7� It3�,�D. }AI�L Qd�+TiR, I�t�l�i• _-,
<br /> . �_._
<br /> if moro thin one para9n niC�a this Ma�tpage,tho wor�!'9'manns'we.'
<br /> T ..�;;;�` This Mortpspe secures e loa�made by Commarcini fnxlers�.ae briotiy describad above.A note dated tho�ame date as th�s Mon�age conta(na the terms for
<br /> � ropa}rtnent ot tfiat loa�.If that note la eHtr chunpad w repiacad by o new note,it vufll be secured by thi�Mortpege•
<br /> �•SI�
<br /> 1 promiae the tollowinp thinpa:
<br /> '..�•.. _. . . .
<br /> ' L q��psymenta on any note a other debt Rocurod by this MortO�p�wf��6e Paid whe^dw.
<br /> •- -��..
<br /> 2. M inwnnee poliaytor fire a�d extendod aovorapo wi��be kopt in torce on the property in en emount at leaat equat to the dubu naeured by t s
<br /> , � . Nlorlpsps plus�ny othsr mort9��a Ifsted in paroproph E beiow.The��surance comp�ny muu be aatisfaotory to Commercial Fedeml,and
<br /> _ �."
<br /> Commercial Fsdenl w+ll be a mmed Inaurad on the pdiey.
<br />; ��W::! 3. Al)taxw a�d�saeame+iu on ths Property vuill M►paid before theY b�corr�delinqusnt.
<br />�_- -;'ti�;,�;��' � 4. No wasts will bs committed on ths7 proporty,and it will be kapf in pood repair.
<br /> -_ ;��.,
<br /> :._L_,�___.
<br /> --�.?�;��'a�;�.;�. 6. The property wi��not be tdd (including by land ct.�ntr�ct�,laased.and no interest in it witl6e assipned in eny way.
<br />°.�.;?•F'.,,, ' S�L �L
<br /> .��� 0. (own the property trea and cleae oi xny alhor mortpafla a encumDr.ances F3(CEFI' _
<br />-}?:.,';.+`:{,�_� —
<br />--- • ��� ' 7. No othx mortpv0a or Ifen o�tho property will wer bo dlowed to be in detauii or be toroclosed. _
<br /> -��q .; A-
<br /> " ���'` " � It any oi thete promfee�aro not kept th�n Commorelsl Federal cen dcelaro all ai the debt immediatoly due�ad payebls without�dvencs nodce.The
<br /> '"��-��:. interest rate will fncnase ta 19.0096 or any qreater retn ellowablo by I�w ut th�t time,t�n��8 F���;������AGHEE THAT TH S�ONS b,T1111T�S If
<br />_a=:�ir. �.i
<br /> the debE is nccderet e d,t hen I e lso�aaipn an y ront a o�her income trom the p r o A e r t Y
<br /> "`"' '' A COLLAfERAL flEAL ESTATE MORTGADE PUflSUAM TO SO.DAKOTA C.L 4 A-8•20 (FOR SO.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONL V�. In t ho event a f any doteuit in the _
<br /> -' ��,�,�,.;. - Y Y s ma Ne faeclosad by action.or by advertlsenw�t as provided by etetute w the rutea
<br /> :;..,;w.. , makinp oi an peyment or in keeping an covenant h��rdn,tfiie MortOap Y __
<br /> •• • �;« �. ot practics rolatinp tharoto,a+nd thia parepn�h ehLll bi�deomed es authorianp e�d eonstitutinp e power ot aale as mentionael in said atstute or rules end any
<br /> •� -• ° emundment thersto,�nd may rotein atatutory cwt�and attarnay feea(SD.IAIY,MN,OK,and MI residente onlyl.
<br /> e.They aro en tues or insurance 1 heve epreed to
<br /> Certain anwunU can be paid by Comirvircial Fadora�a�d dded to the debt secured by thie Mcxtgap Y
<br /> ' ,:�.F, '��' pay but tail to,eny�ttomey fees or court ouaonaes Cumnwrciel Foderal psys ii it Is mado e party at�ny tepal action broupht by aomeone else conceminp the __
<br /> �•,:�»,,: property,end any�ttomey teos or court oxponsee wh�ah tha law mlght altow it t:wnma�cial Federal haa te pa to court epoinst me to co1'.ec:the dsbt or `
<br /> `��•��°� � fusctoas thls nwrtgspe.It any o1 theae thlnpa happnn,then the edditional debt vuill accrue fnterazt at tho aame rete as the rost ot the de0t av�d must be paid - _
<br /> . � immodi�tely.
<br /> ' If thle property la evor eondemned und¢r tho pow�x of m:nment domain or any eimilar mnthod of taking proparty ta p�l'�c use,any proceede ot thc takiTfl ��
<br /> '. w+ll be paid to Commerc�el Fedarel up to ths full omount of 4he debt secured. �,Y`
<br /> ' � ryaHa tc pprrow�r(for Oktnhom�pro �rtYL A ww of s�l�has hwn Onot�d In this MortOa �.A Povwr ot�d�m� dbw th�Moeten o to bk�th�
<br /> Pa p
<br /> s mo • prop� an ��n�t wnnou po ng court�n rf r�clown�oaon upon d"ifiu rrow�r u wr s o �pr.
<br /> . a ^
<br /> , . { , ,r
<br /> ' i
<br /> _- - �_� � : � ndl}`� Q;.���lN~
<br /> - -- - --- -- ._.._�.. ....»
<br /> 7 eye Date j�'pRIL 1� 1997 FSOrtower s��ona�uro �a.n..= .e,c.�. -
<br /> ' ,. porrowers Signaturo
<br /> ' ' STATE OF �.�� ; �
<br /> COUNTY OF I�t+I+ �
<br /> On this�_day oi ��i+ ,19�.6efore ma.a notary pub7ic in end tor said county, porsonolly camo
<br /> � �� ��a � . to me known to bo tho idonticnl person or parsonn whose
<br /> neme ia w ero aHixed to tho n6ovo mortgaflo,nnd tl�oy,ho or nhe awerally�ocknovNodped the eaid matrument and the exeeution thoreot to bo thair voluntnry
<br /> = ect ond dood.
<br /> WITNESS my hand and notenet soal tho day and year la�t�nmtten abovo. �
<br /> My commis~fon oxpiroa:
<br /> Nota blic'e Sign t ro
<br /> NE-IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-IA �Ot DN-1077 (10/96)
<br /> • e �6ENEW�I MOTAAy-StiM el M�►
<br /> ' , �'�JENNIFCR L f CH�'!INDT
<br /> � Cprran.F .Smt.:i.�"-"-9
<br /> i
<br />