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<br /> L. Notwid�standing�ny of thc languagc cantnined in this Dcccl of Tnist to the�ontmry,thc tcrmy ot this s
<br /> survlve nny foreclosure or snt isfactlon of thia Dced of Trust regardless of nnY p�gsage af title to I3eneficlary or nny
<br /> dicposition by Benefici:►ry of any ot all of the Property. Any claims and defenses to tlie contr�ry aie lieteby wnived•
<br /> 20.CONDEIVIIVATIUN. Trustor will�ive Beneficiary prampt notice of cu�y action,�p S��ndeemnation eminent domal�c
<br /> entities to purchase or ta}ce any or nl]of the Y'ropeny, including any easements, „
<br /> or any oQier rn�:u►s.Trustor further �grees ro notify Beneficiary of any proceedings instituted for the establtshment of any
<br /> sewer, water, conservation, ditch, drainage, or other dLstrict relsting to or binding upon Q�e Feopeny or:uiy part of it.
<br /> Trustor authorizes Aeneficiary to intc:n�ene ia Trustor's nazne in nnY of the ahove described actions or claitns t+nd to collect
<br /> ' , , and receive all sums resulting�ndemaation or other taking of allsor an y part1 oif�thehProperty Such P oceeds shall be
<br /> � ' for damages connected with a .
<br /> consideretl paya►ents and�vill be�pplied a�provided iu this Deed of Trust. 7Tiif,assignrnent of proceeds is subject to e .
<br /> temis of any prior socurity agrcemeu� ,.�
<br /> .�.i..+..,,:'�'`:
<br /> 21,IIVSURANCE.Trustor agrces to mainttir�►insurnnce as follotivs: ��,.-:
<br /> .�;
<br /> A. Trustor shall kaep ehe Propexry ussured afluinst loss by fire, thcft and other hazarcls and risks reasonably associat ;4,�,�,,
<br /> • with the Property dus to lro type and locatian. Other ht�znrds and rue3cs may include,for eaample,coverage agaiast ___
<br /> { lass due to floo�s or flooding. 71iis insurncs shall Oe maintained in the arnounts and for the periads that `.� `
<br /> Beneficiary requims. 1'he insuraLCe canier pmviding the insurance shull be chosen by Teustor subject to _-;_,
<br /> + Beneficiary's approval, whsc6 sbdl not be unm'�sonably withheld. If Trustor fails to maintain the coveragP .;,:;�---
<br /> . � described above, Beneficiary ma►y�at Beneficiary's optioa. obtain coverage to pmte�t Aeneficiary's dBhts in the -V
<br /> ' __ i pmpeny ar,cording to the terms vf this Deed of'Trust. ,
<br /> � All insurance policies and renewals shall be accxpcable to Beneficiary an d s h a l l i u c l u d e a s t a n d s r d "�o i�b a g e "-` -_
<br /> . � � clause" and, where applicable, "beneficiary loss payee clause." Trustor shall immediaYely notify Beneficiary of �=
<br /> : , catecellation or termination of the insurance. Heneficiary shall have the right ro hold the policies snd mnewals.If �_.
<br /> .r � . Beneficiary requixes, Tn�stor shall immediately give to Beneficiary all recelpts of paid premiwns and renewal =^__
<br /> notices. Upon loss, Tcustor shaU give inunecliate notice to the insurance carrier and Heneficiary. Beneficiary may �:�'
<br /> �.� make proof af loss if not made irrunediately by Trustor. �
<br /> Unless Beneficiary and Trus�or otherwise Aaree in writing� insm'ance PI�$ ahall be applied to restoradon or
<br /> �, t repair of the Property damaSed if the xestoration or repair is econorr�ically feasible and Beneficiaty's secutlty is uot �'i�
<br /> ; � lessened. If tb.e restoratlon o���ta the Secured D btYwhether or not then d e'9with any eacess p'd to�Tnistore
<br /> i u,su,-aac�,prcxed....hsll be �p.
<br /> � If Ttustar abandons the Property�or dces not answer within 30 days a notice izou�Scu�ficiar'i ih�t t�e ia�.�neP _
<br />- � carrier h o ree�or res ore ih�operty or to pay�the��ured D bt wDairtt�e oP n%t t�hen duee 71ie 30-d y pen'od �-
<br /> .; ,;, Proceeds t P
<br /> �; wiU begin when the notice i�s given.
<br /> � [tAless Beneficiary and Tnzstor atharwise agree in writing, any application of procecde to prlucipal shall not extend —�
<br /> or postpone the due datc of schedulcd pnYment�ar change the amount of the payments. If the Property is ncquired
<br />_ ' by Beneficituy,Trustor's rig6t to xny ins�tr2ates policies and proceeds resulting from damaSe to the Ptnper.ry before =_.
<br />- ' �_ the acquis it ion s b a ll pass to Benefieiary to the extent of the Secured Uebt tmmediately befor�the flcc�eninitiaa. _--
<br /> $, �'rustor agees to maintein compreheasive general li�a iil lry�mnssura�g�any�a�icde�or occ�rrence in o�r o�the —
<br /> ', � ;. a�n a m o u n t a c o e pt�ble to Boenefaciary, inswinb S
<br /> p; , IP�uAertY• �
<br /> C. Trostor agrees to m�inteln cental toss or business interrupdon i��urance� as recluired by Beneficiary.in an ax�aount
<br /> t'.� ,• .t equal to at least ooverage of oae year's debt service, and required escrow accoune deposits(if agn�d w separately __
<br />_'• �'• �� � in wriung),under a fonn of policy acceptable to Beneficiary. _
<br />-i�,..
<br />" 22.NO E�'C�OW FOR TAXFS AtND IIVSURANCF. Unless othen��ise provided in a separace a8reement,Trustor will nat ------
<br />�� be requimd to pay to Beneficiary ibnds for taxes and insurance in escrow. —
<br /> r 23,�,�1CW, REpO1tTu AND ADDI'PIONAL DOCUA'iEP1T8•Trustor will provide to Bemficiary upon request, aay _____
<br />-- fiaanci�l statement or infonnaflon Beneficiary may d�cn necessary. Trustor warrants that all financial statements and
<br />^�•_ �� � infarir+avon Trusror provides ro Deneficiary are, or w311 be, accurate, conect. and complete. Trustor agrees to sign,
<br />' • � � deliver, and file as Beneficiary rnay reasonably request any additional documents or certifications that Beneficinry may --
<br />��Y $ � considec necessary to perEect.contiaue,ead preserve Tcustor's obllgatlons under thls Deed of Trust and Benefieiary's lien _ —
<br />; • status on the Property. If Tcustor fails to do so,Beneficiary may siga,deliver, and file such documents or certifieates in `�
<br /> ; � Tnistor's name and Trustor heteby irrevocably appointe Beneficiary or�eneficiary's agent as attomey in fact co'do the r�___
<br /> �,��—
<br /> �. E things necessarY to comply with tLis section. `z�_,:.;�'
<br /> er.zur�+.:
<br /> �lGlf7►_=,=
<br /> Y
<br /> � ehis Decd of Trust are joint and individual. If Truscor s3gns this Deed of Tru�t but dces not sign the Evidence of De i. ��,,..,:
<br /> - i Trustor does so oaly to mortgageTrusior's inccrest in the Property to secure paytnent of the Secured Debt wd Trustor •: ��.,
<br /> �y y p to this Deed of {����"
<br /> dces not agree to be personallY liable on the Secumd Debt. Tms[or agrees that Benefici and an arty ,Y'.r:� •.
<br />- � `t Tnist may extend, modify or c�lce any cht+nge in the terms of this Deed of Trust ar thw Evidence of D�bt vridiout a:-�': .
<br /> _ • �NSp���st s�h�i bind un�C!beinefitthe su�ccessors and mgnc af Tau t rland geneRc:imy t.The dutfes end benefita of
<br />_ � If this Deed of Tcust secuns n gveruntY between Beneftciary and Trustor and dces not directly secure the obligatioa which t .�� .
<br />_� �' _ � is guaranded, 'Itustor agm.es to waivti an�y+rights thai�,�oph tenot�l'united to anci defic ency or one-ction laws�ag� ..
<br /> - —�-_ .-,
<br /> � . "Trustor or anY PuiY mucu�w�..,,�.�..........e.».......�__a.
<br /> - ' � 25,APPLIC�►BLE LAW; S�VLRABII.1'I'Y; INrE1tP1tETATI�DN• 'Ih�s Deed of Tcust is govcmed by the laws of the
<br /> ` jurisdiction in which Beneficiary is located, eacept to the extenY otherwise required by the laws of the jurisdiction where
<br /> = the ProNerty is luu►tcd. 'Ihis Deed of Trust is complete and ftilly integrated."I�is Deed of'frust may not be nmendad or
<br /> - � modifiecl by oral agrcement. Any sectimn or dause in this Deed of Trust, attach�ents, or any agreement relnted to the
<br /> Secured Debt that coaflicts �vit2i applicable law wiil not be effective, unless that la�v expmssly or impliedly pennits the
<br /> variutions by wdtten agreemen¢.If any section or clause of this Deed of Trust cannot be enforr.ed according to►ts term5,
<br /> that sectlon or clause �vill be severed and will not affect the enforceability of the remainder of this Deed of Tcust.
<br /> ' Whcnevcr used,thc singular stsall includc the plural and the plural the singular.The captions and he�a�din��o��ions
<br /> of thi�s Dced of Tnist nre for cornenicnce only and are not to be used to interpmt or defiue the terms thf , �st•
<br /> Time is of the csscn�;e in this D�ed of Trust. pogo 6 0l G
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