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<br /> ...»..�►�+�' State otNraruka— Sp�ce Abovel�lu Uno For Etscor�.oa Dwtu ,;�.
<br /> �.y,l -.'.:_-
<br /> , REAL�STATE DEED OF TItU�'T o ��:�^-
<br /> (With Future Advance Cluus�) � ��'�'
<br /> ', _�.r
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<br /> .......{��'�:},.1.�..�,�97.................and tlie parties xr►d tt�eir .`°�°:
<br /> 1. DATE AND PART�'S."i�►e date of this Dced of Trust is ;
<br /> addsesses are as follows: , ..����4
<br /> „ �f� - -
<br /> �` � TRUS'['OR: p e .�. � ...�...,�G:...................... .............................................................. :a�
<br /> ���•�:��. .............. ......_......................... .................. .�:-..
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<br /> Ts�?Y�F..�:D�..#:....4:?-9GR�..4.7........ �,�--
<br /> � �. ❑Refer ro the Addeadum which is attnched and incamnrated he�in for addition�l Trustors. �:::v
<br /> .. �(O�:.k�?.�........................................................................:................... !,
<br /> TRIJS'I'EE: ��r�r�'/�� °—
<br /> .. ,y �#YC�'{':7':SS7......................................................................................................... __
<br /> ' .. _� !!:!Y.•(. , •tY.7CT:�..A:-....�YN:iY....................................................................................... _-
<br /> _ _ �.�vs�r T:D:..�:..47-0609�47................................ ..,................. ——
<br /> 4�•
<br /> . ; : BENEFICIARY: ���F .�'.��.?� �...... ......... . ... ....... .. . ....... �,;t..
<br /> , ., o�x� �.����.�.�.���v.�.Q�.�=.���.�t�,t�.Q�:.�ri�x���; -
<br />_._.... . . ��,4 �• �•• ..�@�e�. ............................_............._...................... ............... =—
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<br />- ::.}�y. � 7l`�?�?x�.�:.�P�..#:....�:?-4.4����4..........................................................
<br />`'' 2. CON'VEXANCE. For good and valuable considerntion, the receipt and sufficienaY of which is aci�mr��i��18ed. swc4 to
<br />- � secure the Secured Debt(hereafter defined). "Ilrustar urevocably gr.�ntu, cnnve}rs and sella ro Tivstce, in ttust for the _
<br /> -*,.�• ° benefit of the Beneficiary,witli power of sale.the following described prapert'!'.�S�������N���,
<br /> ,. _ .� .., (5�. DC�O ADID NlF1RSf�LL'S ADDITICN Z1� � ZC7V�T OF �JOD
<br /> .�-.r°: '
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<br />__ --:•'r.�' .�r.' in..�►I+1,'.. .......3t............................................
<br /> - „R;3;:,�:�; 'Ihe property is located ...................�Councy).......................
<br /> - ;�,_,M:Y � �,��3..�!�P� r���...................... .....�.�?:�..�.�.�k.............. ..Nebraska.....��B���Coao)........... _-
<br /> --_:14<<���� (Addrest) (CitY)
<br /> _ „�:_.�., � :
<br /> ,_{�:•�.r
<br /> .,.;..-z��;unaW�
<br /> m��-�� Toge�er with all r:ghts� easemeata. appurtenaaces, royalties. mintanl rightc;� oil and gas ri�ts. cmps. tlmbYZ,
<br /> �<�:�.-,.�,�. �:
<br />-.�,,.:..•,�.rf�`:�•,, a nts made to crop producers,:snd all exi�tinB and futtue unprovements,snuctrsi�.-s,
<br /> . ��, �;.., divessi�n payments or third party g yme
<br /> -__�:;�j�=•��.; .. fucturea, and replaccm�nts that may now, or at aay time in the futuns, be part of tlie real estate dcscribed abnve f�11
<br />.�:. , _.
<br />,,:_ ,�::�:i'-�.. referred to as"Proparty").'Lhe term 1'roperty also includes.but is not ➢imited to,eny and all watcr wells,water. �es,
<br /> ' reservoirs.resecvoir sites and dams located on the real estata and ail rip�uian and water rights ossociated with tl�e Prop�rty,
<br /> � however established. _—
<br /> `' � 3, MAXIIIYIIJM OBLIGAI'ION LA4IIT.'Ibe total principzl amount of thu�ccu�d Debt(hemafter defined)sec►u+ed itry'shis -
<br /> � Doed of Trust at any one time shall not exoeed S �Q�.444:.Q.Q.................................. .This limitation of amou.�„does =
<br /> , .•• .� not include interest, loan char�es, commitmec►t fees, brokerage commi�inns, attarneys' fces and othar c�ncges validly M_
<br /> ° � made pursuant to this Deecl of Trust and does not apply to advanoes(or iiuerest accrued on such advances)mbrle und�r the �,.^-__
<br /> �. ,�; terms of tius Deod of Trust to protect Beneficiary security and to pe r form any of the covennnts containecl ia thiF P�.eec1 of __
<br /> � f =
<br /> • �.,;,.: Trust. �utut�advances are contemplated and,along with other future obli�nttons,are secured by this Deed of Tkttttt c��en • .� .L
<br />=,`" " . though ail or parl may not yet be advancfld.Nothing in tbis D�cd of Ttuct, $6WCVCf, shull constitute a commitm��t tc� .-:
<br />— .xi'i/''. . .
<br /> m a k e acldidonal or fulum loans or advances in any amotu►t•AnY such cammiunent would need to be agreed to in a sepnrntcs '. ,,,;;
<br /> •: �,.
<br /> -� .
<br />