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<br /> D. All future advonces from Beneficiary to Trustor or other future obliIIutions of Trustor to Heneficiuty under any „ �
<br /> proanissory note, contract,�unranty, or other evidence of debt exieting now or executed after this Decd of Trust
<br /> whPther or not thie Dee�d of TNSt is specifically referred to in the evidence of debt.
<br /> C. All obligations Trustor owes to BeneficInry, whlch now exist or mny later arise, to the extent not prohibitod by
<br /> . law, including, but not limited ta, iiabllicies for overdrafts relating to nny deposit ar,count ngreement 6etween
<br /> Truaror aad Beneficinry►. � ,.
<br /> D. All additional swns udvanceci and expenses incurred by Beneficiary for insurins,paeserving or otherwise protesting
<br /> � ihe Property and ite value and any other sums udvancecl and expeuses:��ua�rl by 9eneficiacy under tY�e terms o� ..
<br /> ' ihis Aeed of Trust, plus interest at the highest rate in effect, from time to tirne, as provided in the Evidcnce of ''
<br /> .- Debt. "
<br /> .* D. Trustor's performance under tha terms of any instnuneat evidencing a debt by Tn�stor to Beneficiary aad any Deed �
<br /> of'i'NSt securing,guaranrytng,or otherwise relating to the debt.
<br /> If more than one person stgnR thia Deed of Trust as Tmistor,each Trustor ugrees that this Deed of Trust will secure all . a�•'-..
<br /> future advances aad future obligations described above Wat are given to or incurred by any one or more Tizistor,or any '�:4���:`��+°�
<br /> one or taore Trustor und others.Thia Deed of Trust will not secure any other debt if Deneficiary fails,with renpPCt ro s�ac�h �=""`"�_--
<br /> other debt.to make:�iy required disclosure about this Dced of Tmst or if Benefidary fatls to give any recJ�ired nodce of "���;�;:`::��
<br /> . thed toftescission. . , . .. ., . `'t`=--
<br /> � .r :;�!►�:--
<br /> r ,...: ,.;,--
<br /> . � 5. PAYNIEN`TS, Trustor agrees to make all payments on the Secured Debt when due and in accordance with t�ie termv of the
<br /> •'�`�i t�v4;,;.:_~
<br /> "'+':;�;;�'`-
<br /> _ t Evidence of Aebt or this Deed of Trust. •�•. . .__
<br /> ` � . 6. WARRAN'I'Y OF TITLE.Trusror covenants that'IYustor is IawfWly seized of the e�tate conveyed by this Deed of Truse ,�,,-,t..
<br /> �nd has the risht to irrevocflbly grant,convey and sell to Trustee,in uust,with power of eale, the Property and warrants
<br /> • � � � that ttie Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of record. „�.._ -
<br /> ...�T:
<br /> ' 7. C L A I 1 4 I S A G A I N S T'�l'I T L E. T m s t o r w i l l p a y a ll taxes.essessments,liens,encumbrances,lease payments,ground renta. -�
<br /> udlities,az►d other charges relating to the Property when due. Senefciary may require Trustor to provide to Beneflciary :,�;h'
<br /> �, coples of all notices that such amounte are due and the receipts evidencing'�ruswr's payment. Trustor will defend titic�to ";:�.
<br /> � the Property aga�ast any claims that would impair the lien of this Aeed of Truet. Trustor agroes to essi�n to Beneficiary,as "� �:.
<br /> reque�ted by Beaeficiary, any rlghts, claims or defenses which 'Trustor may have againat partiea who supply labar or '' _'�k�-
<br /> � analerials to improve or maintain the Pro�erty. ��y��
<br /> � -
<br /> • �- f 8. PIRIOR SECUIt1TY IIVTERESfS.V✓ith regard to az►y other mortgage, aced oi uus�,securiiy agrcxmcui ur uiLe� i�en
<br /> � docu�ent that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the Property and that maY have prioriry over this Dced
<br /> `:;:::i �� —
<br /> :;:��,-;: �. of Truet,Trustor agree.s: ��_
<br /> • � A_ To make all payments when due and to perform or comply wtth all covenants. �u:i;;
<br /> ' �� ` B_ To prompdy deliver to Beneficlasy any notices that Tiustor receiv�from the holder.
<br /> - • C_ Not to make or permit any madi�"ication or eateasion of,and not to request or accepi nny future udvnnces under any --
<br /> note or agieemGnc sGGUred by,the o�hec mq�tgage,deed af trust ox securlry.asrce►nent.unlesy Beneficiary cansenta �-����:
<br />� �iir� �R Wf�TYII$. �ie:,.
<br /> . i%
<br />= 9. DUE ON SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE.Beueficiary tnay. at its optioa, declare the entlre balance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> , be Irnmediately due and payable upon the creation of any lien,encumbrance,cranefer, or sale. or conuact for auy of these
<br />� �:.i;��; an the Property. However, if the P�operty includes Trustor's residence, this secdon ahall be subject to the resuictiana �
<br /> ''``'��t^.� ''S - ' irnposedby federal law(12 C.F.R. 591).as applicable. For the purposes of this scetton,theterm"Pro}� also includes
<br /> M. . . . C��11
<br /> `° �'�,��;�•' any interest to all or any pert of the Prayserty.This covenant shall nui with the Property and ehall retnnin in effect untll the
<br />- "��`���� Secu=-ed Debt is patd in full and this Deed of I'rust is released. -
<br /> �_r,�;,'•� . _
<br /> 10.'I'RAIVSFER OF AN INTEKEbT IN 'THE GYtANfOR. If Trusror is an entity other than a natural person(such as a
<br /> F cotporation or other organization). Beneficiary may detnand lmmediate pp�aient if(1)a benefccial interest in TYustor is ___
<br />�-...•. ," ----
<br /> sald vttransferred; (2)there ie a chnnge in either the idendry or number of:qnembers of u partnership; or(3)there ls a __` _ __
<br />�_� � cbange in ownerehip of more than 25 perceat of the voting stock of a cot�wntion.Nowever,Beaefictary may not demand
<br />-' _. payrtaent in the above situadons if it la prolribited by law as of the date of this Deed of ltust. _ -
<br />�:< . . =
<br />' • 11.EI�ITY WARRANTIES A.ND REPRESENTA'TIONS. If Txustor is an entiry other thari a natural person(such as a ?��=��-._.-..---
<br />- __ „ �� coiporation or other organlzation), Tmstor makes to Beneficiary the followins warraxides and npresentatians whtcb shall __—�
<br /> .��-�-_�_
<br />� � be condnuing as long as the Secured Debt remains outstanding:
<br /> ��� �----
<br /> .,.� A.Truetor is an entity which is duly organized and validly existing ia the Ttuator's state of incomoration (or F%f��-�W
<br /> �•¢ �E�� ,-'
<br />_ or�anization). Truator ia in good standiag in all states in which Trustor transacts buainess. Trustor has�lie power ��,�,i� ,
<br /> i' � and authority to own the Property and to carry vn its business as now being conductal and, as applicablt, is - '•��---':•
<br /> q�xalificd to do so in each state in which'�rustor operate�. �:�:���'7-
<br /> � B. The executIon, deUvery and perfonnance of this 1]ecd of Trust by Tivstor and the obligation evidenced by the . �;;;j :�'-
<br /> Bvidence of Debt are within the power of Trustor, have been duly authorized, have received all necessary � .;,�..;•��{�:;�'��
<br /> � govemmental approval.ond will not violate any provlsioa of law,or order of court or�overrunental agency. -•�`•;;?��!r''-.:
<br /> C. Otlaer then disclosed in writing Trustor has not changed its natne within the fast ten years and has not used any `��',,;:�t':•:;;
<br />- ot�►er trade or fictitious aame.Without Beneficiary's prior written wnsent,Trustor does not and w911 not ufle a��y ,. ;�„�;;•:;
<br /> _ other name and will preserve its existing name,trnde names and franchises until the Secured Debt is satisfied. •� . .
<br /> .,,
<br /> � �� 12.PROPERTY CONDITION, AL'I'ERATIONS AND IIYSPECTION. Trustor will keep the Property in good wndition "'�����.,�
<br /> �..:;s�i�,
<br /> __ _-
<br /> � and rnaatce al! repairs wat are reu�onaoiy necessary.1 rusror wiii give tsenenaiary prvmpi noiit:c�i ac�y i��5�i uwiinbc iv `�
<br /> !p� r --__ -
<br /> tl�e Property. Trustor will keep the Property frce of noxious weeds and grasses. Trustor will not initiate,join ln or consent I
<br /> �� to�y change in any private nstrictivc covenant, zoning ordinance or other public or private restriction limiting or
<br /> defining the uses which may be made of the Property or any part of the Property, without Beneficiary's prior writtea
<br /> coasent. Trustor will notify Iieaeficfary of all demands, proceedings, claims> and actimns aga{nst Trustor or any othet
<br /> - owne:r made under la�v or regulation regardins use,o�mership and occupancy of the Property. Trustor will comply with all ,
<br /> lega! rcyuirements and restdctious. whether public or private,with respect to the use of the Property.Trustor also agrees
<br /> that tl�e nature of the occupancy and use will not change without Beaeficiary's prior written consent.
<br /> ,;i«• .
<br /> • •��.. .. r
<br /> No portion of the Pruperry will be removed, demolished or materially altered without Benxficiary's prior�vritten consent
<br /> except ihat Trustor has the ri�ht to remove items of personal property comprising a part of the Property that become worn
<br /> , pnpo z ol s
<br /> �� cOlp93 BakonSvatem�,Inc.,St.CIwE,MN1��000J97•23411 Fam A61C0-DT-NE 9117/JE
<br /> � – —_
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