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<br /> . ,- DEED OF TRUST w
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<br /> ' PAR71E8:This Deed of Truat Itt made on APRIT, � i A47 ,emong the(irantor, wr c__�an+. c?RRNIPIAN.--
<br /> 1"Borrower"1, •
<br /> f aNn nuaoanu K `
<br /> r �
<br /> A$F:ATi] R AAACK._ ATT�ANBY �.�'-
<br /> � whose reaidonce address la vo anx �on nra.,a r„i,,,,a,�wii County, Nebreska l"Trustee'1, end the Boiieficiary, ��_
<br /> �w��r���e �_ � Tn*T , a corporptfon orpanizod � �i{'����-
<br /> _Hf�M�.'.�'i�i+.e.i�� T QATV�9�SIICIPIr c�'=,
<br /> and existing under the lav�s of t�auASgp whosa address is�1 �Ot�?'H r•�c`t?�T cT°4D'*'•
<br /> 5.:
<br /> � ..n*+..,+. rar.ANn� t�tFa a��_x_n�a8.Q2:1�_ I"lender'I. �'�-
<br /> C2lNVEYANCE:For value received,Borrower irrevocebly flrants end convoya to Trustee,In truat,with power af aele,tha real prapeny, of whlch � `
<br /> " Bvnower lo Iawfuly selred, dascribod helow and all bulldines,fixturea, end axiatin{� and future Improvements theroon and all r(ghts-of•way, �
<br /> _ eneemente, renta, isaues, protlts, income, tanements, haredRamente, privilegea end eny eppuRenances thereunto beionging lall aallad the �
<br /> �:,
<br /> . "ptopenv"1. -- -
<br /> " W pRpPERTY A'ODAESS: �oyg oRr.F.ANQ nR __ , nvn�m TQT.LNI] ,Nebraska �Qa�'? �
<br /> .. ,. IStrwll (Cltyl RID Coda)
<br /> i�EQAI pE9GRIPttON: i.
<br /> ,� �.
<br /> N
<br /> locatod in HALL County,NHWEBkB. _._.__
<br /> j,-�,{;� ' TIriE:Borrower covenants and werr�n a t)tte to the proporty,except for —
<br /> • . �-�. —_
<br /> . ` ' SECURED 11E6T:This doed of truat securea to Lender repaymant of the secured debt and the pnrta►mance of the covenants and agreements
<br /> ,` contained In thl�desd of truat and fn any other document Incorporated hereln.Secured debt,as usad in thte deed of trun,includea eny amountr
<br /> � Borrowar owea to Lendor under thle deed of truat or under eny instrument secured by thie daed of trust,�nd ell modi(icattons, extonsions and
<br /> r•, - ,�,� ronewal�theroof.
<br />'' Ths securod dobt is ovidenced by(Llat ell(nstruments and epreementa secured by thla dead of truat end the datea thereof.l:
<br />- �`� � A�, 1997
<br /> A P AMTRQORY NffT. Nff 4�CT1A_TTY A(3R ,�A77' i]�'^^
<br /> -' �s�
<br /> -' ��'��� ��� ��vtun Advrnoa:The above amount le secured even though eii or part of It mey not yet be advenced. Future edvances ere
<br /> v'�"•� - ' contemplated end wilt be securod to the eame extent sa(f mado on the date thls deed of trust le executocl.
<br /> ... .f
<br /> ,�-;.:-r:.�
<br />_���.°.;;.;y� ❑ Revoivfnp line af crodit aflreement dated_ ,with inittal ennuel interest rate of %• _ ..
<br />- "����` All�mounte owed under thin eprooment are secured even though all amounta mey not yet be edvanced.Futuro edvancee urxfer
<br /> ;�*j�:" i... '•i _1 a
<br /> "`�� the epnement an contemy1ated�nd wll!be sacured to the same extent ee if inede on the date thfs dsed of trust b executed.
<br />-_W�Y�.�ti��!':�f " —_
<br /> =�yj'� if not pald ssdNr. _
<br /> ;�w,.,�i7y;.�,A Ths ebove obllpetion is due end payable on AARii z, �oon _
<br />==�'s��?n_ The total unpsM baience eecured by this deed of trust at any one time shall not excead e maxlmum principal emount of._ _-
<br /> '� � �� �rm4T.vra �runnasr�m A►m un/3nn Aollars i8 12 ^^.,_....��� 1.D�us Intsrest,
<br />���� .
<br />___ • - plus any amounte disbureed under the terms of this deed of trust to protect the security of thls deed of trust or to perform any ot the _
<br />-- coverzanta contdnad In thia dead of trust,with interost on auch clisburaemente.
<br />_.. ...fi,:�`, .
<br />_ . ❑VuiaW�R�tr.'fhe intareat►ete on the�bligetlon sewred by this deed of trust mey vary eccording to the tasms of that obliqation. __
<br /> � ❑ A capy of t�a loan egreemant con4alning the terms undor which the irrtorest rate may vary la nttached to thia deed of truat ond �:-
<br /> mado e part heroot. �
<br /> RIDFflS: ❑Commerclai � ACSif�NMRNT C1F RFNTC ❑
<br /> � � Pursuant to ttie Farm Homeatead Protection Act,destgna�ian oT homeatead ❑ Is ettached ta thla deed of trust end medo e pnn hereof ,
<br /> - ��t ❑ hae been diaciefined;the diaclalmer Is etteched to thi3 dued of truat end mede e pert hereof.
<br /> ' �' SI�HATUA�c9:By sipntny bNow.Borrow�►�prN to ths termi_and cov�nantr coMsinM(n tMs dNd of trutt,Includinp thw�on p�y�2,and In
<br /> �ny�!(kets d��cdt»d�bov�Nprnd by Bonow�r.
<br /> � I .�c�Cti.�J(ri,Qit�L _ G�e�.rrrr�.�, �'. �i,i! a�..-' _
<br /> , _
<br />— __- -- -==�7
<br /> I —
<br /> Tho forogoing fnsVUment was acknowtedged beforo me on thls zAn day of APR T� �aQ•i
<br /> I by wrt.r.taeA r aamnmrs aem n�n rut�,x nrt*1*i*ir,N.--HII�n,,. �..n e,rou
<br /> Rlplltll
<br /> � I CaOm�t�a --- Wom� f Corpor�tbn or Pxtner .
<br /> V�ttneuND � [{rfpll�N"1��A�9•St�teol NlO�iSl�1 —
<br /> � �«Y^�" � KALKOWSKI __ _ on boh ho rporatlon or partn h�
<br /> ; �e�r� y.r�y 9, �
<br /> (S�NI . ��
<br /> -' Thla instrumont was propared Dy - r, � '
<br /> •� miBEfi��IKEIIS SYSTEMS.�NC..ST.CLOUO.MN 68301 11-E00•39717�11 FORM OCP�MT(}NE 6/18/81 APPL# 000308 52 fplge 1 21�IY� ASKA
<br /> � CCI�# 0000000000 +
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