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<br /> APPL# 001-70318029
<br /> ' � ` ML# OOOOOOOQ00 . .
<br /> ,.
<br /> �:� 1-4 FAMILY RIDER 97— ga2�53
<br /> '••��• °""�' Aasignment ot Rents „
<br /> THIS 1�4 FAMILY RIDBit is modc thia 7TH day of APRIL , 1997 ,pnd is __
<br /> � incorporaeed inw and sh�ll bo desmcd to amend ond supplement the Mort�r�e,Deer�of Tcust or Sccurity Dees�(the -
<br /> "Security In.suument)of the same dffte given by the undersigncd(the"Banower")to secure Bomower's Nota to
<br /> ',�k�
<br /> ��_ HOME FED�RAL SAVxNC38 & LOAN A380CiATiON OF akl►ND ISLAND (�e"�ndur")
<br /> 4•
<br /> '�a� of the same clute en�i cove�in8 tho Pr�P�rtY dcscrit�d in the Sc�:urlty Insuument and located at �-.-
<br /> �--- -.._._ �..� =-`-
<br /> .. a 6 o e TARA PLACE �.: -
<br /> GR}1ND ISI,l�2�ID, NEBRASKA 68801 '�`-
<br /> � IProPcrty AddrouJ ��`,":.�:
<br /> . . Y� r,.
<br /> �f-_
<br /> 1.4 FAM�LY COVENANTS. In sddidoa W the covenflnts and agreements made in the Security Insnument, �:
<br /> `- Bo�rower nrtd Lerxt�r further covenant end agroe as foUows: -
<br />� Property descdbed in the Security Inswment,the following items an sdded to the Fio�d�a���s o e� -
<br />- also consdwt�the Property covered by tho Security Ins�cumenr.building materia7s�aPp
<br /> naicu�w�wi�,�v�naw ar h�^.�,flt.•'.�°i.,,�i�,�-"-,or���e�t,or intcnded tn be used in connoction with tha PropenY,
<br />= inclut�ing,but not limited to,those for tho purposes of supplying or distributing heatl�g,caoW►8,elecpicity.gav,
<br />-; watcr, air and lig,�t.fue prevention and extinguishin8 ePParam9�sxw'i�Y end access control apparaeus,plumtsing,
<br /> - . bath tubs,wat�r 7r�ters,watcr closeis�sinks,can8es.stoves�nfrigeretors,dlshweshers.�iispostils,wtsshers,drYers.
<br />-;�: : _ .; : awnin�a,ssom�wintinws�atarr��oors�screens,blinds.shades.curtains und curtain rods,uuached nwmrs.cabinets.
<br />�:• . . � pnnelling and uaached floor coverings now or hereatter ausched Uo the Prop�rty, all of which, incYuding �
<br /> ' �� repl8ccmcnts and adrilrions therew�shall be deemed to be and remain a part of the Property covered by tha Securiry
<br />- ' ' � ' Insnura�.�nt All of 2hs foregoing together w[th tho Property davcrlbed in the Sxurity Instrument(or the lee►sehald
<br /> u
<br /> _, � csmte if die Sxurlty Insttument is on a leasehold) arc refured W in this 1-4 Family Rider end the Securicy
<br />':,� °>,'.,. '.,` • Instrumcnt as the"Property:�
<br />�;•a. =` �•=;:�� C B.IJS�OF PROP'ERTY;COMPLIANCE WITI'1 LAW. Borrowu ahall not scek, agree W or rrtako a
<br />- •�•.;�:,-'.'�.;,•'•;
<br /> 'z`:'�w_?!�agL; change in tho uso of the Property or its zoning classificadon�unless I.ender has agreed in writing w tt►e c anga.
<br />�y'u'=.�^;��-`„_. Bomnwu shall comply with all laws. ordlnances. nguladons and requirements of any govemmental budy
<br />�"`a.��:�"�-- apPlicabk tA Uw Propeity.
<br />'�"-�'�'�� ' ." C.Si1BO1tDINATE LIENS. Bxcapt ns�emtitted by fccdera:law.Borrower shall not ailuw any lien inferbr
<br /> .�.�•����,. ..
<br /> -°�-=rh;;r���,'•'t� � to the Socurity Insttument w be perfected a8ainst the Propcity withoutLendcr's pdor wa�ttcn pumission.
<br /> ,.:,r:�, .,� :�,
<br /> =�-_s,�•c�v:� ;,� • D.REly7'LOS5 IIVSiJRANCC. Bor�owu shall meinu�in insurance agaLsst rent loss in addidon to the other
<br /> _ ``:'•''" e`�'`" , hazarda for wluch insurance is required by Unlform Coventu►t 5.
<br /> ���°�`'�w ' E."BORROSWER'S RIGHT TO itETNSTATE"DEII.ETED. Unifmrm Covenant 18 is delcted.
<br /> - -..`���:_.�:::
<br /> '��l'�� F.BORROWER'SUCCUPANCY. Untess Lender and Borrowu othcrwise a�ree in wititln8� the fust
<br />—��"" sentence in Unifoim Covenant 6 conceming Bocrower's occupancy of the Property is deieted. Ail remaining
<br /> __:ti��.'...... .
<br /> _ ,,;;;��: � covcnanis and agreements sct fanh in Uniform Covcnant 6 sh�ill remain in ef ecG
<br /> g-� ` ,,w i ..
<br /> MULTI9TATE 1•4 FAMILY RIDER-F�nnl�61��►Fr�ddi�Mao Unitorm Inatrum�nt Form 9170 9f03
<br /> - Pay�1 012
<br />— �•67(030t).Ot VlAP M�HT�IIQE FORA18•IA00)631•72ot InlUdc. ..._.— �
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