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<br /> �J� �(D��3 . � :,.,�:� �.
<br /> ' '[�OGETHER WI'TH nll rhe impro�cmcnts now or herraftcr crccted�n the p��aperty,and al Glcements,uppurtcnnncrs,and F
<br /> flxtures now or hereaRer a part of the property.All replacements and oddidons shall nlso be covercA by this Securtty lnslnement.
<br /> AU of tht forcgoing is reftrtcd to in t�is Security Instrument as the"Pcoperty." . �•�
<br /> i BORROWER COVENANTS that Borrower is luwfuUy seised af thc esmtc hcreby conveycd and hns thc right to�r.nt and
<br /> convcy thc Property and �hat the Property is uncncumbered, cxcept Cur encumbranccs of raard.8orrowcr wnm�nts�and will �
<br /> defend generally the dtie w ihe Propertyr egainst all claims und demends.subject to eny encumbmnces of record.
<br /> � THIS SECURIT'Y INSTRUMENT combines unifonn covenants for national use and non-uniform covenants wi►h 1'unitcd • -
<br /> variadons by jurisdiction to consdtute a unifortn sccurity inswment covering real property. '
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lendcr covenant and egree as foAows;
<br /> 1.Payme�t ot Principal and Interest;Pre{wyment and Late Charges. Bocrower shaU promptly pay whun dne the
<br /> ��:��<ti��;•i�:.;'-
<br /> princip�l of and iatemst on the debt eridenced by the Nnt�end eny prepayment end late chargcs duo undu thc Now. -� ti 1;,�,�,����.,
<br /> 2.�n►19 for Taxe.s and Insurance. Subject to spplicable !aw or w a writt�n waiver by Lcnder. Aorrower sh,dl puy to ,
<br /> tn
<br /> Lender�a tM day monthly payments are due under the IVot�,until the Note is paid in €ull,a sum('Funds")for.(a)ycarly taxes ��„
<br /> and asses.unetuts which ma atmin riori aver this Securi Instrument av e lien on the Pro y N y �'�
<br /> Y P �Y tY P�Y;@) Yearl Ie�►sc5hatd n ra►enis �c�;�_`;.-�...,r....
<br /> or gro�nd rerits on the Prope�ty,if any:(a)Yearly harard or property insurair:.e premiiuns,(d)Yearly tlood insurru�at premiums,if ;.,_``-� --
<br /> u u ; -
<br /> a�Y:(�)Y�Y�►�act8a�e insurance premiums, if any:amd(�any sums payable by Bonower to Lender.in acconlnnce with the 4;;
<br /> . ,_.....
<br /> ,,,
<br /> vis��u�s �f 8,in lieu of the 3 a�t�s Q �e insurance re�ums. 'th�I�.ms�se calleil "�cro� I.ems." ' ���"s'''
<br /> , � [� - 3�-�� F Y ��� F l ,?' — -
<br /> Lerder may.at any tnmz,callect and hold Funds in an a.mAUnt nat oo exeeed ihe ma�cimum auiou�n¢a le,ndrs for a federnUy rcL�ted � t�''
<br /> I::"''� :_��...
<br /> mo�gage l�n may�g�fmr Boirower's esemw a�unt under the federaI keai Es-iate�e�k�nt Fmcedu�s kci of 1574 as -
<br /> a amended from ti�:,ta ar.n:,12 U.S.C.Section Zb01 er seq. ("RESPA"),unless another law that appGes to tLe�unci..sets a lesser �ii .�� -°°�-_
<br /> , �. � aimwnt If so.I�ender may,at eny pme, collect an�l hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser am�mt. Lender may i�w��
<br /> estimate the�rnmunt of Fands due on the basls oF cuaent data and e�zaaQnable estimates of eape�cantures of futwre Escrow Iu�n:,or ,.
<br /> othawiso i�a�cordance with applkable law. i�
<br /> �:''�: 'ilu Funds shall be held in an institurion whose deposits ere Insured by a federal agency.inssrumentaliny,or e�tity(uxluding
<br /> . Lender.if Lender is suc,fi�au institutioa)or in any Fadual Home Loan Bank.Lender snall �pply�ha Fun�'.c so p�ry the Escrow '``
<br /> '' Items.Le,nder may not ctiarge Bom�wer for holding nnd applying the Funds.a�r.��,a11y analyzing¢i�e escrow sc�nun�or verifying ,,� �;�
<br /> , �X the Escrow Itert�s.unless Le,nder pays Borxower intenest on the Funds and applictable law permi�s I.cnder to m�e si�ch a charge. _
<br /> __..- -:- -- H�mPUri;irrules may m.nnirP Rqrmwer tn nav a nne.time char�e fnr an in�ene_+scleng rea] ectat�►ax rennttinc�ce.rvirr ucr.r!hv —
<br /> --,-. -- I.ender in connoction w��h this loan.unless applica�k law provIdes otheiwise. �:nles.t an aBreernent is mad�s ur upplicat�7�:6avr ,` ,� .�
<br /> • requines interest to 6e��,Leader shall not be�equa�tl to pay Borcower any srt�est or eamings on the Funda.Bonnwer and ' -
<br /> , , � L.end�may agree in wiiting,however.that interest s'hfl11 be paid on the Funds.Lender shall�ive t,o Boirower,yriuhout charge,a�e
<br /> , �t�'.; a�u►ual aecc�unting of the Funds,shAwing endits aad dzbits to the Fands and the purpose for which each debit to the F���s wws �.
<br /> � �F: mad2.'ifsc�arnds ere pledged as additional socurity for ell sums soc��ed by this Securlry L�rument. "
<br /> ` . If the FLnds held by L,e�der exceed the amounts pemd[Led w be held bY apPlicable law,Lender ahall account to Hornower foz � .j.��
<br /> � the excess Fu�sd�in acc��az�ce with the requimment�vf appllcablc law.If ihe emaunt of t4e Flmds held by Le�sder at any time is
<br /> � not snff�cient to pay tbe�crow Itsms when due,Lender may so noafy Bomnwcr in writing.and, in such case IIurrower shal!pay � �
<br /> •::'';; '�;e° to I.ender the amount neerssary w c�lce up the deficiency. Borrower shull msilce up�he deCciency in no more than twelve �"� -
<br /> ".",..j�:`; . 8��; monthlY P'�Ymeats.a¢I,en�a's sole dis�ra�on. �
<br /> , ;s Upon�ayment in fi�ll of all sums�ecurcd by this Sccurity Instrument,L.ender shall prompily nfuud to Barnower any Fun�9 _ -----
<br />_.:•`,' 'I' ,� held by L.ender.If,�i�r paragraph 21,L.ender shall acquire or sell tt�e Pra `.-
<br />_ , p�xty,Lenda,pria to the acquisidon or salo of�he Mv_
<br /> � ' f �roperty,stiall apply a*�ry�unds held by Lender ai tho time of acquisidon or sale as a credIt against Qce sue�as sccure�l by th�, �a.__
<br />- ,;% Security Inswment i,:—
<br /> '.:�r' 3.Apg>!hcatjon of P�ymenta. Unless applicable law provides mlherwisc.all payments reazivrQ by Lcnacr under pars�-rq� �"`----
<br /> �•�' 1 and 2 S?sall be epplied: first.w any prcpayment charges due unfler the Note; second,to amaunts payable umdcr para�2;
<br />_. third,w intcrest dne;fouilh,to principal dua;and tast,to eny late charges due under the Note. ��-=
<br /> � Z_,_—
<br /> `� � 4.C�tY 15��.�lR4. BOtIOWCt S�191� �.,,
<br /> . rg pay all taxes,assessmcnts,charges.fines and imposidons anribumb➢e w the Property i 4
<br /> _ ''��"� whlch may auain priority over this Security L�umcnt,anci kasehold payments�r gr�und rents,if eny.Bomatver shall pay iheae t.�`�_.
<br />-';?1�`'•;;n':' obligatia�s�n thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borc�wcr shall pay the�m on tima dir�cdy r�n th�e --
<br />_ �"��;:: pason owed payment Bortower shall pmmpdy furnish to[,ender all notices of amounts w be paid under thjs paragraIsh.If =---- -----------
<br />� , Barower makes these pay.ments directly.Bo►rower shall promptiy fiunish ta Ler�dr�receipls evidencing Ihe payar►ants. =-_— --- --
<br /> Bo�rower shall gro��+tly dLscharge any lien which has p,riority over this Sex�iry Insuumeat wless Borco�ver. (a)agroes le� ;
<br /> ' writing to the payment o�'the obligati�on secured by t�e lien in a manner a�fite to Lendu;(b)wnusts in g�od f�ith ehc licn ��'-�'� ,,;;!:,
<br /> bY, or defends against enfom,ement of the lien in, legal pmoeediags which in the Lender's opinifln opc�Y,e to �rc.L-t:�c .' '�':� ..::..
<br /> - enforcema:c og the lien;or(c)socures from the holder of the Gen an agreement sarisfactory w I..ender subord'msating�a t:,d1�i �?�"?�..x .�`�s=`
<br /> ,� ,
<br /> • this Security Instnureea�IIf Lender detennines that any part of the Pro�uty is n:bject to a lien which may a1�s�riority ov,�r�,:s '=:'�; ; :��'�'
<br /> ,:�' ., ..
<br /> - Security Instnunen�Lesa�er may give Borrower a novice identifying the lien.Bc+sr�wer shall sarisfy�he lien or'talce ane or mac� y �' , � :�„;;_�•
<br />, , of Ihe actions set fortt�a'L�ve withiu 10 days of the giving�f notice. ' ' '
<br /> . . Form SO4A �l9Q ',���.-
<br /> . �5'.. •:�-..
<br /> _ �•eR(NE7ccz,s�.o, rao.z o,e i�iva�s: . .
<br /> ,:
<br /> •
<br /> - ___ =-- -
<br /> _ _- -- �
<br /> � �- --- - --...----� -------•-----�_- --� ----�--�-----•---------�_...,.�------ -------,--...._._-• -.-.- _.---- -..� . .,
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