<br />� FROM
<br /> � � y -----------------�88��
<br /> i ��G� � -- -- - _... . ���------ Filed for record this-----...--./�.---�-----�---------da of-�----- --- --- ------------------�------
<br />_ �---......... e-.�..�.���.i............:.... .�!...... ._
<br /> at----� --------o'clock---- � -------M.
<br /> ---- -------- ---- - ------ -- --- ----------------------
<br /> �o -------------------------County Clerk.
<br /> ------------------- -------------------------- --- ---- .
<br /> ---------`=--------�Deputy.
<br />� -- ---------��---i_��, � - ��l -- -- - - --- -- - ------------------------------------------------
<br />� b���� ��� ��� �� ����� �������� That-�'�-�--- _�v--f..�1�:_.v_�.�.cr�y��n.�__�/�_- --�������,---�_����,
<br /> � ��
<br /> ° __-----..ounty, and State of....._.._._._ -- - -------�e��- --�----- -----------in consideration of the sum
<br />� of. ,���;�r,�!_,..--- ����� - ---- - -�--- - --
<br /> ------�����----------------- - -- - --- --
<br />�'i of..... ------- ---�:��i- V.�1-��i���-r_�c_�/_i---�/--� -----��������-----�a J_OO�- -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------DOLLARS,
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<br />` in hand aid b ----- - ------�� !"�1--� - ---- - --------
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<br /> ---- - ----------------�-�------- -
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<br /> ����,�oG_.���,�. .._���-----------County, and State of------------------��''��Y��� ------.----------_.-----------do hereby sell and convey unto
<br /> of---- - --
<br />' � -- - --- ���-��/------� ---- - - - - - -------- --------- ----- --- - - ----------------------------------------------�------------------------------------
<br /> the said----------------- `'v
<br /> the following described premises, situated in �he County of-----------�,4;�� --------------and State of Nebraska, to_wit :
<br /> ���:�.�-��� �°� �'� ��/� �o� � � - � (��/�,�� " ��=� ���,
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<br /> l O
<br /> Together with all the tenements, hereditaments ar,d appurtenances to the s;ame belonging, and all tl�e Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim
<br /> or demand whatsoe`er of the said-- -- �%z�--�'--��G���/ - -���-- - ------------ ------------------------------------ -------------.--------•----------_._.
<br /> G����� �
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. .
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said._____________________._________________..__________________________________________.
<br /> yy� �
<br /> -------�-------------------- -------------- --��/-- � -------- - -- --------------------------------------------------------- - -- ----- - -----and to--------- ��__---------..heirs anci assigns forever.
<br /> . % ' ,
<br /> , And.--- ---.u� - - --hereby covenant with the said-- - --- �C�_. :�-� -- - ----- - -- - -- - -...- - ---------------------------------------------------��-�--------------
<br /> that_______._.,<<r�% ____hold said premises by good and perfect title; that__,______-��----------------ha�/good right and lawful authority to sell and
<br />� convey the same ; that they are free and clear of al� lier�s and incumbrances whatsoever..__._____,______________________._____.______.__.__._._._._._.,:_____.....__.:___.__,____._._...___:...
<br /> �---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- ----�- ---
<br /> And_______________,�/_______-____._.___ ..___covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br /> ---------------------------------- --- -- - -- - ----------------------------------------�---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
<br /> --- --------------------------------------- ---- --- -- --- _----- - ---- ------ --------------------- -------- ---- --------- ---- --- --- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------
<br /> . � , y
<br /> And the said.----------�i�- ---- ----�_�/-���9----����1_r.���_��'��----��/!/---�/���--------- -- - -------------
<br /> hereby relinquishes her right�����n �nd to the above described premises. � ,
<br /> Signed this---------------------�!��- - - -- - -
<br /> __day of------------i��y�,__�_�__i---------------------A. D. �88�
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF ✓�
<br /> --- -- -----/"=- �2�x�!�I2?-C1..--•----------------------------------
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<br /> i
<br /> _�_-------------'---�- /�GC'�O71!/. --------------------------
<br /> --. ------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> ss.
<br /> -------------------�- ------�----- ------------County.
<br /> On this------------��---- ---- ----
<br /> ----day of--------i�_�'_-___�"__y��--------- ---------A. D. �8$�,
<br />� before me_______________-________..._: �__.�tizGdyci________________________.___.____.._._____._.__-----_-----_-----------a Notary Public within and for said County, personally
<br /> . -
<br />► �/� �
<br /> came----------� - ,�/f,__ ����vv�--�._��0�-r�__v__ �_. __���?�_�__�---- ---�-- - ----- ------- ---------------- -- -- --•--- ----------- ---- ----- ----------
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<br />� ...---------- ---- ------ ---- _ -- ---- ------------ - -------- ------...- - - -- - - - - -- to me personally known to be the identical persouS �vho�e _
<br /> ' nameS_..--�c�.--------_--------affixed to the above instrument as GrantorS and severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be.--���---
<br /> voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed------------------------ --------------------------------=-----------------�------------------- --------=------ -
<br /> In �itness �hereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my official seal
<br /> � ______.______on the date last above written. �`
<br /> ,�� at---�✓!!-"��--����-�i�----i��ya2��- ,
<br /> ------�---"u'---.��2`c�n�-----------------------------
<br /> ----------�--------------------Notary Public,
<br /> �
<br /> �,� �
<br />