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<br /> :?�� DEED OF TRI�ST ,�; '� � �
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<br /> PARTIEB:This Deed of Truat I�made on NSARCii 3i� 19_4Z_ �..among the arontor, PANRIyA�]�IIajS$.r A
<br /> , _, - I"Barra�nor'1,� �.
<br /> An�+um n urnrx. ATTARTiRY , ,
<br /> \ H-
<br /> ! whase residence addroa�ie pp R��?� Or»�+ �pl•^� °""�� —County,Nabraaka ('Trustee"1,end tha Qqn�ficlpry. �..,,_,_
<br /> � nnr a*�►TN�� � r oAw A4S�CZATION ,a�arar�Uan orgnNr.nd �.
<br /> � .nr.r�em ernocFm
<br /> + and existing underthe laws ot NEHBnGi� ' - whose nddreae is �ai sw., ' + �.
<br /> � . i PLendnr"9. :-
<br /> , R � � -.
<br /> � CQNVEYANCE:Far value recelved,Borrower itrevocabiy prenta end convoye to Tru3teo,In tru9t,with poKer of aelo,tho rael propePSy,of wh[ch
<br /> Borrower is lawfuly�el:ed,Qescribed betow end all buildings, fixturas, end exioUnp and future Improvema�ts thorenn and all rfahraat�viopi,
<br /> " e�:amenta, ront�, IREL°QB. �rnfia, income, tenementa, hereditomontA, pdvflapes end any appurtOnBncvs fiiur8ui�t0 taltu�plitg l4N Cail�td tiv� `_
<br /> 'property"1. ,A��bronka ..�,13.�U4,i..__.�
<br />♦ ,� PROPEATY ADDWES$' 1 n1� TTfAHA At� . ORANi1 ZBI�Nif +M
<br /> � ISn�nl lCRyt fI.W Co.
<br /> ' LE�AL DESC81pT10N:
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<br />' :J':
<br /> S '
<br />=:s���'?"` '•'� c�an*m rczarm frar.L. Caunty,Nabrask�.
<br /> %• lucated tn •
<br /> f�,i!,;i��•"-
<br /> • TIT6E:eorrowa�cavsnena�nd war�ants Ntle to tM propsrty,excepi tor
<br />�:;.•.��.'.�';'
<br />�is(a"�,
<br /> .,�,;�,,.,;:rj gECpF1Ep pE�T:Thie dead of trutt sacures to Lender repaymont of the securad dobt end the porformnnce of the covnnenm e�n �preementa
<br />-_'n;r._;.:.,,;,# corrtoinod(o this desd of truat snd In eny other document tncorryoreted heroM.Secured dobt,ee uaed in this deed of truct,inaiuc�as any amounU
<br />�- E3oirowar owes to Lender under thfa deed of trust or under any Inatrument ccecurod by thfo dand of trust,end ell modi}laatlonn,extenswno and
<br /> 1;�;�i�-~v, roneweta tMreot.
<br /> "' ' TM socur�ed debt b evldenced by(Ust slt instruments and egreemente seaurtd by thic doed of trust anrl the d�tea thoreof.l:
<br />��i,�:.�tl.:•�� •*nmc. AW*� CFCLIR7TY A[3AfiFHIF.td`P nA'I'F.1] M7lRCU 91� �A417
<br /> ���d
<br /> - .-�fi�i�
<br /> --=-�?r'-'+�:�� �Futun Adv�s:The above emount la secured even though all or pert of it m�y not yat de actvsnaa�. Furixe �dv�nas an
<br /> -_-;.�;:,� conterr.�lated end wUl Cs:ecured to tM eame eutent es if made on tho dnte thle tlt+n�i ot trust la ezocutad.
<br /> - �=� ,with Initfal ennusl iMm�st roto af `��
<br /> -�-s T�;�� �Revotving Iine of credit epreement dated_
<br />�-'�•r�� A!1 emourtt� owsd under thii e yr�`j��be sBecureddto the eeme extent ae ifrmnde on the d�m thls do d af Vurt i�executeAu��r
<br />��i�� the preoment�re contsmplated
<br /> -�`?���
<br /> �,,� ?�he ebove obOpetion le due snd payable on OCTa�A 20 i99g ..,_�A not paid�srikr.
<br />""-'�-`-'-'-''-'-'°i°�--� Tha tatal unpssd batan�e aecured by thie deed oi trust et ony one dmo sheN not oxaeed o meximum prin�pN amount oY.
<br />---��— ��, , .....s-.�- .•�o Nn/�nn Doilnre(S 4 nnn on 1.Plus interesL
<br />-=�-"'_��--�� plua any emount�disburaed under the terms of thls deed of uust to protaot thn securiry of thie dcmd of t�vai or to perfarm eny of tM
<br /> _,z:r.. _:�;a
<br /> -_-:.�Y coven�nta conssined In thfi deed of trust,with Interost on suc s urs�monta.
<br /> —�.��R
<br /> _ ::..,q�,; . ❑Vxieb�R�tr.TM intereat rate on the oblipation securod by thls doed of ttuot mny vary eccardlr�to tha torms of that oblipa�ion.
<br /> =•��� _� ❑ A copy of the loan agreoment containinp tho tnrms under which tho intoroat reto may vary is attnched to this deed of t�ust end
<br />�`�r ��. made a pert hareof.
<br />�:: r .
<br /> RiDER9: ❑Commercinl � asait�t�f�'r nF r+�rrra ❑
<br /> . •.,.• ; -
<br /> __:�,,. Pursuant to ths Farm Homestaad Protectinn Act,de�Igr��tlon ot homestoed ❑ Is attachnd to thia d�1 of wst end mrde a part herdof =
<br /> - � ' � ❑ haa bean disclaimed;the disclafiner fa stteched to thls doed of truat end madn e purt horoof. -
<br /> _ g�Q A UREg;gY�{q��D�w,BarowK�prw to th�teme and covonunU contyin�d In tld�dwd o!tnus,Inciu�ng thoa�oe p�0�2•�d M
<br /> - ,.�'`. �y � �bow elYa�d bY Borrower.
<br />�� /C�
<br /> ... ��.
<br /> -, `r,�'� �' PAM$L1a 8RAS8
<br /> - --; _ ,—�� `
<br /> ACKHOWLEQ�MENY:STATE OF NEBRASKA, r.pa�m Ts,*,,8�.� HAT i CUU�1Ly B6:
<br /> �• The toregoing fnstrument was naknowledgod botoro mo on this_ ���m _dey ot �nAtt u-...193Z �
<br /> , , by v��Rta .T_agas — —' mn.iui
<br /> Capont�a Of , lNrn�of Corpornima PWnNaNDI
<br /> Prtn�rsrip
<br /> ��y,o�,,,��y,,,,,,s a ���pK,�� __ on behatt of tho corporetion or pnrtnorshlp.
<br /> My commfasion exp�rea: //�� � /� /��
<br />- ISe�U
<br /> ` S'�_��Aite�r INOtuY PuC'tl
<br /> This Instrume�t wos propa:ed by �*4 T• AARR2R _ — ----- ' �
<br />-= � �iBS6��IRFII98Y6TE1NS,Mlt•,SY.ClOUC,MN6630111-EOP997•]3NIFOPMUCP�MTO-NE611@fJt �pLSI 00030647 lp��1o1��;N�BRASKA
<br /> - CCD# 0000000000
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