� `���
<br /> DEED RECORD .
<br /> FROKr �
<br /> -
<br /> �j' Filed for record this.----� -�- -�.� . - --------------day of-------��- -....------------------------------�88 �/
<br /> �-�---- ------�------------s0�f-..--�..------ --�----�-------�-�-------------- ----- ---
<br /> at---------�F=------�'clock.---- - - �----M.
<br /> - - -------- --- - - - -- ----- ------------------------ ------- -
<br /> �ro
<br /> -------- ----- -----'-------------------------------------� ---- ---...---------------County Clerk. .
<br /> ------------��- - -------�------_.��___��,-----------
<br /> � ._._.Deputy.
<br /> n n.�
<br /> ��� ��� ��� �� ����� �������� That---�!._-���-�---�--------�� U . - -
<br /> � �. v'' �,-�r�-=-�-�.�------ ------- -------------
<br /> -� � --
<br /> /� � �,
<br /> of----------------------------- ---�l---�----------- � - -- ------�ounty, and State of..-- - -- - --- - - -� -- -�-------------- -- -- - -- - - ------.in consideration of the sum
<br /> �
<br /> of.--- - - - - - -- ------- ---�-- ---- ----- -�--'�-----------�-- -----------------------�,---�------------------ -- -------------------------- ----------------- -------------------------- --------DOLLAPy�',
<br /> � ' � �.-...,
<br /> X i�an�d � �--------- -----------------�%v�^'�-------------------------------- ------ -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---�
<br /> �
<br /> of-----. ----------------���� ---- - County, and State of------ ----- --------- - - -��------- -----------------------------do hereby sell and convey unto
<br /> • � �G��✓��t-�c•.�'--
<br /> the said.------------- ----------_d_J�1---- ------- ---�------ - ------ ----------------------------------------------- -- - - ----------------------------------------------..___..------------------�------------..
<br /> � n /'
<br /> the following descriUed premises, situated in �he County of---------------�/.`+�-�� .
<br /> ___________._________.___._.____._._________________and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br /> p��- �- ,Q,�-�„� C.`1J ^-�- ��,l�--c.�C �. --�,�1��c- `�,c� — � x�
<br /> �n%�- ` � ' �„�,Pw d�ti"."�`� `"""`1 '� �� G�C��,U-,�- ,� �c. ��,.,�. �c.,
<br /> �.�- � ct, �S��Vvwt� ��I� � �/�c� �����L�a- �✓J -�-�,-�Q �'t' .v�
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<br /> � �-� �� ���
<br /> � nts hereditaments ar,d a vurtenanc s to the same belon�-in , and all the Estate, Right, Title, Interest, Claim
<br />� Together with all the teneme , pp a g
<br />� or demand whatsoever of the said________. . . . �� �/� _
<br /> _ `------ - ------ - - - ----- -------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part the o£
<br /> To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said.._____._.___________________________. ...._______________.______._.._
<br /> � � �p�,����� --_-_---___-_----.-and to--_-��_-__----------heirs and assigns forever. �
<br /> -�- -� ---- -- 1---- , -- --------- --- ------------ -- ------------------ -- ----
<br /> ' ---------------------------------� -----
<br /> And.-- ----� - ------------hereby covenant with the said---- l��l�( �%� l� - -��-���-.���-.- - - - ----
<br /> __________11o1d said remises b ood and erfect title; that._________�__.______._____.__ha (�z.g�ood right and lawful authority to sell and
<br /> that---- - -- ��'--- - P Y g P '
<br /> convey the same ; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever._._._._____________:_____________________--------_-----------_::----_----------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------
<br /> -
<br /> ------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------p--------------� -- - - -- ._ ------- -- - - --
<br /> And_.___________ .___ ___________ ____________:__________covenant to warrant and defend the said remises a ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsaever
<br /> ---- -------
<br /> �- ,
<br /> -.--------�_��-- -- - -- -��-���-�
<br /> --------�,�-v-�------�--��-�--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> --------------------------------------- -- - -- --- ----------------------------------------- --- - . - --------------------------------
<br /> -- ----------------- ---------------------
<br /> - -- - - ------- - - -------------- ------ -- ------------------- ---- - -- - -- .-- - ---- ------- -----------------------------------
<br /> Andthe said_- ---------- --- -------- ------------------------------------ - �-- ----------------- -� - --------- ----------------- ------
<br /> hereby relinquishes her right of dower in and to the above described premises.
<br /> `` `
<br /> Signed this---------,� - ----- - -- - - -- ---day of.-------------7'1l�,,��------------------A• D• i 88 �' �
<br /> -----------��--- -------- ---------------------------------
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF -------- - ---------------�
<br /> � / --,,------ ---------------------------------------------- -- ----------
<br /> ---- ------- ----- -- -/- - -- _ -- - - ------ --------- --
<br /> /
<br /> ss. �-
<br /> --------- --------- ----- ------- -- --
<br /> ----County. On this-------c� - ------ -- --------------------day of--------------------------------------------A. D. i 88 9,
<br />; / ,� ` / _ _____ 'c within and for said County, personally
<br /> before me-- -- -- - - - �C.'.: - -------- ------------�- - ---- ------------�--(,�-,-`ti--`e�°
<br /> ����y
<br /> came------ -- - -----------------------�------------ ------------------------� ---------------------------------------------------�
<br /> - ------- - ---- - te�-�- ------------ ------------ ----------------------------------
<br /> �--- -- ---- -- ---- -
<br /> . _ _ _ ______,____.___.___.___..to me personally known to be the identical person tivho�e
<br /> name----- � --
<br /> ___affixed to the above instrument as Grantor and severally acknowledged the execution of the same to be..�.._.
<br /> voluntary act and deed, for tlae purposes therein expressed------------- ----------------- --- ---------------------------------------------�- -�--------------- -- �------------ '
<br /> In �itn ss �hereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, a
<br />, • ,
<br />; at � �2��(_ ��( . �c....-.-_____-_�-_-_on the date last above written.
<br />, ` �----------------- -----...------ ------------ -- - -- ----------------� .
<br /> -�
<br />