<br /> � � P.�
<br /> LL� EED RECOR � .
<br /> FROM -- �
<br /> �k,�'G�',e� Filed for record this.--- --�� -- ------ ---day of-- -� ---._----- ----- --�----------- -------z88�
<br /> ----- -- - - -----..--- --------------- - ---- -- -- -- ------ - -- '7 (�
<br /> at-�------�----o'clock.------- -�-� - ---.M.
<br /> --------- -- --- - - - -- - ------------------------ -------------
<br /> TO
<br /> ' � e ---------------- ----'---u�---------------------- --��- -----------.County Clerk.
<br /> ------- ----
<br /> �� ���.L .A-�.�cC.,
<br /> ---- - --- - ---- -----�--------------------------- ------------------------�Deputy.
<br /> - -- - -- --- --- - - - ------------J
<br />, ����
<br />, 0-. `
<br /> ;
<br />, ���� ��� ��� �� ����� �����1��� That.- ---------- --�--------- ----�-- �- - --�- �'�---- ---- ----^-�,���.----��-- �--- ------�--- ------------- ------�-----------
<br />� ..___________.in consideration of the sum
<br /> of.------�-----='�lZ_Gi�,�--- �?-��rG� �Gt.�t----��ounty, and State of-- - - ----���c.--- ------ --- -------- -----
<br />�� of.----- - - --- ---- -f-�-�'i'z----��iieG�.--------------------�-�"° ------------------�- ---- --------------- - -- ---- --- --- ---------------------------------------------------DOLLAFS,.
<br /> / �� � p , ' y�
<br /> i in hand paid bY-----`'�---�:1�.�v�'L Q�Y'.�iEL '�C �,��v"LvL �iV�
<br /> �
<br /> - -- --- - - -� - --- --�--------- ---- ----- ---- -- - - �--------- ------------------ ------------------------ --------- ------------- -------------------------
<br /> i �
<br />' �--- - --- -- --- - ---- - -- - - _ _ - - - - _ - -----C��, and State of --- ------------------- �`_'---- --- --- ---------------do hereby sell and convey urito
<br /> ��C �c�.t-r�L ;�,2� ��Zt�---- -----(��i2r�c�a.
<br />' ' , ,-------- - --- - -- --- ----------------`- ------ --------------------- - --- -- -- ----- ---- ---- ---------- ----------------------�--...-------:.
<br /> I the said...-----�_Q�Gtio.�?��--t� ��•''��y ��
<br />;
<br /> the following described prernises, situated in the County of___.____________________��.._..__._____,__.._._____________and State of Nebraska, to wit :
<br /> ' �,e�� ��� .,�5 � � `
<br /> �u v� � cz.� � �r� � G���
<br /> I` � . . � , �t
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<br />�
<br /> 't'ogether with all the tenements, hereclit ents ar,d ap urtenan es to the same belonging, and all t�e Estate, Right, 'title, Interest, Ctaim
<br /> or demand whatsoe�er of the said.--'����.�'�i- ------ -----f -� ------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------
<br />', of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof. � ,-
<br /> �� � :
<br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtenances, unto the said..;----C�yr!-r�--------------------- --------- --:�yy�°?�'"'�-- :.
<br />� � �
<br />` ��.K._��o��--��v-y�y ----���� ��r?'------ ---- ---------- - -----------------------:--- ------ - - - ...----and to--�- --------------------- � and assigns forever.
<br /> r ' u„�;,;,-------------- i�
<br />! And.----�- - --- - --hereby covenant with the said_V�����-- -r--- .'-- -. _ -��-,�!��k���-�r-�----'e--�---- -------�-•. --- ���'
<br /> ��._.
<br />� _____ .______ha�. ood ri ht and lawful authorit to sell and ' �
<br /> that__.___� _.___. _______hold said premises by good and perfect title; that ___.____�___ g g Y y
<br /> convey the same ; that they are free and clear of all liens and incumbrances whatsoever..___..,________._____.._______________________.__.._.......:...................___:_._._.__.....____ �
<br />' �--------------------------- --- -�- ----------------------�----------------------------------------------------- -- - - - - --�-- --------- - ---------- - ------------ -------,--------------------� i
<br />, � �
<br /> And_________�___.__.__ _._________________.___covenant to warrant and defend the said premises against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever
<br />. ./.�n� t}iP cair�
<br /> Signed this-- G�-_ ------- - - - - - -----day of _ _''v��-c�----------
<br /> ----------A• D. �88 �/
<br /> C;
<br /> � �
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF -•---- -------------- --�-----------�-----�----------------------------------------�--------
<br /> ����
<br /> :,.;
<br /> ���-Z�/Lt/`.' - --- ----- - ------ ,.---- - ---- - -------- ------- -------
<br /> ------,-------------------- - -- - - ---- -- ------- ------------------- ----
<br /> ss. p-
<br /> � ---------,��R��--�-�'---�-'e----- --- - -- Couaty.
<br /> On this-----_`_/--_------- ---- -- -------day of- --'--�-- ---------------------------A. D, t 88� ,
<br /> �"�'����z`
<br />( before me.- - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - ----a Notary Public within and for said CountY� Personally
<br /> ' �/�,/� ------------------� �
<br /> Game--�--� --£---`�y- � - - ---------- -- ----- ---- -------- ---- ---
<br /> .- -- ----- - - ----- ---- --- - ---- ---- -------.----------------.- --.--------- to me personally known to be the identical person �vhose
<br /> -- -- - �
<br /> name_ ,_ y g xecution of the same to be.__�v.__.
<br /> ___.�_.___ affixed to the above �nstrument as Grantor and severall acknowled ed the e
<br /> voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed-----------------------------------.- ---------------------------------------- ----------------------------------�-- �
<br /> --- ------- ------- ------
<br />, In �itness �h�reof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, and affixed my official seal
<br /> ..::.
<br /> at_____________________ __.._—_.. ___________on the date last above written, ,-.
<br /> --- --------- ------------ ------- �- -
<br /> -.�.
<br /> ---------------------T-"=-'-t - -�----�--------------------------------------Notary Public, r
<br /> �q'
<br /> �
<br /> . - ��
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