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<br /> pp�d�wr`a�a`aiet�tu�i�daly p�R Of tlfO FyOpay►.Q�orCOar�a�a iw iea dcaMie�i�o�.�c ie±�ei�r l�jri�1 �
<br /> ii lrepidlo 1.i+Me� `;-:. , - : �.:- �, � -
<br /> . . 411e+h�e�aE_f�toi�f�:�t'�e.PbpMy 1Ye P'a�'eed�iiW ik a�liiad�o�tie��wa�se�d 6l:ii��nY�r- . =:
<br /> ta�a�rat.M�kllr`et;or�rat ir�drlG�ridi a�r eacess p�id to BonaMei bt Nre eMmt af i p�Ai�i tfi�al�e Plbpie�![�i �`=��
<br />��� �
<br /> w h i c h d�e fair a w r i o�t'±r�a f�e A a�p a e y i m e e�l y b dae t h e n t i a�u�q n 1 b ct�o e�l e r t h w�Y e a r n r e t d d rc�f i u N i s;::,:�;:`.�`:�<
<br /> _: �edfip d�Sec�a�i�I�eqt in�y before the tdnna:+nless Barso+�eraod i�eaderabenvi�e apwe i�Mritii�. . . . .._.:
<br /> ��.:._ Il�e�aawad�b r_is:�1�tnorent_thtll 6��alucod_b�r 11��dwuu�t of the Raxeds mu1_dp1�e4_b!►ih�f�io�i�_=_-
<br />• --=-5�.;6on:.(i)the�aal amornt a��sams sec�ued'��y het'-are�e t�bg,T'v�de-d 6y @�e-Tar:.: r �e o e .
<br /> _._ _ .pl�epatY.imesebale�r bafoc�the i�ea., My 6ni�ooe sLall..6e p�id.to Baavrrer._.In tt�eveut of s.p�i�I.#�K.�lie---,.--�.-,--
<br /> !'feupetty ia wr1u�L tbe 6ir m�lcet value af 8re Pfropaty ima�ediaiely l�fone the akia�is ksa th�n tbe amou�t eF fMa�uer �,
<br /> �ec�red i�edi�rdjr b e�'a��e b k i n a.u n f e s s H o��o r r e r a�d i�o�6 e c w i�sare�ie w n t m�or�a p p l i��b i e I K w ; �
<br /> �poo�rid�es„d�a pmoeeds sldtl6��p�iiod t�tl�sums secuned h�dris Securitg L�sttummt�hcd�arnot d�e aMeas are .
<br /> pr,up� s�tiii�dooed ;��f';`-.� rQ�irioa
<br /> . .I��� is by�oeta�war.oc if,a�er�ac�.�y Leader�Bonowd�dq4!���!f'�ets� �
<br /> :. ' �ps.i��i�lt;�sdtics:cd�iut�oc,�,��. BoRta�.rf�tlseQ, }�. w",�'t �i�.���.� . �.:.
<br /> `�'.$"°'y T%, n , r. �„'.�,• U�.,�r �'!"�'�-��i �,• "
<br /> 'f. .w.j��6iq�lzd�;lQ:Cflil�f.'6;aod�t�C �1�,4�,,•:��.�.�:. ,.�':1s��!?!f� ` t:_i,��,�z::•
<br /> - �c .2'l� .:v �.'fr= .t\<�• r. �'t,� s_:.�., ,�ti:ti'ry.:��,:•'•"�".' ,t,r�',S;'����., 3' p
<br /> ����� �G �!. �y ,.�,r�,�=. �4 ��F�.�x.�: � �: Z � .' �:��,. .. . �S
<br /> '�-:� t.� i }:cn,�s t`[. '�f;.:r,;.t,� ;�r�;_. ��i z,,.,�:v�': �,
<br /> `�(. :�._�: •.ti ���� ...Y,.•. •:�'i^!`K,i ;f.t=`s.�-. _.}':�'•i':�.�i•:i�;+�;:'�•i;,,. �'� r.ir+tn. �;,;�ii7;,�;•.»" i,..._!-,_.
<br /> [ . �� �a��•:,��.• q,ys yi .s,: ;jj� t .A.: � �{ . .,• � �'t�.�/ .-�•hv� � �t}fi�Er�)
<br /> `l � � 4 �4r1�����R'�"�"T--'.!itti"C1\�'?��tl7r���;T'*„'•t. il,��"�°��,1�.:•Y� '��/ -r..� tj
<br /> � �p� .a y �.l, y,���Q""��� r.r'.:.+ �Y
<br /> 1 � y,. S .�.�,.5`�?� �l� ��� "� ,p` � . 1�.. L.`�,r{,��l't
<br /> '��C�IC . � i.•.`.,', .t ., �' .: ,.� � �f �� e..����, ., , ��}, �q �y '�+ �
<br /> t� �. � , . �;��� :Wiiv�p:����d�pilt�1 y����.�p�'���`''}r�,�`` }
<br /> -. � S -1. :1.: / � 5 J ) 1 �i!""\�1:i , f �- 1 J
<br /> '� p � � ..�,� � � �j�y�►K��F15i�.���41.'��?' ��&��1���'�'�`�'
<br /> l �d�t�_".�.-." �.. � . _
<br /> � ,r'.;. ti �• • � i .
<br /> � „ 'r�`�i�'� `.�t.�'�tt?in�ds�. 3S�''[�►'fi�� �n�nat Bamwer or B�a�wes��caoe�ts`n awaiest Imd�er
<br /> �J 1 � .�. i.,... ..
<br /> ,,,.,. . :,_„�,�y.�'�.5��t� ta' '��lt���.�aaaiast my suaxssor in ike:est a aetust.wjei�end dme far paymdit ar
<br /> '`` ' ..1�i�rie�t',�e n����a� '���awas sec�r�ed by d�s Secutiry Irnmrnent by trawn a�aay danaod mde lry tbe ori�i . .
<br /> ;;lYorip;a�or Ha[m�w�er�st�voeroots ia.inle�est. Atty fabe�r�noe DY I�eMer,ia exercisin�anY rigLt ar.�e�oedy slNll not ba s _
<br /> . . . _ wairaafarprocLdetheexe�iseofsryri�tocnmedy. � �. . �'
<br /> 12 Sre�es aM A�ps��i::i�iMt a�i Se�redl Lilibily;C��ipe�ra. Tho corzi�nls wW s�remaws of i�is
<br /> - .��`Spc�:l�twNewt s�a11 tiind�nt1 beoefit tMe suaoeasonc_aod,assip�c of Lafder�ad'�attawr�sub3xt to d�e pr�w'i�ias cf .
<br /> p�r�rapM 77.Bonowa*k�and�merRs sh�li 6��joint ind several.My Banower whu Casip�s tAia Sawity .
<br /> b�awnent 6ut doa nbt txeswie the IVate: ta)�co-sip�irt�this Securiry Ir�su�unent unly to mort�e.�nt ad rdnwqr d�M
<br /> Qano�va��hrUre rtopRt��diert6t�enns of 8iis 5ecudt�r tnsteamen� th)is tiot pee�omllY o6lisaled a pay�e� . �.
<br /> seeNe�d by tbls Secu�itY inson�ord(c1 spees tl�Lendec and�ny al�Ba►ower may ipee to extad.madify.fabear �
<br /> ur nW�e�a�ry acronrnod�tiais with�ep�d to�he krms ot�this Secwiry�Tnst�wnait a the No1� Wi1f�u4 tAot Bannwerh
<br /> �. . � � . , .. . .
<br /> � iwr Ci�rre�.:!i dle Wart aea�uaM by'this Securit� Ir�sdwne�rt ks wbj�a�t w a law whic�seta muim�m ia�n � .
<br /> r1��es,and�nt taw is fina8y mteiptad so th�t tlie iNen�t txathet taan ch�ury�es c�ollocted ar w be oolkcad in caubctia�
<br /> �vid�the laain emeood the permitkd lunits.ttiee: la)any suc6loan clnrge sh�ll be reduo�od by tbe amotmt nooeswy.to reduae
<br /> the cl�ar�e io tbe pertnit�od linu�and(b)aay sums atirady oollaxM trom Barmv�er which exoe�ded Wtuts r�nA 6e
<br /> retuo�ied to Barro�er.Itader may choase to malce t6is refimd by roducing tAe pincipa�l ovvod wtder t�as by m�icmg a
<br /> dirat pa�rt�e�to Bonower. It s refued�duces Princ3Pa1.the roductioe�will be onated as a pa�tia!piep4yme�wittaat aay
<br /> P�WY���undec tbe Note
<br /> U.11io�kea. An3►natia w Bormw,er providod for in tLis Soc�riry Ins�wnent shaU be�vea 6y de�ivering it ar by
<br /> mailing it by fust c�ss maU tmtcss a�pplira63e taw requires use crf anotber rnetiwd.The�totioe s6a1�be d'aocted w djc PmQaty
<br /> A�l.dtess or aoy other address Bomoanrr designates by rwtiae to Lender_ Any aotice to l,ender s6aU be given 6y firsa class
<br /> �:a�'Fiel'.to La�dera add�ess stated[iaein arm►y osher addres.s lxnder designates by notue to Bac�wer. Aay rbtict p�aald�f fa
<br /> '.',•,��'q�is Soc�uity U�suament slr�l.be d�..to have 6eas given to iJorr�ua�r or Lender wfiert givrn as provide��inC:tfis. �
<br /> ;�`•rY;,:,.��• :::;�� � ; .- ,,;.;:;t,. , ;�:� ;;� .
<br /> ;:.r:�..,.:'?':� 13. Gora�g LawR�ei�bility. 7f�is Security Lis3rumeni sFial!j� gove�by ftderal Isw and t1�e la�..a�':,i?�e
<br /> ' :.��a:�tion in which the P�+�is tocated. In the Gyen��t�x any prm�i�x�ac:�l�:c��Secouity Ia�nnent c��3t�ais
<br /> , � �,•:da�r�s«ritt,apptiarbte ta�,:�contl;c�shau not affea.��a�r Psm�=isiaua s���is;�gi�Insaamrn�vs tl�e rwcc�►s3��g:•,� , -.
<br /> ���+�ru effec�.s�r�1Bde`'cs�flicting provision. To this ert�l the @�+rua�ri��fe1��tI�1�.+1 iSECltflty jTLWf0J11CISt a�tIl@,'�j11Q�=E4�, ,;u',
<br /> �$L`I$l�IO�t,'�p,E_t'1!,�'J�,'. !;.. , . ,. . : i •.:... ,.. r�,�. -. , --
<br /> • .:. � �orr+ori'f�''s Cop�.$on'ower shall be give►t ot�vu���'�o�y�of the?�'cite'and of this Secarity[r�suum�br, :�,�,.�:...,;:��,
<br /> `�='--��� �I���M��t P�!!�y Or 9 Btlll�Cl�ff�Ml��or��!t+at'ko�we�: if all or ar+y q�t oF the Ptoperty orr su�}C;.�'E�e�in•�...�.,,.•
<br /> `.'.Ai€��ssold or transferrM(a�'�beneficial inter�st in S�a���r`a�,�sotd a transferre+d arrd Bartvwer is not a n�t�.�svo)
<br /> . , .t��tftoiu Lendeis prior writtete;i�7sa».!�':m�y';�tii"i�ts¢�txton.i�qui�t immediaie payment in futl ot a1i stm��ac�rre�}..by , .
<br /> , ff,is Security tr�nem. HoweZea,this�nsT�it'1�etast�Je,��ecrised,,��.ender it eaercise is pso�`bita!by federaf?as�as of
<br /> thedueofthisSecurityUts�ortrtisen� . . :...�>_:;',:�:;;� ;.:,�..,',`,:,. °: .; . :� : .
<br /> lf l.ender eaereises Q�is i►u�fc�?:l.�edfi:',s.�tl'D�qrr�:�t�►manwet�e'of acceteration. The notior sh�ll pravide a;�{iod of
<br /> twt less than 30 days iram the,date tl�e r�otice is'd�tiv��s��.+�iaiteA witf�in whicb Bsxrower must pay all swns secuq?p�;1�y this
<br /> Sec�trity Irau�o�een� li Bori»iver faifs to pay tbcse xeci�cs prlor[o the eapiratian of this perwd.Lender may.ta��a�e any
<br /> ntmorlies permittod by this Secutity lns�tmmem ariQaut tusther notice ar demar�ef on Borroaer. � . .
<br /> l� BomoRer'a Ri�t to ReimRatw /f Btsnaw�er meets certain conditions.Borrower shafl havo t1�e righe io 1r�ve �''�
<br /> enfoiceeKnt of thls Savrity Instramer�t discontinued at any time prior to the earleer of: ta)S cWys(ar such other pc�i�d as •� '
<br /> 5IngleFanily•-PakHadFiaArilllLtllA'1�U�H1�?��:NE1�T--UaitormCarea�t+ !.'!� Ipvxe�t�6pn�a1
<br /> iA"@�)..J .-:--e- r- T^�T . -�. --- .r � v -t�-: �'.'•_�i. Ri' '.� :
<br /> p � ',�, . . . � r-� ����s.�=-i,,���YYir:. �"�! +�K
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<br /> �� � ' - "'�Z•+)J '�i � i' � �S -;:^�° � � .•.•",i s�'r��,�"` -:
<br /> i .�_�1, �x�
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