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<br /> af--- - --- �i��_�_-�rr�..e-�%t---�-�------�-- -----------------------------�-----�-�-------- -------------------�------------�--------�--�-----------------�------------------------------�--------�--------------DC�LLAR�,
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<br />� _.. . _ ___do hereby sell and convey unto
<br /> , , _
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<br /> . . _._... ..-------
<br /> ------- ------- ------ --------- --------�-
<br /> the following deseril�ed premises, situated in the County of___________ __ �,�,.., �'
<br /> - - - - ----- ----------- - --- --and Stat� of l�Tebraska, to wit :
<br /> ,
<br /> � �. ��C. �iv��(, �%.� � �c.L �0 .,,;,� ,� � �..�,i.�i—�.w�,`►•ti... �, ,
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<br /> Together uith all the tenements, h reditaments ar,d apgurten r�ce� to the sa e belonging, and all the Estate, hight, Title, Interest, Gl�.im
<br /> or demand whatsoever of the said. ___�_/�j_���__�__��� ��_ / �'� ,� ,�A, � '
<br /> �-r--r • �_____ _____"___ _ ____�__.....___l.___.✓��!1/�f/�_ .
<br /> '_ r _'__'_"_____'_'_'_'__"_""_____"______"'___"'____"'____"'"'________"__'__"""____"- .
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> To AVE AND TO H n the above described premises, with tl�e appurt�nances, unto the said..__..__ _ ..__
<br /> ------- -----------�------------------------------------
<br /> --�----------Gt�trt[�. - �
<br /> - -- - --r- ---------- ------- ----------------------------------------�- - - -- ----- --------and to------ --- ---� --------------heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> . �
<br /> And.___________�!�,_______.__._..______hereby covenant with the said__�_Gv(rnr,(,____
<br />, that. _�(� _._._____ _____hold said premises i�y good and perfect title; that,�___ _4%�_. ____ _______.haGZ gvod right and lawful authority to sell�:t�d
<br /> convey the same ; that they are free and clear of al�7iens and incumbrances vvhatsoever....._. '
<br /> ------- -- ----------- ---- ----------- - --- ------ - - - --- -- - - - -- ------ ------ - -------- - --
<br />; l�ncl ------ �
<br /> -
<br /> ___covet�ant to warrat�t and c�efend the said prernises agaiflst th� �awful claims of all persons wlioms�ever
<br />,
<br /> -------------------------------------------------------------------�------------------------------ --------- ------ �-----------------------------------------------=------------------------
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<br /> .-------------------
<br /> ------------------�---
<br /> hereby relinquishes,j�e ri ht of dower in and to the � ove c�escrr ed pre ses.
<br /> �` /
<br /> Signed this----------_---- -- -----day of---- -- -- ---A. D, �88�
<br /> : ,
<br /> IN PRESENCE OF ���,
<br /> ------ --�i�-------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------
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<br /> ________..
<br /> HE S'1"ATE OF NEBRASI�A, �
<br /> ss. /'� , .
<br /> ----------- ------ ---------------� -------- County. On this----�---- -- --------------aaY of----- -- -----
<br /> � - - -------------------------A. D. i 88 O ,
<br /> fl'�
<br /> l�efore rn . --� -- - �!�' �/ /Z GYvL..4.-�--- ---------------- ----- � --------- ---------- - --
<br /> _____________a N �ary Public within and for said County, persona�ly
<br /> came.--- - -_-�L�.G_w�1 ------ -- - -- -G?�Ge----11f�,ZrL��c,----��-------------------------- •
<br /> i ----------- ----- --------------------- ._=!�I----------_:. ----------------------------------------------------�
<br />� ---------------..--------:_------------.- -------------------------------.----------------------_------.----to me personally known to be the identical person d�vl�ose
<br />� i
<br />; name -�-------�1,�C ----------affixed to the �.bove 'rrrstrument as Grantar�and s�verall� acl�not�ledgec� the ex�cutiat� of the same to be--�?�
<br />' valuntary a deed, far the purposes therein expressed_________ ____ ______._.,.__ ____.___ ________ ______ ________ .:___ _____ ___ �
<br /> --------- ------- ------- ---------- -�
<br /> � In '�7F�i� e�� �l"�er�c>f, I hav� h�e��u��-�o subscr�b�d my name, and affixed my official seal
<br /> ��__.. _.:_------•- --+�'-�-�-�------�'�-------------------�n the e last above w ' ten. .
<br /> � c �
<br /> , { � '`
<br />' -------- - - -�i[�L.:t�-„�,11-��s� ---------------------------------Notary Public,
<br />�
<br />