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<br /> L E � D R. E � OI~�. � . �
<br /> FROM
<br /> � ( -------- Filed for record this.--------....e�—- -----------------da of------�i���.�iri----------- ------i88�
<br /> �°G�.�.�. ��. Y ------------ �
<br /> ------------------ -���%���-°-`-'-'�---- --- --�---���----- --------.�
<br />� at--------�-----------o'clock---�- ----------.M. .
<br />- � ---------- -------- ----�- --- -- -- - --- -------------------------.._-------
<br /> , TO �
<br /> ------------------ -------`--- ------------------------�--------�----------------------------.County Clerk.
<br /> - - -------- ------ --- -�- ---------------
<br /> --------------- -_-----------------------------------------------------------------------Deputy.
<br /> ` _ , ,
<br /> ���� ��'�i ��� �� �1���� ��������� That��,-- �2��.��.��;����:�--(�.��...: .. .......�-��,�'��
<br /> -�� - -------- ----------- ,
<br /> of-----------------------------����-----------...._..__.._..._...------------�ounty, and State of--------------.- --------._----.in consideration of the sum
<br /> ---�-�=��2��-�------- --------
<br /> � �/�zy��t�=`�`�...-�--�--- --'rir�� •�r�
<br /> --- --------------------------------�------------�--- -...._.._.... ----,----------&------ - /.�°" �
<br /> o#'-�-- - --- ------------------= - ��- �---------------------------------------------------------�-----------------------DCILLARS,
<br /> '
<br /> inhand paid bY----------------------------------------�---�-----------, '-o�------'ai,� . --
<br /> --------------------------------�-------------------•--------------------------
<br /> of----- ------------_._......���i....... ......_...---- -------County, and State of-----�-------------------��--�-�r�i�j--
<br /> ____________________________do hereby sell and convey unto
<br />` • the said.-- -� -------- -�---. ,.. _..--��....... .. ...... ... -�--���------���----... . ...-- - -.... _..---�---... - �-- -------- ----------- ------- ----- -------------------
<br /> � --------------------------- ----- -- ---
<br /> f the following describr�d premises, situated �the County of-------------------��-------�---------��---�---------------and State of Nebraska, to wit :
<br /> �� �G° �� ' " ��-; -� .�G ��,� ��� ��°.�� (/
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<br />• "I'ngether with all the tenements, hereditaments ard app�rrten nces to the sarne �elonging, and all the Estate, Right, TitIe, �nterest, C�aim
<br /> _ , .
<br /> -
<br /> or demand whatsoever of the said--------.- ------ -�f%�i��c/_�---------2z�--.-��---(�,���,�__�___---����.----------------------
<br />�
<br /> --------------------------------------------------------�
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> f To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises, with the appurtena�ces, unto the saicl..__.. __.. ___ __ _
<br />� ---------------------------------------------------------
<br />�:
<br />� .________.._and to._________.___?�/______._______heirs and assigns forever.
<br /> ------- -- -..._.------- ----------- -- � - ------ - --- - �2��-------------------�------------------------ ----
<br /> And.___________��_________________hereby covenant with the said___..._._.__..._._.... _
<br /> that. _______.,�.v�i_ _____hc�Ild said premises by good and perfect tit�e; that.�_
<br /> _______-u�i____ __.__.ha��good right and lawful authority to sell a;rrd
<br /> �
<br />: : convey the same ; that they are free and clear of all liens ar�d incur�hrane�s what5oever......._. ________
<br /> ------ --------- -------------
<br />: Ar��l__. _____ ___-�i____. ____ ______._c�ovenant to w�,rrant and c�efend t;he 5aid prernises agai�st t�e la:w�ul claims of all persons wlior�suever '
<br />., -�--------------------------------------------------------------------�--------------------------------------------------------------------
<br /> , --------------------------�------------------------- ---�-�----------------------------------------------------�---�-------�
<br /> �------ -------- ----- --- � -. ------ --- - ---- -- --------- ......_--- � - ----- --- ------ -- ------- -- --- -- ----- - ------ ---- -
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<br /> , t,�
<br /> And the said "
<br /> -� --- --- - -- ���i .-- ---- ---- -- ------- --------------
<br /> ------- ----- ------ --------- --------
<br /> --------- - �------.. . ---
<br /> -- ----------- -- ----- -
<br /> hereby relinquishes#e� right in and to the above c�e�cr�bed pren3ises.
<br /> °_ �
<br /> Signed this---- ------- -----°��- - -- - ----day of-----------�i����a2�i
<br /> ------------------------------A. D, i 88�'
<br /> + IN PRESENCE OF �� ,
<br /> � ��_/_/yf.__�_✓!!GGY/_�" __���e�:
<br /> -- -
<br /> --— ------ --- ---- ----__ __
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<br /> ______________. __��_�_ _ __, _______________________.
<br /> � ��
<br /> . _________________________________.________._,_.__.__.____._..___._______._,__ _____
<br /> THE STATE OF NEBI�ASI�A, - --��
<br />` ;/� ss.
<br /> i -----------�---- - - --- -County. On this ���------------..day of--------�-���-----------------A. D. t 88�,
<br /> �` before m�.- ------ -- �?�-<?�-��- �- ------------------ ---------------------------------
<br /> -�=��� ----a Notary Public within and for said County, persc����lly
<br /> '' ����%�t�'�--��,..-.--`'!!'f��iL4i__�----(�-L(��.�f�l----''.��l�r_�--� -�2liy--������'iuGV,-------------------------------� ------------------------�--
<br /> , came..----- ---- --------------- -------------------------�
<br />:- ------ - ---------_.--_._.---- --- -- --- - -------- ----------- - ------------- - - ----- -- - - -.to me personally known to be the identical person s whose
<br /> ' �ar�e_�'__.��u_�-- -------------affixed to the above tr�strument as GrantorS and severalIy ack�o�v�edgeci the exec�xrion of the same to be z��riv
<br />� J ct and deed, for the purposes therein expressed___ ___,___.______ __. ___ ___ ____ _ ___ _______.___
<br /> -------- ---- ---- -----
<br /> -------- ----------
<br /> , r,
<br />. i `� In �i�tr��ss �Nhe�'eof, I have her�unto subscri��d my name, and affixed my o�cial seal
<br /> ��------•----------����----��?�--2.....:..��� -------on the date last above written. �
<br /> �_�e:��i ---------
<br /> I
<br /> , � �� �� • _.
<br /> /
<br /> ` � �_Y�� ----- -------- �%!�ce�/- ------ - -----------------------------�--------------------Notary Public,
<br /> — ,c:��✓�
<br /> , . / ' 4 _
<br />