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'� _ ,i, , : ., .<.�_�_ -- <br /> . . �. �• ` - � ., . . :rw�..:._' - --- -- - <br /> , �..�....� ' - -- �as. <br /> _.. . � .4: :�� , . :.,.�.,��.t,�µ•._.yra rry t r...y.w,,y�iYilp�'�� �w,.as.�ry,,.� - <br /> 1W�Ya11�1lzha�Y5lr:.n:7to.�t!.Y.,+ <br /> �...m. <br /> .. Mb1A ��►'r��t.....u.aAi.....:..7.'__._ . .. «arR r� � _ <br /> _.; .c.,..X;�LKr <br />=--::�..�� : ' " �.. �f��.i30 . <br /> w prtnclpai emount ot the Indebtednesa socured by thl�Deed of Trust,not trvciGiiing sume advanGed to pr�eel tho secudiy ot chla aead oi <br /> ,"� '� Truct,exceed the ortgina9�rinclpal emount stated heret�,or S„�11,vQp(I,.il�. ,whichever Is greater. <br /> ' 18.Misc�ll�nwut P�avl�l9ne. _ <br /> •_� (a)�orravwr No2 FiN�as�d.Extonalor9 0l tPto timt�tor payms�nt nr tnodif�cntlon of pmo�IzeUon of tho cumn cecurcd by thls =- <br /> -� �� � Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any sur,ce�sor In Intorost of 1�arrir�ver sh�ll not opefate to releaso,ln any manner,the llablli- <br /> �: �, ty o!the od�lnel 8orrowor and Borrower's succosnara In Intnr�:t,lender ehail not be requlred to commenco pmceedings <br /> � agalnst such succcssor or refuse ro extend Ilme tor paSJment or ott�analse modlfy emoREzallon of the sums securc3d by thls <br /> ., ' Deed of Trust by reason oi any demends made by tha o�ipinal fJarrmver ancl6orrQwore euccessore In Intereat. <br /> �f;�- (b)L�nd�P�Pouwn.Wltho{it affecting Ihe Ilahliiq�of any othrr�e►san liable for the payment o1 any obligatbn heroln mom <br /> •� ��, tloned,and wlthout affACting ths Ilen or cQ�sarp�01 thts Oood of Tnti�t upon eny�Alon oi the Property not then o7 lheretutoro <br /> refeased es secuKly f�r the full amount of ell�mpald ohligatic�+�a, L•I+n�ier rnay,(rorn Ume lo Qma and wlthoui natlra(q ro;�aca � <br /> °'�-�_ ony person so Ileble.(II)exterd the matuHtyor elter F�ny of the tFm1a of eny such obllgatlons,(lii)grent other Induigoncos,(lv) <br /> ' release or reconvey, or ceuse to be refeased or ret;onvAysd nt a�iy time et Lenders option any parcel, portlon or all oi the <br /> Property,(v)take or release any other or additlonal t�ocu�iry tar ony obllgatbn heroln mentinned,or(v1)meke compasitbns or <br /> ^'-'- :° other errangements with debtora In retatbn Ihereto. <br /> ,� (c)Forbearanc�by L�ncMr Not a WaivK. Any inrbeamnar�by Lender in exerclsing any�fght or remedy hereunder,or oth- <br /> w , 3 erwlse sfforded by applicable law,shall not he a wfiivor of or pratrJe,ida the exerclse of any such right or remedy.The procure- <br /> ment of insu►anr.A ar the payment of taxes or oiher Itt�ns or chlr�n^,by Londor shall noi 6e e waiver or Lenders rlght to ecceler- .- <br /> � : ate the maturiry oi the Indebtedness secured by thls peed oi Tn�s.t <br /> , •, a (d)Succeason�nd Assigne Bound; Jaint mef t3mvernl LIal�ility;Captlons.7he covona�ts and agreements hereln con- <br /> talned s�hall binsi, and the rights hereundsr shall I�ruro ta, thfl rtr:.p�,ctive successors end esslgns of Lender and Trustor.All <br /> ' covenents and egreements of Trustor shali be }olnt�nd sevPrAl.Tho captbns and headings of the paragraphs of this Oeed of <br /> -� Trustare for convenlsnt�only and are nat to bo uni�d to int4rpr�t ar defino tlae provisions hereoi. <br /> A�?c'S'�F�:;•.� (e)Kequast ior�foiii�a.Tha p��tl�t�rb�r r��uest that a ca�y of any roUce ot defauit hereunder and e copy of any notice <br /> ;.:;,..,,•; of saie hereunder be melled to eacli party to thls 13eed oi Tniat�t the address sat foAh above in the manner prescxibed by <br />_�:�.-�r,. -_� eppiicet�le law.F�cepi far any uth�r notic�rcq:�!ra9 under epg!I�.�i�i�I9�to be given In enother mannar,any noUo�provided for <br /> '� 3�� in this Dead oi Tnrst shell be given by maiting sur•h notice by crasfifled mail eddressed to the other parUes,et the addre3a set <br /> ' '�::.•,�.,:, <br /> �-�.ti��`�; forth olwve. Any notice provided for in this Deed qi Tnist sha�l bn effective upon mailinp in the manner designated herein. It <br /> �� Trustor is more than one person,notice senl lo lht�addross sot 4orih above shall be notice to all such persons. _ <br /> --• %�-� (�Insp�ctlo�.Lender may make or causa to tH�m�de rc�AS[a�nble ent�lea upon end I�spocUons ot the Pro(rerty,providod <br /> 4�'��. thet Lender shell give Trustor noUce pdor ta eny 6ur,h Inspectlon 9pucifying reasona�le causo theretor related to l.ender's inter- <br /> : ast in the Froperty. <br /> W'":'r�'= (g)R�convayanc�.Upon payment of an sumfl sacured 6y thirt�Oeed of Trust. Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the <br />�:,;,..�:�,-` Property end ahall surrender this Deed of Truat and alt nntEiu r�videncing Indebtedness secured by thia Deed of Trust to <br /> °; y,.:,;,,. Trustee. Trustee shall reconvey the Propeny. �lthout wairf►nt�r r�nd without charge to the person or perrons lagally entltled <br /> �'v_�,,,a• thereto.Trustor shall pay all costs ot recoMellon,it any. <br />`Y;.•:. � (h)Panon�l Propaty;S�curity Apn�nNn�As add{Qanal uecurity for the payment af the Note,Tnistor hereby grants <br /> -::s <br /> °'"``�-�'�� Lender under lha Nebreska Unifortn Commerciai Caie a securify�fnterest in ell flxtures,equipmont,end other personal property <br /> �.._ <br /> _- <br />--�'=��'�' �� i�ir�rnnn�rn wlth the real estate or improv�monts locatotl8hereon,and not otherwise deata�d or deemed to be a part of <br /> -��r�„��'.,�,',� the real estate secured hereby.This instrument shatl G�constrund es a Secudty Agreement une�er said Code,entl the Lender <br /> �}�?��� shail have all the�hts end remedies oi a secwnd party ur�dFr s�id Code In edditlon to the rtghts and remadies created under <br /> W``:�`% end eccorded the Lender purouant to this Deed af Trush,pmv;alE�;f that 4endera rights end remodies un�ar thts paragraph shall <br /> —�=�:•. be cumuletive with,and In no way a Ilmitratbn on,Londer's rights and remedles under eny other security agreonrnt signed by <br /> �:-�.�;,�� BO�fOW@�OY TNSLOt. <br /> °°�.���.�31 (i)U�ns�nd Encumbrunc�s.Tn�sts�r hereby warrent�end ropresents that there is no dehult under the provisions oi any <br />.m„�,��,� moRgage,deed ot trust,laase or purchase cont�U�at descr[ta,n�arll or any part of the Property,w other cwitraci,tnsbvment a <br /> - egreement constltuUng a Ilen or encumbrencA apafr�sR all or a�y part oi the Property(collectivety,"Llens�,exioUng as of the <br />--�� date of tfils Dead of Tnist,and that any end ell exiatie��L�ens mmaln unmedilfed except os disclosed ta Lender in Trustor's writ- <br /> -����� ten disclosure of Ilens end encumbrances pmvided fur hflrc�in.Trustor shall t(mely pertorm ell of TrustoPe obligatlons, <br /> - '�'�zj"� covenants,�preseniraflons end warranUQS undur any and sll ox,Fbdng and future Liens,shall prompdy forward to Lender coplas <br /> = of sll notices ot default sent In connectlon with eny and all exist;ing or future Llens,and shall not without Lender's prior written <br /> '°" consent in any manner modiry the provlsions of or Qibw any t�rtoire advnnces under any exlstlng or future Itens. <br /> - Q)Appiicadon of Payn»nt�.Unlesa otherwkse roqulrod by'mw,surr�paid to Lender hereunder,including wtt�out IfmiteUon <br /> - payments ot princlpal end Interest, Insurance proceeds,cond�mm�atlan Rroceeda end rents and proflts,ehall be epplled bp <br /> - - Lender W the amounts due and owinp fr+om Tr�stor and Bana►��er in such order es Lender In ib sote di,,aetlon deems desir- <br /> — --- ebfe. <br /> (k)SweTabllity.lf eny provlslon o1 tbla Deud oi Trust con1N�:�ts wfth eppl�able law or Is der,�arod Invatid a otherwlse unen- <br /> fu�ceabla,auch contlfct or Invaiidity shail not�ct the othPr provisfone of thls Deed of Trust a�r the Nate whish can be giv�n <br /> effect without lhe conflicUng provisbn,artd lo t?�le end tt�a pr�v;��lons of this Deed ot Trust and the Note are dedared to be sev- <br /> _----°-� erable. <br /> (I)T�nn�.Tho terms"Trustor end'Borrow,n�'sh�fi incluio yoth singular end plurel,ond when the Tn+stor and Borrower are <br /> = the same person(s),those tortns as used in IhiE Deod ot Tiust.Bhall be Interchangeable. <br /> � � (m)(3ov�mtny I.�w.This Deed oiTrvslshc�ll bo govom�d�y the laws oithe Stete of Nebraska. <br /> --� <br /> .i:_r'-.1._.r :�� <br /> �ueFS: <br />_-_'_r"�i6r�.f�� <br /> _ �.t�,a�-.�-��� _. <br /> ______ _°_ ��i.. <br />.._. '_i y9,y�S ' <br /> .� <br /> _—��.` ���:•� <br /> '''�`:~�` �' Trustor has executed Ihis Deed of Trust as of tRm dato�vdttnn ahov�. <br /> -- -. `�'''�: '��it -� • <br /> . �r�: n <br /> .�r ^ t�J/// <br /> ��'�..��.�. �{r� !�� _ <br /> - �-_' �' DONALp RUZ A Trusror 7rustor <br />-�+!�,�er.,:i _�� _ <br /> _- .�'�K�7h^7':!" <br /> ♦ <br /> _ .y <br /> "•s �� � ` Trustor Trustc�r <br /> .;�� ' �� <br />- y t�`. <br /> .A'. ,;f . <br /> y� <br /> �r.� <br /> ." � . <br /> 1 �.�w W.. <br /> -� ,. <br /> :• <br /> .._..---•- -, �..---•.,.._.�.-,•-- - ' ' " <br /> - ... ...... . ...._ ,...._._ . ......-� -- - — ' - .,_---`- . ._� ------ <br /> .. . -, --- � . .. . ..�+-�. . -- . .. -' . <br />