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<br /> da of_, A R I L ,19�,_�by and among�
<br />�;c: . � THIS DEED OF TRUST,Is mt�de as of ihe_ 4TN Y -
<br />_, `�
<br /> the Trustor. , \
<br />�;�;,.::...'�� , whflse maiting eddress Is 141A WEST STOLLEY PARK RD, GRAND I SLAND, NE (herem"TNSto�',whether one or more), �
<br /> ^`=':t '.7•�:
<br /> .u�::,,�; -'. the Trustee F i V K POl_KYS ".°
<br /> tir.':
<br />'-'''����"�3` w h o s e m a i t i n g address is P•0• BdX 1597, GRAN[l ISLAND, NE 68802-15d7 (hereln•TNStee'),end
<br />�`'`�"'�'�" F I V E P r
<br />—���; the Beneticiery, _
<br /> _,-,_.:,
<br />�.;,;;;',- (hereln"Lende�').
<br /> -=°,,._......: o n o
<br />�;:?�°• whose maNing address is .�y,
<br /> ��'x_;�.:
<br /> ^"��'~� FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,including Lenders axlonsbn olcredit idenUfled herefn to
<br />--�;::�;�..* R���rc.Kn_
<br /> -,.,�c,;F� ••, _ DONALD J- - - (herefn•BoROwer,"whelher one or more)and the truss i�erein created,the rece�Pt
<br />,ah?�a�'y:�.
<br /> __=�.,�,� of which is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby trrsvoca6ly grants.Irar�efers,convays and essigns to 7rustea.IN TRUST, WI
<br /> P^vV'J��CF��L�,fa::he�nsfst en!+*-�rLrity of Lendar,under end sub�ect to the tertns and condiUans herelnafter set farth,the real
<br />_"°''"'�:�'�-.�� propertydesc�ibedasfollows:
<br />��-��'_-�"� SEE ATTACHED EXNIDIT "A"
<br /> _��:°.'���■
<br />'�'����"'''��k Together with ail bulldings,Improvement�,fl�ctures,sireats,alleys,passe9eways,easeme�ts,rights�pdviloges end flppurtenencHs
<br />—'�,���
<br /> "''��'��" located thereor.or in anywlse pertalning�hereto,and the renta, issues and profita, reversiona and remaindars thereof, and such per-
<br /> °"°"�'='°",�^:=� sonal properly that is atteched to the Improvement»so ae to constftute e fixture,Inc{uding,but not Iimited ta,heating end cooling equip-
<br /> -`="°''��''-= ment;end together with the homostend or marital interests,(i any,which interosts ere hereby releasod and walved;ell ot which,Includ-
<br /> __-�=--'--°-� Ing inplacsments and addiibns thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pad of the real estate secured by the Ilen ot fhis Deed of Trost and
<br /> --- - all oflhe iare�ofng being referced to hereln es the`Property"•
<br /> Yhls Oeed of 7nisi shall secure(a)the payment of the princlpal sum and fnterest evldenced by e p 21������red�t agrea-
<br /> _ ment dated p�p,A, having e maturity date oi Ap.�,�,�. �
<br /> - , and en end eti modiflcatbns,extenslons end renewal�
<br /> �� In the origlnal princtpal artrount of S 18 226.65 y
<br /> _- -W�—_- thereof or thereto and any and o11 tuture advances end readvances 4o Bartower(ar eny of enm�O�the tsum ed anced bY Lo,nder to
<br /> ���"��==y��� to one or more promissory noto3 or credlt agreements(herein called'Note");(b)the pAy
<br /> --- — - _ protect tho security of the Note;(c)the perfortnance oi all covenants and agreementa ot 7rustar set forth herein;and(d)alt preson9 arxl
<br /> -- - — tufure Indabtednoss and obligations of Borrower(or eny of them if more than one)to Londer whether direct,Ind(rect,absolu2A or corKln-
<br /> - = gent and whether arising by note,guaranty,ovardratt or otherwise.The Noto, ihls Deed or Trerst end any srt�all other documents that
<br /> ------ secure the Note or otherwise executerl In connectian therew fi h, in c lu d in g w i t h o u t Ifm(tation guarentees,securlty egreements a�d
<br /> -' assignments oi lea �and rents,shall be refemed to hereln es the`Loan Instruments'.
<br /> _�"�'�� 7rustor covenants end egrees with Lender as tollows:
<br /> ----�--� 1, Payment oi Indebtedness.All indebtedness sACUred herebyshall bo paid when due. -
<br /> 2. Titte.Trustor is!he owner of the Property.has the rlght and euthadty to convey the Property�end warrante that tha Ilen creat
<br /> __==�;�:%_� ed hereby is a flrs2 and pdor Ilen on tho Property,except for liens and ancumbrances set forth by Trustor In writinD and dallvered to -
<br /> ^�;;��' Lender betor�oxecution oi this Dbed of Trust,and the execution and deGvery of this Deed oT Trust does not violete any contrect or
<br /> °"'•^ oihbr obtigaUon to whtch Trustor�s subject. ___
<br /> :;;�.�,,.���,,. --
<br /> �:�~�'�•�-�.► . 3.Toxos,Asseaamente.To pay b�foro delinquency ell taxes,speclal assessments and ail other cl�arges egainst the Property
<br /> •.;i..;:.,.�•� - _
<br /> =+` �•ti'• �� ' + ntrworhereaftarlovied.
<br /> `.� �� 4. Insuraneo.To keep the Property insured against demage byfiro,h�zerds Included within the term'eMonded coverege',and
<br /> � such othor hauards as Lender m�y requlro, In amounts end with com�anios accepteble to Lende�, naming LQnder as en edditionai
<br /> �� ' neme+l tv�sured,with loss payable to the Lender. In case oi loss undar auc?�potfcles,the Lender Is authorizod to adjust,collect and
<br /> � '� ��: cornprornL•re,ell ciaims thereunder and shall have Me option d�appl�ng att or part of the lnaurc�nce prxeeds(�)to�nq indebtednesa
<br /> r
<br /> �;�j:','•.�' •. • sacurod hereby and in such ordQr es Lender may determine,(iq to Me Tn�stor to be used for the repair or restoraUon of the Property or _
<br /> (Iff)for any other purpose or obJect satisfactory to Lender withaut aHoctlnp the lion of this Deed ot Trust for the full amount secured _
<br /> • � •� • horoby beforo such paymant over took place.Any appl;�ations of proceeda 4o Indebtedness shall not extend or p9stpone the due ciate _
<br /> •-'�� _�__ �_�..........e..�e.....aa.r►,o ti�fa nr r�,re anv dQiauli theteunder or herounder. _
<br /> . ,. ._�"�.1 .,,a���wr..�....»......_._._._---• - - •--'----
<br /> �..�.._L...�.e �,�rn�.�r
<br /> - �;, �� :. . . 5. escrnw. Upon written dsmand by Lender,Trustor shali pay b Lender, in eucn manner as�o��.+� ���4s w��a•^-^��--•••---•••
<br /> � sums to enaQto Lender to pay as they becoma due ona or mare of the touowing: (f)all taxes,assessmenta and olher charges apalnst
<br /> ° �, � tho Proporty, (il) the prem{ums on the property insurance required heroundor,and (Ilq the premfums on any mortgage Insurance _
<br /> requirod by Londer.
<br /> • 6. Malntenance,Repalro ond Com{�Ilgnee with Laws.Trustor shall keap the Property In good conditlon and repair,shall
<br /> promptiy ropair,or replaco eny Impruvement which may be damaged or dQStroyed:shall not cammft or pem►it shal not comm t sutfer
<br /> tlon of tho Property;shali nnt removo,demolish or substantla{ty altereny of tho improvements on the Property:
<br /> charpn at Tryuto s�cestlend expen o�ellhe sr�encumbrances and charp s levad,imposed orlaccessed agalnstathe Propsrty or any
<br /> � part therooi.
<br /> _; 7. E�n�n�nt Dornatn. Lendor Is horeby assigned all componsatlon,aHards,damagos end other payments or relief(herein� or
<br /> ''� •i !
<br /> - . r�CCN3/lNcaWn�A+.yP�IRw 69E ' .
<br /> ' i� o�xeru/.�wowat�rn+.rc.tNU�nasr�.+p�sy+w�on�ncm.rua�u.
<br /> .._,,, -r.-.-.---�-.--• -,r.
<br /> I -----�-� . _...._._,----� ��_.-o..-__.-.-- ..�. ._ -
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