� �
<br /> I� EEI� RE � ORD .
<br /> FS�OM
<br /> l�' Filed for record this.-----------� ----------- ---da of--------�U.�ti��------------------------i 88�',
<br /> - - -.�.��rez�%--�--=�� - - - -------��----.��i'. y
<br /> at_....----�-�-------o'clock---- - �---------M. �,
<br /> - - - --- ----- -- -- - - - --- -------- ------------- � ,
<br /> TO
<br /> ------------------------------�-- -- --------------------------------------------.County Clerk.
<br /> �-----�---- --
<br /> �%�'� // ' ------ -- -- ---�--..._._----------�-----------------------------------------------------------�Deputy.
<br /> �,v�� ---- - -�t��- ----- - --- -----------,-
<br /> ���� ��� �� �ID� �1���� ������Q��� That,..�z.C�`.. -- ---�--�--�.@%'������ _��.�-����°��----�----"-----�-- -- -
<br /> � �
<br /> af----------------------------�L�� -�-- ----- ___...._.... - �-- --�---`ount , and State of.- --- --- - --�_�__�_���--- --- - --�-- - - - _._---in consideration of the surn
<br />, of__--- - -- -- ------------------------------�-----�-�----�----�---....._.-------•--------...-------
<br /> � ----....-�--------------------------------�------....---.,.__._.....------------------�-----�-------------------�-- ------�---------------DOLLAFS,
<br />' in hand paid by..--------�------------------ vl��C��i.----�/�ti���/
<br /> I -- - --------- ----------- ------------------�
<br />� af---------------------------�- - ��.c�..... ._.......... -._..._....------County, and State of------------------------�4�z��.�.. .1..------------------------------do hereby sell and convey unto
<br /> , � � - , _
<br />'' the said.-----�-------�------------------------------- �-�--- .....-C�/�-e'�C�---�_�����.-�.�.Q.l......_---------....-�-----�-------------------
<br /> _ --------------------- --------- -------
<br /> -------------------
<br /> the followin� described prer�ises, situate�t in the County of----------- --------���r.� =------..._. ..__. ----------attd State of Nebraska, ta wtt :
<br /> �� -� � P� ����ril�i - � ��6 �v .z�.ei 1�G.�-r� -r.�rti
<br /> ( � �/ � � �
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<br /> �� ' ���G�,�� ,�� �yw� �ti� ��c�.�'�f.G
<br /> Tagether wit� all the tenernents, heredita en�s ar,d apptirt�nances to the same belonging, and a11 the �state, �ight, Title, �ntere�t, Claim
<br /> ; p
<br /> or demand whatsoever of the said---.--.--. --��n��:�ri--�--��,-- ��i---� --�,��,���-----------
<br /> - --�------------�------------- �----------------------
<br /> of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above deseribec� prer�ises; with the appurtenances, untio t�i� saicl_______________ �
<br /> � �/ -g------------�------
<br /> -------- ,.--------------
<br /> ---� - -------- ---- -----'-CJ---�- L�-��� ---- - -���- --�
<br /> -------------------------------------- ----- ---...----- ---------and to----- ----�-��-------------heirs ancl assi ns forever.
<br /> . , �
<br /> And.- -- -�?i- -- -- --hereby cavenant wtth the said------- ----- ---�k%��-- (_,��ti�i--- -
<br /> tha� _______�r�r�ni._ _______hald said gr�m'rses by good and perfect t��le; that___:. __��'_____:_ ..__._.h��/goo� rig�tt and lawful authority to sel�a�d
<br /> convey the same ; that they are free and clear of �11 liens and �neumbranees wha�saev�r.__�e����..<�Qi__`�����---'�".:.,
<br /> . .... . ................
<br /> ------- � ------- ------ - -------------
<br /> A�rcl ______ ��__.__ _.____ ________eavenant to vuarran� arr� c�fend tk�e said p�err�is€s against the Iaw€ul claims of all persons wlioms�ever
<br /> --__----------------•-- ---------- - ------------------ - -------------------------------------�------------------�----�-----------------------------=----- -------- ------ ....--------------------------------------------------------------------
<br />�: -----
<br /> j �--------------------------------- -- �----------•------�------------------- ---
<br /> --�----------------------- - ---------�--- - -- -�- -�-------- - ----�--------------------------------- ------_,
<br /> - ----� ----- ----. ----------------- ------- --------------------------------------------------
<br /> ---------
<br />' And the said.- --------- �y---�-�����,�c<<v__�/----------------- -----------
<br /> - - - - ----- ---- -------- --------
<br /> ------- - -----
<br /> -- --- -- -------- -----
<br /> ----�---------
<br />{ hereby relinquishes h rig�t in and to the above desc�iP�ec� prenitses.
<br />.
<br />; Signed this--------------------�-�- -��- - - -- - -----day of----------�i���___�-_'�'____�------------------------A. D, i 88�,
<br />! IN PRESENCE OF --------
<br /> --- ��-------------- --�_--��i��,��%������
<br /> -•--�-- �- -------- ------------------
<br /> ���1'_ �,�i�a�l/`°�� ------ --- -------�---C��t__,��u�2/
<br /> �----- ------------ ------�------- ----------'----
<br /> ----�------- -----------------------�---------
<br /> ----------------------�-- ------
<br /> SS.
<br /> ----------------���� ---- - --county. On this-----------�� - -- - -----�-------daY �f-----�----------------------------A. D. i 88� ,
<br /> i -������;�i
<br />� beFot^E rne. - -- -- ��___��%�e2__�r___'_"'�� -- �-------- ------- --- - • rsonal� �'
<br />� __________a Notary Public within and for said County, p� y
<br /> ���r��i�- �- d���2G����-�----- -----,�---C��ti�G����----------------------- ---�------------- . .
<br /> came------------- --- - ------ ------
<br /> ---------------------- _ ----------------- ,-----------------------.-------------------------------- to me personally known to be the identical persun,� whose
<br /> narn�-----���---- ------------affixeci to the above instrument as GrantorS and sever,ally ackno�ledgecl tl�e e�ecutiora. of the same to be .���---
<br /> voluntary act and deed, for the purposes therein expressed.____,.__. _________________________________________________:.________._______________ ;
<br /> - -------�- ---- --- -----
<br /> ------------
<br /> /' �� �i�tne6s �`�ereo�, I ha,v� h�e��.a. su�as�rib¢d my name, and affixed my official seal
<br /> at------�-----------�s���zG
<br /> -------------___���n'�v.._._._.___._._._.___..__._._._________..__�n the date last above written.
<br /> , Q � , .
<br /> -------�---���._-�(%�-�������--------------------------__...-------------------Notary Public,
<br />