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<br /> TO
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<br /> r�f.----------�----------�-----��<� .. -- ..._.. -- ...__ __ _ --- ---`ounty, and State of. -- -- -� - --- �����
<br /> _.__.__. ___.._._.____._.._.__,__.in consideration of the sum
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<br /> in hand paid bY---� --_._....--- -------..--�C:l'.�--;.._u�/.�-��G�-------------- :
<br /> � -----------
<br />, �f----- �---- - =����c.��. . .._.. �-- � - ---CQunty, and State of------------��r�- .��._
<br /> � __.. . ______...do hereby sell and convey un�v
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<br /> �,. - -- - �------- - ------
<br /> �/� �-------------�-----------�
<br /> the followin� d�sct-ib�d premises, situatt;ci in fi e County of_._._,___. _ _,_____. ��-.r..�_�
<br /> ------ ------- --------------a�d S�at� of Nebra�ka, to wit :
<br /> ,/ � // �/�
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<br /> Together with all the tenernents, hereditaments �r,d appurtenances to the same fi�elonging, and all the �state, Right, '�'itle, �nterest, Claim
<br />� or demand whatsoever of the said ______._ _..__,_ _____:_ ��c2c.u.�/_ c�� __�����,�i � � �
<br /> - ---- ------- �--------- ----- ------- ------------------------------
<br /> �------------ .
<br />� of, in, or to the same, or any part thereof.
<br /> To HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described premises; with the appu�-teflances, �xr�to the saic�.___________ _ •
<br />�� -------------- -------------------
<br /> -------------
<br /> R� �� � �� ��� �
<br /> I -------- - ----__ ------ �------- � -- --- ---- --- %>-=-- _ __��vr_=`��--------------- - ----.- - , :------and to------- �_ --------heirs ancl assigns forever.
<br /> �, �- -- � �
<br /> And.----------��---------- hereby covenant with the said_-------------------�7"__=�------<'--- ----�� _
<br /> � � ------------ - - ------- �
<br /> - - - - -------- -----
<br /> ------ - �Y----�--- - ------
<br /> th�t- -- -- '�-- - / �
<br /> ____ho�c� said prernises by good and perfect title; �hat,�_____,__.�_..__.. __ _,______ha✓r�r�good righ� and �awful authorit to sel�and
<br /> f convey the same ; that they are free and clear of a�t �ier�s ar�d ir�cumbrances whatsoeve�...._._ __ . ______
<br />' ---------- � - ----• --r�-- --- - �__._�- --------------------- --- -------- --------- -------- -------- -
<br /> �` -------------- -- ------ -- . ..----- �--- -- - - --------p---- ----------�.
<br />' _ --- - ------ ----
<br /> And __ _ __ _ ._ ___covenant to warrant and defend the said gr�r�is�s agai�rst the lar�ful elaims of all ersons whoms�ever
<br />����., _�.'r_�-_����-�z2Q/_ <°.��G7-c2Z�'---?iz?fi`� -q�/-�,�_ �-�iCili!/ �u,�it!G�iLP�---'f�','v�ia2.P�?---'�iG.'___�__.%(.�._���`?�'�-�-----/� � /O a 0:
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<br /> P.nd the said `"^
<br /> �- -----------------------------__---- ---------
<br /> hereby relinquishes her right of dower in and to the above deseribed premise�.
<br />� Signed this------����-= G�-'�r� -----day of.------------------------�--�'-------------------------------.A. D. �888� � � �
<br /> - - -�--
<br /> � � ��
<br /> IN PItESENCE OF _ �� l�----�_/_,-_
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<br /> - �- -'" - - ----- --- --------- -- - --------
<br /> - ------� -
<br /> - - ----°--- - - -- -------- - -- -------------
<br /> THE S7�`ATE OF 1�TEBI�ASI�A,
<br /> � ss.
<br /> � --------- ���_%r�-�---- -- -� - --County. On �this---- .�.�r��a=- � � y
<br /> -- ------da af_ ��-- - ---- -------A. D. i 88� ,
<br /> � �
<br /> �,� �� � _
<br />� �'re�csre m�e._ _.________________. __��"����,z ���fi��� _____.___,_a Notary Public within and for said County, persdr�al�y
<br /> � ��' �
<br />, carne.-� - - ---- --- -_ ... i�-�r?cc�+-✓- �-•-- �?- .c�- ----� ------- ---� ------- -----------� ------------------------- ------ --------------------
<br />� -------------------- - ------------------._-------- ---------- ----------- -- - -- - - -- - - -- ---to me personally known to be the identical person �vhose
<br />' na�n� __.___. ________ ._______affi�ec� to the above instru�nen� as Gratntor and��ack�o�eulee�ged the e�eEU�fan o�' the same to be ...•.:..._:__.
<br />�
<br /> volunt _ t and deed, for the purpases therein expressed---------___--,- .- ----_---------------_--_----_--_------_-.------_-------------------
<br /> - - - ----------
<br /> � ' I� ��t1`�e�3�3 ��ier�o�� I have her�u�t� s�abks�ribed my name, and affixed my official seal
<br /> ; _ ,
<br />` �,�=a� at_ __.;_,���c-'-�-�,��'"'�r�-,----- ��------ :_=-- n the date last above written,
<br />; /.� �
<br /> i �� ---------�1��---�-J-����. .����r� --- ---•- ------------------�----------------Notary Public,
<br />;
<br />