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<br /> '1'OUETHER WITiI +iU tiic inrprovcmcnts now on c�renftcr crcctcd on thc propcny.nn�l ull ca,cmcn�s, nppui�tcninrec+. nn�1 �,,'Y`.
<br /> ., �
<br /> �.i� fixtures now un c�rcutter n �art ut' �hc property. All rcpincements and uddl�luns slinll idsu hc cuvcrcd hy thi� Sccurity .^.•
<br /> • Instrumciu. All of Ihe i'oregoing is ref'crrcd to in this Scrurity Instrumcnt us tl►c"{'roperry•" �"=
<br /> `-��� '' F3OkROWER COVE:NANTS that Ilorrowcr f�lua�fully sciscd��f thc cstutc hcrchy runvcycd uncl luis thc right tu grnnt me�,1
<br /> . s �:
<br /> convcy �he Pru�►��ty und thal tltc Prupert)� is uttenramht�nYl, exce��t (nr eucutnhri►nceti uf record. ljorro�vcr wurrantti und ��•il �
<br /> W � defcnd gcnc�s+lly thc ti�lc to ihc Nropcny ngidnsi,ill cl;ums niid demands,suhjc�:t io any cnrumhrauccs of recurd.
<br /> �::.y�� THIS 5ECURITY IIdSTRUMLNT a,mbinec uniform cave+mnts fur nntional u,e unJ numuniti,nu cuvenunts with limited -
<br /> -=� viviatious by jurisdicti��n ta mnstitutc n unifonn sccurity instrumcnt cuv�ring rcul propcny. _
<br />"« � UNIFORA'�CO'VENANTS.Ho��rowcr and L.r,ndcr covcnant und ugrcc ns followti: _
<br /> 1. fbyment of [�rinclNul und [ntr:rest; Prepayment uad I.utc Chargcs. Hc�rro�scr sha�l promptly p��y when due thc _
<br /> u
<br /> - - prin�ipal oP and iitterest on thc dcht evideitct�i by tl�a Nma and i►ny prrpuymcnt und latc charges duc undcr thc Notc. c-
<br /> �� 2. �nds for Taxes and lnsuruac�. 5ubject 10 appli�:ablc la�v or to n �vritten waiver by l..ender. Burruwer sh�ll pay ta
<br />:�,�.' .';.
<br /> 4=•.,;�� l.ender un the duy monthly payments nre duc undcr tkia Notn, until the Natc i5 paid in full.a sum("Funds")Por: (nl yc:srly tuxes
<br /> ��M;;�"� and assessments which may auain priority ovcr this Security[nsuumcnt as a lien on tl�e PropcKy:(b)yearty Irasehold paym�nts _
<br />"'a;. or ground rents an the Property,if uny;(c)yearly huznrd or property insurance premiums;(d)yuirly floai insumnce prenuu�xt5. .�-
<br /> ti�-�� if any; te)ycariy nta�cgug:.insurance premiumc, if any; and efl anv sums payable by Borrower to L.ender, io accordance w3th _
<br /> nu_�� thc provisions of puragraph 8, ih lieu of the�iymcnt of mongagc insurance�mmiums.These items ure callcd"Escraw lte:nts."
<br /> "`s� Lxnder may, at any tim�, collect and hold Funds in an :uuount not to exce:,d the muxintum umoont u tender far a fal:raFl}'
<br /> -�-� relnted mortgage lonn may require for B�rrower's escrow a�count under the foder.�l R�.11 Estate Settlement Procaiures Ac► of
<br />'..''''',�;� 1974 as amended from time tu time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA'), unlesc unother Inw that applies to th�F��:tnls
<br /> -A"� sets u lesser nmount. If so, 4.ender may, at any tinie, collect und hold Funds in un amaunt not to exceed the lesser uxT,t:unt.
<br /> t,_�,� I.cnder may estimate the umount of Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonnblc estimates of expenditures of Y'usure
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accorciance with applicable luw.
<br /> -- Tltie Funds shall be held in an institution whnse deposits are insured by a federal agency, instrumentality. ar cntiry
<br /> -=---- (including Lender,if Lender is such an iostitution)or in any Federal Home I.oan Bank.L.ender shall apply the Funds to��iy the
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may no[ch�rge�orrower for holding and applying the Funds,annually un�lyzing the escrow acrn�:ait,or
<br /> -______ vcrifying the Escrow ltems,unless Lender pays B�nowcr intemst on the Funds and upplicable lu�v permits Ixnder to mak.s�uch
<br /> -- a charge. Howevcr, Lender may r�quire Borrower to pay a ode-time charge fc�r nn independent real estt�te tax reporting M:a�'��e
<br /> used by C.cnder in connection wich ihis ivu��, u��icss appli:ablc !»:• p:e�6��� !�jI!!'�i�:c�. URIC55 Illl agreement is mxle or
<br /> - - npplicable law rcquires intenese to t+e paid.Len�er shall not be reyuir�i to pay Bonower any interest or eamings on thp tunds.
<br /> Borrower and Lender�nay c►grce in�vriting. howe�•er, that intemst shall be paid on the Funds. Lcndcr shall give to Bvrr.o��+ti�s,
<br /> widiout charae, an anm�nl accounting o£the Funds, showing credlts arnd debits to the Funds und the purpose for whin`�cach
<br /> debit to the Funds wss m�de. The F1�nds ure pledged�s additional security for all sums securcd by this 5ecuciq�lnstntment.
<br /> — If the Funds hcld by Lender exeeed the amounts permittcd ta be held by applicable law,Lcnder shall nccount ta Bottower
<br /> for tha excess Funds in uccordlnce with the requirements of applicable law. lf the umaunt of the Funds hcld by Lendes at any
<br /> time is not sufftcient to pay the Escro�v ltams when due.Lender mr►y so notify Bonower in writing,and. in such case Barnower
<br /> shnll pay to Lender the arc�ount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borruwer shall mcilce up the deficiency in no mom than
<br /> twelve monthly payments,nc Lender's solc discretion.
<br /> --- — Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securiry Instrument, I.ender shall promptly refund to Borrnw�r uny
<br /> Funds held by Lendcr. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shall acquire or sell the Property,Lc:nder,prior to the acquisitian or sale
<br /> of the Property, shall apply any Funds held by L.ender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit agninst the sums secu.rod b9
<br /> this Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Applic:ation of Paymeats. Unless applicable law pmvides othenvisc,lll pnyments rcccived by l.�nder under paxagr.�phs
<br /> 1 and 2 sha11 be applied:first,to any prepayment cfiarges due under the Note;sewnd,to nmounts pny��le uncler psr�qraph 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fa�urth.to principal due:nnd last,to a�iy late churges duc ueder the Note.
<br /> - ---- q,C'�hprges;II.iens.Borrowor sl�ull pay all taxes. assessments,chatges, fines and impositions attributablc ro the Pro�crty
<br /> — which mAy nttnin priority over this 5ecurity instrument, and leasehold payments or�ound rents, if nny. Borrowe.c�hn11 pay
<br /> these obligations in 1he manner provided in parugraph 2,or if not paid in that►nanner,Bucrower shall pay them on tirnz•u�irectly
<br /> to the person owcd payment.Borrower shall promptly tLrni�h to Lcnder all notices of amounts to be puid under th9s paragraph.
<br /> _ _ if Borrewet m:tkes these payments directly, Borro�ver shall promptly fumish to i.ender receipts evidencing the paymeuts.
<br /> --
<br />