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<br /> t 'fOGf:TH6R W�TH all thc improvcments naw on c�renftr,r e�ctr.d on the praperty. ��nd all ciiecntents, appurtcnanccs, unJ �_
<br /> � �� " _ � fix�ures nnw or hereafter u purt Of lI1C property. All rcplucemanh: nnd uc�ditions siu�U ulno be coverul hy this Ser.urity _
<br /> Instniment.All of thc forcgoing is rcfcrr�d to in this Security Int�truitir.nt ns ihc: "Pruperty." �:
<br /> ,� � SORROWER COVE.NANTS that Borrawcr is IawfuUy sciirad uf►fic �+�aec licrcby com�cycd and hay thc right[o �:rnnt und
<br /> -- - convey the Property nnd that the Property is unencumbered, ear,ept for encuEnbrunces af rt:cord. Horrower warrnnts nnr9 will �-
<br /> dc fc n d g e n c ra U y t h e t i d c t o t h e P ro p c r t y a gainst all clnimh und dumnttdr,suhject to any cncumhmnces of record. ,
<br />'•.�',. . THi5 SECURIZY INSTRUNiENT combines uniform cov�:unnts for nationu l usc an d nnn•uni fo r m c o v�:�i�n t s w i t h l i m i t c d �,_
<br />�� �'� variatians by jurisdictiun to constiwtc a uniform sccuriry instrumimt c�vcrinQ rcul�roperty. �:
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I..ender covenunt tmcb aarct ur fallows: __
<br />` , • 1, Pnyment of Princlpal anci Interest; Prepayment uncF Lnce Cltne�Acs. Borroa�cr shaU pmmpdy pay when d�re thc �v
<br /> ,'• principal of and interest an thc debt evidcnced by the Note und arty�rcpnymertt and late chlrges due under the Notc. i
<br /> , 2. Tunds for Taxes and lnsurance. Subject to applicuble l:r�r or to a written waiver by I.endcr, Borrowcr shall pay tu -
<br /> ` I.ender on thc day monthly payment�are due under the Notc, untot t:nr Nute is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for. (a)ycarly taxes �
<br />._��,ti a.,,.;:,': and usses ments which may attuin prioriry over this Security Instx«ntent:u�a In�n on thc Prop�ny��b)�od�surunce prem umss
<br />-_ �,,;; •� or ground rents on the Propeny,if any;(c)yearly huzurd or propecty insurance premiums;(d)y y
<br /> -- ��a,;y;tc)ycar.� mongeg^in�'�r:�nce oremiums, if nny;and (� any sums payable by Borrower tn Lender, in uccordnnce with e
<br />_•`-;.`�k�:fi 1 the provisions of paragraph 8, in Iteu of t'e F nds in an'am untenac'to e cced dte maximum'amaunt�u.ender for a Ccderally
<br />- ^ �ti�a Lender may. ai any time, collect and ho d
<br /> ,�;. � related mortgage loan may require for Borro�ver's escrow account unrlr.r thr: federal Renl Est��te Settlement Procedures Act of _
<br /> ��� 1974 as amen�9ed from time tu time, l2 U.S.C. Section 2601 et sey. C'���'A"). unless anathe�•luw that applies to the Funds
<br /> • ' sets a lesser umount. If so, L,ender tnay, at any time, collect und hold Fu�.�s ire nn amount nut to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> '�•��s��'•�''^� 1 ender may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of curnent c�:�ta and reasonable estimatcs of expcndltures of 4'uture
<br />':��.�.=�'w � Escrow Items or otherwise in ucwrdance with applicable law.
<br />-r,�.,�=r�5�r The Funds shall be held in an institution whose depnsits are insured by a fedcral a�ency, ►nstrumentnl(ty, or cntity
<br />,.�.��;j:t (including Lender,if Lender is such un institution)or in any Federal Home L.aan I3ank. Lendy`�,y�`n6��e c.scro�v ux unt tor
<br /> a����i�. Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borro�v�r for holding and applying the Furtds,annuall
<br /> -'T�''�'�7 ����;nb;�;�E����w Irems;untess Lender pays Borrower interest on the Fmtds ar�d applicable law pennits L.ender ta mnke such
<br /> ��Y:r,�.� :
<br /> -,;;_�y�t�'� n charge.However, Lender may rcqttire Borrower to pay a one-time charge tor an ina�penucni rcui csiuic ia%.t�a�t::so��r`•'!='`=
<br /> ��f' used by Lcnder in connection with this laun, unless applicable Inw provides othenvise. Unless an agrcemcnt i�s madc or
<br /> =_,tl�,•....
<br /> _=�:4;4•,'�� applicable]aw rec�uires interest to be puid,Lcnder shall not be required to pay Bonower any interest or carnings ot� the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and I.ender may agree in writing, however. that intcrest shall be paid on tlee Funds. Lender shaU give t� Borro�rer.
<br /> '•`=�� witliout charge, an annull acwunting of the Funds, showin�credits and debits t�o the Funds and the purpose for �vhich euch
<br /> — debit ro the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional secur�ry for aU sums secured by this Security Insu:.tment.
<br /> p�� - If the Funds held by L.cnder cxceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,L,ender shall ar.count to Banower
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