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<br /> , �i • NON•UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowar,Lond�r Contrecstur iwthae coven�nY and opno aa followa: -
<br /> 17. Acaei�utlan�R�m�dl��� Ex�oP1 u Prou{d�d In panpraph te hK�ot,upan Ba�oww't 6rNCh of�ny covsn�nt a a���rt»r►t of �}�M1,+-
<br /> Enraow�+In thl�DNd ot Tru�t,Intludny earowM'�tMhx�to pay,by tM Md of 10 c�IxMa�d�1rs akK thsy�r�du�,saY auma aecur�d by cM� ,.
<br /> "� Ca��o?Tru�4.L:;ta:r F�lor tce ecce!e+e�en ehe9 g(ve notlae to Bwrow�t�s proNd�d in For.yr��12 hNwf�pacitytny:(1)the bnaeh;12)th� '_
<br /> ,. .,,;"�y' �tta+on r�quk�d to ctx��ueh brNCh1 1'J)�d�t�.not N��tMn 20 d�y�Rom Hf���t� tM noika b mdlM to Borrawe,by whieh weh bn�ch _
<br /> � ,^ mviot b�wr�d;�4 l4f th�t irlun to wn wch brMeh a�a b�fon tM d�t���eit�d In tM noticv rn�y r��uk In acoNe�tion of tha�um� `��
<br /> :'��;�;kw" trtund py thi�D�1 ot T�u�t�nd t�N ot th�Pro{twty. 17N nctic��hsN turtlw►Intorm Bor►aww of thm dgdn to rNnsUt��Ra�ccNw�tlon�nd '�s�;�:..
<br /> _,�;��,��}, tl�n tlpht to btMp�eowt�tlon to�e�e�!!t!a ne!r_rletenc�o}�Miwit a�w►y otfNr Ast�ru�ol9orrow�r to acc�luatlon and��I�. If th�bnaoh
<br /> tu not cur�d on a Mtao th�d�t��p�eiMd in tM nodc�,L�ndsr.et Lsnd�r'�option,maY dsclw�dl of tM eucn��ecurod by W�D�ad of Ttust '�-
<br /> � 4�b�in�at�ty du��rtd P�Y�61�wf��ou�turth�r d�ma�*��nd m�y Invok�Lh�paw�r o}R�I�Itefd�ny oft�er r�cYa p�rmttt�d by�p{�ilaabl� .--
<br /> lew. Ls�� �h�M b�Mitded to cdl�at �11 rsuonabi�ao�U e�d�xp�n��s Incurt�d in punulnp th� ��msdl�a provid�d In tN�p�npnph 17. ...;,��
<br /> 6:r.ludtrt�,b�.rt rwt Nmksd to,��uornbi��ttan�ya'fNe. -
<br /> • I}th�powK of�Y�!�kwck�d,Trustw�h�M naord� no@c�of d�tauit in esch county tn which 2M Proparty or�om�part th�rw4 ta ,:;�,-�
<br /> %r�� lacat�d �n+! �►NN m�N copie� o!sueh notte�In tM m�:nn�r p��serlbsd by �ppHe�hN law to Bor�ower �nd to the o3h�a p�rton�pnsodb�d by
<br /> . c::�.� C.=•-
<br /> �„�:_,�; rppYc�bN I�w. AttN tho Ups�of such drrw as m�y��qulnd 6y�ppN¢abU I�w,Tru�U��hW pivs pubN�nctk�of�d�to tfie perions�nd In the
<br /> ;::'y��;•,;,.. rn��pr�s�rlp�d by�ppl{c�bt�taw. Tn,nN.withwt d�muvJ on Bovrowst,thall tNl t!N Proprrty�t pu68a Mtctlon to tho Nphsst bidde►�t thn E���__.
<br /> .j<��,n �-
<br /> '�' �,`�;;,�'•� tfm��nd ptac��nd undss th�tams d�aipn+t�d In tiw noUc�o!�ds In on�w mon pirc�ii�ndln auefi rxMr u TtuttN m�y dst�rmins. Truatoe
<br /> ',. .yi:r; . �y poytpon��d�of all a�ny pWCN o!tM Peop�rty by publio sanounam�nt at th�tlm�e�d plac�of any preWoufly acMdut�d��I�. LH►d�r oe
<br /> „�'�:: . i
<br /> ��' � L.ne«'•d�stprn.m.v P�ren.,•en.propwtr n.r►y•y. _
<br /> `;';f.. '� Upon rRCNpt of p�ymH�t of th�pric�bld.TrurtN thaN d�Avsr to tM purcha�e TNStN'�d��d ccnwylny th�Prop�rty vo sold. T�hs `-
<br /> ,t.ii ix��.:Eti T�ntK:�'s��eh�!!I»�+ime tecte evl�rr_e ef ti»uu�of ll:e awtetwM!!s±ad�ttweto.Tn+�te��hall�ppiY ths procHd�of tho sa7e
<br /> 4�tM fdlowirg oadK: (�l to aN veaaat�bl�coito�nd�xpsnt�s of th��Y�,Includinp, bul not li,r�ft�d to,Tn��te�'�f�n�ctu�lfy ineumd o�'not
<br />- rtwr�than 96 of ths proaa sal�pric�,na�onabl��tto►rNya' fNS�nd cont o1 t1U��vlz7enc�: (b) to dt wm�socursfl by thls Ds�d of ��•s;�,'::.
<br /> �• Tru��;���d (c1 tM oxc�ss,if uny,�o the�non a p�rsons I�y�lty�tftf�d tlwr�to. �;,':'
<br /> H :,:, -
<br /> `��:w.';;:�.r� 18. Bor.ra�vK'�Rlpht ta RNnant�. Noiwkhatanding lendera accoleration of the sums securad by this Doed of Truat, �lua to
<br /> Bor+ower's breecfe.Bor�owe�ehali hevo the right ta havo any procoedings bep�n by lender to onforce thiss Deed of Trust diacontinuod at eny
<br /> �,�,. ' tir�o prior to the earller to oacur of IA the fifth day bofora tM oAie of the Property�urauant to tho powar of ealo contalned in thla Deed of Truot
<br />-����:���� or lu)ernry ot a judpment enforaing thia Oeed of Trust H: (e)Ba�rower pays Lander ali eurtna which would be then due under thla Deed of Truat
<br />`r;�p1' `�<� + a�d the Note had no eccelaretion occurred;(b)Borrower cures ali breaches of any other covenants or apteemanU of Borrower contalned In thie
<br />-_�,,._:
<br /> "i''r,�;:r+� •'
<br /> Daed of Trust; (0) Borrower pays ell reatonsble ettpenaea Incurred by Lander and Trustae in eniorclrtg the covenanta end epreementa o
<br />• 4 • Borrower contelned in thia Deed of Trust end in enforcfng Lender'e and T�ustao's remadles ea provided Irn p�re�reph 17 hereof,inotudlnp, but
<br />-���:f�:�� not Iimi3ed to,reesonaDte�ttorneys'tees's;and(d)Borrower tekaa�uch action ss Lo�d�r may ro�to:�aWy ooquiro to ae�uro that the Ilon of thte
<br /> ;':.;:��,� ,�:Y Deed of Truat,L.eM�r'e Intere�t in the Property and Borrower'e ob;IpMion to pay the sume aecured by thle Deed of Trust �hall continuo -
<br /> --, � , � ... urtimpaired. Upon euch p�yment ond cure by Borrower, thb need of Trust snd th9 oblipatlona�ecured hareby sh�ll romeln In full tores and
<br /> .--_�,.4.;:�� Ot(�,M��rtnO�cV�ioiw2i"vi�uoi=8CL'tSti�. . ..
<br /> -`:; S••T•.
<br /> - . ig, Asylpm�M o!R�M�s Appak�Crt»nc of ReeNver;L�ndK In Patasslon. A��dditbnal eacuriry hereunder,Borrowu hen6y�esipnn
<br />�—;a;":.�r.�,' �o Unda tM ront�of tM Praperty, provld�d th�t Borrowe sh�li, prlor to accN�rwtbn uM�r puayrepl� 17 hera+o}or �bandamnsnt of the
<br /> �'n•�"" Prop�rty,hwvs the riyht to co111ct md retdn such ront�u they becom�dus end p�yabie,
<br /> -...K ny`.z�..
<br /> .� n--� Upon �cakratkn und�r p�raQr�ph 17 h�nof or�b�ndonm�nt of the Propsrty,Vend�r,In porco�,by epent or by Judlclelly eppa nta
<br /> '-"'"��° rocdwr th�li b�sntitlsd to�nte upon,taiu�poiasdon of md men�p�tho Property and to cdbct ths ronta o}th�Prop�rty Includinp thoa pa�t
<br /> ::£_..;,,�,,,
<br /> - ._u;,F dw. All rsnt�coil�cted by l.ender a th�ncNver�hdl 6s applisd flrst to payment of tM casu of m�nipiment ot the Prop�rty end collea4 an o
<br /> nnn,in:ludinp,but not Umited to,recelver'�ise�,pr�miume on�ecofve's bortda�nd nnonabte euov�eys'fess,and then to the sum�ssaur�d
<br /> --_- -�a by thls Owd ot Trust. Lender end ths roceiver shall be lieble to account oniy tor thoss nnts ect�aally�ecelved.
<br /> '�- `�"�' 20. R�conv�y�ne�. Upon payment of all suma eecured by thl� Deed of Trust,LoMer ehail roq�caat Trustee to reconvey tho Proporty
<br /> ..:c.�1=,�t�
<br /> ---- end�haN�urrender thls U�ed of Truet arui ell notea evldencing indebtedneas secured b�/thh Dned of Tn�at to Trustae. Trustee shall reconvoy
<br /> - - tho property Nithout wuranty and without cherpe to the person ar peraona legelly enUUed tMreta. Such peraon or persone shell pey sll coste
<br />-- -- 04 rocord�tlon,it s�y.
<br /> ---� ^°��•7 27.SubsUdit�TrustN. Landar,et Lender'e optlon, may from time to time remove Truetoe and eppoint e succeasor trustee to eny
<br /> ---��aa� Truttee eppolnted hereandei by an{nrnument recorded In the county in which thts Deed of Tmst ia rocorded. Without conveyance ot t7+a
<br /> .;;�,,�� Property,the cucca�sor trustea shell succeed to all the title,power end dutiea conferced u�son the Trustee herafn snd by epplicable law.
<br /> e ��
<br /> 22. R�qwtt ta Notice�. BorrowK r�qu�su that coplei of th��oUc�of d�fwlt u�d nootc�of aN�1» ��nt to Borrow�r'��ddan
<br /> ,. wNeh it ths Ropa+tY Alddna�.
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<br /> "•'.''�'' �� INtleta� Initiels�„r 1' Initials. Initiets: �_
<br /> _ . - - . �'� -
<br /> � NEBRASKA-Second Mortpepe-1180-FNMAlFHLMC UNIFORM INSTRU�RENT- Form 3828 (Pepe 4 of 61 _ .
<br /> , .l r�,'�`��j Manapement Systema Development,Ina. 1800)8848060 TiUn-One Energhed� ARNE DEED Copyright lc1 1994 �T
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