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<br /> ' '�;`f": G.ASSIaNMEN f OF I.EASES. Upon Lcndcr's requcst, Bo►xower shalt auign to Lendcr all Icz�ses of thc =�
<br /> -,,;�;;;�».!��;; prope�ty end all securlty d�posits made in connecden with Ieases of�he ProyritY• Upan the as.gtgnment,Lende,r
<br /> . '•':��}�; shall have the rlghl:w modlfy.extcnd or tcrtninate dee existin8 ict�es a�� �executr,naw Icnses,in Lcndcr's sole
<br /> discrcdon.As u�d in this para8reph C3�U�a word"Icase"shnll rrecan "snhlna,o" If the Sccuriry Instrumcnt is on a
<br /> leaszhold. �;-
<br /> . s Borrower absolutely and uncon�idonally assigns artd transfers to Lendu a1!thn rent�t nnd revcnues("Rents")of thc _-
<br /> y •.�
<br /> property,regardless of to whom the Rents of the Pe�nperty ate paYable•Borcovrtv authorize.v Lend�r or i.endee's
<br /> � ug¢nts to cplle�t thC Rcnts,and agrees that each tennnt of thc Property shsil!pay ths Rents to Lender or Lendcr's r,:
<br /> egents.Howcvcr,Borrower sdnll receive rhe Rents undl(i)I.endcr h�given 8�srov�or aaticc of default pursuant to �,�-_.
<br /> paragraph 21 of the Security Instrumtnt and(ii)I.ender hav given nottce to thc cenanus)thut the Rents are to be __
<br /> . paid to Lendcr or Lender's agen� 'Itiis assignmcnt of Rents consdt�tes an ahsalutc assignment end not an
<br /> assig�wient far addidonal sxu.�ity only. �_-
<br /> �` If I.�d�er gives nodce of brcach to Bonowe�:(i)all Rents recelved by BarRawer shall be held by Borrowcr a9 E�=:
<br /> ��� trustee for tfie bene6t of Lcndcr only,to be ep�lled to tke sums secus�d by thc Secueity Instrument;(ii)Lender shall `"
<br /> r:��
<br /> be endded to collect end receivc all of the Rents of the Property; (iii) Bo�ro�1er A8� �t�h tenant of the ,-:-
<br /> �� Property shn11 PaY
<br /> ell Rents due and unpaid to Lendcr or Lendcr's agent�uEron Lcnelcr's wriuen de�nand co thC t_
<br /> • , tenanr (ivj unless applicable law provides othenvise.� the Pro � nnd calL:cdn r�ZC R tsr including Sbut not _-
<br /> applied fust W the costs of teking control of and rttac►ngln8 PeriY g _-
<br /> �' llmited to�ntwmeys' fees,receiver's fees,premiums on receiver's bonds,cqxiir end mnintcnance costs,Insucance ,
<br /> ,�;a`',. reminms, tnxes, assessments and other churges on the Pro�erty,and then W the sums secured by the Security _
<br /> `°+i� InstrumenG(v)Ler►der.Lender's agents or ar►y judicinllY eppointed recetver shnlll be Iiqble w occount for only those
<br /> „<r����'- �nt:ed to take possession of c+nd
<br /> • � `e'' Rents acp�aliy received;end (vi)Lendex shall be enatled to have a mceivc�agpo'
<br /> �':t'--'-_.�-'_ � ,,.. v o v no ac M fhe
<br /> , ;�'�`t�;��—', . manage tt�e Pe+�periy and collect the Rents and pron�s derivcd imni U�a r,y,.—rr:�riit�.�t°cs, ..�c.�i..o_ _
<br /> �.i�": . inadecluacy of the Prope�ty as security.
<br /> ° �}, If the Rents of tha Pauperey ar�e not sufficient w cover the costa of talring control of and managing tl�e
<br /> Praperty and of collccting the Rents any funds eapended by Lendea fex suah p�oses sha11 become�ndebtedness of
<br /> �. � gorrower w L�der secund by the Security lnstrun►ent g�rsuant to Unifocan Covenant 7.
<br /> ,=:•, .. , . Bomowu represet►ts and warcants that Bocrower has not eaecuted any p�iac assigrttavent of the Rtnts and has
<br /> ,r���l�r; v�-� � not and wlll not perform ony ect�hat would prevent Leuder from exes+cisitig i�s ri�ts under this paraSraPh.
<br /> . .�.,�` Lender,or I.ender's agents or a judic1a11Y aPPointed recciver,shnll ezat bo nquir�d w enGCr upon.take control
<br />�,�,�������'�< : beforo or aft�er ivin nodce of defautt w Barower.Howevcr.Lend�er,or L.endra's
<br /> ,., ' of ur maintain the PropeaY 8 g Iicanon of Reats
<br /> L"':;�-,j�;�. agents or a judicially nppointed receiver.may do so at any dme whcn a cleFauEt oocurs.Any aPP ca
<br />,=r:s�;t��;`�'' shall not cura or waive any default or invalidate a�y other right or remedy of Ir„ndcr.'Itus assignmc.�►t of Rec�ts of
<br /> ��°-��"O the Prope,�ty sha11 o�m►inau when all the snms secured by the Security Insununent nm paid in full.
<br /> --"'���� �.C�tOSS•DEFAULT PROVISION. Borrower's de�nult a bixach under any noee or egnxment in —
<br /> __�=��ti�'�
<br />_.�W�. -•�-� which I.endu has en intuest shall be a breacd under the Securiry Listrutnent�►d Leader may invake any of the
<br />=`�;:��"^.� remedics pumitted by t�e Securiry Instrumen�
<br /> -.,;;_41;,�'.�.. B Y S I G A I II V O B R W W.B o m o w e r a c c e p t s n n d a g r e e s t o t h e terms and provision�contained in this 1.4 Farnily Y
<br /> " Ridu.
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<br /> _,.=T:.:�::. • (Seal) �
<br /> '°�'��.y, :_ ICEI L C LSMAN •Borrowcr BORl�FI S COLEI�7AN -BmrowcT Y
<br /> _y:'�al��::.• ' —
<br /> :::5.•t_. � ''
<br />— `:.'t4�.•r::i �SC�� �SCB�� �.
<br /> ... v< .Borrowet -Borrower
<br /> 'r , . _—
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<br /> ����; �-b7 (oso��.oi P.p�2 oi z Form 3170 8/99 �'�"ry
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