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<br /> ... '.IOW��� .... � �. ..
<br /> . '`{� �.. . , � ' . . � .
<br /> 1Mf r � . - , r ... - �
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<br /> .�.1 . /Ry��. 1f�, , ��'.
<br /> � V�RI� �M��� Y.�
<br /> ' �''/
<br /> �; 16.Bue�ravier's Copy. Bonowcr shnll t�givcn one confortncd copy of din Nato and of Q�ia Scxurity Instrumcn� ;;�
<br /> � 17.Transttr of tbe Property ar a Benetk4tl Interest in Borrower. lf all or any�aet of dic Property ar uny intcrest in it in � _
<br /> - � sald or irunsfcRCd(or iF a beneffcial inten�st in Bocrawer�s sold or trariste:zrr,d anA Borrower is not a nswrnl person) witliout
<br /> " L,cnde��6�►P�OY GPI1lCI1 1:�TISCIIL��«RUSY,ai i4;oQti�n,requ've immediettt pnymant in full of all sums secured by diir Security _
<br /> '�I � Insuu►ncnG Hownvcr.this opdon shall not be excrc�scd by Lendcr if excmi.�q is proiilbited by i'cQoml ln�v as of tlus dttte of Utis
<br /> � Security Insirumcnt. •
<br /> •' :� lf Lcnder eaerciscs this opdon,Lcnder shall give Borrower nouce of nccolcr�tuon.'Ihc nodce shNl provido a pedod of not less ,
<br /> thun 30 days from the daW ihe nodce is delivered or meiled within whlch Bacratver must pay NI sump secured by this Seciuity ,
<br /> � Inswmcn�If Borrowcr fa�ls to pay thcse sums prior to the cxplraqon ot�his periad.Lcndcr may u��oke any rcmeQies permiucd
<br /> ` by this Security Instrument withaut further noticc or demmnd on Bonower.
<br /> ' 1�.Bc�rrower's Riglet tp Itelastate. If.Boaower.m__ certain conditions, Hom���er shail have Wo riBht co havc
<br /> cnfom.�ment of this Sec�r.ri Instru�en djseontinaed.at �dme prior ta thc car�ier of: (a) 5 days (or suc(� other periad a, . . _
<br /> applics�ble law may specify or tate�� ¢rt)bef6tm eala D� e P,ropern�pnrcuant to any power of sale canutined in th�a Security :=;' ,.�,. -
<br /> ,�� I n s tr umen t;or(b)en t ry of���t eitiorcin$t6ri�Secusity�nstrument�'lfio�o condldons arc ihat Borrower.(a)pt►ys Lender all �,,,,,=;;;;tt�;�;:�'.
<br /> sums whtch thcn would be due under ihis'Sec�ltiry inswmEnt an d t hu D iato as i f no s c c e l e r u d o n h a d a c c u r r e d; (b)c u r e s a n y _
<br /> default of any othet covenants ar agreemenu;(c)pay3 all eacpenses incura:d in enforcinB this Securiry Listrument,includuia,but :;.�'�:��F�};�4���;
<br /> .:.i not limitrd w,reasonable annmeys' fees;end(d)takes such acdon av LenAar may ca��.,ronaaly requiro to essure thut the lien of this ���- :_
<br /> Securlty Instrumer►t, I,eitder's rlghts in the Property ar�d Borrower'b ahlipution to pay tho sums s�cured by this Security , • � '_:; :..`°.
<br /> ' [nsfiiment shall wntinue unchanged. U{wr� reinst�i�r►cnt by Enno�vtt, this Sacuriry Inswment and tha oblibations secumd :����
<br /> ���' hereby shall remain fully effective as�f no accAleratic;.h�c!sa.urred.I�uivavcr,this ri�ht to reinstate shaU not apply in the cesc af :,-_Y�-�_.__„_�
<br /> �'� NCCC1Ct8IldI1 I1I1dEi�(18[8$i'Aph 17. � errK+r
<br /> 19.Sxle otNote;Change of Loan Servicer. Tl�e Note or a pamN inturest in the Notn (together with this Security {'���" _-
<br /> •:i�; Instrument)may Ue sold one or more tunes without priar noCCe to Borrmve�r.A salc�may result in a chnnBa in the entity(known ,:,�y;s._
<br /> -�' � as the"Loan Servccer")that collects monlhly ayments due under the Nino and this Secunty lnstrumenG There also may be one or ����r.t._��_
<br /> ' �<- more chnnges af the Loan Servicer unrela�to a sale af the Note.If Uu�i� a chunIIo of the Laan Servicer,Bormwer w�ll be �,,�;,ti;;,.--
<br /> '�'�"� ' given writter►norice of the change In accordance with paragraph 14 abnvo and applicubla lflw.Tha norica will swte the naiae and • ±��'�•
<br /> dYJ ' R;
<br /> � address o�'the new L,ov� Se�vicez and the address to which paymento should be mnA�s. "Ilia notice wiU also contuir►a�Y oth� ; w.
<br /> iIlf01'lD7Sfl011[CqllilCd bY aPPliC1b101sw. „''� .:� i''�`
<br /> �"•';� : ''"'' .
<br /> �t,; � �0.H a r a r d o u s S u b s t a n c e s. H orrawer shall not cause or �mit Q�a presenco� u�. disPosal� swrnIIn. or releasc of any ''i.,,,;;<�:�`a : 'r.
<br /> He7ardous Substences on or in the Property.Borrower shall noi do,n�r aUaw sinYono eL�e to dn,anyd�inB affecdng the Property .�
<br /> .��; that is ir�violarion of an�r Bavironmental Law.The preceding two sent�mcos shcill not apgly to iha pmsence�u�,or stor,�ge on the ;,, � �ta;;. �.
<br /> ______. �•�: .� f�mntt aaanntic�of Ha�rdous Substances that are gencaa�Uy rr.�a�nized to be apProPraate to noimal cesidential uscs ".:' :, `� .,;ti;!>; ';
<br /> '.ti-. ��`�`:�- ---- _ -���'r ;--�.;4Yu— �;i
<br /> and to muintensu�ce of the Propeny. -�"`:` �.
<br /> ,�.,,
<br /> :;.�:,e, . Bomnwer shall prompAy grve Lender �vritten notice of an�r in�,,r�tigutian, clnim, domnnd, lnwsuit or other acuon by any 'r ... •.;�
<br /> govemme�tal or regulat�ry a8ency or private pa�ty involvang the Yro�e�ty and any Hnuudous Substance or Envis�onmentnl Law 4, . ,,,.
<br /> �� � of which Bonowcr hav acwnl lrnowledge.If Borrower le�s,or Ls nntifiod by�any govnmmastal or regulacory authority,that any „ , ;
<br /> . ;'�"., removal or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substancc affecting t�o Fmpecty i�nacessac}r.Borro�ver shull promptly take all �; ,`,`;
<br /> .,�`� necessary remcdial acuons in aocordance wiih Environmentnl Law.
<br /> . p9 used in th�s paragraph 20. "Hazardous Substances"are tho�sn�stances definad as toxic or h�zurduus suUstanccs by .9+ ;
<br /> � � finvironmental Iaw and the following substartces: gas�line, kczos�o, mhar fls►mmti6le ar toxic pemolaum prnducte, toaic
<br /> � . � 1':!`'`� pesticides aad hcrbicides.volatile solvents.materials conYaining asbsscos nr fnrmnldchyde�and radioacdva muteriala.As used in (�.�;, I `:
<br />- �p this paragraph 20, Environmental Law"means federal laws and lativ�af thn juri�cUcdan whcre tho FropectY i�lacnted that relate _� _- --
<br /> .�'�:�!►•�• W hcalth,safety or environmental prot�ection. - _- -
<br /> .:,;.�;;.
<br /> � NON-iJN�'ORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender furthe�r c�vr�ant and agoe as foUows: _ �'`�
<br /> ;i.J'"-
<br /> ,',!'r I�' 21.AccelerAtion;Remcdies.I.eader s6W give noiice to Bon^o�vx prdnr tn aooeferatfan follu�vEng Barro�ver's hrea�ch ot - -
<br />' '" �au�y oovenant or agreemcnt in tht� Securtty Iestrament (6ut not prior tn wooelera t ian un der para�n'a�h 1 7 u n l e s s — R
<br /> :_;�; .: appllcabk ls►w pmv►des otherwise).The notia shall specify: (aJ tEtodeJnutti(t�)tho Action reqnired to cure the default;(c) _ - _ �__
<br /> ; , �, a date,nut less th�n 30 dpys from We d�te the notke is given to Bor�anv�r,by whicb tWe default mw�t be cural;and(d)
<br />- • j!`��, that tailure to cure the default on or bstore the date specttied In Rhe naHc�s mAy result[n eccefersttion ot the sums secursd _ .--
<br /> 1""r. �.�\k•�?.i.1 �
<br /> �,. �,,.a � by �� �rity iostrumcnt and sak ot the Property.The notEa�stinU fru�dl�er intorm Borras�er'of tho right ro reinstmte . 1,�,��
<br /> r�::�.;'. . .
<br />_>:. � pfter occekratbn and t6e��ht to br[ng a eourt�ctton to a�^i the non•existencP ot a cletuuit or any other defense of ;;.�;e:—=�=—=----------`
<br /> • ...,`::,:,. 's::it_;-�—
<br />�:ti�:;;;�5;,�<<i}tF,?`:+, BOl1'O�VVN t0 ACClkI'YlfO�AIDd Bak.If thc defAUlt is no!cured on or bdbr�tho dnte spccifle:l in the notfoe,Lxnder,at it� _____ _
<br /> � r� ;t� option,may�aquire immediate p�ymen4 in full of all sums secur+dl by this Security IuEtruuu��at wtthout further demund u��,�.�ti_SJ. __.
<br /> �` '+�� und may ia�amke the power ot sale antE�ng�other remedk.w perrnfttal by applirablc la�v.Lender sLnU be enHtled ro coQlect . y�,�.h��
<br /> . ..,,.:,;�;,.,:., n
<br /> ai]expenses incurred [n pursc[ng the r�mc�lies provided in wis pnr3�rapl�21,including,but not ILnttecl to,reasonable '•��,�; i ,���_�
<br />_ ����� � attorneys'fees And costs ot titk evidence. r... � Oi:N-_,[1;='
<br /> . ;C�ti+ r�. 1 ' r!;E'..
<br /> It t6e power at sstle is invoked�Trusta s6ai1 record a notfoe o!de€nnit in each euunty in wl�fcN aay pa►K ut the ��'-ry •_..
<br /> :`';,r�:.i,,;'�y�°
<br />- �:,:N�; prap�rt�r�Iocated and shau nail rnpies of suc6 notice 3n tha mnnner p�r�cr�bed by ePPlicable!f►uv to Borrower and to the ,:�-A��6,;,��?� ..
<br />, ,�.':;:,,;,��� ather persons prescribed by applkabk law.A�ter the time requin�l by applit�ble Inw�Trustee shull�ive pub16�nntEce of ��,..;_",,�;�:,.,,�;.._ _
<br /> sule to the persons and fn the manner prescribed by applicabie tn�v.'I'r�ter,without demtead on Dorrotver►st�nll scll t6e �•'•��';,, "r
<br /> ,..�4.;: .
<br /> � Property at publk auction to the highest bidder at the tlme and �lpc€nnd under the torms designnted W the natice o�sale ,::�.-:�,;., �
<br />;;�: ':,, .i `,,rr5`{}'�. :�;�,.:" . . .
<br /> '� Form 5080 91U0 , , ,�`;'�r;'''�;�:
<br /> ;:'j;, �!���, I . .
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<br />_;�..L. • . �'����I A�-Hfl(NE)f02181.0f Pap�6o'U Init4ts: _ .. .i���'
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