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<br />. F'jyij°"''��'� (Sp�tt Abovn'i3tit Lluc For ltemrdUrp[Tau+]
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<br /> � � DE��D OF 'I'1tLJST �7 �
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<br />� •� THIS AHEQ OF TRUST("Securiry Insenunent")ir madc�an Agril 4, 1997 .The trustor is
<br /> 'ti�. . ��, gTL+VEN p. AND JANELLE T. RIEHL�, �uaband and Wife -
<br /> i"' y� _
<br /> -. r . ,
<br />� �:'•�,;;,� ` ("Trustee").Tlie beneficiary is NORWEST BANIC Id�AflASKA, NATIONAL ASSOCIAT�ON ,
<br />"'!ii:;it��.;:r-
<br /> ' �� '� which is organized and existin�under the laws of Clte u�aiCe@ State of America ,nr►d wliose
<br /> ��MC�ic ?n? �aqr Third Street, Grnn.d Island, NE 6a�i01
<br /> - ("Lender"). Borrower owns L.enocr[pc prineipul�u�u ui
<br />_ ,:
<br />_�}.� '•_ � -•
<br /> �:" . �,•.:.:• ' � �ID ,� � � � �� g�}� g� � p9/ Doll�rs(U.S.S 135,4G7.09 )•
<br /> , , •
<br />--4�=��,�•'''� • This debt is evitZenced by Bormwer's note dau:d the sa:ne dnte �.s this Security inswment(°Note"), which provides or
<br />_s.,..,, : �. . .
<br />�;,�f:;_r�.! , monthly payments,with the full debt.if not paid aar7i�r,dua and p:►y�ble an �ugust 1, 1997
<br />�;�?,'�:�7�:T;:.:. This Security Insuument sec:ures to Lender:(a)tho nepnyment of tlie d�bt evidenced by th8 Note,wid�interest,and all rene�vals,
<br />�"`t.;'•Ft�"N.
<br />-;��It,�,. � extensions end modificutions uf the Note; (b) tho paymont of all odier sums, with interest, advanced under parngrnpl� to
<br /> z.�.;'.':.{:""""' protect the security of this Sec:urity Instrument; and (c) the perforninnce of Borrower's wven�nts and agreemenis. Por thla _
<br /> ' r`.�"�. purpose, Bo�rower inevocabiy grants and wnvcys to Traictee, in trust, with power of sale, tha following described properry
<br />_t;.�s.c_
<br /> �:;,�.,,, ����� �,L County,Nebrnsluf:
<br /> y:::.�r_:��� .
<br />__=_�T_�.� Lot Two t2), Morningside Acres Third. Subdiviaion, in Che City of Grand Island, Hall
<br />--_�,�;-���a County. Nebraslu�.
<br /> — -�,�
<br />�:;�;;�
<br /> '.��i
<br /> --=-ar�ir`lrsr:ide+m
<br />�a,n�'�1;i0L -
<br />�':.i't,.'�Af(�w:.
<br /> --—��-..f�1F_�
<br /> �,��:��«�r �Simct,Cihl.
<br /> .f which has the address of 1709 Columbia Circle, Grand Island
<br />�'-'_'�'� 68801 ("Pro,�erry Address"):
<br /> � �:=;,��¢:' 1V�'bxaska
<br />��,�,; ..�.,:•' �Zip Code�
<br /> . .i4: •
<br />- TQGETHER WITH all the improvements m�w ar hercafter ec�ected on the property,and all assemants, appt►rtenanecs, and
<br />=r fixiures now or hereafter a part of the proper�y. All replacements a�d additions shall also h� covet�ed by this Security
<br />' Instrument.All of the foregoing is refemed to in ehis Security Instrument as the"Pr�o�er,:�•.'
<br /> _ ;�i:;' . �`, BORROWER COVENANTS that Bonowcr is luwfulty�seised of tbe estate her�cby conveycd and ht�.s the ri�ht to grant and
<br />_ �. convey the Property und that the Property is unoneumbec:,�, except for encumbranas of record. Liorrower wumants und will
<br /> :�,, defend ge►�erally the title to the Prc�perty against all cliums anct demunds,subject to any encumbrunces of reco��l.
<br />_ THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covennnts for nation:� use and non•uniform covenants with limital
<br /> �"� variations by jurisdiction to constitute u uniform seciuiry instivntent covering real property.
<br />_ . i UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and L.�ndur covenant:utd agnee as follows:
<br />_ -- � 1. Peyme»t of Frincipal anei Interest; II�r�payment und Late Chargcs. Borrower shall pmmptly pay when duc thc
<br /> ' _..
<br />- ' prencipal of and interest on the debt eviaenced by tl�e Natc and any prepayment and late charges duo undcr the Note.
<br /> _.,_ .__.r__� __.a r_�.r...,.., c..ti:�...�... .....,i�..oti�..���.,,.,�r�:� written w:iivcr hv Lentler. Bottower shail pay to
<br /> .__.-..-_-. --�- v. cumn ivi anrca a..0...,.,.o..�.. ........... ..__ �
<br /> c � rr...�..._ ..... --
<br /> � Lender on the day monthly paymcnts are due under the Nate, UI1t1I[t1C NUtL'Iti�;IiII in 1'ull,a auin l"1�unds") f'or:(a)yu�rly taxes
<br /> ' and assessments which muy atta�n priority over this Security Listrument as a lien on the Pmperty: 1h1 yeurly Ieasehuld payments
<br />= or ground rents un thc Propeny, if any: (c)ycarly hru:ai�i ar pmperty iiisurs�icc prcmiums;(d)�•carly Ilo�xi inwnincc prcmiumy,
<br /> if any; (e)ye;�rly mortgage msuranrc premiums, d.uiy: and (f� �u►y sums payable by Borru�ver ia Lcndcr, in accurdunce with
<br /> - „ the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mo�tgugr insu�ancc premiumy. The�e item�t�rc rallal "E�c�ow Items."
<br /> _- ' • Lender may, at any time, collect and hold FunJs in an nnwwu n�it tu exeeed thc ntaximum amown a Iender ti�r a fe�ler.�lly
<br /> relutcci mortgagc loan may rcyuirc for Borrowcr's cscma accnunt undar thc fcdc�:�l Ri;:d EctUtc SMUcmcnt 1'n�c��lurc�Art of
<br /> 1974 as amended from time w time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2(iUl ��r.��•<<. c"�esr���i. u„i���ancuher Imv that applie�i�� the 1=und.
<br /> � � ,eta a Icsser amnunL [f so, l.ettder may, at any tima rollect :inJ huld Fundti in an.uu�wnt nut to rxrecd lhe Ic+��r amuunt.
<br /> L.ender►nay estimatc thc aniount of Funds Jue on tl�c hasis of cutnnt duw und reasunable c�timxtcs uf rxpcndiwrc�. ul fuwrc
<br /> • Escro�v Itcros or utherwi�c in urcordancc with applicahlc luw.
<br /> ` • NEBRASKA•5inglo FamilyFannle MaelFreddle Moc UNIFORM INSTFiUMENV Fom�3028 918Q
<br /> _� �NI 12T97 fVATG VMP MOAT6AGE FONMS �313iM3 B�UD .0:�0�!.'.+rss+ �•,�r��+a Amend�d 6191
<br /> �
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