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<br /> 7
<br /> 18.Foreciasure Pra�edure.IP I.ender requires(ma9etli�te payment in fuU under par�grAph 9, ILeoder mwy
<br /> invoke the power ot s�k ond Any ot6er remedies permitted by app�ikabk law.Lender shmll be entitkd to ciot{ect •
<br /> �'°"•'�n aU ex�seasts incurred(n pursuing the remedies under thlv pArngroph 18,inctuding,but not I1mERed tu,reasonabk
<br /> ' ....'`".`"°� attoreieys'[e¢s and costs ot titk evidencc. �
<br /> It the power ot sak ts invoked,Trustee sbali record W notke�t de�ault in eacb sounty tn whi��any part or
<br /> �, the Property t� bcated and shAll mail copks ot suc6 aotke fe the mooner prescribed by applicable ltiew to .�
<br /> Borrower And to t6e other persons prescrtbed by Applkabk I�v�a.Mter the ttme required by applkable laa,
<br /> • 7Yustee shall glre public a�,tke ot safb to dee persons and in the enynner prescrtbed by Applica6l� tsiw.Trustee� �;�`
<br /> � wEthout demaad on Soarowcr.s6a11 seU ihe Property at pubik uuction to tsc hi�hest bidder at thc iime aed plaa �'s
<br /> an�f u�tDe terma desi�aated in tAe notice of sale in ooe or more parceb and in any orcier�'rustet de3ermines. �`
<br /> ,*� Trustee m�y postpone sak of all or aey parcd ot t6e Property by pubiic announcement at ths tim�and pface of `
<br /> � aay Pnvio�uty sc6edukd s�k.Lender or its desi�nee may purchue tl�ee Properiy at�ny s9k. --=
<br /> f.�QLe II.:asler's�Eears! Efl!� �rety inst�!ment [s held by the Secretary amd thx Secretary recluires
<br /> • �� immediate paymen!!n tull under Paragraph 9,the Secretary moy i�voke the no�judtcia�g�n�ver oP sak pravided
<br /> . in We Simgk FAmily iylortgnge Forecbsure AeE e9 1994 ("Ac*•') (�2 U.S.C. 3751 �t seq.) by rcytsestin� A -
<br /> . , �. • forecloeure oomm[ssbner deslgnated under tLe Act to rnmmence forecAosure and to sell thc Propexty As _ _
<br /> pmvidad in the Acf. Nothing tn t6e prccedin� ss�ntenoe shall deprive the Secretary oi any rISZ�ta atherwLse =
<br /> � .� ' availabk to A I.eH�ier unua u.�Par�gr�ph 18 or applicabk 6ww. -=.
<br /> Upon reaipt ot payment of t6e price 6id,7Yustee shaU ddiver to tLe p��rch9ser Trustee's de�ed oonveyiog _
<br /> the Prr�pqty.The ncitala in t6e'IYustee's decd sM�all be prima[�c:�e evidence ot tha truth ot We st�tee�ents msde "
<br /> t6erein.7Yacta shaII apply the proceeds ot We sak in We fol6owfng ordTr: (�) to All cost9 and cx�e�ot y;�:
<br /> eaercising t6e powar at sa1e,and the sak.including tLe psiyment ot W�75r�stec's fees�ctually Incumd,not to f=._
<br /> " �, �� 3.o0 0 96 ot the principai Amouat ot the aote At t9�e time of the declantion of defAUlt, _,
<br /> ' nwA r�av►nz�h4 attnrn�vc�tMn ac ntTMtftld bV I�W:(b!to sil su�.s aecured bv thls Security Instnameex;and(c)
<br /> . ----' _------.- ------ -
<br /> . aa'�ce�to the pe�soa or pe�soas kgally cntitkd to i�
<br /> 19.Reconveys�noa Upon payment of all sums so��:red by this Security Insuument,I.endcr shal!rccyuest 7irat�u�e ta
<br /> �•� recaonvey rhe Property and shall sur�ender tliis Sacurity 9nstrumatt and all notes evideacing debt securod by this Sc�curity
<br />-•� InsuumeAt 4m�'�ustee.'hustee shall reconvey thc Proputy withoat warranry and without chargc to the peison or p�
<br />_�''- ' � ' legally eaS¢Yad to i�Sucd person or persons shall pay any cocordation�osts.
<br />_��.,.;:.;_;.
<br /> ',`. . " '�.� 20.3ubstitute'fr�cssss.I.ender.at its opdon, may from time to time remova Ttusteo and nppc►in2 ti SuCCes.wt _
<br />-_ ..��,°---� �
<br />,�:.• ,-. trustee w any 1Yustce appointed hereonder by an insTrument recorded in the councy in which this Sec�rity Instrument is -
<br />�:'';. Y� P�Y.the suocessor wstce shall suocced w all the title.powu and duties =
<br />�„y,> e�' recorded. Without conve of the Pro =-
<br /> _�~.�--.i�..;.._: ' conferred upon'lYustee derein and by appticabk law.
<br />- - .:�;_:�
<br />=,:�;::,T�,:�
<br /> -. _v_�_ . � _.
<br /> Y;s;��;; �._'""�`� Zl.Request for Notice.s. Borrower c�quests that copirs of the nobces of aie4'�ult and sale be sent ta�G�wa's =
<br /> - T��'�:': sddress which is the Property Addmss. _—
<br />=•:�,
<br />-��ti,4:. . 2Z.Ridrxs so t�s Security InstrumeeL If ona a�r more ridcrs are executed by Borrower und nr.�rded together _---
<br />_-',�`.' ,� �` • with this S�uuit��r L�.��r,nt, the r,ovenants of each such rider shall be incmz�aoratacl into a*�d shall au�end and —
<br /> ....r_�_.�'�,� _-
<br /> -�_-�,�:-_� supplemeat the cove�ant�and agreemei►ts of this 5ecurity Instcument as if�}ea ri�er(s) were a pan of this S=curity ------
<br />_ -,-`"�:��� dnstruument(Check appllcable box(es)l• -
<br /> --._:�.., ...:.f{�.,, men =_
<br /> . ..�rk, � ;. .. � Cm:�dominium Kider � Growing Equity Rider 0 �i�er[o�pecifyl
<br /> -�"•'`� y�:�. . � �']anned Unit Development Rider � Grads�aud Payment Rider =
<br />- :,:;--
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<br /> • ° ��-__
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